Thursday, January 22, 2009

A ‘Common Sense’ Approach to Reducing Abortions?

A ‘Common Sense’ Approach to Reducing Abortions?
John R. Petrilli

While surfing major news network websites, I came upon a position statement that I need help interpreting. It turns out that, “abortion-rights groups are backing what they call a ’common-ground, common sense’ agenda in Congress aimed at reducing the number of unintended pregnancies. The Prevention First Act, already endorsed by Obama, would increase federal funding for family planning, promote comprehensive sex education, and expand women's access to contraceptives. Other proposals, supported by moderates and conservatives, would provide incentives for pregnant women to carry their fetuses to term. But there would likely be bitter debate, largely along partisan lines, if Democrats try to repeal the 33-year-old Hyde Amendment and other laws that ban federal funding for abortions under almost all circumstances.”

I thought it might shed light on the subject by seeing what a similar approach would look like if used to put an end to the Holocaust when it happened back in the 30’s and 40’s.

Let’s take a “common sense, common ground” approach to this problem. While we can’t possibly expect to outlaw the murder of innocent Jews, let’s find ways to reduce the number of aberrant behaviors which inevitably lead to such cold-blooded executions. Let’s make it a point to sit down with Hitler, Himler, and Goebbels to facilitate mutual understanding and promote information sharing that will advance the hope of survival for all people including the Jews, the Brits, the French, the Cechs , the Slavs, and the Russians. In addition, we should increase federal funding geared toward educating the Nazi regime over time, eventually convincing them that their anti-Semitic bias leading to the wholesale slaughter of 6 million Jews will not help their image in the international community. Reducing the number of unwanted murders of Jews is what w need, and dialogue and compromise is the way we get there.

Of course, my vignette is written with tongue heavily depressed in cheek. This vignette is ludicrous by design to show the incredible nonsensical nature of the pro-death camp’s approach to abortion. Because they refuse to admit nor acknowledge that abortion is murder, they are left in a position that is not only logically untenable, but also socially unjust, ethically blind and functionally unsuccessful. The abortion mills will continue to churn out their products of ripped-up, burned-up, dismembered fetuses while the Congress figures out how to formulate and promote a policy of containment of wholesale murder. They will search for ways to promote reduction of pregnancies, while allowing babes by the millions to disappear off the face of the earth sight unseen.

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