Friday, January 30, 2009

Hats Off To Our ‘Bodyguards in Blue’

Hats Off To Our ‘Bodyguards in Blue’
John R. Petrilli

In the thrilling and inspirational 1992 flick, ‘The Bodyguard’, Kevin Costner played the part of a bodyguard hired to protect a celebrity played by Whitney Houston. The movie ends on a suspenseful, cliffhanger note when Costner’s character sacrifices his own body to shield Houston’s character from an assassin’s bullet.

While none of us lives in the make-believe world of Hollywood, it recently occurred to me that we are being “shielded” each and every day by an entire force of dedicated public servants… the officers of our local police departments. I recently struck up a quick interchange with one of our ‘men in blue’ on an elevator. When I thanked him for serving our community, his reply surprised me. With a broad smile of appreciation he stated that he and his fellow officers never hear those words from people. I got to thinking, “ Isn’t that odd?” Like blue angels, these men and women patrol our neighborhoods night and day keeping watch over our homes, neighborhoods, loved ones, and neighbors. What other profession offers such vital services to us, the general public? They do so at a very high price, never knowing if the kiss they plant on their spouse’s cheek may be their last. I can’t think many occupations carrying such a high-risk element. What other professions other than firefighting and the military require their practitioners to daily and deliberately place themselves into harm’s way to protect people who are perfect strangers to them?

Granted, some of us have had run-in’s that have caught an officer in a less than pleasant mood, but we’re all entitled to a bad day now and then aren’t we? Considering the tense and dangerous situations they routinely encounter, is it any surprise they would occasionally exhibit stress-related behaviors? 0n balance, by far, these civil servants carry out their duties in an admirable and amiable fashion. If you still have difficulty identifying with the sentiments of this piece, consider just for a moment what life would be like without these folks on the ground. Thefts would instantly skyrocket, assaults would be commonplace, and total chaos would soon take over. The ancient Scriptures define their dual role as apprehenders and punishers of criminals and rewarders of law-abiding citizens. We enjoy the daily reward of safe neighborhoods thanks to these brave, selfless, courageous individuals we call police officers. The least we can do is show due respect for them, pray for their safety and success, and by all means, let them know just how much they are appreciated! We salute you, our ‘bodyguards in blue’!

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