Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wagner Legacy Lives On

Wagner Legacy Lives On
John R. Petrilli

How do you measure a life? Some might say in dollars and cents. Others may cite the level of influence one has exerted upon their chosen profession. If you attended the memorial service for the late Pastor Paul Wagner, you’d possibly arrive at a very different answer to this important question. You’d likely conclude that a life is measured by how effectively it impacted individuals for Jesus Christ. That is what Pastor Wagner gave his life to, and that is the testimony that was heard during the celebrative service held on May 16 at Believer’s Chapel in Cicero, NY. It was truly a day of fond memories, uplifting music and stimulating messages.

An opening time of worship was followed by a gracious welcome by current Chapel senior pastor Mike Webster. Acting like huge bookends to a purple-curtained platform, the facility’s giant dual projection screens filled unfolded an unforgettable, inspirational story of Paul and Paulie’s lives. The video-transfer slide show recounted their early years as missionaries to Brazil, Paul’s recommitment to Christ while doing anthropology doctoral work in California, his planting of numerous churches, the founding of the Oswego Community Christian School, and the college student ministry known as BASIC (Brothers and Sisters in Christ). The well over 600 in attendance listened attentively as a cadre of hand-picked people shared how their lives benefited from the evangelistic and discipleship work of this unassuming yet passionate man of God. Commemorative speakers included William Moody, Pastor Peter Mayer, Jack Stinziano, Rose Prunoske, Alex Thevaranjan and Sean Obergfell. Each related how God used Pastor Paul’s in-depth teaching of the Word to alter their lives forever. Some met Paul when they were in college, others in Bible studies, still others during great times of fellowship in the original meeting place affectionately dubbed “the chicken coup”. They recounted wonderful memories of how God brought Paul into their lives and launched them into their newfound Christian faith. Rose Prunoske seemed to sum it up well when she stated, “An inheritance is something left TO you, while a legacy is something left IN you”. She urged the crowd to honor Paul’s memory by taking the evangelistic legacy he’d poured into their lives and “reach one more [person] for Jesus”. A fine video put together by Chapel technician Marty Dolbear featured up-to-date and sometimes humorous recollections from scores of others who had been personally bettered and spiritually blessed by their beloved Pastor and trusted friend.

Well-chosen worship selections led by the Believer’s Chapel Worship Team combined with a stellar solo by Rose Marie Stagnitta to regale the assembly with a musical celebration of appreciation and gratitude to God for the role which the visionary church planting couple played in so many thousands of lives in the central New York area. Pastor Wagner’s surviving wife Paulie ascended the platform to a round of thunderous applause and humbly expressed her most heartfelt appreciation to all who had honored her husband’s life with their thoughtful and meaningful personal and ministry testimonies.

The ceremony closed on a most appropriate note as Paul’s son Mark shared a reflection from one his dad’s last message, a thought-provoking exposition of Psalms 15 stressing the indispensible worship prerequisites of personal integrity and a right heart condition of before God. Following the service, guests enjoyed a festively decorated reception featuring all kinds of delicious desserts, cool refreshments, and a time of fellowship that surely would have blessed Pastor Wagner’s heart as he saw the precious fruits of his labors. In the final days before his home-going Wagner repeatedly voiced his dying wish to be able to preach just one last time. That wish was granted posthumously as the crowd was treated to a precious recorded segment from one of his most challenging messages. You could’ve heard a pin drop.

Steve Green Celebrates WMHR’s 40th Year

Steve Green Celebrates WMHR’s 40th Year
John R. Petrilli

“Magical” isn’t the type of word one would normally associate with a Christian artist. But that’s the term that best describes Steve Green’s visit to the North Syracuse Baptist Church on May 1, 2009. This made the fifth time I’ve seen him live in concert, and each time it goes up a notch or two. “Magic” is what happens at Steve Green concerts. “Magical” in a godly way. His Biblically-based lyrics, words of encouragement and commanding vocal presentation create an aura of worship and celebration that’s joyfully genuine, Spirit-filled from top to bottom, and totally uplifting!

What transforms his performance from a solo concert into a group worship experience is the indispensible ingredient of audience participation in the choruses of many selections. Song styles range from earlier pop classics right through to more current favorites. Numerous times the raw spiritual power and dynamic of Green’s delivery brought the entire audience to its feet as one man. Repeated rounds of energetic and thunderous applause echoed throughout the acoustically clear venue as the audience registered their enthusiastic appreciation for the spiritual blessings received via this gifted and accomplished artist. I found myself frequently caught up in glorious worship as I drank in the uplifting music. So what makes a guy of this artistic and spiritual caliber tick? Perhaps the following interview will shed some light on that question.

JRP: Steve, Syracuse is no stranger to your ministry. What is it about singing here that keeps you coming back?

SG: It’s the folks. We’ve had just a great reception every time, and great memories and wonderful concert events. Mars Hill [radio station, WMHR 102.9 FM] is part of that, a real home away from home, and we appreciate so much their ministry.

JRP: Tonight we’re celebrating WMHR’s 40th anniversary, a wonderful stretch for any ministry. Your ministry has also enjoyed a long and great run. What would you say are the secrets to ministry longevity?

SG: I don’t know if there area any secrets. I think it has to be something that God just does because He wants to [laughter]. I’m certain that we can sabotage ourselves. But in the end it will be seen that any church or ministry that has lasted was simply God’s grace that sustained, and He overruled our weakness and human error.

JRP: Are there any criteria you use when deciding whether or not to include a particular song in a new album?

SG: I have to like it and its message needs to say something important. Album theme also plays a part when applicable. My wife and I really sit down and listen, and if it’s a song that we’ve lived with for a while and still like, don’t get weary of it, and it still moves us, then we pick it.

JRP: What kinds of music do you enjoy listening to on your own time?

SG: Mmmm! Everything, everything. I like a lot of jazz. Chris Bodie, the jazz trumpet player. I also like to watch a lot of live concert DVD’s because it’s what I do.

JRP: Your concerts consistently incorporate a personal challenge to holiness, inspirational worship, and heartfelt evangelism. How do you go about maintaining this excellent mix when planning a concert?

SG: You know it just flows from my life. It’s really what interests me and motivates me. I’m part of a church that is gospel-centered. Some people think the gospel is something you figure out really quickly at the beginning of your Christian life then you move on to more important things. But you never move on past the gospel. The gospel entails the condition of our heart apart from God, the full work of Christ which we’ll never be able to completely understand or explain, justification by faith. So the gospel constantly hits at all of our weaknesses which are our performance, our idolatries, and our self-righteousness. The gospel is applicable to every situation and it’s what I love to remember for myself everyday and then remind others also.

JRP: Are there any upcoming albums in the works that you’re particularly excited about?

SG: I’m supposed to record in June. I haven’t picked the songs yet, I’m still working on that. It won’t be a full recording, but, rather, something we call an “EP”, which is five or six songs.

JRP: In this area alone you have a fan base that easily numbers in the thousands if not tens of thousands. What would you like to say to your local friends who have enjoyed your music over these many years?

SG: THANK YOU! Thanks for listening! Thanks for the encouragement I get and the emails. Thanks for purchasing the CD’s. It’s been a privilege to be a part of your journey!

Green spoke to some very delicate areas during this concert. “One aspect of the beauty of the Lord is seen in how tender He is with the likes of us, how patient, how healing He is. The One Who binds us up, restores us and redeems our lives. Steve also reminded the audience how God has determined providentially and sovereignly to use hardship and difficulty His most precious and beautiful work in our lives. In a world where many of our material inheritances are diminishing due to frauds, the singer directed the participants to focus on the eternal inheritance we have in heaven. This certainty of the great riches we have in Christ should give us the confidence and joy to live today differently than some of the folks around us who are fearful and circling their wagons. Because of the resurrection [of Christ] God has changed all the prospects, and we’re people who see things differently, a different value system. So when others retreat the Church keeps going. The cultural collapse is not a shock if you understand what the Scriptures predict. Dark is getting darker, and light’s getting lighter! The tares are looking more ‘tare-like’, and the wheat’s looking more wheat-like! This is a time when the people of God have a hope that can’t be explained, a time for us to testify to the goodness of the Lord, and all that He’s done for us.” Green closed with an invitation for any in the audience who’ve never trusted in Christ for salvation to reach out and call to Him for forgiveness of their sins.

Jesus Took Time

Jesus Took Time
John R. Petrilli

Some say that the best teaching is born in the fires of personal experience. I recently enjoyed a three- day stay at the Word Of Life Christian Campground in Schroon Lake, New York. As I packed for the trip, I sensed God wanted to speak to me about a specific area in my life when I got up there. Well, that impression proved true, and this article is the result. What God showed me was that I had allowed my busy schedule to systematically erode the basic disciplines of Bible reading and prayer to the point of virtual non-existence. Right there at camp I vowed to get my quiet time and Bible reading back in order immediately, recapturing and nailing down the time and place each day when I would meet with God.

Some of you may be familiar with the term, “the tyranny of the urgent”. It happens when we’re hard pressed by something, and opt to address it as priority above everything else. While there are legitimate times when we have to drop everything to tend to something, it’s my observation that we’re all too often guilty of allowing the “tyranny of the non-urgent” to dominate our lives. Yes, we have this or that thing to get done, but it’s so easy to allow the incidental things to crowd out the things that are of supreme importance. A “I don’t have time for that” mentality drives the decisions we make about how we’ll spend our time, and if we’re not careful, we may end up jettisoning the very things that God says are not only most important, but unalterably essential to out spiritual well being. Things like prayer, worship, fellowship, Scripture reading and study, get literally “lost in the shuffle”, and our walk with God takes on a trajectory of steady decline. The truth is, it’s not about “how much” time we have, it’s about how we choose to use and prioritize that time. As I sat in the morning chapel at Word Of Life, God started showing me how Jesus successfully handled the tyranny of the non-urgent, and how I can do the same.


“Early the next morning, Jesus woke and left the house while it was still dark. He went to a place to be alone and pray.” (Everyday Bible)

So how does our day usually start out? The alarm goes off, we roll over with a groan, perhaps hit the snooze button, and eventually drag ourselves out of bed. Then it’s off to the bathroom, down to the breakfast table, and out the door. Before we try to justify this pattern with “I’m just too busy to meet with God”, we need to take a close look at the incredible demands of a typical day in Jesus’ life, then think again.

