Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thanks … for Everything!

Thanks … for Everything!
John R. Petrilli

I often find myself using this phrase to express my appreciation in a comprehensive way. It often involves having been the recipient of someone’s splendid and gracious hospitality. While expressing one’s gratitude in this way is perfectly legitimate, such a carte blanche approach can sometimes miss the blessing of itemizing those things we’re so appreciative of. As the old gospel song reminds, as we count our many blessings, naming them one by one, our hearts will overflow with gratitude for ALL that God has done. It’s November, and God has been drawing me to Psalm 136. It’s a Psalm that sounds a repetitive note of gratitude throughout. The Psalmist literally thanks God for everything. With this in mind, let’s break it down and find a cornucopia of reasons for thanksgiving.


“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is GOOD.” Psalm 136:1-2

The highest compliment we can pay to someone is to recognize their character. There’s a vast difference between expressing appreciation to someone for what they’ve done, and expressing appreciation for who they are. A bad person, for that matter, can do good deeds for all the wrong reasons. But an individual of good character acts out of who they are. If there was ever a person who deserved praise for who they are, it would be God. After all, He’s perfectly good. And He’s perfectly good all the time. He never does anything that isn’t motivated by His goodness in some way or other. He does good, not because He wants to make a positive impression, but because it’s who He really is. Before the Psalmist ticks off the ways that God has blessed His people, he lets us know that God’s many acts of mercy and love flow from a heart that wants the very best for each one of His children.


“Give thanks to Him who does great wonders, who made the heavens, who spread out the earth, who made the great lights, the sun, the moon and stars. Psalm 136:3-9

It’s been said that life in a big city can mitigate against one’s faith. The tall buildings block the beautiful sunsets and star-studded night skies. In such an environment it can be easy to lose one’s awareness of God. All the natural reminders He’s set in place become virtually invisible. No such problem existed in the ancient world, as the vast majority of folks lived in small towns made up of one-story dwellings with low rooflines. The heavens with all their beauty were just a glance away. The same God who is good has manifested that goodness in creating a living environment that is nothing short of breath-taking. That good God does really good work, and has deemed it fit to display His handiwork for all on earth to see and enjoy. Our culture recognizes and applauds those who have put their creative capabilities to good use. That’s what I think is taking place here as the psalmist reflects on the wonderful artistry composed by the Creator of the cosmos.


“Give thanks to Him who struck down the firstborn of Egypt, and brought Israel out from among them, with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.” Psalm 136:10-12

On September ___ the nation if Iran decided to free two Americans who had mistakenly wandered over the Iraqi border into their territory. They were being charged with, of all things, spying. Two years and millions of ransom dollars later, they’re now free. When interviewed by western reporters the two young men didn’t hesitate to describe the isolation and deprivation they suffered. Their friend who had been arrested with them had been released a year earlier, and the reunion with her fiancĂ© and friend was jubilant. All the family members were likewise ecstatic. Now, imagine what it would have felt like to the Israelites to bet released from 40 years of captivity. Year after year, generation after generation they watched their people moan and groan under the crushing bondage of Egyptian slavery. It was all work and no play. It was all work and no pay. What a loathsome lot in life. All that finally ended when God lifted His mighty hand to let His people go.

God’s Word says that each of us in born in a state of bondage. It’s not a bondage of the body, but of the soul and spirit. Satan is the slavemaster, and sin is the shackle. Together they exact their price in pain and suffering. But God sent Jesus to “set the captive free” (see Isa. 61:1, cf. Luke 4:18). Just as God provided a way for the people of Israel to get out of physical bondage, so God has made a way out of spiritual bondage for us. Jesus’ death unlocked the prison gates of sin, and made our escape possible. “Jesus shared in (our) humanity so that, by His death, He might destroy him who has the power of death – that is, the devil – and free all those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.” (Hebrews 2:14-15) Paul puts it this way, “God has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On Him we have set our hope that He will continue to deliver us.” (2 Cor. 1:10) The Israelites had to act on what God had done for them and advance out of Egypt. Likewise, we must act on what God’s done to deliver us through His Son if we’re to experience freedom from sin’s bondage. So, are you free?


“Give thanks to the Lord … who divided the Red Sea asunder, and brought Israel through the midst of it, but swept Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea”. Psalm 136:13-15

Ever been at a major crossroads in your life? That’s where the children of Israel found themselves as they reached the banks of the Red Sea. It was the ultimate “catch 22”. If they advance, they drown. If they don’t advance, they’ll be cut down in short order by a mighty army closing in on their rearguard. Some cried out in fear for their lives. But Moses calmed them down, and encouraged them to let God solve the dilemma. Next came a miracle. God pushed back the waters and made a pathway for them to traverse to the other side on dry ground. There wasn’t a drop of water on their clothes. Not so for the Egyptian army. They screamed in terror as the towering walls of aqua came crashing down, swallowing them alive. How has God intervened in your life this past year? A near miss on the road with your car? Help from a friend to keep you from going under financially? Take stock of this … and thank God for preserving your life.


“Give thanks to Him who led His people through the desert.” Psalm 136:16

If you’ve ever taken the wrong exit in New York City, then you have an idea of the frustration of going around in circles. The city is so big that taking one wrong exit can put you on a superhighway that leads you to an entirely different borough, many miles from where you wanted to be. Believe me, I know. My dad and my brothers and I made that mistake a time or two. Israel’s “Waterloo” came when they balked at entering the promised land. That one wrong turn resulted in four long decades of aimless meandering in a desert that was as unforgiving as it was unattractive. But God was good, even when the folks rebelled against His benevolent plan for them. They never ran out of food, never needed new shoes (where would the leather come from?), and never went without drinking water. How’s that for provision? If you made a wrong turn in your walk with God, if you get things right, just watch Him work it out for good. And He’ll even take care of you in the meantime!


“Give thanks to the Lord, who struck down great kings, and killed mighty kings, and gave their land as an inheritance.” Psalm 136:17-18, 21

Once the Israelites found the right exit ramp, they were back on the road to the promised land. Having taken possession of that land of prosperity and opportunity, they were then charged with uprooting and dispossessing the godless tribes who inhabited it. God enabled them to vanquish these obstacles to their blessing and inheritance. Just because we’re saved, that does not mean we live on “Easy Street”. There are attitudes, motives and values that all need to be booted out of our lives. Robert Boyd Munger’s little booklet, “My Heart, Christ’s Home” is the best description of sanctification I’ve ever read. It’s all about the house-cleaning of our hearts that the Lord does once He’s allowed into our dwelling. Room by room, He cleans the carpeting, redecorates the walls, and replaces the furnishings until our entire house is a credit to His excellent and worthy name. Only God can give us the power to put an end to those sinful attitudes and stubborn habits that slow us down and trip us up in our race to the finish line. These “powerful kings” have no choice but to yield to the power of the same One who kicked-out all the wicked civilizations trying to unlawfully hold on to their territories. When we’re really ready to do business with God, He’ll provide the strength it takes to win!

