Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Meet The Unborn's Public Enemy Number One!

Meet The Unborn’s Public Enemy Number One
John R. Petrilli

Fifty million and counting. That’s the number of babies aborted since the infamous Supreme Court debacle known as Roe v. Wade. Millions of Americans are guilty of complicity in this crime of all crimes. So who’s the most culpable of them all? Surprisingly, this person isn’t an aggressive abortionist. It’s not Planned Parenthood, though this organization has blood all over their hands. Neither is it the Supreme Court that enacted the heinous law.

Sad to say, it’s President Barak Obama. As an Illinois state senator, Obama voted against legislation that would have protected a baby born after a botched abortion. In fact, he led the successful charge to defeat this insane bill (http://www.israpundit.com/2008/?p=674). The former Senator from Illinois was and still is in favor of denying food, water and medical attention to a living, breathing, already delivered baby, thus allowing it to die. What kind of mentality/brutality/monstrosity do we have here? In addition, Obama has vowed to strike down thirty years of legislative progress protecting the unborn by signing into law F.O.C.A. (the Freedom of Choice Act). He will also rescind the Mexico Bill, mandating the exportation of abortion to other countries at tax-payer’s expense. Obama also aggressively supports legislation to destroy human embryos in the as yet fruitless research for embryonic stem cells that actually bring improved health (not be confused with adult stem cells, which HAVE proved beneficial). To think that the man who has zero compassion or mercy for the most helpless, innocent, vulnerable of Americans (not to mention unborn children around the world) now occupies the White House grieves me and SCARES ME. Period. God have mercy on our land!!

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