According to Mark 1, a normal day for Him started before sunup and didn’t end until long after sundown, and was overloaded with activities that would drain and stress out the best of us. Things like Spirit-empowered preaching, miraculous healings of diseases and disabilities and demonic exorcisms. These and much more were all in a day’s work for Him. I preach one 30-minute message and am completely drained. I visit three folks in the hospital, and am crying for supper and my easy chair. I encounter resistance to my witness, and am ready for a break. Here’s the Lord cruising through a day more demanding than any of will ever see. But note what happens the following morning. Instead of “sleeping in”, He sets the alarm to an hour before dawn, gets up, and goes out to a spot where there are zero distractions. Oh yes, He could have justified taking it easy that particular morning, having spent the better part of an eighteen-hour day ministering to others. But no such cop out is recorded. Knowing His spiritual lifeblood hinged on that quiet hour alone with His Father, He denied his flesh and pushed Himself to get alone. He had the wisdom to escape the distractions of eye by praying in the predawn darkness, and escaping the interruptions of others by leaving the home He was staying at. Here is true wisdom! In so doing, He positioned Himself to receive the direction and strengthening He’d need for the new day ahead of Him. Like the Psalmist of old, He found a place where He could actively wait on the Father, making His requests, and listening for the Father’s sure answer (Psalm 5:3; 63:1). Those who would be wise among us will do well to emulate the example of dedication, discipline, and determination which Christ sets here. He models what it means to prioritize the habit of meeting with God privately on a daily basis, and wants us to follow His sterling example (Luke 5:16 ; Matt. 14:23; Matt. 6:6). While Jesus and Daniel are seen praying alone at various hours of the day (Psa. 55:17), the priority the Bible gives to the morning watch is unmistakably clear.

The pressures and problems of daily life can sap the joy out of living. A plant thrives by drawing nutrients from the soil up through its root system. Likewise, we need to maintain vital connection to our Source of spiritual life, the Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:5). As we intentionally carve out time to quietly dwell on God’s presence, His Word and Spirit will take root and bear fruit in our lives. Let’s tap into the Root so that we can produce lots of luscious fruit!


A partying Jesus? I’m afraid so. Not only was He present at a wedding reception, He actually saves the life of the party by replenishing the refreshment table and rescuing the host from sure embarrassment (John 2:1-11). Oh, He could have easily sent back a reply to the wedding invitation excusing Himself on the grounds that He had to be about His Father business. But, no, He is a Man among men. He helped institute marriage, and wasn’t about to let an opportunity to share in the joy of this young couple’s union escape His “to do list”.

Then there’s the time when Jesus invited Himself to dinner at the home of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:5-6). I can almost hear the joy in Jesus’ voice as he celebrated the fellowship as well as the newfound faith of His new buddy (v. 9). So how are we doing in the fellowship category? Do we place high priority on spending quality time with family and friends? And what about our church family? Do we make it a point to meet with them regularly to share in worship, fellowship, ministry and much needed encouragement (Heb. 10:24-25)?


Someone once pointed out that Jesus is never seen running in the Bible narratives. His life was so well ordered and attuned to the Spirit that He moved through each day one godly step at a time. This allowed Him the freedom and flexibility to respond to others in an incredibly sensitive and highly effective manner. He cared enough to observe others. He stopped to listen to others. He responded to their needs. He blessed their lives through His active loving concern. See the Messiah stooping down to clean the crud off the disciples’ feet with not a hint of shame or disgrace (John 13:1-17). Knowing His demeanor, He probably did so with such elegance and class to inspire the disciples to line up for the next chance to be a foot washer! Watch Him brush away the disciples and open His loving arms to the little children as if they were the only thing on earth that mattered that moment (Mark 10:13-14). Observe as He stops dead in His tracks to respond to a duet of two sight-impaired individuals desperately crying aloud to Him for healing mercy (Matt. 9:27). While most of us do not have the luxury of an itinerant schedule, there’s nothing stopping us from being alert and responsive to the Holy Spirit when He prompts us to reach out and touch some hurting, needy heart. The issue isn’t opportunity, the real issue is our availability. And according to Paul, our loving service should extend beyond the fellowship of the saints to include random acts of kindness towards those outside the fold as well (Gal. 6:10,13).


I once stumbled upon a precious little children’s book titled, “Did Jesus Go To Church?”. Written by a New York State based author and former pastor, the volume helped children see from the Bible how Jesus lived out His faith even during the tender years of childhood. So DID Jesus go to church? According to Luke, Jesus was what we’d call a “regular church goer”. The text says that synagogue attendance was His “custom”, His regular habit (Luke 4:16). Is it a coincidence that Christ had such command of the Hebrew Scriptures? While His parents surely instructed Him in this regard, I haven’t a doubt in my mind that the synagogue augmented that domestic tutelage, producing a Man Who was mighty in the Scriptures. From early on in His life, everyone was amazed with the breadth and depth of His grasp of Scripture (Luke 2:46-47). Just picture it, here’s the Chief Shepherd submitting Himself to Israel’s under shepherds, and confounding them at that! His pattern of Synagogue attendance didn’t change one iota (John 18:20), as we see Him repeatedly teaching there, even at the risk of excommunication (John 9:22) and execution (Luke 4:28-30)! What a contrast between Him and us, who often may want to skip out on church because we don’t want to fight traffic, sit in an uncomfortable pew, or contribute to the financial support of the ministry (SHAME!!!)


I saved this one for last. Most of you may not know, but I had the privilege of receiving specialized training in Evangelism at a highly recognized Bible Institute. Evangelism is what makes my heart skip a beat. While I love studying the topic, God has called me to various ministries where I put that knowledge and training to work in His vineyard. When we approach this subject, I can already see the defenses going up. “I don’t have the gift of evangelism.” “I try to witness with my life, that’s good enough.” “God didn’t call everybody to be a Billy Graham you know!” “I’m not a very outgoing person”. “I’m afraid I’ll be tagged as some kind of fanatic at the office”. The excuses are myriad and go on and on ad infintum. But most of this subterfuge is the result of misunderstanding what real evangelism is. IMHO (text lingo for “In My Humble Opinion”), evangelism is as simple as one beggar showing another beggar where to find bread. Original huh? Yeah, yeah, I know it’s an old, worn out line, but its still true! We don’t have to “force” the gospel on anyone. We live the life, and as God opens up opportunities, we share the faith. Of course we’re to pray for the salvation of the lost around us, and ask God to open those evangelistic doors. But when all’s said and done, we’ve just got to cooperate with the awesome work of soul winning that God’s already engaged in. He’s doing the work, we’re just along for the ride. God’s not going to let anyone get lost that He’s ordained to be saved. He simply calls us to help Him gather in the crop. Now does that take the pressure off or what?

Jesus shows us “how” to do evangelism. The first two chapters of the Gospel of John may as well be called “Evangelism 101”. He engages people where they’re at, and uses parallels in their lives to attract them to Himself. He asks great questions that get people to think through their presuppositions. He challenges them to consider His call to a higher and more rewarding plane of living. He affirms their strengths, and invites them to join Him in reaching a world that’s doomed to a dark, hopeless eternity. He openly expresses His affection for others, always willing to help them in any way He can. He wins their trust with a genuine love that expresses itself in not so random acts of humble service. As we follow His lead, we’ll start catching “fish”, and perhaps become experts hauling in more than our nets can handle (Matt. 4:19)!

The Secret Of the Seed

The Secret Of the Seed
John R. Petrilli

Germination. It happens every day all around the world as a tiny entity called a seed chock full of potential interacts with the nutrients and water in the soil and opens up. This miniscule reservoir holds the genetic material that makes it capable of becoming so much more than what it is. And so many and so profound are the spiritual lessons we can learn from the process that brings a seed to a flowering and fruitful plant. It’s no wonder that the seed is used to illustrate truths about the Christian life over and over again. Here’s just a few samples.


It was still early in Jesus’ ministry, but already He was preparing His disciples and Himself for the cross. Did Jesus WANT to die the death of crucifixion? Then again, as a healthy normal human being desiring to live, did He even want to die at all? This writer says no. It is abnormal to want to die. We have been created with a strong innate drive to survive at all costs. In this first passage we see Jesus referring to His impending death by execution. He makes what seems to be an out of place statement, an almost enigmatic comment, “Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” Thus it is with the biological seed. If it never breaks out of its shell, it will rot away and die. It is only as that seed surrenders to its own loss of identity to become a plant that it become productive and useful to mankind. Jesus’ life, no matter how exemplary and commendable, wouldn’t have accomplished God’s greatest good for mankind unless it surrendered to the cross. Our Lord and Savior knew full well that the cross was an indispensible part of the Father’s redemptive plan for Him. If He held on to His life, the fruit of man’s salvation would die along with Him. But if He died to His desire to live, and went to that cross, abundant fruit-bearing seeds would someday sprout up, and millions of souls would be saved. In choosing the cross, Jesus shows us the way of maximum spiritual productivity and ultimate victory … death to self, and surrendered aliveness to God’s will.


Butterflies are one of the most delicately beautiful creatures on earth. But they weren’t always so. In fact, the lowly caterpillar from which they spring is quite a lethargic, unattractive insect. What makes the change? “Metamorphosis”. It’s a fancy Greek word that translates as, “to change the form or substance of something”. How appropriate for the apostle Paul to refer to our spiritual conversion as an inner transformation, a re-creative act of God whereby He changes us from being like Adam to being like Christ (2 Cor. 5:17)! But, according to Paul, that transform also includes our outer bodies, as they will be changed into something quite new and permanent. I recently attended the funeral of a close friend’s mother. We sang, prayed, eulogized her, and then lowered her lifeless body into a grave. We closed by singing, “God Be With You ‘till We Meet Again”. When we see her again in heaven, we’ll be doing a double-take. She will have a glorified body, quite dissimilar from her earthly tent. The body we buried was temporal, susceptible to sickness, disease, decay and death. But her resurrection body will be immune to all those consequences brought on by sin. So, like a seed the farmer plants in hope of seeing it transformed into a crop, we plant our loved ones in Christ, knowing that someday we’ll see them “sprout up” in heaven as a glorious being with an indestructible body.


