Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Where Are You?

Our lives have been simplified by global positioning systems (GPS) in our cars or smart phones. Just click on the dashboard assistant or smartphone app and it tells you exactly where you are. It can also guide you step-by-step, turn-by-turn, exit-by-exit to your desired destination. Knowing one’s geographic location is now a piece of cake. No more getting lost, misdirected or disoriented. Even if you make a wrong turn, the GPS or smart phone courteously prompts you to “recalculate” and correct your course. While this latest technology has successfully solved the problem of being displaced geographically, there’s a lot more to life than knowing the physical coordinates of where we happen to be at a particular moment. We also find ourselves in financial places, emotional places, relational places, social places, and a host of other “places”. So how do we find our way through these mazes, and if lost in one of them, find our way back on track? There was a couple who had found themselves in such a place. They had received clear instructions on what to do to stay on point and arrive in a good, safe place. But they decided to try a different game plan. That decision put them out of touch with the most important person in their lives. It also put into play a string of events and consequences that have affected everyone related to and around them. Here’s their story. They were newly weds, and were they ever crazy about each other! They’d just moved into the most upscale neighborhood in town. It had everything a resident could ever ask for or want. Best of all, it was a rent-free district. They also secured jobs that were fulfilling and a boost to their self-esteem. The husband took a position with a long-standing employer who had a reputation for treating his employees with the utmost consideration. His job in the Human Resources office required him to identify (by name) and create a file on all current and prospective employees in the region. His decisions and records would become the international standard. Meanwhile, the wife was content to be a stay-at-home mom for the children she was soon to be bearing. Of all the items contained in the corporate policy statement, there was only one stipulation. The couple could go grocery shopping anywhere they wished, except for one particular store. That store was officially off-limits, and patronizing it carried some really stiff penalties. Things went quite smoothly the first few weeks as the couple enjoyed a level of honeymoon privacy like no other since. In their free time when they weren’t preoccupied with their new jobs, they enjoyed taking long evening walks. The area where they lived was like one continuous, semi-tropical garden. An endless stream of trees, vegetation and flowers blanketed the entire landscape. Beautiful would have been considered an understatement. Breath-takingly gorgeous would be more like it. Coupled with the cool evening breezes that wafted through the treetops, the setting was absolutely idyllic. Each evening they enjoyed the gracious company of the landlord. Like a tour guide, He led them through path after path of discoveries that were simply amazing. The wildlife, the skies, the mountains and hills, the rivers and streams, the lakes, the sunsets (oh, those SUNSETS!) They walked together and talked about anything and everything that came across their incredibly sharp minds. It was a great start for a relationship that possessed limitless potential. Everyone was perfectly happy sharing life together in a literal utopia. Then it came. The day when they decided to check out an unfamiliar neighborhood. They knew very little about this area, except that any food from there could be harmful or fatal if consumed. As it turned out, none of this appeared to be the case after all. The landlord over there also seemed to be a very friendly chap. He was unexpectedly kind, warmly inviting them to peruse his neck of the woods. The couple accepted his offer, and the landlord accompanied them. The couple was pleasantly surprised at how fresh and appetizing all the produce looked. Why, they couldn’t believe for a moment that such good-looking food would ever present even a hint of risk to their health. What’s more, the landlord explained that certain products on his shelves possessed unusual capabilities. Some products made the customer wiser and healthier than they were before partaking. Indeed, they’d receive newfound abilities that their current landlord didn’t want them to possess for fear they’d become competitors for his real estate holdings. Or so the other landlord had said. What possible reason could they find to refrain from sampling this mouth-watering produce? Concerned for the welfare of her family, the wife offered a few objections. But the landlord was a pro at answering customer objections, and convinced the cautious couple to just give the fruit a try, just a little bite, to see whether his claims were true or not. Anxious to experience the promised rush of intellectual brilliance and moral freedom, they yielded to his subtle sales tactics. They each took a healthy bite out of the luscious fruit. Initially their taste buds exploded with indescribable sweetness. But once they’d sampled the produce, something immediately changed. They felt so different. It was not a good feeling at all. They experienced a real deep sense of loss, yet they couldn’t quite put their finger on what it was they had lost. Then another emotion arose inside them, a feeling of being all alone. Finally, it dawned on them what had happened. They fell prey to the deceptions of the landlord of the forbidden garden, and had eaten the very produce they were strictly warned against by their benevolent