As the psalmist reviewed Israel’s early history, he found countless instances of God’s blessing upon His people. Take a few moments to review your life, and watch how surprised you’ll be at His blessing in your life too! Happy Thanksgiving… and Happy Thanksliving!

Creating A Winsome Personal Testimony

Creating A Winsome Personal Testimony
John R. Petrilli

In my 35-plus years as a Christian, I’ve discovered that there are certain words in our Christian lingo that can bring discomfort. One such word is the term “witnessing”. That word has the power to conjure up visions of rejection, Bible-banging, and a host of other unpleasant things. Yet, when we look at the New Testament, we see that the earliest believers were really stoked when it came to sharing their faith.

I’m afraid that sharing our faith has been given a really bad rap. That’s due in large part to a number of misconceptions about what witnessing actually involves. Contrary to one popular misconception, witnessing does not imply that we’re on some kind of evangelical crusade to force people into receiving Christ as Savior. When we look at the witness of the apostle Paul, we see him frequently using his own personal testimony as the means of sharing the gospel message in a natural, convincing way.

Technically speaking, the word “witness” actually implies that we simply tell others what we have personally come to know. Now that doesn’t sound all that difficult a thing to do. And it really isn’t. But to share your testimony effectively will require some preparation. Believers need to be actively engaged in telling others what God’s done in their life. In Acts 22:1-21 we discover five ways to create a winsome personal testimony.


It’s always courteous to secure permission to share your story. It shows respect for the privacy and preferences of the person you’re conversing with. No one likes to be imposed upon, and if God has prepared someone’s heart, they’ll be open to hearing what you have to say. Note how Paul spoke to his audience in their own dialect. It really helps to speak to others in their own language, and that includes avoiding terms they’re unfamiliar with. Use language they can understand. In verse 3 we also see Paul including in his introductory remarks that he was a Jew just like them. Interpersonal rapport is greatly enhanced by connecting with your audience at a point of common ground.


A winsome testimony is characterized by transparency and honesty. Most people can spot a religious phony a mile away. They have no time or patience for a plastic presentation, and rightfully so. People need to sense that you are genuine, and willing to open up to them.
It is best to provide some details about your journey. In v. 3 Paul tells about his outstanding education and religious zeal, two things that would have grabbed the ear of his Jewish audience. He also includes personal accomplishments in his Judaic religion, so it’s not
inappropriate to include an accomplishment or two if done tastefully and humbly. What I found extremely interesting is the way Paul also shared his failures (4). While we tend to think that such a disclosure may discredit our testimony, to the contrary it can lend real credibility to it as people see that we’re human just like they are.


Paul was able to recount the exact time and location of his conversion. He included details about the atmosphere and setting of the occasion. The apostle explained how Christ spoke to him personally. He even quoted the exact words Jesus said to him. Then he related his response to Jesus’ words. What we glean from this part of Paul’s testimony is that we should include in our testimony the manner in which we heard God’s voice. Perhaps God spoke through the voice of your conscience, or through a verse of Scripture. Our testimony will be greatly empowered and used by the Holy Spirit when we cite the Bible verses or other means that God used to get through to us.


It helps to share any role that other believers played in your decision. Paul didn’t hesitate to mention how God led a believer named Ananias into his pathway at just the right time.
Paul related how Ananias befriended him and ministered to him by restoring his sight. He shared how Ananias witnessed to him and encouraged him in his decision. We should also explain how it was that we came to a point of decision (16). Paul told his audience how God had struck him down with a light beam from heaven, and how he had called on the Lord to forgive his sins inside of Ananias’ house. We can enthusiastically share the joy of forgiveness we experienced. The apostle told his audience how Christ had washed away his sins, and surely added that he was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit. We can opt to include what steps we took to go public with our decision (16). Having communicated the details of his actual conversion experience, Paul told how he went public with his faith by being baptized.
He may well have mentioned that he did this in obedience to Jesus’ command to be


We can take this opportunity to share some of the radical changes the Lord has made in our life. Paul went from a persecuting madman to the greatest spokesperson the Church has ever seen! Whatever the changes Jesus has made in your life, be them quiet or dramatic, you can share those changes with others. We can enthusiastically tell the ways in which God is providing direction and purpose for our life (18). And we can freely share the excitement of seeing the Lord unfold His personal plan for our life. In this regard, Paul told how God had revealed to him His plan for him to be involved in ministry primarilyto the non-Jewish segment of the world.

The goal is for each of us to develop a new confidence in sharing our faith by way of a personal testimony. I would like to encourage you to sit down, think through, and write down some
of the key points you’d like to include in your personal testimony. If you’ve already done this, the only question remaining is, are you using it?

“God Is Shaking the World”, says Rosenberg

“God Is Shaking the World”, says Rosenberg
John R. Petrilli

Over 900 turned out to hear Joel Rosenberg at the North Syracuse Baptist Church on September 24. The evening kicked with the crowd responding enthusiastically to the vibrant, a capella sounds of the group “Theophonics”. The atmosphere was celebrative as many of the staff and volunteers of International Friendship Evangelism were publicly recognized for their significant contributions to the ministry’s work.

The New York Times best-selling author shared about his early exposure to the ministry of International Friendship Evangelism while a student at Syracuse University. That contact developed into a lifelong friendship with I.F.E.’s founder, Dr. T. E. Koshy. During his lively delivery Rosenberg described the strategic role I.F.E. plays as it serves international students. Those who gain acceptance into Syracuse University’s top-rated programs are the cream of the crop, with many being sent and supported by their governments. They arrive here, far from family and friends, and often become lonely. That’s where I.F.E. comes in, offering them friendship, encouragement and a host of services and activities tailored to meet their social, spiritual and emotional needs. Joel explained how many of the students come here, become involved with I.F.E., get their degree, then go back home to function as spiritual catalysts as they serve in their respective roles in their homelands. Back in their home countries they tend to get involved in a local congregation, or plant a local congregation . One Thai student went home after being discipled through the ministry and is now the General Secretary of all the evangelical churches in Thailand. This is one example of the fruit that’s being borne here.”]

Rosenberg gave a challenging message on how God is shaking the nations in general and America in particular. “I’m struck by a passage in Haggai, it comes from the second chapter, beginning with verse six, ‘For thus says the Lord of Hosts, ‘Once more in a little while I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and also the dry land. I will shake ALL the nations.’ A few verses later (v. 21-22) the Lord repeats Himself, ‘I am going to shake the heavens and the earth. I will overthrow the thrones of the kingdoms and destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations.’ God was certainly shaking the world at that time. Now we’re in a place when God seems to be shaking the world again. We see the fall of tyrants in Africa and the Middle East, we see serious shaking. We see the nations hot only being shaken geopolitically and economically, but physically. The tsunami in Japan, the earthquake in Haiti (the worst earthquake on the planet in more than 500 years). God is certainly shaking the United States with its cultural meltdown (pornography and abortion) as well as its economic meltdown.” Joel proposed four reasons why God is shaking the world in general and the Church in America in particular.