I was told as a young Christian that there are only two things that will last for all eternity; the Word of God and people’s souls. The Word of God is indeed eternal, as our brother the apostle Peter reminds us in his first letter (1:25). Unlike the farmer’s seed that has a limited lifespan before it either decomposes or germinates into a plant, the Word of God will never expire. Its shelf life is forever. Peter likens the sowing of a seed into the ground to the Word of God being implanted into a person’s heart. Once that Word of the gospel germinates inside a heart, spiritual life begins to develop. Peter also calls God’s Word “living”. By its very nature it’s dynamic and alive. And, just like tat seed that gets plowed under, the Word of God goes to work in an invisible manner. You can’t really see it germinating in a person’s life until, one wonderful day, it sprouts up in the form of their salvation. Having come to fruition via conversion, the newborn believer is now capable of keeping that process of sowing and reaping going by their own spiritual growth and reproduction of other new believers.


I vividly recall my first pastorate in the great farming state of Illinois. In those parts corn is king, and it’s all about the weather. The first thing you wake up to in the morning is the short and long-range weather forecast. It’s all over the radio and television. Unknown to us who are city-dwellers, farmers spend hundreds of hours getting and keeping their soil at optimal conditions. They clear the soil of rocks and trees, they fertilize the soil with the best additives they can afford, and they insure that their irrigation systems are ready to back them up in the event of a dreaded drought. All this is done because there is a direct correlation between soil quality and crop yield. The best seed will not fare well in poor soil. Even the highest grade soil is no guarantee of a good yield without adequate rainfall. But when good seed is planted in good soil and showered with steady rains, the crop yield is abundant. This same principle holds true in the world of spiritual harvesting. Jesus likened the soil condition to the spiritual condition of the human heart. He said that when the seed of God’s Word is sown into thin, rocky, or thorn-infested soil, the outcome is disappointingly poor. But when that same Word enters into the life of a person whose heart is spiritually fertile, that reception results in a bumper crop! Likewise, once we become believers we still must maintain a healthy heart so that God’s Word will consistently take root and bear fruit in our lives and ministries.


Do you like grape juice? I sure do! I think I could drink it in place of water! The best grapes produce the best grape juice. And the best grapes grow on vines that are well-connected to the water and light supply that comprises the process known as photosynthesis. Vital connection results in outstanding produce. Grape juice was the standard drink of Jesus’ day. Everyone knew well its properties and characteristics. So, like the Master teacher He was, Jesus capitalizes on their familiarity with this drink and the fruit it comes from. “If you want to have a life that produces healthy, tasty, nourishing spiritual fruit, you have to stay connected to the Source, Himself. A grape seed may well develop into a grape vine, but unless a constant flow of nutrients is supplied through that vine, no grapes will appear. Maintaining continual connection to its life-giving source is essential to its survival and ultimate productivity. Likewise, as the believer stays attached to the vine, he/she is able to draw the spiritual nutrients necessary to his/her growth and fruitfulness. The loss of such attachment spells a big fat zero. Nothing. Nada. But keeping our relationship with Christ vibrant through prayer, Bible study and fellowship will insure that our lives bear the kind of fruit that will stand the test of time.


Farmers not only invest in good seed, but they also try to buy as much of it as they can. The more seed they sow into the ground, the higher the percentage of crop yield they’ll get. It’s just that simple. Paul uses this same principle from the natural world to illustrate the nature of proportionate giving to God’s work. While some seeds multiply and re-scatter to sprout into many more plants, most seeds are a solo performance. Sow one seed, get one plant. Sow one hundred seeds, get one hundred plants. You reap what you sow. Paul says that those who sow a minimum of seed in their giving can’t expect to get a very high yield. But those who invest heavily into God’s kingdom in their giving can and will receive a far greater harvest. Like the parable of the sower, we will be wise to invest in the generous scattering of the seed of the gospel. In doing so, we’ll have the joy of seeing that seed produce a harvest of saved souls that will live on into eternity. Now THAT’S what I’d call a secure investment! The best about this spiritual farming is that God will never become debtor to the faithful giver. Instead, their willingness to contribute to God’s program will be more than amply rewarded as the Lord abundantly supplies them with new farming resources that will pour upon their lives a richness of blessing. Paul borrows from Psalm 112 as he expounds the principle of receiving a disproportionate return on our spiritual investments. God, says Paul, can be counted on to provide the regular and generous giver with ample means to keep on giving more and more. That’s the way it is in God’s economy. Once we’ve opened our hearts to His Spirit’s leading and give obediently, we trigger an unending cycle of replenishment and further re-distribution of personal wealth. Most people would probably cast a suspicious eye upon such a concept, but those who have tested it have found that it’s for real. You just can’t out-give God!


I recently asked a friend who is good at securing grants if she had any ideas on how I might go about securing funds to finance a major Christian endeavor. She wisely suggested the possibility of holding a fundraising banquet. I had mentioned that I had contacted two wealthy individuals so far, and was surprised when she informed me that research shows that the majority of giving comes, not from the well-off, but from those less positioned to contribute who give anyway. I never would have guessed that. Such was the case with a group of churches in the ancient area known as Macedonia. Paul reports that, although they were feeling the pinch of hard economic times, they managed to consecrate not only their pocketbooks but also their very lives to the Lord. Though they had very little themselves, they found a way to share the little they had with other Christian churches who were even worse off than they were. The secret of such unusual generosity is found in their attitude. They saw giving as a wonderful privilege, not an obligation. They actually “begged” Paul to allow them to send financial aid to believers poorer than they. The apostle also cites the source of such giving as the enabling grace of God. That grace triggered an unexpected willingness to give, not simply according to their means, but well above and beyond what they were “able to afford”. We call it sacrificial giving. They saw it as a chance to bless their brothers and sisters in Christ, and they threw themselves, heart, soul, and purse into the project!

A Riddle Wrapped In An Enigma

A Riddle Wrapped In An Enigma
John R. Petrilli

When asked to describe the Soviet Union, then Prime Minister of England Winston Churchill answered that Russia was “a riddle wrapped in an enigma.” As we reflect on the many twists and turns of life, the way our journey unfolds can often appear to be a lot like a riddle wrapped in an enigma.

The career we envisioned for ourselves, like school teacher Mr. Holland’s goal of composing a spectacular “opus”, may never be realized. Instead, like Mr. Holland, we awake to find ourselves living a much different storyline. The lifestyle we had initially anticipated may become lesser or greater, depending on a myriad of unforeseen and totally unpredictable factors. The accomplishments we hoped would be ours are lost in the shadows cast by time and circumstance. And the loving lifelong partnership our heart had so deeply longed for may have never appeared along the road of life.

A wise old sage once observed that, while we can devise the wisest and surest plans for personal and professional success, at the end of the day, there is an overruling power Who alone determines the ultimate outcome of our lives (“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9).

Consider Joseph. He had it all figured out. He would be king someday. It was a done deal, for God had shown him so in a prophetic dream. Little did he know the unexpected means and unconventional path that the Lord would use to get him to that honored place. Had he known, I ‘d venture to say that he’d have quickly renegotiated or even opted out of the deal. But in the end, everything did turn out in a way that was not only best for young Joseph, but also for his entire generation as well. How many long nights must he have spent gazing at the ceiling wondering why things had gone so terribly wrong in his life. What on earth God was doing anyway? The answers to the thousands of cries from his tortured heart would only come through the sometimes long and drawn out process of time. Joseph’s life was, indeed, an enigma, a mystery that defied explanation or rationalization. It simply was what it was. He had to settle for the unlikely hand God had dealt him until things became clearer. Noble man of God that he was, Joseph chose to trust God with a life that took twists and turns that spun an ever increasing complicated tapestry that was beyond recognition.

If my words seem to ring with a sense of reality, it’s because my life, in many ways, has been a riddle wrapped in an enigma. After completing three degree collegiate programs, I expected to enjoy a long and fulfilling career as an educator or pastor. But none of those dreams ever materialized. I found myself struggling to survive on the pittance earned through an perpetual cycle of low-paying, often menial jobs. Instead of helping children grow academically or nurturing the faith of a flock of believers, I found myself mopping floors, cleaning bathrooms, running production machines, and a performing a gazillion other tasks that had nothing whatsoever to do with my talents, interests or training. It was an absolute nightmare I’d never wish on anyone. One day I discovered that I was by no means alone. I had entered a chat room and shared my frustration with zero placement in my chosen fields as a doubly credentialed professional. To my surprise, scores of hits popped up in the chat room window; exclamations of others who had suffered the same heartbreaking misfortune and devastating disappointment. It was then that I realized that others were living out a very similar fate, only differing in the particular details.

After twenty-three long and arduous years of job insecurity, endless turnover, and no economic or professional headway, I became permanently injured. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, God had a wonderful surprise waiting for me. Being injured opened the door to a wonderful field of work that I now see I was made for all along … the work of a writer. By composing articles, covering events, reporting news and interviewing persons of interest I was using all my training for the first time in my life. Needless to say, it was thrilling (and still is!) The pathway God had used to get me to where I was meant to be was one that conventional wisdom could never have foreseen. Yet, by the beautiful grace of God, I am what I am, and I do what I do. And, I might add, I absolutely love what I do!

So when life throws its curve balls at your best laid plans, take the pitch, turn on your heels, and take a cut at that pitch with everything you’ve got. For all you know, the Lord may have been the One delivering that twirling ball. Roll with that punch, swing at that pitch, and go for the fence! Knock that curve ball out of the park for a grand slam! Be a modern-day Joseph, and watch and see what an incredible ride God has in store for you.

Making a Living Or Building a Life?

Making a Living Or Building a Life?
John Petrilli

Steven Curtis Chapman’ song, “Busy Man” describes the average American today. “Billy” (the busy man) is so busy running through life to acquire the status and material toys he wants that he’s completely blinded to the things that really matter. Which brings up an important question that begs for an answer. Are we making a living, or building a life?

