Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Each year on January 22 prolife Americans gather to publicly express their desire to overturn the law that opened the door to a modern day holocaust unparalleled in human history. I speak of the 1973 Roe v. Wade legislation that legalized the wanton, merciless taking of innocent human life before it ever sees the light of day.

I can’t believe that our “land of the free and home of the brave” still hasn’t struck down such an outrageous law. What’s wrong with us as nation? Why can’t we see what’s so plain to every other species on the planet, that our unborn are individuals with being, identity and tremendous value. That this gift we call life is so sacred that even the brutest beasts possess the drive to protect, birth and nurture their unborn offspring?

This particular year I find myself repeatedly returning to a posture of what I would call righteous rage. I’m angry because our legal system is so crippled and politically bound that it can’t see the forest for the trees. I’m angry because those of us who are against this fiendish practice semantically mislabeled “choice” have been so pathetically weak in our opposition. But above all I’m angry that every day unborns go screaming down into their graves by the thousands with hardly a voice of sustained outcry. The ancient book of wisdom reminds us, “There is a time to remain silent, and a time to speak” (Ecclesaistes 3:7). This is a time to SPEAK!

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