Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wagner Legacy Lives On

Wagner Legacy Lives On
John R. Petrilli

How do you measure a life? Some might say in dollars and cents. Others may cite the level of influence one has exerted upon their chosen profession. If you attended the memorial service for the late Pastor Paul Wagner, you’d possibly arrive at a very different answer to this important question. You’d likely conclude that a life is measured by how effectively it impacted individuals for Jesus Christ. That is what Pastor Wagner gave his life to, and that is the testimony that was heard during the celebrative service held on May 16 at Believer’s Chapel in Cicero, NY. It was truly a day of fond memories, uplifting music and stimulating messages.

An opening time of worship was followed by a gracious welcome by current Chapel senior pastor Mike Webster. Acting like huge bookends to a purple-curtained platform, the facility’s giant dual projection screens filled unfolded an unforgettable, inspirational story of Paul and Paulie’s lives. The video-transfer slide show recounted their early years as missionaries to Brazil, Paul’s recommitment to Christ while doing anthropology doctoral work in California, his planting of numerous churches, the founding of the Oswego Community Christian School, and the college student ministry known as BASIC (Brothers and Sisters in Christ). The well over 600 in attendance listened attentively as a cadre of hand-picked people shared how their lives benefited from the evangelistic and discipleship work of this unassuming yet passionate man of God. Commemorative speakers included William Moody, Pastor Peter Mayer, Jack Stinziano, Rose Prunoske, Alex Thevaranjan and Sean Obergfell. Each related how God used Pastor Paul’s in-depth teaching of the Word to alter their lives forever. Some met Paul when they were in college, others in Bible studies, still others during great times of fellowship in the original meeting place affectionately dubbed “the chicken coup”. They recounted wonderful memories of how God brought Paul into their lives and launched them into their newfound Christian faith. Rose Prunoske seemed to sum it up well when she stated, “An inheritance is something left TO you, while a legacy is something left IN you”. She urged the crowd to honor Paul’s memory by taking the evangelistic legacy he’d poured into their lives and “reach one more [person] for Jesus”. A fine video put together by Chapel technician Marty Dolbear featured up-to-date and sometimes humorous recollections from scores of others who had been personally bettered and spiritually blessed by their beloved Pastor and trusted friend.

Well-chosen worship selections led by the Believer’s Chapel Worship Team combined with a stellar solo by Rose Marie Stagnitta to regale the assembly with a musical celebration of appreciation and gratitude to God for the role which the visionary church planting couple played in so many thousands of lives in the central New York area. Pastor Wagner’s surviving wife Paulie ascended the platform to a round of thunderous applause and humbly expressed her most heartfelt appreciation to all who had honored her husband’s life with their thoughtful and meaningful personal and ministry testimonies.

The ceremony closed on a most appropriate note as Paul’s son Mark shared a reflection from one his dad’s last message, a thought-provoking exposition of Psalms 15 stressing the indispensible worship prerequisites of personal integrity and a right heart condition of before God. Following the service, guests enjoyed a festively decorated reception featuring all kinds of delicious desserts, cool refreshments, and a time of fellowship that surely would have blessed Pastor Wagner’s heart as he saw the precious fruits of his labors. In the final days before his home-going Wagner repeatedly voiced his dying wish to be able to preach just one last time. That wish was granted posthumously as the crowd was treated to a precious recorded segment from one of his most challenging messages. You could’ve heard a pin drop.

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