Thursday, May 28, 2009


John R. Petrilli

Trees are where it all began,
The start of God’s redemptive plan,
A tree in a garden with life so flush,
Who’d guess a tree would mean so much?

A tree stood on ancient countryside,
No clue it’d someday be known worldwide,
As the place where the Savior
Would quietly suffer and die.

A tree is where it will all culminate,
A heavenly growth that will vegetate,
Bringing healing and health,
And abundance of eternal wealth.

So next time you glance upward,
At these towering beauties of green,
Reflect on the role this humble plant played,
In God’s plan to have all men become saved.

Gen. 2:2,17 ; 1 Peter 2:24 ; Revelation 22:2

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