Thursday, November 13, 2008

Others May Celebrate, I Deeply Mourn!

Others May Celebrate, I Deeply Mourn!
John R. Petrilli

The elections are over. America has placed the first African-American into the highest office in the land. I have no problem with that. What I most definitely have a problem with is the anti-life, pro-death voting record of this man named Obama. He was the only U.S. Senator to publicly voice his opposition to the Born Alive Act, a piece of legislation that would protect the life of a baby who survived a botched abortion. By voting against this legislation Obama was in favor of withholding food, water, or any other means by which to support the baby’s life, thus letting it die a slow and cruel death.

I’m in shock that the majority of American people have voted such a man into the presidency. The media and just about everyone around is celebrating this appointment. As an American first and a pro-lifer second, I deeply mourn this development. I care not if a president is black, blue, or green. I do care about where they stand on the sanctity of Life. This incoming president has zero respect for the lives of the unborn. President-elect Obama has also publicly declared (Planned Parenthood Action Fund gathering, July 17, 2007) the first thing he will do is sign an executive order making abortion a legally protected right in all 50 states. With one fell swoop of his pen he will undo 30 years of legal gains including parental notification and many other restrictions on this atrocious thing called abortion.

What shocks me even more is the way that the American populace has turned a deaf ear and blind eye to this man’s checkered history that includes working for an anti-American bomber activist by the name of Bill Ayers. Ayers actively participated in the group known as the “Weathermen”, people who blew up federal buildings and openly confessed he wished he’d blown up even more such buildings.

This is the kind of man who will shortly seat himself in the Oval Office. The National Journal, a non-partisan group recently rated the Senators of the U.S. on how liberal they were, based on their voting record. Obama was ranked first, as THE MOST LIBERAL, Joe Biden was third, while Hillary Clinton looked conservative by comparison with a rating of 24. Is this who we really wanted to lead us?

Thanks to an incredibly blatant and obvious media slant, Obama’s glaring flaws were systematically and repeated glossed over, leaving him to become a media darling, while all the time lying in debate after debate with his Republican opponent about such issues as the his opposition to the Born Alive Act, his association with Bill Ayers, and many, many more contradictory statements too numerous to list here.

This election is historic for sure, but the media is not telling the whole story. It’s historic when one considers how much a radical leftist Obama is, and how he, with the help of a cheerleading media, has won the presidency is spite of his radically leftist, anti-American personal history. For these reasons and scores more, I personally consider his election, not cause for celebration, but rather, cause for the deepest mourning.

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