Jesus has clearly warned of the dangers of merely living and working for the things this life has to offer. Material possessions are like a false god that can never satisfy us at our deepest level of existence, yet millions continue the mad rush to acquire more, bigger and better. In the process we render ourselves incapable of focusing on what’s really important and worthy of our time and energy … that is, the building of our lives. While we certainly need to spend time and energy providing for things material, our greatest investment should be into the area of our personal growth, and, in particular, our spiritual growth.

This type of investment prioritizes the development of the kingdom of God within one’s heart and life. It radically influences our values, perspective and decisions. So how do we do this? Jesus and the apostles point the way. It is accomplished by allowing the Word of God to penetrate our intellect, emotions and will. As God’s Word makes inroads into our core being, it transforms us from the inside out. Like a seed, the Word takes root and bears fruit. As we grow spiritually, we also begin to develop socially as well. Genuine love for God translates into authentic love for others. Life takes on a totally new dynamic as we prioritize things spiritual and get caught up in advancing the kingdom of God both internally through character transformation, as well as externally through the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Jesus takes us to the seaside to contrast the difference between making a living and building a life. Those who are only concerned with making a living spend all their resources constructing a house of cards that will collapse when hit by life’s storms. On the other hand, those who choose to build a life carefully apply the principles of God’s Word to their daily lives, erecting an indestructible edifice that is storm proof (Matthew 7:24-27). Making a living concerns itself with the temporary and transitory. Building a life is all about that which will be eternal.

Like a wise and trusted financial advisor, Jesus encourages us to invest our lives in things that will stand and survive the test of time and eternity (Matthew6:19-21). Is your life bank account rich with eternal investments or temporal ones? Which do you spend more time doing, reading the paper and watching TV, or pouring over God’s Word? Where are you investing your life? What kind of life are you building in terms of your own character development? If we are wise, we will understand the difference between making a living and building a life. Choose wisely.

Shackled and Chained

Shackled and Chained
John R. Petrilli

There he was. Just a few feet ahead of me. A patient visiting a medical center, just like I was. But he was so different. You see, he had two armed guards escorting him. Slowly he shuffled through the hallway, feet chained at the ankles, hands chained at the wrists. Here was a man so much like myself, yet so bound. He was no longer free to walk where he wanted to. Not free to do anything for that matter, other than what his guards allowed him to do.

It hit me like a lightning bolt. “Now there’s a picture of what sin does to our soul. It binds us, takes us captive, robs us of our spiritual freedom.” Jesus said it like this, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me; He has sent Me to preach deliverance to the captives, and to set at liberty those who are bound” (Luke 4:18 NKJV). Remember the man infested with an entire legion of demons? Far worse than the human bondage men had chained him with was the spiritual shackles that bound his soul. But one brief encounter with Jesus and he was totally and permanently set free! (Luke 8:26-39) How about that poor woman with the eighteen-year crippling disability? Was she not bound as well? Jesus said she was. “So ought not this woman … whom Satan has bound – think of it - for eighteen years – be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath? (Luke 13:16).

Bondage is by no means limited to those held in custody by authorities. Everyone is born into the world in a state of spiritual bondage far worse than any chain of man. But the good news is that the Son of God came to release us from that bondage…to set us completely free! “Most certainly I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave to sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!”

If you’ve ever experienced the liberating grace of God through forgiveness of your sins, you can do so today, right now. Simply admit that you’re a sinner who is totally incapable of freeing yourself, and allow Jesus to turn the key that sets you free. He’ll forgive you and set you free … forever!

Are You A High-Definition Christian?

Are You A High-Definition Christian?
John R. Petrilli

As of June 18, 2009, all full power television stations (for CNY that includes but is not limited to channels 3,5,9, 24, and 68) will be required to replace their current analog signal with digital signals exclusively. For lower-powered stations, the deadline for the changeover from analog signal to digital signal will be February 19, 2010. The changeover promises to deliver optimum visual and audio to the television-viewing population. With all the talk and hype about the upcoming changeover, I stopped to think about the interesting parallels between high-definition television and the Christian’s life and witness. Here’s what my study of Scripture yielded.

“For in nothing I shall be ashamed, but in all trust as evermore and now, Christ shall be magnified in my body, either by life, either by death.”

Many consumers have begun the scramble to purchase high-definition televisions or converter boxes. They want the best picture possible, and the high-resolution capabilities that digital television offers is the answer. High-def T.V. seems to bring you right into the picture with its true-to-life color and clarity. It’s like seeing everything in a real time, live state, a close-up version of the broadcast.
Paul and was a faithful letter writer. He used letters to do much of his follow-up work with the young believers he had placed under the pastoral care of fledgling churches. Through these letters (we now call books of the New Testament) he maintained a pastoral role of teaching reproving, correcting, strengthening and encouraging the flocks he had started all across the Mediterranean world. His letters also reveal that he was an excellent correspondent, using these letters to update readers on the welfare of their believing friends in other parts of the world.

Paul chose the occasion of his letter to the church at Philippi to explain what it was that he lived for, and was ultimately willing to die for (20-21). He uses the word “magnified” to describe the way he wanted his life to bring Jesus Christ up close and personal to others. For Paul it was about a lot more than preaching, it was also about living the truth, and he wanted to do that with such incredible passion! He wanted Jesus to be lifted up, for his life to act like a giant telescope bringing Jesus out of the realms of religion and into the realm of personal and tangible reality.
How is it with us? Do we want everything we do count for the glory of God and serve the immediate purpose of exalting Jesus Christ? If so, then we can claim the title of “High Definition Christian”!

“You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You show that you are a letter from Christ.”

Owners of high-def TV will enjoy the best graphics technology can offer. With the addition of thousands more pixels per square inch, high-def graphics possess a clarity far superior to that of analog TV. Their TV screens will display a picture that is superior in quality in every way.
In this interesting passage Paul says that the Christian’s life should be a living edition of the truth of the Gospel. He encourages his new converts in Philippi by reminding them that THEY were the proof of his ministry’s authenticity. Their changed lives were the only evidence needed to substantiate the legitimacy of his ministry. They were what Paul called “living letters”, people whose lives were preaching “Jesus”, “Jesus”, “Jesus” in everything they said and did. They weren’t just selling the truth, they had totally bought into it, and lived daily lives that bore that truth out in graphic, unmistakable terms.

Someone has insightfully written a poem, “The Gospel According To You”. “There's a Gospel according to Matthew; To Mark; To Luke; and John too. There's another gospel that many are reading... The Gospel according to You. You are writing a gospel, a chapter each day; By things that you do; by things you say. Others read that gospel, Whether faithless or true! Say! What is the Gospel According To You?” This poem points out that many people will never flip a single page of the Bible, but they will be reading your Christian life. Our personal witness by actions and attitudes speak far louder than anything we could ever speak with our lips.

“Teach them to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them, and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.”

We’ve all done it. We walk into a “Best Buy” or some other store, get captivated by the big screen TV’s, and saunter right over to view the larger than life images. It’s irresistible and almost hypnotizing! I’m afraid we often and unintentionally present a “small” God to our world. By our pettiness and emphasis on the sometimes trivial and inconsequential, we unwittingly do some serious damage to the Name of the Lord. We naturally lean toward that which is secondary while missing what’s most important. Like the scribes and Pharisees of old, we slip into the trap of majoring on minors and minoring on majors. Jesus makes it simple, love God first, and your neighbor second. Anything that does not jibe with either or both of these two governing life principles must be discarded in the circular file as refuse.

The word Paul uses here for “attractive” is most instructive. It’s the Greek word “cosmeo”, which is the same word from which the English word “cosmetics” derives from. Just as a woman makes her face attractive to others by applying cosmetics to her skin, we’re to make the Gospel of Christ attractive to our world by living out the faith we profess. Who wouldn’t be attracted to a person who loves them like Jesus loves, is honest with them like Jesus was, is hard-working like Jesus was, is forgiving toward them as Jesus was, who’s as concerned about their welfare and justice as Jesus was, and who is humble toward them as Jesus was? Nobody!

“The Lord's message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere.”

While we’re on the topic of changes in the broadcast signals I thought it would be interesting to bring out the fact that the believers in the church at Thessalonica were the very first “Christian broadcasters”. The Greek word for the phrase “rang out” is “exerchomai " , which literally translates as, “to go out or forth", "to spread abroad." Their broadcast signal reached far and wide to all the territories around them in every direction. In the world of broadcasting there are sections of the topography (“footprints”) that a particular signal covers (which is one reason why you lose a station’s signal when traveling a far distance). They had a broadcast footprint that was nothing short of enormous! Paul wasn’t exaggerating when he stated that their life and witness for Jesus Christ had reached out to the entire Grecian peninsula and beyond! Now that’s what I call a “super-church”!

And just what was the content of their telecasted signal? Why, how they turned away from worshipping and serving lifeless idols to worship and serve the one true and living God in the Person of His Son Jesus Christ (v.9)! So what kind of “signal” do our lives send out? If we bicker and complain like the world, they won’t want to hear what we have to broadcast, they’ll just turn their dial to something else that offers them false hope and false peace. Let’s take care in monitoring the message we’re sending to a watching world! Let’s make sure it’s a clear message of the gospel, not some convoluted aberration that’s been distorted and diffused by a poor testimony on our part!

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light….live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us… for it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.”

If, like me, you don’t have cable or satellite TV, then you know the frustration of having your favorite program interrupted by bad weather. Or how about having your favorite radio station interfered with by another station’s signal competing for the same broadcast footprint area.
Peter wrote this letter to comfort and strengthen believers who were displaced by wholesale and widespread persecution, courtesy of Nero. Nero was on the loose, and their lives meant nothing but sport to him and his blood-lusting associates. In chapter one of First Peter, the apostle describes a band of war-weary Christians who had suffered some of the most extreme types of persecution, up to and including the loss of their Christian loved ones and Christian friends to martyrdom. They were the targets of lies and false accusations (“they accuse you”), and indecent behavior, for which their good works would openly refute. Peter inspires them to continue doing good in spite of the bad press they were being given. Their Christian signal of godliness and doing good was to remain strong through the subterfuge and storms of worldly opposition and inaccurate reports. That signal and the truth about their lifestyle would one day be substantiated by God Himself.