1) God is shaking the Church because He wants to get our attention because He loves us and wants us to repent. He’s trying to get us to let go of every ideology, philosophy, materialism, everything we’re holding on to other than Jesus Christ. John and Jesus opened their ministries sounding the same note of repentance. God is saying, “Stop, you’re going away from Me, that’s not going to bode well. Stop, turn around and come back. Let Me hug you, let Me kiss you, let Me forgive you.”
2) God is shaking the Church because He wants us to realize that there is no one else who can satisfy us and give us or give us true peace and security, than Jesus Christ. Some of us are not really convinced that Jesus is all we need. God doesn’t shake people to be cruel, but to do something remarkable in their life, to realize just how powerful Jesus really is; we often don’t understand the relationship that God wants to have with us.
3) God is shaking the Church because He has a mission for the church, and He doesn’t want us to miss it. This is the moment. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Get yourself engaged in getting ready to go serve the Lord Jesus.
4) God is shaking the Church because Jesus Christ is coming back soon. We need to get engaged in getting right with the Lord, repentance, and engaged in the ministry NOW, not five years from now, not ten years from now. I’m not saying when Jesus is coming back, I’m not Harold Camping, I don’t know! (laughter) I’m saying that if Jesus comes back in the next few days, weeks, months years, do you want to be standing in front of Him face to face and saying, ‘Now that whole thing about the Great Commission, was that important?’ If God is saying, ‘I’ve got something for you right here’, then I would strongly encourage you that maybe I.F.E. would be a great way to make disciples of the nations right here in Syracuse.” This is a moment when God is shaking the world because time is running out.” After a brief intermission there was a Q&A session where the prolific author fielded questions covering a wide range of topics.

Impressed with Rosenberg, I wanted to hear more, and attended his Sunday morning message at the International Assembly Church in Jamesville. He ably expounded from the book of Joel, chapters one and two, explaining that God was pointing to the devastation ancient Israel experienced as an example of the judgment to come upon the world in the last days. Joel then drew a parallel between these actions of God against Israel and the many modern-day instances of catastrophic events. We’re living in a time when the natural disasters happening in our country are being reported as “historic”, “unprecedented”, “never before seen”. This is not a case of journalistic exaggeration, but the actual scientific and historical evidence. He cited that 9 out of the 10 worst, most deadly, and most expensive disasters in America’s history have happened since September 11, 2001. With over 200 years of our nation’s history so much of our worst shakings have been compressed into a ten year period. God is in charge of earthquakes and hurricanes. The point God was saying to Israel through Joel was “Wake Up!” (Joel 1:5) It’s also a message to believers like us. The Church is intoxicated with the world. So much of our mind and time and money and focus and energy and attention is on worldly things and not on heavenly things. It’s time for us to awake! For more information contact, and

Dr. Alveda King Warmly Received in Elmira

Dr. Alveda King Warmly Received in Elmira
John R. Petrilli
On August 28, 1963, one of modern history’s most powerful and influential speeches was delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s moving and memorable “I Have a Dream” speech triggered a civil rights tidal wave that was destined to dramatically and permanently alter America’s cultural landscape. His niece, the renowned Dr. Alveda King, has dedicated most of her adult life to advancing that dream. Dr. King is a Pastoral Associate for Priests for Life and Founder of King for America. She presented two talks in Elmira on September 13th on the theme, “How Can the Dream Survive If We Murder the Children?” Sponsored by Chemung County Right-to-Life, the talks took place at the Notre Dame High School in the afternoon, and at the Clemens Center in the evening. The response from the high-schoolers was enthusiastic, while well over 300 turned-out for the delightful evening rally.

Dr. King graciously granted an exclusive interview with the Good News Paper where she shared her perspective on the impact of abortion on society in general, and the African- American community in particular. Here’s what she had to say.
JP: By way of background, how did you come to be involved in the pro-life movement?
DR. KING: I had many experiences in my life, including two abortions. When I told my grandfather that I was going to have an abortion he told me that it was a human being. A few years ago I found out that my uncle rescued me from abortion because my mom wanted to abort me. I privately repented in 1983 for my own sins. Then I began teaching people how abortion is a violation of their civil rights. My whole testimony is dealt with in my book, “How Can the Dream Survive If We Murder the Children?”, as well as online ( American), or google “how can the dream survive if we murder the children by alveda king”).
JP: Your new book, “How Can the Dream Survive If We Murder the Children?” has a striking title. Please comment on the thrust of the book.
DR. KING: The book is my testimony and provides statistics about Margaret Sanger and her involvement with abortion and genocide. There are two projects that I’m involved with that are very informative,, and “Maafa21” zeroes in on the genocide while “Blood Money” focuses in on abortions in America.
JP: Recent statistics indicate that America now has a prolife majority. How would you like your message to capitalize on this cultural shift?
DR. KING: A few years ago I prayed, “God please reverse Roe v. Wade, You’re God, You can do this.” I heard in my heart from the Lord, “Yes, I am God, yes, I could reverse abortion, but the people’s hearts are too hard, you’ll have to take the long road home”. So I believe we’ve been on the long road home, and I believe we’re headed now for home base, and I believe abortion is over. I believe the cultural shift is the result of prayers to end abortion. I believe it is a season of repentance for those who’ve had abortions as well as those who’ve been a part of a society that’s allowed abortion. The Lord is hearing that, and the blood of the innocents is crying out to the Lord as well.
JP: This year marks the 47th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Based on your firsthand knowledge of the man and his core values, how do you think he would have responded to today’s massacre of the innocents?
DR. KING: We celebrated (MLK’s speech) in August near the new memorial, and we gave honor and glory to God for the work of Martin Luther King, Jr., and that Dr. King obeyed the voice of the Lord. My uncle (MLK) once said that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. ” He said that the Negro can’t win of he’s willing to sell the lives and future if his children for immediate personal comfort and safety. Martin Luther King, Jr. was prolife, like his father and like my father, Rev. A.V. King, who worked very closely with his brother Martin Luther King, Jr. in the civil rights movement of the 20th century. Planned Parenthood tried to co-opt the vision and image of Dr. King but it’s not true, Dr. King was very prolife. You can see much of that information at “” under “MLK and Planned Parenthood”.
JP: Your visit to Elmira included a special reception for African –American pastors. How did that meeting figure-in to your objectives for this visit?
DR. KING: African-American pastors across the nation are becoming aware and very involved and active in the prolife movement, we’re very grateful. There have always been African-American voices, pastors and leaders, involved in the prolife movement, as early as the 1960’s. Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman were abolitionists who led in the time of slavery and they were also prolife. “” is an organization that I participate in as well. There are many African-American leaders who are prolife and we do all that we can to inform members of our community and the community of America at large.
JP: We know that abortion is not racially exclusive. What advice would you give to pastors across the board who struggle with addressing their flock on the delicate yet urgent issue of abortion?
DR. KING: Abortion is not exclusive denominationally or ethnically. There’s one race, the human race. Every community, every ethnic group, every church denomination, every faith group should tell the truth and shame the devil. Abortion kills babies, abortion hurts women, abortion robs men of their future and their destiny, abortion is bad for everyone in society. Abortion is a stench in the nostrils of God. God said to choose life. It’s a message that all pastors and all leaders should embrace. And all human beings should embrace life and choose life.
More info is available at: “ American”, as well as “”.

