Thursday, May 28, 2009

Making a Living Or Building a Life?

Making a Living Or Building a Life?
John Petrilli

Steven Curtis Chapman’ song, “Busy Man” describes the average American today. “Billy” (the busy man) is so busy running through life to acquire the status and material toys he wants that he’s completely blinded to the things that really matter. Which brings up an important question that begs for an answer. Are we making a living, or building a life?

Jesus has clearly warned of the dangers of merely living and working for the things this life has to offer. Material possessions are like a false god that can never satisfy us at our deepest level of existence, yet millions continue the mad rush to acquire more, bigger and better. In the process we render ourselves incapable of focusing on what’s really important and worthy of our time and energy … that is, the building of our lives. While we certainly need to spend time and energy providing for things material, our greatest investment should be into the area of our personal growth, and, in particular, our spiritual growth.

This type of investment prioritizes the development of the kingdom of God within one’s heart and life. It radically influences our values, perspective and decisions. So how do we do this? Jesus and the apostles point the way. It is accomplished by allowing the Word of God to penetrate our intellect, emotions and will. As God’s Word makes inroads into our core being, it transforms us from the inside out. Like a seed, the Word takes root and bears fruit. As we grow spiritually, we also begin to develop socially as well. Genuine love for God translates into authentic love for others. Life takes on a totally new dynamic as we prioritize things spiritual and get caught up in advancing the kingdom of God both internally through character transformation, as well as externally through the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Jesus takes us to the seaside to contrast the difference between making a living and building a life. Those who are only concerned with making a living spend all their resources constructing a house of cards that will collapse when hit by life’s storms. On the other hand, those who choose to build a life carefully apply the principles of God’s Word to their daily lives, erecting an indestructible edifice that is storm proof (Matthew 7:24-27). Making a living concerns itself with the temporary and transitory. Building a life is all about that which will be eternal.

Like a wise and trusted financial advisor, Jesus encourages us to invest our lives in things that will stand and survive the test of time and eternity (Matthew6:19-21). Is your life bank account rich with eternal investments or temporal ones? Which do you spend more time doing, reading the paper and watching TV, or pouring over God’s Word? Where are you investing your life? What kind of life are you building in terms of your own character development? If we are wise, we will understand the difference between making a living and building a life. Choose wisely.

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