Christians worldwide today face an increasing wave of bad press. The name “Christian” has fallen on hard times, largely because of inaccurate portrayals of our faith. But we mustn’t lose heart, for we know Who it is we serve, and He ALWAYS exonerates His own. Meanwhile, we must go on slugging it out, always representing Jesus Christ to the best of our ability, allowing His light and love to shine in the darkest of places. Like that strong radio or TV signal, we must not allow competing signals to drown out our signal or block our programming from reaching the eyes and ears of a lost world. When the “bad weather” of opposition or the “interference” of outright persecution threatens to drown out our signal, we’re to go right on broadcasting for the Lord.

How to Really Love Your Pastor

How to Really Love Your Pastor
John R. Petrilli

If someone were to ask you what the most important job is in the whole world, what would your answer be? President of the U.S.? A chief surgeon? A civil rights leader? While all these positions merit our respect and admiration, none of them come even close to the work of the Christian pastor.
There’s no higher calling than that of shepherding God’s flock. The qualifications are high for a reason. The demands are great, and the rewards are equally rewarding. I dedicate this article to all the men who give their all to help us develop in our faith. Hopefully it will spark in us the desire to serve with and support them with renewed vigor and deeper commitment.


“Remember your leaders.”

Thanks to the financial and moral impropriety scandals of the seventies, Christian church leaders are more frequently looked upon with suspicion and a general tone of distrust than in decades past. While abuse should be exposed and dealt with, the bad name it has given to the ordained ministry has done a great deal of damage in the way the general public perceives a man of God and his important work. For this reason a number of people hesitate to support pastors in a financial manner. Although Paul waived such support, he makes it clear that God’s design is that of a paid ministry that frees up called men to feed and care for the flock (1 Cor. 9:11-14 ; 1 Timothy 5:17-18 ; Acts 6:1-7). The writer to the Hebrews urges his readers to “remember” their pastoral leadership. One way we can honor this Spirit-born request is to share in the financial support of the ministry. And when we do contribute to a pastor’s financial support, it’s actually a fragrant offering to God Himself! (Philippians 4:15-19). But support goes much farther than mere dollars and cents. Pastors have a tough job and can really be blessed by that word of appreciation, affirmation and encouragement from their charges. We tend to forget they are human and need all the same kinds of supports the rest of us do to function at their highest level of efficiency. So when God uses them to speak truth into our lives, we really need to let them know how the Holy Spirit is using them.


“Consider the outcome of their life, and imitate their faith.”

Today’s children’s literature and programming is very different than when most of us boomers were kids. Yet, in many fundamental ways, it’s the same. This can be seen in the way kids respond to the “heroes” of their day. Heroes have traditionally been individuals who model the best of human traits – courage, honor, concern for others, unselfish service. Thankfully, most of today’s heroes continue in that train. So who’s your hero? Who do you, as an adult, look up to as an example to follow? The Hebrews were encouraged to follow the Christian example set by their pastor. The believers at Thessalonica and Corinth did so, and were the better for it (1 Thess. 1:6 ; 2 Thess. 3:7-9 ; 1 Cor. 11:1).


“Remember those who spoke the Word of God to you. Obey them [their teaching from Scripture].”

It’s a good thing to attend church services, sing, drop an offering into the plate, and mingle with fellow believers. But if we walk out of Sunday services without having given close attention to the exposition of God’s Word, we’ve wasted our time. What’s more, once we resume our work week, we’re to be applying that pastoral Biblical instruction on a daily basis. I fear that we give less attention to the Sunday sermon that we do the required reading for a college course. In such a course we painstakingly record notes on the lectures, then do a considerable amount of additional reading, analyzing and memorizing. What kind of growth spurts would we see in our Christian lives if we actually took God’s Word that seriously? It’s said of the first Christians that they “continued steadfastly in the apostle’s teaching” (of God’s Word, Acts 2:42). That commitment and discipline resulted in both quantitative as well as qualitative growth (Acts 2:47 ; 20:32). We should “go and do likewise”. Anything less is an exercise in futility, like someone going to an image consultant, then ignoring all the recommendations for personal improvement (James 1:21-25). To do so will result in a fruit-bearing life (Luke 8:15) that’s enjoying continual growth (1 Pet. 2:2) as it deepens in its love for God (John 14:21).


“Submit to [your leaders’] authority, for they keep watch over your souls as men who will have to give an account.”
When we love someone we also respect them as an individual. We’re considerate of their ideas, and value their input into our lives. One of the ways we can express love for our pastor is to show respect for them and the important work they perform (1 Thess. 5:12-13). Our independent culture has largely lost sight of what it means to demonstrate honor for someone. Everything is becoming so casual. Those who deserve respect are often treated with a familiarity that lacks a sense of proper appreciation for the special place God has placed that person in. We’re to treat all God-appointed persons with genuine respect and honor, because all authority is a gift from God for our individual and collective benefit (1 Pet. 2:13). Jesus taught that godly authority is driven by selfless service that focuses on needs of others (Matt. 20:25-27). It’s never self-serving, but exercised in a spirit of helping others (2 Cor. 1:24 ; 10:8a). Godly leadership is motivated by love, not the acquisition of personal power (1 Pet. 5:2-3). When a church is blessed by this kind of leadership, it can’t help but roll up its sleeves and get to work for the glory of God. While reaching consensus is an important step, there’s something to be said for weighing the pastoral input very heavily in organizational decisions.


“Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.”

Leadership can be a lonely place. It’s not easy to cast vision and motivate those one leads. Jesus Himself was challenged as He endeavored to train the Twelve. Idiosyncrasies and misperceptions notwithstanding, our Lord succeeded in equipping these men for the herculean task of reaching their world with the Gospel. Our pastors face many of the same kinds of obstacles and hurdles as they seek to mature us and mobilize us for ministry. The Hebrew recipients of this letter received a postscript reminding them that failure to work with their pastor would place them at a spiritual disadvantage. Our pastors are mere men. Flawed, imperfect men. Yet, the Lord has called them to lead and feed His people, and for that we can be thankful to and cooperative with them. As we do so, we’re, in essence, allowing God to carry out His work in our midst. Now that would be a great ADVANTAGE to us. Blessing awaits all who follow their Lord and their pastor as he leads them into green pastures of personal growth and ministry development.


“Pray for us. We are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way.”

I recall a poster in the men’s dormitory of the Bible Institute I attended. It stated, “No one will ever know what miracles have been accomplished through prayer.” I remember that slogan because it’s true. In a day that places so much emphasis on bigger and better things material, the fact remains that prayer is one of the most powerful and fruitful activities a believer can engage in. It requires no degrees, no money, and no membership on a board. No, just a heart that burns to see God’s will done in the lives of others. Some of Christianity’s greatest advances have been made through the knees of unknown disciples of Jesus who gave themselves to this highest and holiest of callings. Most of us don’t live in a monastic setting where we’re free to invest hours into prayer, but God welcomes and honors whatever time we do give to this foundational ministry. The early church prioritized prayer, and so should we. In a military engagement, the officers and generals plan and execute the strategy that brings them victory. Pastors are much like these generals. They have the demanding responsibility of charting the church’s course and leading the troops in their battle against the forces allied against Christ and His kingdom. Few need prayer for wisdom, strength, grace and perseverance as do our pastors. I know, I’ve watched them in action, and have myself served in this capacity. Believe me, without the prayers of their people, they can do little in the way of building God’s Church. They need your prayers desperately. Won’t you consider starting this practice if you aren’t doing so already? Your pastor will be eternally grateful!

God’s Emergency Exits

God’s Emergency Exits
John R. Petrilli

Some years ago I took a position with a security alarm and response company. As an operator, my job was to field emergency calls when the emergency alarm located at client’s properties triggered. I would then contact the appropriate person or emergency response agency to report the incident. Part of my training involved listening to a live recording of an incident that transpired years earlier to get a feel for the kinds of crises an operator could encounter. A call came in from a woman who was screaming that her enraged boyfriend was violently pounding on her apartment door trying to gain entrance. Next you heard pure terror in her voice as she shouted that he had broken into her apartment and was attacking her. Sad to say, the recording ended with her blood-curdling screams as he stabbed her to death.

Graphic as this story is, it carries a sobering point. Had that woman had access to a fire ladder or other means of escape, she may well have survived. But, unfortunately, she was trapped with ho such escape available, and it cost her life. While we may not view falling into sin as quite so deadly a situation, the Word of God says differently. According to the apostle James, sin can and is deadly by its very nature (James 1:13-15), which completely agrees with the apostle Paul (Romans 6:23). One slip has been the death knell for one’s family, career, and reputation. Witness the circumstances surrounding recent resignation of the Governor of New York. So the Christian believer is faced with a most serious challenge that carries the direst consequences. That is, how do we get out of situations where we’re under the onslaught of temptation? The great news is that There IS a way out of every compromising situation. Learn with me as we examine one of the most helpful verses in the entire Bible when it comes to meeting and defeating temptation, First Corinthians 10:13.


“No temptation has seized you that’s beyond the course of what others have had to face.”

No one reading this verse that’s honest with themselves can deny the incredible power of temptation. The Greek translation of this verse personifies temptation as someone (perhaps a thief) who grabs a hold of you with violently intent (John 10:10a). This shows us the spiritual clout that temptation carries. In modern terms, it mugs you. There’s also an additional word picture of someone pounding out grain on a threshing floor. That indicates the destructive force and malicious intensity of the tempter. Escape is beyond the realm of mere human capability (witness the epidemic of addictive behaviors in the U.S. alone), so God steps in to open up a door of escape. Note also that temptation is a very personal thing (“no temptation has seized YOU”). It would be so much easier if the devil tempted us in groups, for then we could band together and present a united front against the attack. But, no, the enemy chooses the tactic of isolating us where he can hammer away without interruption or intervention (Gen. 39: 11). The half-brother of Jesus also destroys the common notion that, “I’m undergoing a temptation the likes of which no one else has ever seen”. Not so. We’re all made up of the same clay, we all possess the same sin nature, and we’re all exposed to the exact same types of temptations, albeit in various forms and degrees. Satan uses the same old yet very effective tools of passion (“lust of the flesh”), possessions (“lust of the eyes”), and power (“the boastful pride of life”) to lure God’s children into sin (1 John 2:15-16).