Thanksgiving or Thanks-living?

Thanksgiving or Thanks-living?
John R. Petrilli

What’s YOUR favorite holiday? I’m sure that a quick survey would reveal a variety of answers. If you chose Thanksgiving, you’re in good company because that’s Chuck Swindoll’s favorite too! The famous pastor from Texas gives five reasons why Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday.

“First, Thanksgiving seems to blend together all we Americans hold precious and dear – without the sham and plastic mask of commercialism. Second, Thanksgiving highlights home and family. Third, Thanksgiving drips with nostalgia, taking us back to a simple slice of life when our forefathers and foremothers realized their dependence on each other to survive. Fourth, Thanksgiving turns our heads upward. Just the word “Thanksgiving” prompts the spirit of humility. Fifth, and best of all, life simplifies itself. At Thanksgiving we come back to the soil and the sun and the rain which combine their efforts to produce the miracle of life, resulting in food for our stomachs and shelter for our bodies … direct gifts from God.”

While Thanksgiving is just one day on our cultural calendar, it can and should be practiced everyday. As I flipped through the Scriptures I discovered some ways to incorporate thankfulness into our everyday lives,
and turn thanksgiving into “Thanksliving”.


“The ground was covered with grass, and Jesus told His disciples to have everyone sit down. About 5,000 men were in the crowd. Jesus took the bread in His hands and gave THANKS to God. Then He passed the bread to the people, and He did the same with the fish, until everyone had plenty to eat.” John 6:10-11

Now this is one meal where God REALLY blessed the food! Five SMALL loaves of bread and two SMALL fish miraculously expanded into enough food for over 5,000 families (5,000 men plus women and children)! Returning thanks to God at mealtime is one of the most visible expressions of a grateful heart. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us to thank our Heavenly Father for each daily portion of food we enjoy. Many times we see Him practicing what He preached, whether around a table of twelve, or at a banquet of 5,000. Paul says in 1 Timothy 4 that we can be thankful for every kind of food (even the ones we don’t particularly like) because such a prayer sanctifies or blesses the food to our bodies. No matter how rushed our daily lives can be, taking a moment to give thanks for our food can bring us back to our total dependence upon God. We didn’t invent rain, seeds, the sun, or soil. We just enjoy the benefits of these God-given blessings.


“Don’t worry about anything but pray about everything. With THANKFUL hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.” Phil. 4:6-7

If you’re like many, maintaining a consistent prayer life can be an ongoing challenge. Yet it’s by no means an impossibility. Some give up the habit becomes they say that it becomes stale and routine. One way to jump start our prayer life is to mix-in the secret ingredient of thanksgiving. Paul teaches us here that each request we make should end on a note of thanksgiving. I like to think of this as saying, “Thanks in advance” to God. It could be an indication that we believe that the answer is already on the way, or it could demonstrate that we’re willing to trust God to answer in any way He sees fit. The apostle Paul is constantly seen lacing his prayers with thankfulness for the salvation, growth, partnership and friendship of his many converts. He also prayed for and received many opportunities to share the gospel. How did he do it? With prayers that were filled with gratitude to God. Try it and see if a little bit of gratitude will make a big difference in your attitude! We add a supernatural dynamic to our prayers when we punctuate those requests with a sincere “Thank You, Lord.”


“God’s power will make you strong enough to endure anything, and you will be truly happy. I pray that you will be GRATEFUL to God for letting you have a part in what He has promised His people in the kingdom of light.” Col. 1:11-12

When reporters interviewed American GI’s who outlasted years of imprisonment and torture by the North Vietnamese army, many of them cited prayer as the thing that enabled them to get through. Make no mistake about it, life can be hard, and sometimes life gets REALLY hard. What do you do when life backs you up against a wall? What’s your first instinctive response? We can try to handle it on our own, but that’s the stuff that burnouts are made of. God has a far better plan. He says that if we turn over that situation to Him with thanksgiving, He’ll supply all the strength we’ll need to see it through. Paul wrote these words to a group of new Christians who were struggling to survive in a culture that threw mud in their faces. They were mocked, bullied, harassed and even physically abused for their faith. So what made them survive and thrive? A thankful heart. Note that Paul links their gratitude to the incredible privilege that is theirs in being a part of Christ’s kingdom, not only here on earth, but especially in that future heavenly kingdom filled with the ineffable light and glory of God. When hard times hit, thanksgiving will enable us to remain genuinely optimistic and truly hopeful. No matter how dark the night, there’s a new day dawning. Whatever you may be going through this Thanksgiving, if you choose to set your hopes in God, He will deliver you!


“Enter His gates with THANKSGIVING and His courts with praise. Give THANKS to Him, and praise His name.” Psalm 100:4

Ever wonder what it would be like to be invited to the White House? A good friend of mine knows. They were a guest at a gala event there, personally invited by President Bush himself. They even have the pictures to prove it! So what would you do if you were ushered into the presence of the world’s most powerful person? Guess what? Each time you initiate a time of worship, you are! But His name isn’t Bush or Obama. His name is Jehovah! So how would you make your entrance (once you’ve gotten over the fact that you’re actually there)? The psalmist guides us here with some timely advice. Entrance into God’s courts should be done in a spirit of heartfelt and profuse thanksgiving. Thanks and praise are most appropriate, seeing that our God has gone to such incredible extremes to extend His love and grace to us in the sacrifice of His only Son on our behalf. There’s no need to stammer or stutter. Just simply immerse your heart and soul into a loud crescendo of praise to the One Who has made your salvation possible! As we do, we’ll experience a whole new dynamic in our worship experience. Great worship begins and ends on the high note of thanksgiving.


