Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Riddle Wrapped In An Enigma

A Riddle Wrapped In An Enigma
John R. Petrilli

When asked to describe the Soviet Union, then Prime Minister of England Winston Churchill answered that Russia was “a riddle wrapped in an enigma.” As we reflect on the many twists and turns of life, the way our journey unfolds can often appear to be a lot like a riddle wrapped in an enigma.

The career we envisioned for ourselves, like school teacher Mr. Holland’s goal of composing a spectacular “opus”, may never be realized. Instead, like Mr. Holland, we awake to find ourselves living a much different storyline. The lifestyle we had initially anticipated may become lesser or greater, depending on a myriad of unforeseen and totally unpredictable factors. The accomplishments we hoped would be ours are lost in the shadows cast by time and circumstance. And the loving lifelong partnership our heart had so deeply longed for may have never appeared along the road of life.

A wise old sage once observed that, while we can devise the wisest and surest plans for personal and professional success, at the end of the day, there is an overruling power Who alone determines the ultimate outcome of our lives (“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9).

Consider Joseph. He had it all figured out. He would be king someday. It was a done deal, for God had shown him so in a prophetic dream. Little did he know the unexpected means and unconventional path that the Lord would use to get him to that honored place. Had he known, I ‘d venture to say that he’d have quickly renegotiated or even opted out of the deal. But in the end, everything did turn out in a way that was not only best for young Joseph, but also for his entire generation as well. How many long nights must he have spent gazing at the ceiling wondering why things had gone so terribly wrong in his life. What on earth God was doing anyway? The answers to the thousands of cries from his tortured heart would only come through the sometimes long and drawn out process of time. Joseph’s life was, indeed, an enigma, a mystery that defied explanation or rationalization. It simply was what it was. He had to settle for the unlikely hand God had dealt him until things became clearer. Noble man of God that he was, Joseph chose to trust God with a life that took twists and turns that spun an ever increasing complicated tapestry that was beyond recognition.

If my words seem to ring with a sense of reality, it’s because my life, in many ways, has been a riddle wrapped in an enigma. After completing three degree collegiate programs, I expected to enjoy a long and fulfilling career as an educator or pastor. But none of those dreams ever materialized. I found myself struggling to survive on the pittance earned through an perpetual cycle of low-paying, often menial jobs. Instead of helping children grow academically or nurturing the faith of a flock of believers, I found myself mopping floors, cleaning bathrooms, running production machines, and a performing a gazillion other tasks that had nothing whatsoever to do with my talents, interests or training. It was an absolute nightmare I’d never wish on anyone. One day I discovered that I was by no means alone. I had entered a chat room and shared my frustration with zero placement in my chosen fields as a doubly credentialed professional. To my surprise, scores of hits popped up in the chat room window; exclamations of others who had suffered the same heartbreaking misfortune and devastating disappointment. It was then that I realized that others were living out a very similar fate, only differing in the particular details.

After twenty-three long and arduous years of job insecurity, endless turnover, and no economic or professional headway, I became permanently injured. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, God had a wonderful surprise waiting for me. Being injured opened the door to a wonderful field of work that I now see I was made for all along … the work of a writer. By composing articles, covering events, reporting news and interviewing persons of interest I was using all my training for the first time in my life. Needless to say, it was thrilling (and still is!) The pathway God had used to get me to where I was meant to be was one that conventional wisdom could never have foreseen. Yet, by the beautiful grace of God, I am what I am, and I do what I do. And, I might add, I absolutely love what I do!

So when life throws its curve balls at your best laid plans, take the pitch, turn on your heels, and take a cut at that pitch with everything you’ve got. For all you know, the Lord may have been the One delivering that twirling ball. Roll with that punch, swing at that pitch, and go for the fence! Knock that curve ball out of the park for a grand slam! Be a modern-day Joseph, and watch and see what an incredible ride God has in store for you.

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