landlord. A profound sense of shame and embarrassment came over them. They saw things in a new way, alright, but it wasn’t the wonderful change which the evil landlord had promised. Having realized the folly of their decision, they began to formulate a cover-up for their infraction. The two scrambled to find something to hide their nakedness, for now, for the first time in their lives, they were uncomfortable with going clothes-less. In their haste, just a few large leaves from a nearby tree seemed to suffice. Soon after they had secured a temporary fix to their wardrobe problem, the time arrived for their evening walk. But this time the familiar sound of the landlord’s approaching footsteps registered I them the emotion of fear. They knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they had seriously violated corporate policy. They had disappointed and disrespected their landlord, and weren’t ready to face the guilty trauma of revealing their failure to him. So they ran away and hid among the cover of some nearby trees. They hadn’t gone very far before they heard a familiar voice. It was the voice of their landlord. His words were framed in the form of a question: “WHERE ARE YOU?” Immediately those few words pierced their hearts like a razor-sharp sword. Like days of childhood when parents called out in the neighborhood to summon their playing kids home to dinner … “Yoo-hoo, Adam? Where are you?” “You who, Eve? Where are you?” But like kids who’ve gotten into some serious trouble while playing outdoors, the couple momentarily avoids answering the landlord’s call. Then came their reply. Adam took the lead at the witness stand. He admitted to the fact that he was now naked, and how that embarrassing estate led him to fear meeting up with his landlord. Then came the ill-anticipated query: “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?” Adam’s charge that his wife was responsible began a litany of excuses, just like the ones millions of their progeny would throw out for millennia to come. The wife followed, using the same tactic of blame-shifting, only in her case, it was the evil landlord’s fault. The landlord would have nothing of the blame game. Then, with words that must have shot like lightning through their souls, they heard the sentences delivered upon their heads for their unwarranted and unacceptable conduct. At that moment the gravity of their actions hit them. This was no small violation. Indeed, life would never be the same for them. Instead of a blessing, the man’s joyful work would become a drudgery. The woman’s exquisite joy of birthing of children would become an excruciatingly painful experience. There would also be the added dimension of endless rivalry for power between the couple themselves. Their irresponsible behavior radically altered their attitudes from perfect contentment with their respective roles to deep discontentment. In mercy, God graciously replaced the couples’ ridiculous, inappropriate wardrobe of fig leaves with animal skins. A much more adequate, comfortable and durable solution. God’s soul-searching question to Adam and Eve wasn’t singular in nature. Actually, it’s a question He poses to each one of us. As children of Adam and Eve, we’ve inherited a nature that also dumps the good and perfect for the evil and twisted. WE also struggle with the shame and negative consequences of failing to live up to standards, either self-made or divinely proscribed. We, too, possess a gnawing sense of guilt over wrongs committed. And we, too, try to hide the emptiness we feel down deep inside, in those secret places that can only be filled with God Himself. So where are you today? Where are you Emotionally? Financially? Relationally? Socially? Just WHERE ARE YOU? And most importantly, where are you in your relationship with God? Would you say you are “hiding from Him”? Are you afraid of Him? Afraid of what He will find if you open your heart to Him? Are you using the “fig leaves” of busyness, pride or denial to cover up that empty, loneliness you feel inside? Are you running from Him, unwilling to face the consequences of your poor choices? If so, have I got great news for you! When Jesus came to earth, one of His missions was to prove that a man could be perfectly obedient to God, even in the face of the strongest temptations ever dished out to a human being. In the wilderness Jesus did just that. By defeating Satan’s allurements He proved that, what Adam and Eve failed to do, He would, could, and did do. But a paramount problem still remained. The debt load that our sins accumulated had to be paid for … in FULL! So Jesus went to the cross to suffer and die as our substitute. And God accepted His death as payment-in- full for our sin debt! Remember how God provided animal skins to clothe the first couple’s nakedness? That act represented two important things God would do for us down the road. First, it represents the way we find ourselves without Christ, guilty of sin, and naked before God, unfit to stand before Him. Secondly, it represents what God was going to do for us through Christ. And that was, He clothed them with a covering that required the bloodshed of innocent animals. Jesus shed His sinless, innocent blood so that God could clothe us with His righteousness. We no longer have to stand out in the cold of unbelief, darkness and isolation. We can be clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ Himself! That is accomplished when we admit our sin, turn from it, and trust Jesus’ death for our sins, alone, as sufficient for our salvation. There’s nothing else we’ll ever need to do to be forgiven or accepted by God right now. Jesus paid all the penalty. Now it’s our move. Now it’s your move.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Where’s the Revival?