“Be cheerful no matter what. Pray all the time. THANK God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.” 1 Thess. 5:18

Can you name a single activity that can be done anywhere or anytime? If you’re struggling to come up with one, let me save you the effort. Thanksgiving is something we can engage in anywhere, anytime, and under any circumstance. It’s one of the most versatile, portable, flexible things in life. At first glance this command might seem like God is asking the impossible. Does this directive mean we’re to thank God for the bad things that enter our lives? Well, yes … and no. I struggled as a new Christian with just what this meant. Then it dawned on me while teaching a Sunday School lesson. While we certainly aren’t appreciative of pain and trial (that would make us abnormal), we can be thankful for the good outcome that the Lord will bring out of it. Here’s where Romans 8:28-29 really come into play. God does work everything out for our good, both circumstantially as well as transformationally. At the time we usually can’t see that positive outcome, but it’s there nonetheless. In time we’ll be able to look back and realize just what God was up to. Pain and trouble are often the tools He uses to make us more like Jesus. That’s where the transforming comes in. James concurs, stating that trials and troubles can be God’s tools to develop our character. Our job is not to figure it all out … that’s a job only an all-wise God can do. He just asks us to trust Him in and through it. That’s where the thanksgiving comes in. We can thank God no matter where we find ourselves because, in the end, He’s busy putting it all together in a way that will bring blessing and growth into our lives.


When God Pulls Out All the Stops

When God Pulls Out All the Stops
John R. Petrilli

As a student in Bible School I used to love attending chapel. One of the reasons was the mighty pipe organ that graced the platform and roused the student body to wholehearted, exuberant worship. Especially thrilling were those moments when the organist would pull out all the stops and cut the gigantic instrument loose. The sound thundered through the auditorium like a freight train, momentarily convincing me I had died and gone to Heaven! When it comes to pouring out blessings upon His children, like that organist, God loves pulling out all the stops. If Thanksgiving is anything, it’s a celebration of the gracious bounty of God. We hear all about this divine trait in our seasonal songs, so let’s get out our spiritual microscopes and closely examine the Biblical description of our most generous God.


“And God passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, ‘The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and ABOUNDING in love.” Exo. 34:6

What part of Thanksgiving do you enjoy the most? I especially look forward to the festively decorated table, with its beautiful cornucopia centerpiece, filled with all manner of mouth-watering fruits, plump vegetables and lovely flowers. This tradition dates back to a day when our culture was primarily agrarian. It symbolizes the generosity of God. Many, however, suffer from a misconception we might call a “tight-wad God”. They don’t understand how big He desires to bless His people, so they pray small prayers and expect small answers. They often don’t even bother praying because their request, to them, seems like too much to ask of God.

We may need a heavy dose of good theology here. God tells Moses that He’s into blessing people out of their socks. As if a front row seat, personal, Mount Sinai encounter with God and reception of the 10 Commandments weren’t enough, God goes on to explain to Moses that abundance is the way He does things. Nothing done on the cheap here. Whether its compassion, grace, patience, love, or faithfulness, God has it, and He wants to shower it upon His people in abundance! He does so because that’s just His nature. God is actually EAGER to abundantly bless our lives! He pulls out all the stops!


“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.” Psalm 1:1-3

As I write this I realize that the green trees outside my widow will soon turn to a flush of reds, yellows and browns. The Psalmist uses a flourishing tree to illustrate the abundant yield of an obedient life. If you want your life to bear more fruit of the Spirit, and more fruit in spiritual multiplication, listen to the Psalmist’s secret formula. Fruit bearing trees have their root systems firmly implanted into the right soil (saturation in God’s Word), and they drink deeply from a fresh water supply (“planted by the streams of water”). Such trees enjoy productivity, longevity, and prosperity. I challenge you to invest even a small amount of time in Bible reading, memorization, or meditation, and SEE if God doesn’t bless your life. As you expose your life to God’s Word, it will transform your way of thinking and behaving. I KNOW He will because this Psalm says so! Be Blessed!
Obedience will be a pleasure, not a pain! He pulls out all the stops!


“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” Pro. 3:9-10

It never ceases to amaze me how the people of America give so generously. In the CNY area alone $330,968 was raised for Muscular Dystrophy during a recent telethon. When a major catastrophe strikes another country or even our own homeland, the vast majority of funding comes from individual gifts from plain old folks who just want to do something to help. Contrary to the mantras of Madison Ave., giving beats receiving by a mile! Jesus said so, and so did Paul (Acts 20:35)! Malachi reminds us that our contribution to the financial support of our pastors will trigger a windfall of divine blessing (Mal. 3:10). Luke tells us that we’ll never, ever succeed in outgiving God, because every time we put in, He multiplies our gift and throws it right back in our lap (Luke 6:38 ; 2 Cor. 9:6-11)! The writer of Proverbs informs us that God restocks our supply chain until we become “overstocked” (Pro. 3:9-10). He pulls out all the stops!


“I tell you the truth,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age, and in the age to come, eternal life.” Mark 10:29-30

Many of us have likely felt the acute pain of homesickness sometime in our lives. Be it our first semester at college, living far away from relatives, or being stationed overseas, the pangs of separation can leave us longing for home and loved ones. Believe me, our missionary friends know this experience all too well. But to those who give themselves to such sacrificial service, our Lord promises to faithfully provide “spiritual surrogates”, people to whom they can share their lives with. What’s more, this provision is depicted by Jesus as most generous, replacing each separated loved one with scores of replacement friends. Again, the Lord doesn’t skimp whatsoever in meeting this critical social need. There’s more than enough. He pulls out all the stops!


“He arose and came to his father. When he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him … the father said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry.’ ” Luke 15:20-23

One step. That’s all it took to put the prodigal on the path away from hearth and home. Having partied his way into poverty, he woke up and took one more step. This time in the direction heading back toward his dad. Ever notice how the son WALKED up the road while the father RAN to meet and welcome him back home? Once the two were reunited it was REAL party time! Look how the father celebrates. He pulls out all the stops! No expense of food, clothing or jewelry was too great. It was the very best, and there was lots of it! In this unforgettable parable Jesus paints for us a picture of the lavish way God bestows His forgiveness, mercy and grace upon all that are broken, beaten, bruised, but returning to Him. Like an excited parent witnessing their baby’s first steps, God rushes to our side to cheer us on and bless us as we take each step that heads us back in His direction!

“Delight in abundance – the abundance God gives you, both material and spiritual. Especially delight in the abundance of joy that comes from His presence.” – Billy Graham

Blackaby Audience Experiences God

Blackaby Audience Experiences God
John R. Petrilli

A fresh start can revolutionize our whole approach to life and how we live it. Whether a vacation, new job, or new location, our perspective and expectations can be dramatically altered by hitting the restart button. The same can be said about getting a fresh start in our relationship with God. Such was the case with many who participated in the Fresh Encounter Conference on September 9-10 at the North Syracuse Baptist Church. Sponsored by Dr. Bruce Jones’ locally-based City Reachers ministry, this highly anticipated event featured acclaimed author Dr. Henry Blackaby, as well as his gifted son, Dr. Richard Blackaby.

