Thursday, May 28, 2009

Steve Green Celebrates WMHR’s 40th Year

Steve Green Celebrates WMHR’s 40th Year
John R. Petrilli

“Magical” isn’t the type of word one would normally associate with a Christian artist. But that’s the term that best describes Steve Green’s visit to the North Syracuse Baptist Church on May 1, 2009. This made the fifth time I’ve seen him live in concert, and each time it goes up a notch or two. “Magic” is what happens at Steve Green concerts. “Magical” in a godly way. His Biblically-based lyrics, words of encouragement and commanding vocal presentation create an aura of worship and celebration that’s joyfully genuine, Spirit-filled from top to bottom, and totally uplifting!

What transforms his performance from a solo concert into a group worship experience is the indispensible ingredient of audience participation in the choruses of many selections. Song styles range from earlier pop classics right through to more current favorites. Numerous times the raw spiritual power and dynamic of Green’s delivery brought the entire audience to its feet as one man. Repeated rounds of energetic and thunderous applause echoed throughout the acoustically clear venue as the audience registered their enthusiastic appreciation for the spiritual blessings received via this gifted and accomplished artist. I found myself frequently caught up in glorious worship as I drank in the uplifting music. So what makes a guy of this artistic and spiritual caliber tick? Perhaps the following interview will shed some light on that question.

JRP: Steve, Syracuse is no stranger to your ministry. What is it about singing here that keeps you coming back?

SG: It’s the folks. We’ve had just a great reception every time, and great memories and wonderful concert events. Mars Hill [radio station, WMHR 102.9 FM] is part of that, a real home away from home, and we appreciate so much their ministry.

JRP: Tonight we’re celebrating WMHR’s 40th anniversary, a wonderful stretch for any ministry. Your ministry has also enjoyed a long and great run. What would you say are the secrets to ministry longevity?

SG: I don’t know if there area any secrets. I think it has to be something that God just does because He wants to [laughter]. I’m certain that we can sabotage ourselves. But in the end it will be seen that any church or ministry that has lasted was simply God’s grace that sustained, and He overruled our weakness and human error.

JRP: Are there any criteria you use when deciding whether or not to include a particular song in a new album?

SG: I have to like it and its message needs to say something important. Album theme also plays a part when applicable. My wife and I really sit down and listen, and if it’s a song that we’ve lived with for a while and still like, don’t get weary of it, and it still moves us, then we pick it.

JRP: What kinds of music do you enjoy listening to on your own time?

SG: Mmmm! Everything, everything. I like a lot of jazz. Chris Bodie, the jazz trumpet player. I also like to watch a lot of live concert DVD’s because it’s what I do.

JRP: Your concerts consistently incorporate a personal challenge to holiness, inspirational worship, and heartfelt evangelism. How do you go about maintaining this excellent mix when planning a concert?

SG: You know it just flows from my life. It’s really what interests me and motivates me. I’m part of a church that is gospel-centered. Some people think the gospel is something you figure out really quickly at the beginning of your Christian life then you move on to more important things. But you never move on past the gospel. The gospel entails the condition of our heart apart from God, the full work of Christ which we’ll never be able to completely understand or explain, justification by faith. So the gospel constantly hits at all of our weaknesses which are our performance, our idolatries, and our self-righteousness. The gospel is applicable to every situation and it’s what I love to remember for myself everyday and then remind others also.

JRP: Are there any upcoming albums in the works that you’re particularly excited about?

SG: I’m supposed to record in June. I haven’t picked the songs yet, I’m still working on that. It won’t be a full recording, but, rather, something we call an “EP”, which is five or six songs.

JRP: In this area alone you have a fan base that easily numbers in the thousands if not tens of thousands. What would you like to say to your local friends who have enjoyed your music over these many years?

SG: THANK YOU! Thanks for listening! Thanks for the encouragement I get and the emails. Thanks for purchasing the CD’s. It’s been a privilege to be a part of your journey!

Green spoke to some very delicate areas during this concert. “One aspect of the beauty of the Lord is seen in how tender He is with the likes of us, how patient, how healing He is. The One Who binds us up, restores us and redeems our lives. Steve also reminded the audience how God has determined providentially and sovereignly to use hardship and difficulty His most precious and beautiful work in our lives. In a world where many of our material inheritances are diminishing due to frauds, the singer directed the participants to focus on the eternal inheritance we have in heaven. This certainty of the great riches we have in Christ should give us the confidence and joy to live today differently than some of the folks around us who are fearful and circling their wagons. Because of the resurrection [of Christ] God has changed all the prospects, and we’re people who see things differently, a different value system. So when others retreat the Church keeps going. The cultural collapse is not a shock if you understand what the Scriptures predict. Dark is getting darker, and light’s getting lighter! The tares are looking more ‘tare-like’, and the wheat’s looking more wheat-like! This is a time when the people of God have a hope that can’t be explained, a time for us to testify to the goodness of the Lord, and all that He’s done for us.” Green closed with an invitation for any in the audience who’ve never trusted in Christ for salvation to reach out and call to Him for forgiveness of their sins.

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