If springtime is anything, it’s a season of revival. Flowers bloom, trees bud and birds sing in joyful celebration along with all of nature. The Biblical term revival translates as, “to make alive again”, or “to have new life”. Many Christian leaders in our day have been calling for revival for some time now. Along with others, I myself have yearned for such a visitation from Heaven. While personal revival is always in order, I believe many in the church long to see a much more sweeping, inclusive experience - one that will alter the spiritual landscape of the church and significantly impact our entire culture. Some armchair theologians split hairs, defining revival as something that is reserved for unbelievers, while renewal is something that happens to God’s people. I prefer to see it as one seamless process. The unsaved population as a whole can’t be reached with the gospel and be saved (revival) unless the saved community experiences renewal. Whichever way you slice it, we can all agree that the church in our day is in urgent need of a spiritual awakening. With these facets in mind, let’s take a look through the lens of God’s Word and see just what is involved in this phenomenon we call “revival”. THE NEED FOR REVIVAL MUST BE SENSED. “Will you not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?” Psalm 85:6 One of the classics among Christian hymnody, the song, “Revive Us Again!” is based on the above cited verse. It’s more a heart cry than a song title. The writer of this psalm verbalizes the troubled state of affairs in his country, and his longing for God to step in and do something about it. Earlier in the passage he describes Israel’s plight as a nation experiencing God’s displeasure rather than His blessing, His anger rather than His favor. The author repeatedly makes reference to “the land”. God had blessed their land in the past (1), could once again fill their land with His glory (9), and would return their land to a place of economic prosperity (12). But right now they weren’t enjoying any such blessings. In fact, they had seriously strayed from God and had completely lost their joy, a joy only to be recovered through revival (6). They lost a sense of God’s covenant love upon them (7), and peaceful relationships were hard to come by (8). With loss of joyful worship accompanied by all the many unresolved conflicts in family and church life today, one has to wonder if we don’t find ourselves in a similar boat. If we hope to see any move of God, we first need to genuinely sense the urgency of the hour and the tepidness of our spiritual temperature. THE SOURCE OF REVIVAL MUST BE SOUGHT. “O LORD, revive YOUR work!” Habakkuk 3:2 When any system experiences dysfunction or shutdown, it pays to get to the source. It’s a waste of time consulting or contracting with anyone other than an expert because such a person possesses the competence and capability to fix what is wrong. The prophet Habakkuk understood this principle as he surveyed his nation’s spiritual trajectory. They were headed in the wring direction-badly. Violent crime was rampant in his society (Hab. 1:2). The civil laws were being compromised as the courts ruled against righteousness and for wickedness (1:4). The Lord has stood by watching in silence, but now was preparing to judge the land (1:20). He’d do so by raising up the foreign army of the Chaldeans to overtake the land (1:6). Known for their rank ungodliness and brutality, this army would decimate Habakkuk’s people in short order without a second thought ((1:7-8). The Chaldeans will capture the land and dethrone its leadership (1: 9-10). No wonder Habakkuk trembled at God’s unfolding of His plans to judge His people (Hab. 2:2a)! Now the prophet issues a lengthy appeal, citing case after case where God intervened on behalf of His people. Habakkuk recalls everything historical from the Egyptian plagues (3:5a) to Sodom’s brimstones (3:5b); from the parting of the Red Sea (3:10) to the suspension of the sun allowing Joshua to eliminate the Amorite armies (Josh. 10:12-14). In complete desperation, Habakkuk cries out to God to revive his people (“the work of His hands”) before it’s too late. Only God could correct the problem that was facing impending judgment. Habakkuk sought revival from God because He’s the ONLY one Who can send such a solution! THE CAUSES OF DEADNESS MUST BE IDENTIFIED. “You have forsaken your first love.” Revelation 2:1-4 Heart disease has become one of the leading causes of death in America. While new procedures and a more conscientious population have helped curb the numbers, tens of thousands still die from heart attacks. The apostle John had the encounter of a lifetime when he saw the Risen, Glorified Christ in a Sunday afternoon vision on the Island of Patmos. Among other things, the Lord appeared to John to communicate His concern about the churches in Asia minor (modern day Turkey). Each church had its own set of circumstances and issues, many which have been present in churches down through history, and which still exist in churches today. The core problem in the church located in the city of Ephesus was not one of orthodoxy (right belief) or orthopraxy (right practice). This congregation was straight on their doctrine, and applied it correctly and zealously in their ministries. So what could possibly be wrong with this apparently “fundamental” church? Jesus goes to the heart of the matter, figuratively as well as factually. This church had a heart problem. They were engaged in doing all the right things, but for all the wrong reasons. What started out as a fiery church motivated by love for Christ and commitment to His cause eventually became a visionless place driven by activity. They lost sight of Who it was they were serving. Like Martha, they got so caught up in the work that they lost touch with the One Whom they were serving. The “First Church of Ephesus” needed revival in the truest sense. And Jesus called them back, not to any kind of action, but to Himself. Returning to Christ and rekindling our love for Him, this is the essence of any and all revivals. For Ephesus the deadness was rooted in their departure from Jesus. Like them, each church needs to identify what’s causing the spiritual deadness, and then deal decisively with that cause. THE OBSTACLES TO REVIVAL MUST BE REMOVED. “Elijah went before the people and said, ‘How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal is God, follow him.’ ”… “Elijah commanded [the people], ‘Seize the prophets of Baal. Don’t let anyone get away!’ They seized them, and Elijah had them brought down to the Kishon Valley and slaughtered there.” 1 Kings 18:21, 40 Spiritual polygamy. That’s the best way to describe where Israel found herself at the time of this event. The people were stalled in a state of spiritual incapacitation. They surely knew that their idolatrous worship of Baal was wrong, so they tried to salve their consciences and placate God with a compensatory approach to religion- they’d worship both! Of course this never was and never is an option for God’s people. Something had to be done to bring this state of affairs to a head. The crisis came in the form of a spiritual showdown. Few examples of revival can rival this contest sometimes referred to as the ‘Battle of the Gods’. Brave Elijah arranged to have a public demonstration that would conclusively decide who the real God was. Once the contest revealed the identity of the real God, Jehovah, Elijah swiftly removed the false prophets who had introduced and advanced the worship of Baal. All 400 of these spiritual phonies were summarily dispensed with. The land was cleansed of its grievous idolatry, and enjoyed the blessing of God once again. The lesson is clear. Before we can expect a fresh visitation from God, we need to get our spiritual house in order, updating and keeping short our accounts with God. As we wait before the Lord, He’ll place His finger on the pressure points in our lives. The Spirit will do the rest, leading us to turn away from these stumbling blocks that deaden our spiritual vitality. Once this is done, we can receive all that God has for us. THE CONDITIONS OF REVIVAL MUST BE MET. The scene is all too familiar. A person in the throes of a heart attack falls to the floor and goes unconscious. Rescue workers respond by placing paddles over the heart and shocking the victim back to life. Sometimes the only thing that gets a heart beating again is a jump start. When the heart of God’s people hardens and ceases to function properly, a similar jump start is necessary. Often, God uses the shockwave of His Word to spark life back into His people. Israel experienced significant revival under the capable leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah. The key component of that revival was the public reading and preaching of God’s Word. It triggered a ready response in the audience that transformed the entire nation. The first condition for revival is humble, repentant confession of sin. “Oh my God, I am too ashamed and disgraced to lift up my face to You, my God, because our sins are higher than our heads and our guilt has reached to the heavens.” Ezra 9:6 When God’s people lose their spiritual vitality to the point of becoming dead, the root cause is always sin. In Israel’s case, the people were culpable on numerous counts. Ezra itemizes their disobedient acts that led to their state of bondage and spiritual inertia, confessing their sins of disregard for God’s commands (9:10) and pagan intermarriage (9:12). This repentance must be experienced by the entire household of faith (10:1). The repentance was real, as evidenced by the steps taken to rectify the wrongs done (10:11). The second condition for revival involves a return to obedience to the Word of God. “Ezra the priest brought out the book of the Law of Moses and ... read it aloud from daybreak … and all the people listened attentively to the Law.” Nehemiah 8:1-3 Abandonment of the God of the Word and the Word of God will spell spiritual disaster for the individual believer, a church, and even, as in Israel’s case, an entire nation. God’s people had chosen to forsake His Word, and paid dearly for it. Without its moral compass, they strayed far, far away from Him as well as from being a just and healthy society. God honors the land that keeps His Word, but also warns of His punishment upon a people who forget Him and His Word (Psalm 9:17). Ezra helped the people identify where they’d gone wrong, and led them in returning to the Lord. The Israelites meant business this time, taking steps to put down their commitment in writing (Nehemiah 9:38). THE BLESSING OF REVIVAL MUST BE HEAVEN-SENT. “I will bless them and the places surrounding My hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.” Ezekiel 34:26 When a meteorologist gives a weather forecast, he uses different kinds of terms to identify the kind of precipitation an area can expect. There are sprinkles, as well as the downpour associated with thunderstorm activity. Then there are the occasional showers. Here God promises to send the gentle rains of a seasonal shower. Such rainfall is most desirable as it most easily sinks down into the soil with a minimum of runoff. God also promised that Israel would receive the showers at just the right time seasonally that would do the most for their crops. His showered blessings would fall upon the people as well as the places where they dwelt. It would be a comprehensive blessing for all to enjoy and benefit from. This unprecedented blessing would boost their economy through the roof, releasing them from their slavish dependence upon foreign oppressors (34:27-28). They would be safe from foreign invasions, and their agricultural output would (and did) surpass all the nations (34:29). In the end, they would clearly recognize that it was the Lord Who had engineered their 180 degree reversal of fortune. Ezekiel then quotes the thematic phrase repeated throughout the entire book, “Then they will KNOW that I am the Lord.” God would do the sending as the people dealt decisively with their sin. Once that condition had been met, God promised to open up the heavens and send untold blessings upon His restored people. Likewise, when the church meets the conditions God sets forth, she will enjoy spiritual showers of blessing from above in the form of revival. While no one can predict God’s ways in a formulative manner, it does seem quite apparent from Scripture that there are certain prerequisites to revival. Both Old and New Testaments testify to that fact. Perhaps we can gain much needed perspective from our Biblical predecessors, and then enjoy the revival we so desperately need! May we echo the revival prayer request of Isaiah, “Oh, that You would rend the heavens and come down!” (Isaiah 64:1).

Thanks Mom!