It was a powerful one-two punch, with the senior Blackaby delivering challenging Biblical principles while the son shared unforgettable real-life illustrations that had the audience alternately roaring with laughter then quietly reflecting. The opening Friday night public rally bore much visible fruit as many came forward in response to a dual challenge to be truly born-again of God’s Spirit, and for believers to close the distance between themselves and their Lord. It was a rare opportunity to have men of this spiritual caliber pass through our area. An interview with the father-son team revealed the following points of interest.

JP: With over 7 million copies sold, your book, “Experiencing God”, has enjoyed a phenomenal reception over the years. The title suggests the possibility that a gap exists between our knowledge of God and our experiential relationship with Him. Please comment on this important distinction.

DR. HENRY BLACKABY: The editors of my material said, “You should call this book Knowing God.” I said, “Absolutely not.” That title has the idea of intellectual excellence. But everywhere I go around the world God’s people are crying out, ‘How can I experience in my life what I know in my head?’ So I said, “It needs to be called ‘Experiencing God’.” The publisher replied, “Seminary professors won’t like the experiential/personal’ ”. I said, “I’m not writing for seminary professors, I’m writing for the common person.” The term “experience” sets it apart from a lot of other books. The book answers what God’s people are looking for. It supplies the missing link.

JP: In your chapter titled, “God Speaks to His People”, you point out that a love relationship is the key to knowing God’s voice. The absence of that love relationship with God was the problem with the people of Jesus’ day (Matt. 15:8), as well as the Church in Ephesus (Rev. 2:4). Would it be safe to say that a similar problem exists in the church of our day, and if so, how might this be remedied?

DR. HENRY BLACKABY: It certainly is. People have a sense of religion, but not relationship. So God’s people practice religious activity and assume that’s relationship, but it isn’t. All the way through the Bible you hear God saying, ‘I want you to love Me with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength’, and that’s still true today.
There’s not much being taught about it. People are not being helped to know how you have a love relationship to God.

JP: Your speaking engagements have exposed you to a large percentage of the Body of Christ. What evidence do you see of a genuine hunger for God, or the absence thereof?

DR. HENRY BLACKABY: I see a tremendous hunger for God across all denominations including Roman Catholic. The heart cry from God’s people today is “How can I experience God?” And it is a heart cry. It comes from all levels. I work with about 200 top Christian CEO’s, and that’s their heart cry.

JP: In your chapter titled, “God Speaks Through the Church”, you state that the modern church has so overemphasized the priesthood of the believer that we’ve lost our sense of corporate identity. Please comment on the way the resulting lack of accountability has affected the Church.

DR. HENRY BLACKABY: The corporate life of the church is what God intended. God intended an inter-relationship between His people. He did not intend for a solitary individual, but an interdependence. God’s first assignment was to build a church in Jerusalem, and that church proliferated into churches all over the Roman Empire and all over the world. And that’s still God’s plan. I pastored for about thirty years, and I taught our people what a church is, and that its design is to look to see where God’s at work in every other town and village, and go and teach and build churches. So a little church of ten people that was discouraged and wanted to quit, while I was there we started 38 congregations all over the (Canadian) province. I saw that as a Biblical pattern.

DR. RICHARD BLACKABY: Individuals often try to find a church that’s tailor-made for you. (The mentality is) “If the church doesn’t meet my needs or play the music I like, or if the pastor talks about money, or something I’m offended by, then I’ll just walk away.” Not to have any sense of my accountability to this body. This body needs me too. They’re not just there to meet my needs. I’m a part of the family, and that means that the family needs me as well. And a lack of accountability. As soon as you want to sin, you commit your sin, then just go down the street and you just start over. If you become accountable to that church family then you realize that you don’t live in isolation and you are accountable, and your brothers do have a right to ask things of you.

DR. HENRY BLACKABY: I had to teach the people what a church was. I don’t see that happening much today. We’re practicing culturally religious acceptance, but we’re not teaching the people what a church is from the Scriptures. That’s where the heart of the problem is. They don’t know what a church is to be or what it is to do. But when they do, it’s incredible what God does through that church.

JP: In your chapter, “Being God’s Servant”, you share how God has historically and consistently used ordinary people. Please speak a word of encouragement to the ordinary people who will be reading this interview.

DR. HENRY BLACKABY: That has been true right from the beginning. Abraham was an ordinary person. He was one of the most successful of his day, but very ordinary. And when you see the prophets, they were ordinary people.

DR. RICHARD BLACKABY: I would jump in to say that the writing of the “Experiencing God” study has been an example of that. I tell people my dad is the greatest man of God that I know, but he’s also one of the most ordinary people. I don’t say that derogatorily, just to say that he is very ordinary. I run a seminary where we train people to be preachers, administrators and leaders. I know all the skills that go into great leadership. You won’t examine my dad’s life and say, “Oh, it was his administrative genius”, or “It was his marketing savvy.” When you examine the whole phenomenon of how God’s used this material, you just say, “God just chose to find an ordinary person and just speak truth to him, and he just faithfully shared it.

JP: Many believers have spent decades praying for revival. In your travels what if any evidences have you seen that a national revival could be on the spiritual horizon?

DR. HENRY BLACKABY: People don’t seek revival, God brings it. And He looks for a people or a church that He could trust with a mighty move of His presence and power. Then He works mightily. Revival is for God’s people. Spiritual awakening is for the lost. The lost cannot be revived; they’ve never been ‘vived’. Culturally we think of revival as a great number of lost people (being affected). But Biblically, revival is what God does to His people, and when His people get right with Him, then there’s no limit to what God can through that people and to a lost world. We’ve got to get back to the Word of God. And that’s explosive! There’s not a place in the Bible (that indicates) that God cannot radically affect His people, and through His people to touch the rest of the world.

Abby Johnson Ignites Prolife Audience

Abby Johnson Ignites Prolife Audience
Staff Writer

Nearly five-hundred came to Driver’s Village in Cicero on September 19 to hear Abby Johnson, one of the nation’s leading prolife speakers. Johnson captured the audience’s attention for over an hour with her story of how God led her out of a leading role in the abortion industry and into a leading role in the prolife movement.

Johnson’s first exposure to Planned Parenthood came during her college years. She unstintingly gave herself to that organization with the mistaken belief that it endeavored to reduce the number of abortions. As explained in her best-selling book “Unplanned”, the fallacy of that organizational mantra was exposed while she worked as the director of a Texas-based PP clinic. As Planned Parenthood increasingly pushed for more and more abortions, it became abundantly clear that their motivation was purely monetary, not humanitarian. Johnson learned that there is a monthly abortion quota at every abortion clinic, and that there is a dollar amount attached to each woman that comes in. Concurrently, Johnson was trying to cope with a growing internal struggle to reconcile her pro abortion activism with her own sense of distance from God. The faithful witness, love, prayers and picketing by the founders of 40 Days for Life (40daysfor helped her see there was far more to the prolife message and movement than the folks at PP had led her to believe.

