Thursday, October 6, 2011

“God Is Shaking the World”, says Rosenberg

“God Is Shaking the World”, says Rosenberg
John R. Petrilli

Over 900 turned out to hear Joel Rosenberg at the North Syracuse Baptist Church on September 24. The evening kicked with the crowd responding enthusiastically to the vibrant, a capella sounds of the group “Theophonics”. The atmosphere was celebrative as many of the staff and volunteers of International Friendship Evangelism were publicly recognized for their significant contributions to the ministry’s work.

The New York Times best-selling author shared about his early exposure to the ministry of International Friendship Evangelism while a student at Syracuse University. That contact developed into a lifelong friendship with I.F.E.’s founder, Dr. T. E. Koshy. During his lively delivery Rosenberg described the strategic role I.F.E. plays as it serves international students. Those who gain acceptance into Syracuse University’s top-rated programs are the cream of the crop, with many being sent and supported by their governments. They arrive here, far from family and friends, and often become lonely. That’s where I.F.E. comes in, offering them friendship, encouragement and a host of services and activities tailored to meet their social, spiritual and emotional needs. Joel explained how many of the students come here, become involved with I.F.E., get their degree, then go back home to function as spiritual catalysts as they serve in their respective roles in their homelands. Back in their home countries they tend to get involved in a local congregation, or plant a local congregation . One Thai student went home after being discipled through the ministry and is now the General Secretary of all the evangelical churches in Thailand. This is one example of the fruit that’s being borne here.”]

Rosenberg gave a challenging message on how God is shaking the nations in general and America in particular. “I’m struck by a passage in Haggai, it comes from the second chapter, beginning with verse six, ‘For thus says the Lord of Hosts, ‘Once more in a little while I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and also the dry land. I will shake ALL the nations.’ A few verses later (v. 21-22) the Lord repeats Himself, ‘I am going to shake the heavens and the earth. I will overthrow the thrones of the kingdoms and destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations.’ God was certainly shaking the world at that time. Now we’re in a place when God seems to be shaking the world again. We see the fall of tyrants in Africa and the Middle East, we see serious shaking. We see the nations hot only being shaken geopolitically and economically, but physically. The tsunami in Japan, the earthquake in Haiti (the worst earthquake on the planet in more than 500 years). God is certainly shaking the United States with its cultural meltdown (pornography and abortion) as well as its economic meltdown.” Joel proposed four reasons why God is shaking the world in general and the Church in America in particular.

1) God is shaking the Church because He wants to get our attention because He loves us and wants us to repent. He’s trying to get us to let go of every ideology, philosophy, materialism, everything we’re holding on to other than Jesus Christ. John and Jesus opened their ministries sounding the same note of repentance. God is saying, “Stop, you’re going away from Me, that’s not going to bode well. Stop, turn around and come back. Let Me hug you, let Me kiss you, let Me forgive you.”
2) God is shaking the Church because He wants us to realize that there is no one else who can satisfy us and give us or give us true peace and security, than Jesus Christ. Some of us are not really convinced that Jesus is all we need. God doesn’t shake people to be cruel, but to do something remarkable in their life, to realize just how powerful Jesus really is; we often don’t understand the relationship that God wants to have with us.
3) God is shaking the Church because He has a mission for the church, and He doesn’t want us to miss it. This is the moment. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Get yourself engaged in getting ready to go serve the Lord Jesus.
4) God is shaking the Church because Jesus Christ is coming back soon. We need to get engaged in getting right with the Lord, repentance, and engaged in the ministry NOW, not five years from now, not ten years from now. I’m not saying when Jesus is coming back, I’m not Harold Camping, I don’t know! (laughter) I’m saying that if Jesus comes back in the next few days, weeks, months years, do you want to be standing in front of Him face to face and saying, ‘Now that whole thing about the Great Commission, was that important?’ If God is saying, ‘I’ve got something for you right here’, then I would strongly encourage you that maybe I.F.E. would be a great way to make disciples of the nations right here in Syracuse.” This is a moment when God is shaking the world because time is running out.” After a brief intermission there was a Q&A session where the prolific author fielded questions covering a wide range of topics.

Impressed with Rosenberg, I wanted to hear more, and attended his Sunday morning message at the International Assembly Church in Jamesville. He ably expounded from the book of Joel, chapters one and two, explaining that God was pointing to the devastation ancient Israel experienced as an example of the judgment to come upon the world in the last days. Joel then drew a parallel between these actions of God against Israel and the many modern-day instances of catastrophic events. We’re living in a time when the natural disasters happening in our country are being reported as “historic”, “unprecedented”, “never before seen”. This is not a case of journalistic exaggeration, but the actual scientific and historical evidence. He cited that 9 out of the 10 worst, most deadly, and most expensive disasters in America’s history have happened since September 11, 2001. With over 200 years of our nation’s history so much of our worst shakings have been compressed into a ten year period. God is in charge of earthquakes and hurricanes. The point God was saying to Israel through Joel was “Wake Up!” (Joel 1:5) It’s also a message to believers like us. The Church is intoxicated with the world. So much of our mind and time and money and focus and energy and attention is on worldly things and not on heavenly things. It’s time for us to awake! For more information contact, and

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