Mother’s Day is here, and I’ve decided to compose an article which I consider long overdue. We’ve heard all the contradicting arguments for and against being a “stay-at-hone-mom” versus a “working mom”. Well-meaning moms have groaned over the unrealistic expectations sometimes placed on them by comparing them to the misnamed Proverbs 31 “Supermom”. The description in Proverbs 31 was never intended to be an exact blueprint of everything a Christian mother should be and do. I believe it’s meant to serve as a prototype, a model, if you will. A model of the way a wife and mom with the correct heart disposition goes about serving God, her family and her community. She unquestionably loves each, and demonstrates her love by investing her time, talents and treasure into blessing and pleasing them. So what really constitutes “Christian Motherhood”? A fresh look at this oft- misunderstood passage will help us discover what’s really the heart of the matter. THANKS MOM FOR BEING INTRINSICALLY MOTIVATED TO BLESS YOUR FAMILY. If the Proverbs 31 woman is anything, she is family-centered. The entire passage describes her in terms of her activities which are, either directly or indirectly, all done on behalf of her family. She insures that they are well fed, amply clothed, and properly trained. Even when her interests lead her outside the home, her energies are clearly invested in enterprises that will benefit her family, not herself. Should a woman be a homemaker? YES! Should a woman be free to pursue ventures outside the home that are domestically beneficial? YES! The issue never was and never will be the logistics of where she works, but the more important question of “for whom does she work?” The question isn’t whether she stays at home full-time; it’s whether her heart is there regardless of where she might be at any given moment. Look at the way she supports and compliments her husband. Her heart and character has completely won over his full confidence in her, and she unstintingly meets his needs (11). She’s concerned about his welfare, and actively seeks ways to provide for that (12). Her husband deeply appreciates the manner in which her industry and care-giving lend credibility to his reputation. She’s an invaluable asset to him domestically as well as professionally. Observe the way she treats her children. She invests huge amounts of time and energy into seeing that their physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs are met. From nutritious, home grown food to warm, well-made clothing, to wise and gracious instruction, her kids can count on her coming through every time (15, 21, 26). THANKS MOM FOR BEING RESOURCEFUL WITHIN THE REALM OF YOUR UNIQUE TALENTS. Just as every person is different, so every mom is different. No two moms have the exact same set of gifts and abilities. Some moms are stronger with domestics while others possess aptitudes in different areas. No gift mix is either right or wrong, as they’re all God-given. What we see here in Proverbs 31 is that this mom makes full use of all the abilities God has specifically given to her, and that she uses them to benefit others in general and her family in particular. She demonstrates uncanny abilities in the fields of real estate (16a), gardening (16b), bartering (18a), fashion design and tailoring (19, 21-22), marketing (24), child training and education (26) and domestic management (27). Her activities are not meant to reflect an inflexible laundry list that all mothers are duty-bound to check-off and live up to. Rather, they’re meant to serve as an example of how a woman can leverage all her talents and energies into productive endeavors that elevate and secure her family’s overall quality of life. Great moms figure out where their strengths are, capitalize on them fully, and use them to promote their family’s welfare. THANKS MOM FOR BEING DILIGENT IN HANDLING YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES. If an idle mind is the devil’s workshop, a mind filled with worthy pursuits is God’s workshop. Look at how the Lord leads this woman. He gives her the ability to put in some considerable hours. This “Proverbs picture” tells a story, not only of what she does, but equally so, the diligent manner in which she does it. No snooze alarm at this girl’s bedside. She circumnavigates the busy daytime schedule when the kids are home by sneaking in some chores before they awake, and long after they’ve retired for the night (15a, 18b). Her mindset is one of enthusiastic determination as she rolls up her sleeves and dives into her projects (17). Neither is she any stranger to good, old-fashioned manual labor that calls for one to work with their hands (19). Her remarkable industry is seen in her ability to produce a surplus of goods, which she dispenses to the less fortunate in her neighborhood (20). Great moms identify what they do best, go at it with all their mind, soul and strength, and share the proceeds with family and friends. THANKS MOM FOR BEING SOMEONE WE CAN ADMIRE AND APPRECIATE. You can tell a lot about a person by observing the credible things others say about them in their absence. This woman has managed to win the respect and admiration of just about everybody in town. From her husband and children inside the home (28) to the economically disadvantaged outside the home (20) to the women in the neighborhood (29) to those sitting on the bench at the county courthouse (23, 31), this woman is highly regarded by all who have seen her in action. Her diligent pursuit of everything good and wholesome merits the praise of all who have benefited from her tireless efforts to serve them in timely, practical and meaningful ways (28, 31). THANKS MOM FOR PLACING TOP PRIORITY ON YOUR WALK WITH GOD. Up until now we’ve cited example after example of how this woman conducts her life in an honorable, exemplary manner. But the best is saved for last on this one. What’s her “deal”? I mean, what’s her secret to maintaining such a productive, others-centered lifestyle? Simple. She puts others ahead of herself because she puts God first. She’s learned the secret of J.O.Y. – putting Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last. The life that counts for God and others is a life that keeps Christ at its center. Peter said of Jesus, “God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and power, and He went around doing good and healing … because God was with Him” (Acts 10:38). God was “with” this Spirit-filled woman, and SHE was “with” God. She not only knew the Scriptures, she did something outlandish – she actually lived them out! Her heart for God was the wellspring from which her desire to serve others so lavishly sprang up. “Loving God … Loving Others” – this is my home church’s slogan. And it’s a solidly Biblical slogan at that! This Proverbs 31 gal would be more than welcome where I worship and fellowship, as her whole life is a testimonial of affection for her Lord and loving attention to everyone around her. She’s found a way to be a “productive Martha” by first being a “devoted Mary”. When she hears the saying, “Beauty is only skin deep”, she gets it. Her primary focus is not on herself nor her exterior … on how physically attractive SHE looks, or on how socially adept SHE is (30a). Her focus is on having the right interior appearance (1 Peter 3:3-6), applying the heart cosmetics of gentleness and quietness. She’s all about being a blessing to the significant others in her life. Beginning with pleasing THE significant Other (God), she works her way out into boundless activity on behalf of her loved ones. She’s got her priorities straight as everything in her life places a far-distant “second” to her relationship with and respect for God (30b). Because she gets it right here, she gets it right at home and everywhere else. I believe that’s what God’s getting at here. I believe that’s the kind of realistic example every mom and homemaker can live with and aspire to. So there you have it. What I hope will prove to be a saner, more realistic and more accurate portrayal of what God’s trying to communicate through this fabulous piece of wisdom literature. It’s not about being a supermom … no mom can be because no mom was ever meant to be. What we do learn from this Proverbs 31 profile is that God wires each mom with a unique set of abilities. He’s satisfied when you balance your particular gifts and use them to serve Him and those who are depending on your diligence, dedication, kindness and generosity. So, guess what? You CAN be a “Proverbs 31 woman” AFTER all! Happy Mother’s Day to each and every one of you who are doing the best you can with what you’ve been given! Hey Mom, just keep on keepin’ on! 