The entire bundle of conflicts came to a head when she was asked to assist in an ultrasound abortion. The baby was 13 weeks along, the same age Abby’s daughter was when she had an ultrasound to monitor the progress of her baby. As the doctor jabbed the infant with a probe, it recoiled in protest against the intrusion. Once the suction procedure began, the baby suddenly jumped, tried to flee away, and frantically fought for its life, but to no avail. “As the technician turned on the suction, I watched this little body twist and turn like you’re wringing-out a dish cloth. I watched this tiny body be ripped apart in its mother’s womb, this place where it should be safe. I just stood there and did nothing as I watched a child struggle, fight and die.” This was a defining moment for Abby as she suddenly realized just what abortion really was, the unequivocal murder of a living human being. She raced back to her office, composed a resignation, and then immediately sped off to the nearby local headquarters of the 40 Days for Life organization. Once there, she completely broke down, only to find the forgiveness and inner peace she had so desperately sought and needed. In a short time, she found herself fully immersed in responding to invitations to speak about her prolife conversion experience.

Abby’s delivery was spiced with frequent anecdotes which provided comic relief that balanced the intense nature of a gripping and sobering topic. During her speech she minced no words. “Don’t be fooled, the work of the abortion industry is evil.” Johnson closed with a strong five-fold challenge.

“First we need to individually and corporately repent of our apathy. Dr. Bernard Nathanson (founder of the National Abortion Rights Action League but now avid pro-lifer) said, ‘We knew that abortion would catch on if we could just get the churches to remain silent.’ And he was right. We as Christians have to repent because 72% of the abortions taking place in this country are taking place by Christian women. If we turn from our wicked ways, Jesus will heal our land.”

“Second, we have to pray. If there was ever a time to pray, now is the time because we are fighting a spiritual battle. This is not just about politics, this is a spiritual battle. This is not about being a red or a blue state, or whether you’re a donkey or an elephant. I don’t care. This is about getting on our knees and praying to God.” (loud applause) “I was not converted because people voted the right way. I was converted because people prayed the right way. And that’s one of the most important things that we can do.”

The third thing we have to do is to get involved. There’s a place for every single person in the prolife movement. I don’t know what you think about immigration, taxes or anything else. But without the right to life, nothing else really matters (applause). This is THE issue! 33% of our population is missing because of what, a choice? I became prolife because there were prolife people who were willing to make a sacrifice, that were out there in front of my clinic praying every single day. They prayed for me for eight years. We need good, holy, godly men in this movement. Real men don’t lead the women they care about into those doors of the abortion clinic. There are men in here that have stories of abortion decisions you have been a part of, and you can change the lives of young men you know. We need you, we need you now, and these women need you. This is not a women’s issue, it’s an issue for everybody.”

“Fourth we’ve got to bring it to our church. The Christian churches can no longer stand silent on the issue of abortion. Apathy on the issue of abortion is a sin in itself. Pastors tell me, ‘I don’t want to offend anybody or make them feel uncomfortable.’ I look them in the face and I say, ‘Your silence on the issue of abortion is one of the most offensive things that you can do to your congregation.’ We need clergy of courage. We need a congregation of courage. God is very, very clear on the issue of life. There is no grey, it is black and white. There are a lot of things I’m not sure about, but I am SURE about how my God feels about the issue of life. We need leadership in our churches, we need healing in our churches, to men, women and families. We’ve got groups in our churches for everything under the sun … but we won’t talk about the most pervasive epidemic in our churches, and that’s abortion, and shame on us. It is time to change that.” (vibrant applause)

“The fifth thing we need to do is to be loud. If you have a story of how abortion affects you or affects your family, you need to share it. Don’t be silent because your story can save a life. And you’ve got this amazing center (New Hope Family Services) right here. I’ve never been to a center where it’s actually a pregnancy center and an adoption center. You have a gem. You should tell everyone you know about this center. If you’re a business owner what’s the best way to advertise? Word of mouth. But you’ve got to use your mouth. Do it now.”

New Hope Executive Director Judy Geyer states, “It was a very exciting banquet. Our office has had a lot of emails and calls coming in from people saying their hearts were touched by Abby’s message. Many went home realizing they can’t just sit by and let abortions take place, that they have to get involved in the fight against abortion, and I think that’s a wonderful outcome. We praise God that she was able to come. She’s a courageous person, and God is using her for such a time as this, to bring this message across the nation.”
The annual banquet is sponsored by Hew Hope Family Services ( This year’s event featured worship music courtesy of Calvary Chapel Syracuse, special music by Mark Hard of W.M.H.R. and a moving testimony from this year’s Life Choice Award recipient. For further information log on to

No Excuses!

No Excuses!
John R. Petrilli

If you want to meet an expert on excuses, chances are good that a police officer monitoring traffic speeds could be your man. Once his radar gun detects a motorist’s excessive highway velocity, they’re toast. When he goes to the window of the violator’s vehicle, he’ll hear all the classic reasons why they were speeding, as well as some that are as laughable as they are original. While there are times when an excuse is legitimate, most excuses are simply a refusal to own up to irresponsible behavior. But all the blame shifting and concocted excuses will get us nowhere when we’re caught red-handed. Contrary to some people’s misconception of God as an easygoing gent who habitually overlooks our misdeeds, the picture painted by Scripture depicts Him as One Who doesn’t countenance any “excuses”. Here are a few passages that will encourage us to avoid excuses when it comes to our response to the salvation He’s offered.


“By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can’t see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of God’s divine Being. So nobody has a good EXCUSE!” Romans 1:20

God invented global communications. The whole world from shore to shore can hear God’s testimony to Himself via His created works (Psalm 19:1-6). From the highest heavens down to the lowest valleys, creation shouts out the existence of her Master Designer. There’s not a single place on earth where God’s witness to Himself doesn’t ring true, loud and clear. What’s more, this witness has existed from time immemorial, spanning from the very first generation of mankind right down to our day. The starry heavens proclaim a convincing message to the dullest of minds, while the vast variety and complexities of life forms on land, sea and in the sky awaken the dullest of hearts. Whether things celestial or things terrestrial, all of God’s creation points unmistakably back to Him! Everything we can see, hear, taste or touch testifies to the existence of one awesomely powerful Creator God. This is a self-evident truth, and because of it, no one will ever be able to claim they weren’t aware of God’s existence. It was right in front of their eyes, plain for all to see. All who refuse this most basic revelation of God will be without excuse!