“But God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.”

There’s not much more discouraging a situation than to find oneself alone in the hour of trial (Matt. 26:36-46). Ecclesiastes 4:10 describes the disadvantageous state of those who engage temptation alone. But the believer never finds himself in such a position because the Lord is ever present with each of His children, and that includes the dark moments when they are being tempted (Heb. 13:5). Indeed, we find that Jesus Himself was interceding for Peter before, during, and after his denial (Luke 22:31, 60-62). That prayer was gloriously answered (John 21:15-19 ; Acts 2:38-41). Victory over temptation often eludes us because we forget the Lord is near, and end up trying to fight a losing battle on our own. Every single temptation we face has first been approved by God (Job 1:6,12 ; 2:1,6). The particular temptation God allows is never beyond the scope of our ability to overcome. The devil is cunning, but his temptation options are limited to only those solicitations that we can, with God’s help, handle successfully. God wisely and graciously screens out temptations that are beyond our current resistance capability.


“But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out.”

Next time you visit an airport or even fly on a plane, notice where the emergency exits are located. They are spaced out in order to provide close proximity to all the passengers no matter where they are on the plane. That design maximizes exit speed in. The very moment a temptation presents itself, God has already arranged an exit door for you. Temptation to sin is unavoidable, but yielding to sin is not. That’s because every temptation has its accompanying exit. Our job is to find that exit and get out. Our ability to spot temptation is enhanced by the early warning system we can develop as we internalize the Word of God. Once we’ve properly armed ourselves with Scripture that directly addresses the specific area we’re weak in, temptation can be readily extinguished by faith in the Word of God and prayer [Matt. 4:4,7,10 ; Eph. 6:18]. Sometimes we’re guilty of flirting with temptation by allowing ourselves to be in a situation or relationship that is unsafe and caters to our particular points of personal vulnerability. Paul warns us not to go there, not to allow ourselves to get into predicaments that place us in spiritual jeopardy (Roman 13:10). We can’t expect God to help us win over temptation if we insist on playing with it. Rather, as morally responsible agents, God expects us to do our part in staying clear from compromising situations.


“That you can stand up under it.”

A smoke alarm is only as good as its batteries, and a security system is only as good as its electrical power source. Without power or good craftsmanship, the system is liable to malfunction or become totally inoperative and useless. The Christian has both a totally reliable security system as well as a failsafe power source. Temptation is no match for God’s strength [1 John 4:4]. When we draw upon the grace and strength of God, we’re overcomers! But we must affirm from the onset of the temptation that: A) The temptation is temporary (Matt. 4:11), and 2) The temptation is absolutely defeatable (1 Cor. 15:58). James promises the blessing of a clean heart and a clear conscience to those who successfully withstand the passing gusts of temptation (James 1:12). Paul tells us that we’re to take a posture of firm footing on God’s Word when engaging the enemy’s darts of temptation, and to maintain that solid footing right through until the enticement goes away (Eph. 6:10,13-16). He also sets us up with the proper fighting gear that will guarantee victory, the sword of the Spirit (God’s Word), and prayer in the Spirit (Eph.6:17-18).


Some years ago a nightclub fire claimed the lives of hundreds of patrons. One of the reasons they died in the blaze was that they were unfamiliar with the location of the fire exits. An emergency exit only works when used properly. That proper use involves first being alert to potential fire hazards. Immediately following the verse on temptation found in 1 Corinthians 10:13, Paul brings up the issue of idolatry, and the necessity of running from it (1 Cor. 10:14). By providing this early warning system, Paul was preparing his charges in advance to be on high alert to the pervasive sins that controlled their culture and enslaved their society. Corinth was nothing short of a cesspool for immoralities of every kind, and the Christians in that wicked city were always just a step away from falling. Peter sounds out the same spiritual alert to prevent us from the entrapments of the devil (1 Pet. 5:8-9).

Thousands of residents in New Orleans, Louisiana made the tragic and foolish decision to ignore repeated warnings from the National Weather Service that a category five hurricane with unprecedented destructive power was soon due to make landfall. The devastation and loss of life are now statistics recorded in the annals of American history. There have been countless cases where people ignored warnings. Official warnings are given for good reason, and heeding them can save lives and minimize property damage. Rapid response timing is everything when it comes to getting victory over temptation as well. When God’s alarm goes off we must respond instantly (Gen. 39:12). Delay here is like playing with fire (Gen. 19:12-17, 26). Lest we mistakenly believe we can effectively handle temptation on our own, Paul adds a rider to his insurance policy, stating that such pride and self-sufficiency will utterly doom a believer to failure (1 Cor. 10:12). Immediate flight through God’s escape hatch is the only way to fly (2 Tim. 2:22).

Follow Your Dreams

Follow Your Dreams
John R. Petrilli

In 1988, United States Olympic speed-skater Dan Jansen had dreams of capturing gold at the Winter Olympics in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Prior to his scheduled event, he received a phone call from his mother informing him that his sister had lost her long battle with a terminal disease. Before that call Jansen felt that nothing could make him lose the upcoming race, but after that call he felt nothing could make him win. Despite being the gold medal favorite for the 500-meter event, Jansen suffered a rare false start, and then slipped and fell on the first turn, costing him the race. Later on in that same Olympics he was the favorite to win gold in the 1,000, but fell once again. A chance to redeem and realize his dreams of Olympic gold came in 1992, when Jansen was again favored to win both the 500 and 1,000-meter speed-skating competition. But to everyone’s surprise, Jansen posted disappointing 4th and 26th place losses. The World Olympic Committee cut in half the time between Winter Olympics, so Jansen only had to wait 2 years for another shot at his elusive dream. That chance came at the 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway. But again, a slip forced him to touch the ice with his hand, and he finished 8th in the 500-meter event. Four days later the 1,000-meter event offered Jansen what may have been his last real shot at fulfilling his Olympic dream. At this point in his career he had broken the 36-second barrier in the 500-meter event a total of four times, yet the dream of Olympic gold had repeatedly and incredibly escaped him. After a heart-stopping slip, Jansen quickly regained his balance and won the gold medal in world-record time. He dedicated his gold medal to the sister who had passed away 4 years earlier. Dan Jansen had a dream to capture Olympic gold. Though faced with overwhelming personal tragedy and long-term adversity, the day finally came for Dan Jansen’s dream to come true.

Dreams. We live FOR them, and we sometimes live BY them. What’s YOUR dream? God has planted in each of us a dream to fulfill. As we consider the life of Joseph, we glean four insights that will help us follow and realize our God-given dreams.


The book of Genesis records the story of a 17 year-old youth named Joseph who had a series of dreams. These God-given dreams indicated that Joseph would someday rule over his brothers and his parents. In characteristic youthful enthusiasm, Joseph quickly told his brothers and parents the content of these dreams. As one might expect, his revelation to them met with strong resistance. His brothers were filled with resentment that quickly turned to hatred, while his parents were visibly offended and responded with disbelief and disdain. But Joseph didn’t allow their negative feedback to derail his dream. Unable to control the seething rage they felt toward their upstart sibling, his brothers jumped at the first opportunity to get rid of him. That chance came when an Egypt-bound caravan passed through their territory. After stripping him and throwing him into a deep well, they seized the opportunity to sell their own brother to the caravan for the slave price of 20 pieces of silver. Having lied to their father about Joseph’s supposed tragic death at the hands of a ferocious animal, the jealous brothers thought they had destroyed both Joseph and his dreams. But Joseph didn’t allow any of this misunderstanding and mistreatment to discourage him from realizing his dream. He kept his eyes on God, trusting Him to make his dreams come true. In the next chapter of Joseph’s life we find him working as a personal attendant in the household of an Egyptian government official named Potiphar. Potiphar’s wife took notice of Joseph’s handsome features, and decided she’d seduce him. Joseph’s unwillingness to compromise his faith and his employer’s trust landed him in a dark dungeon. What’s more, when Joseph had the chance to get out of jail, the person whose life he helped save totally forgot to appeal to Pharaoh for Joseph’s release! Now the circumstances looked hopelessly bleak, and, instead of getting better, Joseph was left to languish in that jail cell for another two years! A total of thirteen years would lapse between Joseph’s dream and its realization, yet he refused to allow neither the huge injustice of wrongful imprisonment nor the absolute frustration of endless delays to deter him from fulfilling his dream. By God’s grace Joseph managed to focus on the Lord and hold on to his dream.


One of the most amazing things about the way Joseph dealt with adversity can be seen in his remarkably flexible and resilient attitude. Here’s a young man who has been ridiculed by his family, betrayed by his own brothers, sold into slavery, and even imprisoned for his integrity. Yet there’s not a single mention of any bitterness or rebellion. Instead, we see a guy who just picks-up from where he’s been dropped-off and makes the best of some outrageously bad situations. One of his secrets for coping with dream delay is found in his work ethic. Wherever we find him, be it in a prison or a palace, he always has his shoulder to the grindstone. He could have wallowed in self-pity and wasted away in bitterness and rage, but he chose to leave all his heartaches, hurts, disappointments and delays in God’s hands. He was repeatedly recognized by multiple employers for his excellent work, often resulting in promotions and higher levels of responsibility and privilege. Joseph was faithful in whatever circumstance the mysterious will of God placed him. That faithfulness not only kept him occupied, it actually became the very means God used to get him to where he needed to be. That’s something to remember the next time you may be feeling a case of the “dead-end job blues” coming on.


