Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Silence Is Deafening!!

The Silence Is Deafening!
John R. Petrilli

Another Year, another March For Life, and another deliberate news blackout on the part of our supposedly unbiased media. Please, can someone explain to me how over two-hundred thousand Americans can march on the nation’s capitol, be addressed by numerous heads of government on what is a major social issue, and the media somehow fail to even cover the story?

We’re all familiar with the term “news blackout”. It’s when the major networks arbitrarily opt not to cover an event. I no longer believe we have anything close to a free and independent press. If we did, an event of such national scope and cultural impact would surely be covered. The repeated blackout of this major march year after year speaks volumes about just how far a politically slanted media will go to ignore and suppress stories that do not agree with their agenda. The media bias is even more pronounced when you compare this woeful lack of any coverage to the major airtime given when even a small group of pro-abortion protesters go public over what they feel is a threat to their perceived “freedom”. Why, you’d think thousands of Americans were involved by the blanket coverage received.

This is not only unfair, it’s borderline Communistic in its approach to controlling what America can and cannot see or hear about. It’s a complete travesty of the media’s sworn responsibility to cover the news with impartiality, fairness, and balance. It’s almost as if the media’s abuse of “freedom of the press” completely trumps the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans’ right to free speech and freedom of assembly.

Folks, the silence is deafening! Who will step up to the plate and break the stranglehold? The prolife movement needs a Martin Luther King who will rally the troops and refuse to sit down until the laws allowing murder are overturned! For good!

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