“When outsiders who have never heard of God’s law follow it more or less by instinct, they confirm its truth by their obedience. They show that God’s law is not something alien, imposed on us from without, but woven into the very fabric of our creation. There is something deep within them that echoes God’s ‘yes’ and ‘no’.” Romans 2:14-15

Imagine trying to function for a single day without any ability to distinguish between right and wrong. We’d be at the mercy of our own selfish desires and sinful drives. Thankfully God has endowed each of us with a conscience which enables us to distinguish good from evil, right from wrong. That conscience can be further informed and enlightened by God’s Word (1 Cor. 8:4,7 “We KNOW”, “Not Everyone KNOWS”). But the conscience can also become corrupted and completely crippled by repeatedly acting against its warnings, promptings and convictions (Titus 1:15; 1 Timothy 4:2). According to Paul, all of us have the inborn moral law of God written upon our hearts, including those who’ve never heard a single verse of Scripture! The light of conscience tells us what’s acceptable to God. On this basis alone God will judge all who have sinned against this fundamental and universal sense of moral obligation. Its presence makes us universally accountable.
No one will be able to stand before God and claim they didn’t know right from wrong. Those who do so will be without excuse!


“You didn’t think, did you, that just by pointing your finger at others you would distract God from seeing all your misdoings and from coming down on you hard? Or did you think that because He’s such a nice God, He’d let you of the hook? God is kind, but He’s not soft. You’re not getting by with anything. Every refusal and avoidance adds fuel to the fire. In the end you get what’s coming to you.” Romans 2:1-3

There’s a wise old saying, “Whenever you point a finger at someone else, there’s four more of your fingers pointing back at you”. We find it so easy to identify the failures of others, but so difficult to own up to our own failures. Paul makes it clear that we can’t excuse ourselves because we do the very same things we condemn in the lives of others. No matter how “moral” we may think we are, every one of us breaks God’s standards every day in thought, word or deed. Our own personal failures and sins reveal that we’re anything but guiltless, but, instead, are worthy of a perfect God’s rejection. No one will be able to stand before God and claim they are innocent. Those who do so will be without excuse!


“We know that everything in the Law (the Scriptures) was written for those who are under its power. The Law says these things to stop anyone from making EXCUSES and to let God show that the whole world is guilty.” Romans 3:19-20

I think one of the most misunderstood things is the actual purpose of God’s Law. The Law of God was never intended to be a means of getting right and staying right with God. Quite the contrary. God’s Law is designed to show us that we’re totally incapable of obeying Him. We possess a nature that naturally opposes adherence to His Law. Writing to the Christians in the country now known as Turkey, Paul clarifies that the Law’s real purpose was to reveal our sinfulness, show us our need for salvation, then point us to Jesus Christ as our Savior from sin’s destructive power and deathly penalty (Galatians 3:19-25, cf. Romans 5:20). Paul likens the Law to an ancient escort whose job it was to insure that a child got to school okay. Likewise, the Law’s purpose is to guide us to the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s Law is revelatory, not redemptive. It can reveal what’s right, but cannot empower or transform us to perform it. Whether internally revealed via our conscience or externally revealed via God’s written Word, God’s Law makes our guilt an open and shut case. When we stand before Him, there will be no plea bargaining or loopholes to get us off the hook. No one who has been exposed to God’s Word will be justified in claiming immunity. Ignorance will not hold up in God’s courtroom. All will be without excuse!


“If the old message (of the Law) delivered by the angels was valid and nobody got away with anything, do you think we can risk neglecting this latest message (of the Cross), this magnificent salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3). “Jesus’ descent from David roots Him in history; His unique identity as Son of God was shown by the Spirit when Jesus was raised from the dead.” (Romans 1:3-4)

If someone ever asks you what makes Christianity so different from all other religions, here’s your answer: “Christianity is the only faith that has a RISEN Savior.” The founder of every other religion died and was buried, never to be seen or heard from ever again. Not so with Jesus. He came back from the dead! In so doing, He proved Himself to be God’s Son, and validated that His work on the Cross sealed the deal on our salvation. The writer to the Hebrews repeatedly used comparisons between Judaism and Christianity to highlight the relative inferiority of the former and the decisive superiority of the latter. In chapter two he warns of the dangers of ignoring the message of salvation via the Cross of Jesus Christ. Says he, “If those who ignored the Law received from angels on Mount Sinai (via Moses) were severely punished, how much more INEXCUSABLE will God consider those who have turned a deaf ear to His salvation provision via the cross?” (2:3) While the jungle dweller who’s never heard the gospel will be guilty based upon his violation of the light of creation and conscience, imagine the severity of God’s wrath against those who knew about Jesus’ provision for their forgiveness, yet rejected it? They, of all people, will be absolutely and irrevocably without excuse!


“When the Holy Spirit comes, He’ll expose the error of the godless world’s view of sin, righteousness and judgment. He’ll show them that their refusal to believe in Me is their basic sin; that righteousness comes from above, where I am with the Father, out of their sight and control; that judgment takes place as the ruler of this godless world is brought to trial and convicted.” John 16:8-11

Any court case worth its salt includes the testimony of credible, reliable witnesses. Some cases even involve the testimony of experts in a particular field like DNA or other disciplines. Cases have been won or lost based on the strength of the evidence and the corroboration of eyewitness testimonies. God is very much committed to providing expert testimony. The Holy Spirit is such a witness. One of His primary functions in the salvation process is to set the record straight on our spiritual need, Jesus’ provision for that need, and the inevitable destiny of those who’ve chosen to refuse that provision. When someone hears the gospel message, the Spirit begins to open their eyes to these three critical areas of belief. First, the Spirit shows us our sinfulness and need of a Savior. Next, He points us to the provision for that need in Jesus Christ, whose death on the cross satisfied God’s righteous demand that sin be paid for in full. Finally, the Spirit warns us of the consequences of rejecting God’s provision in Christ, that being judgment, eternal separation from God. It’s the same kind of judgment Satan encountered the moment Jesus died on the tree (John 12:31; Luke 10:18). The Holy Spirit faithfully shines the light of the gospel into our hearts, and to receive that light is to step into spiritual rebirth! (2 Corinthians 4:6). Reception of Christ’s light transforms us into a child of God, and no excuses are needed once you become a part of His Family. “To all who receive Him, who believe in His name, He gives the right to become the children of God” (John 1:12)!

So how is it with you? Have you been making excuses for not trusting in Jesus Christ for your salvation? All that can change right now. If you wish to receive God’s forgiveness of your sins through Jesus Christ, sincerely pray the following suggested prayer:

“Dear Heavenly Father, I admit that I’m a sinner, and can do nothing to save myself. Thank You so much for sending Jesus to pay my sin debt in full. I turn away from my sins and ask You, Jesus, to come into my life. Help me to follow you as my Lord and Savior. Amen.”

If you prayed this prayer, please let us know so we can rejoice with you! Feel free to contact us by phone at 488-0800, or by email at: God bless you! 