Being the prime minister of the most powerful country in the ancient world wasn’t a job that just anybody could do. It demanded a high degree of skill, wisdom, and confidence. It would require a great deal of preparation to groom a 17 year-old wet-behind-the-ears kid into Egypt’s next president. In fact it took exactly 13 long years of trials, hardships and setbacks to get Joseph to where he needed to be before God could use him the way He wanted to. We often view adversities as intruders, but God’s Word says that they are actually our friends (James 1:2, Phillips). Amazingly, it is in those adversities that our character is developed. Skill and talent are important, but are virtually useless to God if the person possessing those gifts lacks character. Psalm 105:17-19 says that, “Joseph was sold as a slave. They bruised his feet with shackles, his neck was put in irons, until what he foretold came to pass, until the Word of the Lord tried him”. God used every trial in Joseph’s life to shape him into the man he needed to be. During his time in what appeared to be a holding pattern, we see Joseph growing in many key areas of leadership development. He grows in his social skills from a bragging kid into a humble servant who is quick to give God all the credit for his interpretive successes. During his prison sentence, Joseph’s experience as a chief warden certainly developed his managerial skills (Gen. 39:22). And most importantly, we see Joseph’s relationship with God blossom during his waiting period, as everything he touches turns to gold, and everyone around him recognizes the fact that the Lord is with him (39:3,21,23). It takes time for us to grow, and during those seasons of delay God is busy bringing about subtle yet critical changes in our lives that will make us effective for Him. The Apostle James says that God uses the trials that come our way to mold us into men and women of sterling Christian character. That’s a good thing to remember when we might feel like life is passing us by and our gifts and talents are being wasted.


As professional football quarterback Tom Brady helped his team win their second consecutive Super Bowl title, he made a shocking confession in a post-game interview. Brady surprised everyone by saying that he was disappointed that reaching his goal really didn’t have the effect on his life he thought it would. Perhaps that crowning achievement left Brady unfulfilled because it was an end in itself. God doesn’t plant dreams in our heart just for the fun of it. His dreams for us have real purpose and lasting value. We’re placed where we are to honor God, serve others, and be a blessing. That’s how we honor the Lord with our dreams. Joseph didn’t use his newfound place of power and influence to advance himself. He used his promotion to glorify God in a number of ways. First, he glorified the Lord by serving well. In Genesis 41 we discover that his proactive economic rescue plan saved, not only Egypt, but the entire world from a devastating famine. Joseph also glorified by God by forgiving those who had injured and opposed him. In Genesis 50:20 he relieves his brothers’ fear and guilt by explaining to them how God actually used their evil intentions to get Joseph to Egypt’s throne, thus enabling him to deliver the entire world from starvation! Joseph also glorified God by using his influential position to bless others. In Genesis 47 we see him arranging the relocation and resettlement of his entire family from Canaan to Egypt. Joseph had served Pharaoh so well that the king gave him a blank check to meet the needs of his extended family, providing them with prime real estate and permanent financial security. Joseph didn’t suffer from amnesia once he made it to the top. He remembered where he came from, and insured that his loved ones would be well cared for.

So what’s your dream? Maybe you’ve yet to determine what God has for your life. Or perhaps you’ve received God’s vision for your life but setbacks and delays have worn down your hopes of ever seeing that dream realized. If so, recall Joseph’s life, and the wise and resourceful way he dealt with the obstacles that stood in the way of his dream. If your dream is from God, it will surely come to pass. In the meantime, it’s the better part of wisdom to ignore the dream-killers in your life, stay faithful where God has placed you, allow the Lord to groom you for your calling, and then use your fulfilled dream to bring great honor and glory to the Giver of all good dreams.

The 23 Psalm - Native American Version

The Twenty-third Psalm
Native American Version (not my work)

The Great Father above a Shepherd Chief is.
I am His, and with Him I want not. He throws out to me a rope,
And the name of the rope is love.
He draws me to where the grass is green,
And the water’s not dangerous.I eat and lie down and am satisfied. Sometimes my heart is very weak and falls down,
But He lifts me up again,
And draws me into a good road. His name is WONDERFUL.Sometime soon, or it may be a long, long time, He will draw me into a valley. It is dark there, but I'll be afraid not, For it is in between those mountains That the Shepherd Chief will meet me And the hunger that I have in my heart All through this life will be satisfied. Sometimes He makes the love rope into a whip
But afterwards He gives me a staff to lean upon

He spreads a table before me with all kinds of foods. He puts His hand upon my head,
And all the "tired" is gone. My cup He fills ‘till it runs over.
What I tell is true; I lie not. These roads that are "away ahead" Will stay with me through this life and after; And afterwards I will go to live In the Big Tepee
And sit down with the Shepherd Chief forever.

God Is Greater!

God Is Greater!
John R. Petrilli

Today it’s all about bragging rights. Who has the greatest number of championship trophies, the greatest personal net worth, the greatest artistic talent, the greatest annual income, or the greatest climate to live in. There’s something in the human psyche that wants to achieve top ranking, to set itself above all the rest. Something that drives so many of us to do whatever it takes for friends as well as foes to acknowledge that we are, indeed, the best. It may be an overpowering sense of insecurity. It may be sinful pride. Or perhaps it’s an overrated opinion of who we are or what we’ve accomplished.

While personal achievements and national attainments lay claim to temporal greatness in a limited sphere, there is one that’s truly the greatest of all time, and His greatness stands unchallenged.
I speak, of course, of none other than God. He is the greatest! His actions in the past, present and future all prove this to be true with resounding accuracy that’s completely indisputable and beyond question. Here are only five examples of the greatness of God to ponder that will lift our hearts, restore our confidence and fuel our Spirits.


As network news reports confirm, we’re living in times of unprecedented economic stress. Americans as well as people all over the globe are experiencing record levels of uncertainty and insecurity. Even rising stars like China and India are being forced to impose production cut backs, employee layoffs and factory closings. Times are hard, and if the experts are right, they may get even tougher. These conditions have left many folks jobless, homeless, penniless, hopeless and clueless with regard to what they should do and how they should do it. The apostle Paul administers an injection of blazing hope to the believer in crisis. He states that there is absolutely no circumstance we can find ourselves in that catches God by surprise. Whether it’s situational predicaments (“trouble or hardships”), economic crisis (“famine or nakedness”), or social distress (“persecution or sword”), Paul’s God was greater than all of the above. His God had bound Himself to His people with a love stronger than any thing that life could throw at them. And that love, like a type of spiritual superglue, wouldn’t allow anything to sever its bond. The good news? Paul’s God is till on the throne, and He still takes care of His people. Times may be as tough as you’ve ever experienced, but believing friend, God is tougher. Your losses may be great, but our God (and your God) is greater!

Rom. 8:38 ; Eph. 6:10-18

Sometimes when things go terribly wrong in our lives we find ourselves wondering, “Hey, what’s going on here?” For the believer, the answer to that puzzling question can often be found in things that are going on “behind the scenes”. Players that, though invisible to the naked eye and inaudible to the human ear, are at work to discourage, defeat and destroy us. God pulls back the curtain and shows us there’s a spiritual antagonist in this drama we call the Christian life, and that he has a “nightmare team” ( as opposed to “dream team”) that’s comprised of three-time spiritual losers who’ve sold themselves out to Satan. These demons are at the devil’s disposal to do his bidding, and that bidding includes tripping up the children of God. But not to fear. The beloved apostle John assures us that we’re not only on the winning side, but that we follow and serve a God Whose power trumps the devil and al his armies (1 John 4:4). As Steve Amerson sings, “So when you march into battle and the enemy attacks, when it seems the power of Satan is at you hurled, just remember that the One you serve is mighty, and He’s greater than he that is in the world! God is greater, He is greater, our God is greater than the might of men or powers of this earth!” As we follow our battlefield manual and suit up with spiritual gear, the powers of darkness don’t stand a chance against us or our God. Satan’s battle plans and tactics are exposed (2 Cor. 2:11), his attacks become neutralized (Ephesians 6:16), and his walls of defense come crashing down (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).


I recently had the blessing of hearing Ergun Caner speak at a church service. Dr. Caner is a leading authority on Islam, and has successfully debated some of its most noted proponents on college campuses across America. Himself of Turkish descent and born the son of an Islamic imam (teacher/preacher), Caner pointed out Islam’s basic tenet that heaven depends on having your good works outweigh your bad ones. Allah doesn’t grade on a curve, and there’s no room for grace of any kind. If the balance tips in favor of the good things you’ve done, you’re in; if otherwise, you’re doomed to eternal hellfire. If you come up one sin too many, tipping that scale toward the bad, you’re finished! Unfortunately many people view the God of Christianity the same way. They mistakenly believe that something they’ve done is so horrendous that even God can’t forgive it or them. What a different God we find in the Bible! His mercy extends higher than the heavens, and His grace overflows abundantly! Then there’s the issue, not of the seriousness of the sin, but the frequency and quantity of its commission. Some think that, because they’ve done this or that sin so many times, they’ve worn out God’s grace. But Paul tells us that, to the contrary, wherever sin ABOUNDS, there it is that God meets that giant debt with His inexhaustible grace! There is no sin that can keep anyone out of heaven except that of attributing God’s work to the devil, and if you or anyone else even is concerned about having committed that sin, that is a sure sign that you haven’t committed it because those who have can no longer sense such a concern.


They were “ninety-somethings”, and all hopes of having children had been buried a long time ago. Then everything changed for Abraham and Sara. God sent two of His emissaries with a special news flash for the aged lovers. Childless, barren Sara would conceive and bare a son. Not her health, nor her age, nor even her unbelieving attitude would prevent this miracle from transpiring. After literally reading Sara’s unspoken doubts and faithless laughter, the Lord stated that nothing was beyond His capability. How often do we make the costly error of leaving God out of the equation because we think that the solution to our predicament is beyond His “job description” or “above His pay grade”? Jeremiah also found the Lord most capable of pulling-off the humanly impossible feat of bringing the globally dispersed nation of Israel back into their homeland to enjoy untold prosperity and peace. In 1948 we saw just that! The reoccupation is under way, and that peace is on its way, to be permanently fulfilled when the Messiah shows up and establishes His reign there.


Someone has coined a phrase that rings so true to my ears. “We may not know what the future holds, but we know Who holds the future”. None of us possesses a proverbial crystal ball that unfolds the hidden secrets of the road ahead. Yes, we can derive the basic scenario of end times from Scripture, but No, we cannot decipher what will take place in our individual lives. Not for the next second (which, by the way, just passed), much less than for decades to come. Yet, while we admittedly face life in this sort of a blind, we have an x-factor working on our behalf that those who don’t know Christ sadly lack. God promises us that He’s going to see to it that everything will turn out right in the end. He also promises to be with us and to take care of us in and through whatever it is that tomorrow holds. Nothing I’ve heard expresses this kind of confidence better than the lyrics of the song , “God Knows All About Tomorrow”.