You’re a Work of Art

It’s my birthday month and the creative juices seem to be flowing unusually strong. Each year I receive a Birthday Card from an old friend from college days who lives miles away. He sends me one annually, and its always homemade, humorous and decidedly Biblical. This year he sent me a card that included, of all things, a real 2 dollar bill! But more importantly, he shared a verse that turns out to be so appropriate for a birthday card. That verse is found in the book of Ephesians, chapter 2, and verse 10. I chose the Amplified version of the verse because it yields far more color and insight into its original meaning. “For we are God’s own handiwork, His workmanship, Re-created in Christ Jesus, born anew, That we may do those good works which God planned beforehand for us, Taking paths which He prepared ahead of time, That we should walk in them Living the good life which He pre-arranged and made ready for us to live.” As I sat reading the card and the verse, it dawned on me that there was a very encouraging message contained in these few words. It’s a message we all need to hear and be reminded of, not only on our birthday, but on every day as well. FIRST, YOU’RE AN EXQUISITE WORK OF ART! “For we are God’s own handiwork, His workmanship.” Eph. 2:10a Have you ever seen in person the works of a world-famous artist? A few years ago I took advantage of an opportunity to view a number of life-sized copies of Michelangelo’s most prized sculptures on display at Syracuse University. The genius of the man is apparent in his incredible attention to detail in creating a lifelike reproduction of the human anatomy. When Paul wrote the word, “workmanship”, he used the Greek word “poema”. It is an artistic term is used to describe something that is delicately, intricately, and carefully made. Some have translated the phrase, “We are God’s love poem.” The verse communicates the kind of labor-intensive effort put forth by an artist who’s creating a masterpiece. Such an artist pours Himself into the project as he tries to create something that is truly exquisite in every way, shape and form. This is the kind of painstaking effort God made to from and fashion you. No detail was too fine, no labor too great to expend in making you a person of exquisite beauty. SECOND, YOU’RE A RARE WORK OF ART! “For we are God’s own handiwork, His workmanship.” Eph. 2:10a Did you know that when people say that you’re a piece of work, they’re actually correct! It’s true! God doesn’t use any molds when He creates an individual. The term “workmanship” also conveys the idea of uniqueness. In His creative genius, God made only one of you. Just as a one-of-a-kind status denotes rarity in the art world, so God has made you an exclusive edition that is most rare indeed! Psalm 139 attests to this. There we find that every feature of each person is fashioned exclusively. If you have trouble accepting this truth, just consider your fingerprint, retina and voice. Each of these entities you possess has an audible or visual pattern all its own. There’s no one with the same one anywhere else in the world, or even at anytime else in history! You are God’s rare work of art! His heavenly museum will have no other piece just like you! THIRD, YOU’RE AN EXTREMELY VALUABLE WORK OF ART! “We are re-created in Christ Jesus.” Eph. 2:10a A recent TV special revealed what’ the newest investment commodity of the rich and famous. It isn’t gold, and it isn’t diamonds. It’s artwork! People with disgusting amounts of disposable income are flocking to artwork auctions where they drop millions of dollars on a single piece. Some buyers and sellers openly admitted that they weren’t particularly attracted to the subject or design of the piece, but bought it simply as an investment. Then there’s the classic works of art, the Renoir’s, the Van Gogh’s, the Rembrandt’s. These perennial favorites are virtually untouchable, out of reach of the wealthiest collectors in the world. Museums around the world are filled with such artistic masterpieces. But the most valuable pieces of artwork are found in the church. Not any golden statues or valuable artwork, but the members of the body of Christ. The pricing of most valuable works of art is determined by the artist, the age of the piece, its rarity, or some or all of the above. Christian believers are the most valuable pieces of artwork on earth because of the cost involved in their production. Peter quotes that price for us, stating, “You were purchased by the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.” Collectors and museums have paid incredibly steep prices for highly prized works of art, but I can’t recall any of them ever paying for them with their life. But that’s exactly the price Jesus paid to place us into His heavenly collection. Not only doesn’t God make junk, He doesn’t make run-of-the-mill stuff either. It cost Him everything to remake us into new people. In His sight, our value is inestimable! We are truly priceless works of art! Reminding ourselves of that will keep us emotionally balanced and spiritually secure. FOURTH, YOU’RE A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL WORK OF ART! “That we may do good works.” Eph. 2:10c During a wartime economy that was in shambles, a church leader offered a startling solution. Referring to the plethora of pure gold statues in his sanctuary, he recommended that the “saints be melted down and put into circulation”. While his cure for the social dilemma seemed humorous, it does make a salient point. Christians were never meant to be placed on display inside a church building. They’re meant to be put into circulation in the world, performing a very practical function outside the church walls. According to this verse in Ephesians, this wise old churchman was literally right on target. Most works of art hang in museums, serving no practical purpose whatsoever. Granted, they provide us an occasion to appreciate the God-given talents of the artist who created them. But beyond that, for all practical purposes, they’re virtually worthless, incapable of using for any other functional purpose. When God designed you, He wired you with a unique mix of abilities and inclinations. You’re temperament and innate tendencies are all part of His master design for you. And that design has a very practical purpose, that of performing constructive deeds. These deeds are more clearly defined by Paul in his letter to Titus. There we discover that God wants us to engage in activities that are socially and spiritually beneficial. Our