Thursday, November 13, 2008

So What's It To Ya?

What’s It To Ya?
John R. Petrilli

“Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by?” Lamentations 1:12

A friend of mine joins me once a week to peacefully pray and hand out prolife literature in front of a local Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. While recently engaged in this, I couldn’t help but think about all the cars passing by us on the street. They must know that babies are routinely murdered at the clinic. The name Planned Parenthood itself is synonymous with abortion. Yet there they went on their merry way, presumably with near full knowledge of the atrocities transpiring only 50 feet from the curb.

The prophet Jeremiah found himself in a state of shock and disbelief. His beloved city of Jerusalem was sacked, burned to the ground, desolate, just as God warned it would be. The nation of Judah failed to heed God’s warning to stop worshipping idols and sacrificing their children to pagan gods. But they blew God off, and were now dispersed across the globe. Jeremiah laments the total destruction of his home city, and cries out in pure anguish, “Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by?”

This is the question that begged for an answer as I watched car after car drive by this abortion center. “Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by?” Well, is it? If it IS something to you, why haven’t you pulled over your car, entered the clinic, and protested this atrocity? If it WAS something to you, why haven’t you consistently voted for prolife candidates? If it IS something to you, why aren’t you doing anything about it?

The people of Judah had their chance to change their ways (repent), and return to the worship of the true and living God. But they made a tragic and conscious choice to bow down to the idols of those who practiced infanticide. But they passed on that golden opportunity, only to experience 2,000 years of dislocation, social rejection, economic hardship, mindless persecution, and a lifestyle of wandering from one country to another with no place to call “home”.

So what’s it to ya? As an American citizen, does it really matter to you that the blood of over 49 million babies now covers our hands? Does it matter to you that our government has miserably failed over a 35 year span to abolish the infamous Roe v. Wade debacle? So what’s it to ya?

For most, their actions clearly indicate that it means NOTHING to them. They’ve never shed one tear, written one letter to their Congressmen, attended a single prolife rally, or given their time at a crisis pregnancy center. Their actions betray a nation that’s stunningly silent as its progeny is systematically snuffed out under the lying excuse of “choice”. The real choice isn’t whether to HAVE a baby, for a pregnant woman already HAS the baby in her womb. The real question is, will she decide to let the baby live, or will she decide to kill that little one. This is the question, everything else is pure chicanery.

But the prophet Jeremiah wasn’t of this stripe. No, he warned the people long before these judgments from God fell upon them. He had faithfully told them that their sins would eventually fill up, and divine wrath would be their sad portion. But they hardened their hearts and actually rejected and persecuted this wonderful and humble man of God!

So what are ya gonna do about it?

God’s waiting your response!

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