God has measured time’s duration night and day are His creation,
And the changing seasons of the year,
He’s the One who watches over me and prepares the way before me.
There is nothing now I need to fear.

Life’s uncertainties may haunt me, foolish fears may try to taunt me,
‘Till my heart is filled with doubt and dread,
He who set the planets spinning sees the end from the beginning,
He will keep me trough the days ahead.

All the world is in confusion, peace on earth is but illusion,
And the phrase seems only a cliché,
But in trying times so fearful we can be calm and cheerful,
And with glad assurance we can say,

God knows all about tomorrow, He can see beyond today,
Even if filled with joy or sorrow He has planned it that way,
So I do not fear the future, on His promises I stand,
God knows all about tomorrow for He holds it in His hand.

While we may not know every line of every verse of every chapter in God ‘s redemptive story, we certainly know how it ends. John the revelator pulls back the curtain on the future. He reveals a climax to human history that is nothing short of completely victorious and full of promise, health, prosperity and ultimate perfection. While that may not alter our present circumstances, it does provide us with the kind of perspective we need to weather the storms of today and face the challenges of tomorrow with utmost confidence!

Why Intelligent Design Is The Smart Choice

Why Intelligent Design Is The Smart Choice
John R. Petrilli

If you haven’t seen the movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, you should do so at your earliest convenience. Without question, it’s a “must see” film for Christians. Just released in April, this highly creative production enjoys the rare endorsement of Dr. James C. Dobson of Focus On The Family. It deals with evolutionary theory’s progressive disintegration in the face of cutting edge scientific discoveries, and how the scientific community [particularly at the collegiate level] is scrambling to prevent the crumbling walls of this unscientific theory from suffering total collapse. Motivated by the thrust of this movie, and the desire to present a sane and satisfying view of human as well as cosmic origins, I offer the following case for Intelligent Design from a scientific, existential, and Biblical perspective.


“Consider air conditioning and the beehive. The common bee keeps its beehive brooding area at a constant 94 degrees via its ingenious construction and the activity of bee ‘air conditioning engineers’. Who taught the bee air conditioning?

Consider the mechanical pump and the human heart. What machine compares with the human heart that pumps 100,000 every day, and has a work expectancy of over 70 years? Who designed the heart?

Consider modern photography and the human eye. The human eye has all the features of a high-tech camera: a built-in super sensitive light meter, immediate automatic focusing, wide-angle lens, and full-color instantaneous reproduction. Who planned and engineered the eye?

Consider computers and your brain. The human brain contains many more nerve lines than all the telephone lines of the world combined. The electrical signals from 200,000 living thermometer cells, a half-million pressure-sensing cells, and 3 or 4 million pain-sensing cells are all routed to the brain. The brain sorts, stores, and acts upon these myriad impulses. Who built this fantastic ‘computer’?

These and many other discoveries demonstrate man’s prodigious scientific achievements, and are the result of man’s very high order of intelligence. But since they parallel what nature has been doing for thousands of years, nature’s phenomenon must also be the result of a very high order of intelligence.” [Courtesy of the gospel tract titled, “The Prior Claim”]

With advances in molecular biology and nanotechnology, scientists are discovering the amazing intricacies and complexities of the human cell. When asked to compare Darwin’s knowledge of a single cell to what we know today, one contemporary scientist states that it would be like comparing a slug to a galaxy. These indescribable complexities and intricate processes reveal a design that speaks loudly and unarguably for a Designer.

Newton’s Second Law of Thermodynamics - also called the law of increasing entropy- states that every system – whether closed or open – at least tends toward decay. This law has been a universally accepted scientific given for centuries. It implies that, if left unaffected, matter naturally moves from a state of order to a state of disorder. This scientific law answers perfectly to Romans 8 where we learn that the fall of man triggered a corresponding fall in all of creation, with the cosmos being thrown into a perpetual state of degeneration. Dr. Henry Morris of the Institute For Creation Research states that the universe is running down, heading toward an ultimate heat death. It would be unscientific and totally illogical to conclude that the reverse is true. Yet this is what evolutionary theory postulates, namely, that a cosmic state of total disorder found a way to override Newton’s Law, and brought order out of pure chaos.

Sir Francis Bacon wrote, “I had rather believe all the fables in the Legend, and the Talmud, and the Alcoran, than that this universal frame is without a mind. And therefore God never wrought miracles to convince atheism, because His ordinary works convince it”. Dr. Harry Ironside comments, “This orderly universe with its succession of seasons and the mathematical accuracy of the heavenly bodies bears testimony to the Divine mind.” The respected early Christian apologist Tertullian wrote, “One flower of the hedgerow by itself, I think –I do not say a flower of the meadows; one shell of any sea you like – I do not say a pearl from the Red Sea; one feather of a moor fowl-to say nothing of a peacock-will they speak to you of a mean Creator?”


If one overarching theme runs consistently throughout the arts, it’s the search for the meaning of life. Playwrights, artists, authors, poets, songwriters, philosophers, and commoners alike have all pondered the purpose of our existence. Such a consideration is a noble and worthwhile pursuit, for the conclusions reached determine one’s core values and greatly influence one’s life decisions.

The evolutionary model labels humans as the product of chance with no inherent dignity, moral value, or individual purpose. Such a position ultimately leads to a loss of personal significance and self worth. The aimless emptiness of life lived by this philosophy is described by a pop tune from the early 80’s titled “Dust In The Wind”, whose lyrics read, “All we are is dust in the wind”.

On the other hand, those adhering to a model of Intelligent Design live with the assurance and confidence that their individual lives carry inherent meaning and purpose because they are the product of divine purpose, not mere biological chance. God tells us that we are fashioned and redeemed to reflect His image (Gen. 1:27 ; Col. 3:10), created for His glory (Isa. 43:7), and individually designed to serve Him and our fellow men in a specific capacity (Eph. 2:10). In so doing, Intelligent Design provides a satisfying explanation for the meaning and purpose of life.

Moreover, where evolution promises nothing but a meaningless existence, inevitable death, and hopeless extinction, belief in an Intelligent Designer, Loving Creator, and Personal Redeemer gives needed perspective for this life as well as the permanent state of joy believers will experience when measurable time dissolves into infinite eternity. From an existential perspective, then, intelligent design has far more to offer, both in terms of current quality of life as well as the promise of an enjoyable eternal state.

It’s a well-established fact that, from antiquity, both civilized and uncivilized people groups around the globe have acknowledged a Creator. Their recognition of intelligent design as revealed in the cosmos led them to worship this higher Being with a host of worship activities and behaviors. Tom Westwood writes, “Behind the material creation there is a blueprint of divine purpose of which the material creation itself is an expression. God has endowed all men with intelligence enough to look upon the visible creation and discern therein this marvelous pattern of divine purpose, sufficient to lead their hearts away from sin and bring them to a knowledge of the true God”.


Our final consideration involves the Biblical perspective on intelligent design. What does the Bible say with regard to the presence of Intelligence behind the creation and maintenance of the cosmos? First, in Psalm 104:24 we discover that God used intelligence when He created this world, “ How many are Your works, O Lord, in wisdom You have made them all!” “Wisdom” is just another way of saying “intelligence”. One glance at the starry heavens should convince an open mind that it took immeasurable wisdom to bring such a synchronized and synergistic cosmos into existence. The universe we live in is well designed from the tiniest gamma ray to the light years expanse of a cluster of galaxies.

Also, we’re informed that the origin of our cosmos involved a Person. “In the beginning, GOD created the heavens and the earth”. So what kind of Person is this God? A look at the heavens and earth tells us that He’s a powerful Being. Romans 1:20 states that the created world informs us about God’s eternal power. Bible teacher Richard DeHaan notes on Psalm 19, “The Psalmist, awed by the living beauty of the oriental sky, sees the heavens as singing a perpetual anthem of glory to God. Any intelligent person who listens to the voice of his heart as he observes the heavens will acknowledge that behind it all is a wise Designer and powerful Creator. The searching soul who begins with this will be led to faith in God.”

One may ask how it is that intelligent, thinking men can adopt such an untenable position? The answer lies in understanding the nature of the true problem. Simply put, the debate really centers on what one’s worldview is. Evolutionists begin with a worldview that has no divine component, then fashion their “science” to fit their worldview. This presumptive approach to origins is readily apparent in the way that evolutionists tenaciously grasp Darwin’s theory in spite of the fact that not one shred of scientific evidence has been found to substantiate a trans-species mutation of any kind. Darwin’s theory stands or falls on the basic tenet that adaptation from one species to another has repeatedly occurred over time. Yet no evidence supporting such a notion has ever been produced. The proponents of Intelligent Design in general, and the exponents of Creationism in particular, find such an approach to origins not only unpalatable, but also blatantly unscientific. If anything, the intricate order and mind-boggling efficiency of our macro and micro universes indicates the presence of forethought, intentionality, purposefulness, skillfulness, and the highest degree of rationality.

I believe such willful denial of visible evidence and active suppression of creation truth is driven by the moral implications associated with acknowledging the existence of such a deity. Such deliberate ignorance eventually leads to a spiritually insensitive intellect, moral blindness, and social disintegration (Romans 1:21-32). When otherwise intelligent people scan the mysterious wonders of creation and come away disavowing the existence of a personal First Cause or Divine Creator, they’ve entered the realm of moral and intellectual folly (Psa. 14:1 ; Rom. 1:22). Willful denial of that which is so patently obvious is an exercise in intellectual dishonesty and moral irresponsibility of the highest order. This is where the atheist and agnostic live. Small wonder God puts such individuals in the category of those “without excuse” when it comes to having sufficient light with regard to the existence of an Intelligent Designer.

In conclusion, whether one looks up into the heavens, or down into the world of the electron microscope, or inside his own being, the fingerprint of a vastly superior Intelligence is seen everywhere. Only self-imposed blindness or intentional ignorance can account for drawing any conclusion other than this: There is a God!