good deeds should meet real needs, providing others with assistance and support in their time of need. “Christ Jesus gave Himself on our behalf … [that we might be] peculiarly His own people who are eager and enthusiastic about living a life that is good and filled with beneficial deeds.” Titus 2:14 FIFTH, YOU’RE A THOUGHTFULLY-DESIGNED WORK OF ART! “Good works which God planned beforehand for us, taking paths which He prepared ahead of time, that we should walk in them, living the good life which He pre-arranged and made ready for us to live.” Eph. 2:10d I have a friend who is very gifted. They not only built their own sunroom, they designed the whole project during spare time over a four year period. That thought process included numerous drafts and redesigns as they realized more and more factors that needed to be considered as time went on and the project conception advanced. Every part had its proper and perfect place in the grand design. Each element of the design had to be figured-in in advance of construction, lest the individual parts failed to fit neatly into the sum total. If my friend went through all that trouble in remodeling their home, just imagine how much effort God put into making you the person you are. He then took the next step in designing a master plan for your life. That plan is perfect in every way. God not only gifts us, He sets things in motion to guide us into the pathway He’s specifically designed to make the best use of those endowments. He oversees the timing, location, and nature of the overall tasks He’s commissioned us to perform. For centuries people have longed to know what the future has in store for them. Whether crystal balls, palm-readings, or other forms, we seem to have an innate curiosity and drive to know what’s up ahead on the road of life. While God may only reveal His plan for us a step at a time, we can take great comfort in the assurance that there IS a plan, and that He’s doing everything possible to show us what it is. What’s more, when we get on board with what He wants us to do, we enter the mainstream current that opens up unimaginable doors and carries us along. When we walk along, step-by-step, in God’s personal, prearranged and perfect pathway for our lives, then we’ll be truly living!

The Secret of American Exceptionalism

After his initial visit to the United States, French philosopher Alexander De Tocqueville was asked to share his impressions of nineteenth century America. He made the following astute observation: “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” De Tocqueville went on to say that as he searched for the secret to America’s greatness, he did not find it in her bustling centers of commerce nor her political freedoms, but rather, in her pulpits aflame with righteousness. Our country began as a haven for those seeking religious refuge, economic opportunity, and social equality. The current illegal alien controversy notwithstanding, America still opens its arms to receive tens of thousands of foreign immigrants annually. Our country was founded on the twin concepts of individual freedom and individual responsibility, and we still enjoy the greatest liberties of any nation on earth. While there’s still a lot that’s wonderfully right about America, there are many reasons for grave concern as well. We’d be fooling ourselves if we tried to maintain an unjustifiable facade of greatness. The truth is, America, as we speak, is struggling to maintain its moral underpinnings and its economic lifeblood. It’s the month of May, the month chosen to annually celebrate the National Day of Prayer. I thought it might be helpful to take a retroactive look at our country to rediscover the principle elements that led to its past greatness, and how a return to those principles could lead us back to a place of divine blessing and national integrity. In Psalm 33 we find five timeless principles that apply, not only to the nation of Israel, but to any and every nation that chooses to honor God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 12 of this Psalm states: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord”. The surrounding verses of the Psalm provide key insights into the kind of nation that God blesses. I’d like to demonstrate how America met those conditions in the past, and how it can regain its place of prominence by reinstituting those same practices. AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM CAN BE TRACED TO HER PLACING TOP PRIORITY ON THE WORSHIP OF GOD. “Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him.” Psa. 33:1-3 The content of the very first commandment given by God to Moses tells us all we need to know about how He feels about our worship of Him. He countenances no competition, condemning the worship of any other false gods. Since its earliest days as a settlement right through to the early 1900’s, America has been a genuinely religious and specifically Christian nation. One trip from New England, across the heartlands of the Midwest, and on out to the west coast, churches dot the landscape, a standing testimony to the pivotal role worship played in American life. Bringing it up to our modern day, well over 75% of Americans claim adherence to some form of nominal or Biblical Christianity. However, under closer scrutiny, many of these professing Christians exhibit gross ignorance of the most elemental truths of the faith. This indicates that religion in general and Christianity in particular, are on the wane in America. What could God do through an America that wholeheartedly returns to the faith of their Fathers? If the past is any indicator, He would bless it with spiritual revival, moral renewal, and economic prosperity. AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM CAN BE TRACED TO THE BIBLICAL FOUNDATION OF HER LAWS. “The Word of the Lord is right and true; the Lord loves righteousness and justice.” Psa. 33:4-7 I was amazed some years ago to learn that there was a time in American history when the U.S. Congress wouldn’t sign any legislation into law unless it was based upon a Biblical principle. As the text states, the Word of God IS right, and any nation whose legal and judicial system is grounded in that Word is destined to receive divine blessing. In its earlier formative years America did just that, and we’re still reaping the blessings and benefits of our wise and godly predecessors. But telltale signs abound where an opposite course has been taken, and too many laws reflect an actual disdain for God’s moral and social law. What could God do