Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The True Face of Abortion

The True Face Of Abortion

[An excerpt from the Encyclopedia of 15,000 Illustrations]

“The film The Silent Scream will probably not be shown in your local theater. Nor will it likely be rated R although it literally focuses on sex and violence. Time characterized the film as a potential hi-tech Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe's indictment of slavery which literally changed the nation's attitude. One evidence that Time's assessment is on target is that the doctor who performed the abortion that was filmed, after viewing The Silent Scream at Dr. Bernard Nathanson's insistence, immediately resigned from the abortion clinic and has since performed no more such "reproductive services."

The modern technology of real-time ultra-sound shows the responses of a 12-week-old unborn child attempting to escape the abortionist's suction curette. Her motions become desperately agitated and her heart rate increases dramatically, as Dr. Nathanson explains in his compelling narration. Once the director of the largest abortion clinic in the world and a founder of what is now named the National Abortion Rights Action League, Nathanson has become one of the foremost champions of the pro-life movement. He is an atheist. When Nathanson was on their side, he was an "authority." Now, according to them, he is a "fraud". Because the film shows abortion from the victim's perspective, it is destined to change the course of public debate.

Abortion has become big business. Fortune Magazine estimates that $500 million is grossed each year from the abortions themselves. Another source reports that aborted fetuses are being sold at $25 a batch up to $5,500 a pound. The sale of late-term aborted fetuses between within 10 years at one of our nation's hospitals brought in $468,000. This money was used to buy a TV set, and cookies and soft drinks for visiting professors.

Equally disgusting is the purchase of fetal collagen by the cosmetic industry for its various beauty products. Collagen is the gelatinous substance found in connective tissue, bone and cartilage. It can be found in twelve leading shampoos and five hand creams in stores throughout the United States. And unless the product's label stipulated animal collagen, it probably contains human collagen. Though the thought is horrendous, it is possible for a once expectant mother to beautify her skin and hair with matter from her own dead child. Lucrative also is the sale of fetal tissue, which brings investors about one million dollars annually. According to the "Village Voice," estimates made several years ago indicate that between 20,000 and 100,000 fetuses are being sold to drug companies annually in the United States alone.

It is ironic that a total of forty-seven senators voted to protect dogs from being experimented on with poisonous gas, but then voted down Senator Jesse Helm's amendment to stop federal funds from being used for abortion.
—Chattanooga News-Free Press

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