Thursday, May 28, 2009

God’s Emergency Exits

God’s Emergency Exits
John R. Petrilli

Some years ago I took a position with a security alarm and response company. As an operator, my job was to field emergency calls when the emergency alarm located at client’s properties triggered. I would then contact the appropriate person or emergency response agency to report the incident. Part of my training involved listening to a live recording of an incident that transpired years earlier to get a feel for the kinds of crises an operator could encounter. A call came in from a woman who was screaming that her enraged boyfriend was violently pounding on her apartment door trying to gain entrance. Next you heard pure terror in her voice as she shouted that he had broken into her apartment and was attacking her. Sad to say, the recording ended with her blood-curdling screams as he stabbed her to death.

Graphic as this story is, it carries a sobering point. Had that woman had access to a fire ladder or other means of escape, she may well have survived. But, unfortunately, she was trapped with ho such escape available, and it cost her life. While we may not view falling into sin as quite so deadly a situation, the Word of God says differently. According to the apostle James, sin can and is deadly by its very nature (James 1:13-15), which completely agrees with the apostle Paul (Romans 6:23). One slip has been the death knell for one’s family, career, and reputation. Witness the circumstances surrounding recent resignation of the Governor of New York. So the Christian believer is faced with a most serious challenge that carries the direst consequences. That is, how do we get out of situations where we’re under the onslaught of temptation? The great news is that There IS a way out of every compromising situation. Learn with me as we examine one of the most helpful verses in the entire Bible when it comes to meeting and defeating temptation, First Corinthians 10:13.


“No temptation has seized you that’s beyond the course of what others have had to face.”

No one reading this verse that’s honest with themselves can deny the incredible power of temptation. The Greek translation of this verse personifies temptation as someone (perhaps a thief) who grabs a hold of you with violently intent (John 10:10a). This shows us the spiritual clout that temptation carries. In modern terms, it mugs you. There’s also an additional word picture of someone pounding out grain on a threshing floor. That indicates the destructive force and malicious intensity of the tempter. Escape is beyond the realm of mere human capability (witness the epidemic of addictive behaviors in the U.S. alone), so God steps in to open up a door of escape. Note also that temptation is a very personal thing (“no temptation has seized YOU”). It would be so much easier if the devil tempted us in groups, for then we could band together and present a united front against the attack. But, no, the enemy chooses the tactic of isolating us where he can hammer away without interruption or intervention (Gen. 39: 11). The half-brother of Jesus also destroys the common notion that, “I’m undergoing a temptation the likes of which no one else has ever seen”. Not so. We’re all made up of the same clay, we all possess the same sin nature, and we’re all exposed to the exact same types of temptations, albeit in various forms and degrees. Satan uses the same old yet very effective tools of passion (“lust of the flesh”), possessions (“lust of the eyes”), and power (“the boastful pride of life”) to lure God’s children into sin (1 John 2:15-16).


“But God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.”

There’s not much more discouraging a situation than to find oneself alone in the hour of trial (Matt. 26:36-46). Ecclesiastes 4:10 describes the disadvantageous state of those who engage temptation alone. But the believer never finds himself in such a position because the Lord is ever present with each of His children, and that includes the dark moments when they are being tempted (Heb. 13:5). Indeed, we find that Jesus Himself was interceding for Peter before, during, and after his denial (Luke 22:31, 60-62). That prayer was gloriously answered (John 21:15-19 ; Acts 2:38-41). Victory over temptation often eludes us because we forget the Lord is near, and end up trying to fight a losing battle on our own. Every single temptation we face has first been approved by God (Job 1:6,12 ; 2:1,6). The particular temptation God allows is never beyond the scope of our ability to overcome. The devil is cunning, but his temptation options are limited to only those solicitations that we can, with God’s help, handle successfully. God wisely and graciously screens out temptations that are beyond our current resistance capability.


“But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out.”

Next time you visit an airport or even fly on a plane, notice where the emergency exits are located. They are spaced out in order to provide close proximity to all the passengers no matter where they are on the plane. That design maximizes exit speed in. The very moment a temptation presents itself, God has already arranged an exit door for you. Temptation to sin is unavoidable, but yielding to sin is not. That’s because every temptation has its accompanying exit. Our job is to find that exit and get out. Our ability to spot temptation is enhanced by the early warning system we can develop as we internalize the Word of God. Once we’ve properly armed ourselves with Scripture that directly addresses the specific area we’re weak in, temptation can be readily extinguished by faith in the Word of God and prayer [Matt. 4:4,7,10 ; Eph. 6:18]. Sometimes we’re guilty of flirting with temptation by allowing ourselves to be in a situation or relationship that is unsafe and caters to our particular points of personal vulnerability. Paul warns us not to go there, not to allow ourselves to get into predicaments that place us in spiritual jeopardy (Roman 13:10). We can’t expect God to help us win over temptation if we insist on playing with it. Rather, as morally responsible agents, God expects us to do our part in staying clear from compromising situations.


“That you can stand up under it.”

A smoke alarm is only as good as its batteries, and a security system is only as good as its electrical power source. Without power or good craftsmanship, the system is liable to malfunction or become totally inoperative and useless. The Christian has both a totally reliable security system as well as a failsafe power source. Temptation is no match for God’s strength [1 John 4:4]. When we draw upon the grace and strength of God, we’re overcomers! But we must affirm from the onset of the temptation that: A) The temptation is temporary (Matt. 4:11), and 2) The temptation is absolutely defeatable (1 Cor. 15:58). James promises the blessing of a clean heart and a clear conscience to those who successfully withstand the passing gusts of temptation (James 1:12). Paul tells us that we’re to take a posture of firm footing on God’s Word when engaging the enemy’s darts of temptation, and to maintain that solid footing right through until the enticement goes away (Eph. 6:10,13-16). He also sets us up with the proper fighting gear that will guarantee victory, the sword of the Spirit (God’s Word), and prayer in the Spirit (Eph.6:17-18).


Some years ago a nightclub fire claimed the lives of hundreds of patrons. One of the reasons they died in the blaze was that they were unfamiliar with the location of the fire exits. An emergency exit only works when used properly. That proper use involves first being alert to potential fire hazards. Immediately following the verse on temptation found in 1 Corinthians 10:13, Paul brings up the issue of idolatry, and the necessity of running from it (1 Cor. 10:14). By providing this early warning system, Paul was preparing his charges in advance to be on high alert to the pervasive sins that controlled their culture and enslaved their society. Corinth was nothing short of a cesspool for immoralities of every kind, and the Christians in that wicked city were always just a step away from falling. Peter sounds out the same spiritual alert to prevent us from the entrapments of the devil (1 Pet. 5:8-9).

Thousands of residents in New Orleans, Louisiana made the tragic and foolish decision to ignore repeated warnings from the National Weather Service that a category five hurricane with unprecedented destructive power was soon due to make landfall. The devastation and loss of life are now statistics recorded in the annals of American history. There have been countless cases where people ignored warnings. Official warnings are given for good reason, and heeding them can save lives and minimize property damage. Rapid response timing is everything when it comes to getting victory over temptation as well. When God’s alarm goes off we must respond instantly (Gen. 39:12). Delay here is like playing with fire (Gen. 19:12-17, 26). Lest we mistakenly believe we can effectively handle temptation on our own, Paul adds a rider to his insurance policy, stating that such pride and self-sufficiency will utterly doom a believer to failure (1 Cor. 10:12). Immediate flight through God’s escape hatch is the only way to fly (2 Tim. 2:22).

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