through an America that recaptured its sense of moral accountability to God, and established laws that were in keeping with His Word? I’m completely confident that multiplied blessings would once again descend upon our land, crime rates would drop through the floor, new prison construction would cease, and our streets would once again be safe to walk. AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM CAN BE TRACED TO ITS PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEPENDANCE UPON GOD. “Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere Him.” Psa. 33:8 Its 2012 and we’ve come a long way baby. Unfortunately, that so called “progress” has too often been in the wrong direction. For example, a mere 15 years ago a school student could say the pledge of allegiance mentioning God, but that has been repeatedly legally challenged. School children used to be free to pray before noontime meals, but some have now been told they can’t pray in a public school, and have been officially (though illegally) prevented from doing so. It’s been a long-standing American tradition for prayers to be offered by a local clergyman at high school graduation ceremonies and athletic events, but that freedom has been challenged and largely forfeited as well. Since the time of the one- room schoolhouse up until the early 1960’s, the Bible was read in public school chapel sessions, but today a student often goes to court to fight for his right to simply carry a Bible in his school. Would these developments be considered progress or regression? On a national level, our coinage reflects a basic trust in God, and the doors of our U.S. Congress have the 10 Commandments engraved upon them. But try to post those same 10 Commandments on the walls of a public school classroom and see what kind of reaction you get. Subtle yet very effective forces have quietly worked to erase any vestige of public expression of the Christian faith. Completely twisting the First Amendment, liberal, anti-Christian activists have successfully removed much of our country’s founding faith and values from public view and social consciousness. We’ve (not so politely) told God to get lost, and, being the Gentleman that He is, He has tragically obliged our fearful request. So what might happen if America got serious about its Christian heritage and had a wholesale return to its historical roots? Well, I’d venture to say, nothing short of revival! AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM CAN BE TRACED TO ITS HAVING BEEN CHOSEN BY GOD. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance.” Psa. 33:12 The Scriptures picture God as the One Who rules over the Kings and nations of this earth. While He never surrenders His sovereignty, God does allow nations and men to exercise free will, and that often results in their straying away from God and His plan for them. But every now and then a nation wisely chooses to follow the Lord. When they do, God blesses them. There have been certain countries that have had a special divine calling. Ancient Israel was one such nation. And if you carefully research the records, America is such a nation in our more modern times. Christian historian David Barton points out that the vast majority of those who signed-off on the Declaration of Independence were not only Christians, but in most cases, men who had received ministerial training. Barton furnishes incontrovertible evidence of their faith via statements they made in their own writings. When historians consider the credibility of a position, they place the highest premium on contemporary documents written by the persons themselves. And this is precisely what we have in the documents uncovered by Dave Barton. Sadly, we’ve bought into the misrepresentations a decidedly liberal media and lobby that have tried to convince us that we were not a foundationally Christian nation. What would happen if America reclaimed its original calling to be “a city set on a hill”? Again, the blessings would fall without measure from heaven upon our spiritually dry and thirsty land. AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM CAN BE TRACED TO ITS RELIANCE ON DIVINE PROTECTION. “No king is saved by the greatness of his army; a horse is a vain hope for deliverance; but the eyes of the Lord are upon those who fear Him… to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.” Psa. 33:16-20 Time does not permit us a detailed review of all the instances where divine intervention kept our fair land from extinction. Did you know that George Washington charged into a decisive battle against the British army, was shot over ten times, and that not a single one of those bullets even nicked his skin? Fast forward to WWII and an invasion called D-Day. Britain’s Winston Churchill and America’s Dwight D. Eisenhower had laid out meticulous plans, only to have a huge storm blow over the English Channel. But as things turned out, the bad weather played in the Allies favor, as the German forces occupying the French coast figured nobody in their right mind would launch an invasion under such inclement weather. The result was that Germany’s heralded General Rommel shifted the bulk of his tank strength far south of Normandy. Although the beaches of Normandy were still heavily fortified with German installations, the Allies were able to capture the beachheads quicker than they had anticipated. These are just a sampling of hundreds of instances where divine intervention is clearly evident as America and Americans went to their knees in prayer, depending upon Almighty God for victory. While 9/11 witnessed a brief season of humble intercession, the “God mood” seemed to ebb away with disappointing rapidity. Personally speaking, I believe we are still the beneficiaries of incredible divine protection, as a number of hell-bent terrorist groups haven’t been able to breach our homeland security since the 9/11 debacle. We truly have so much to be thankful for! Yet, if we’re honest with ourselves, we can vastly improve in the critical area of recognizing and acknowledging our utter dependence upon God. We can also recapture our sense of divine mission, reinstate the freedoms sourced in the Christian beliefs of our Founding Fathers, support legislation that lines up with Godly values, and make the Word of God and corporate worship a top priority in our lives. If this is done, we will position ourselves to once again be the privileged recipients of God’s choicest blessings, and lay legitimate claim to the promise, “BLESSED IS THE NATION WHOSE GOD IS THE LORD!”