Saturday, May 7, 2011

What Is Jesus Doing Today?

What Is Jesus Doing Today?
John R. Petrilli

With Easter season 2011 now in the books, have you ever wondered what Jesus is up to today? We know He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. That He took His seat on God’s right hand. But is that it? Does the Bible give us any indication as to what He might be doing up there right now? Thankfully it does! Here’s the “rest of the story”.


“In My Father’s house there are many rooms. I am going there to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2

One of the great joys of springtime is the return of songbirds. Consider these fascinating details about the bowerbirds of Australia. Male bowerbirds go all out to attract a mate. In fact, they build special homes just for this purpose. Some species make rings up to five feet wide in which to sing and dance to lure a female. Other species build nests six feet high that resemble a pyramid. Bowerbirds decorate their nests with colored berries, insect wings, flowers, and small shells. They carpet the floors of their homes with leaves or ferns, or set up curtains of vines or other hanging plants. Some even paint the walls by mixing their saliva with naturally-found pigments, using bark or leaves as paintbrushes. This picture provides a wonderful illustration of a spiritual reality. Jesus Christ, right this moment, is busy building a fabulous hew home in heaven for His Bride, the Church.

In our modern culture it’s highly unlikely that a bride and groom would reside in the home of the groom’s father. But in Jesus’ day this was actually the norm. I remember hearing singer Damaris Carbaugh share her anticipation of getting her heavenly suite, and how it will be exactly how she herself would have made it. She’ll see all her favorite colors, décor, and designs. Damaris even assured her audience that we will be able to identify her apartment by the lively Latino music wafting out of her window. What is Jesus doing today?
Well, for one thing, He’s preparing an awesome crib for each of us to enjoy for all eternity!


Due to skyrocketing legal fees, more and more corporations and individuals are choosing to settle their disputes through arbitration rather than court. The arbitration process uses a mediator to negotiate a settlement that is binding on both parties. A good mediator knows and understands both sides as well as the issue causing the
problem. In the Old Testament the primary function of the High Priest was to act as a mediator between God and humanity. The book of Hebrews presents Jesus Christ as THE UNIQUE AND FINAL Great High Priest.
In this role, Jesus Christ ministers to us today in at least three important ways.

Christ Resources Us to Overcome Temptation.

“We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet without sin. Let us then approach the Throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:15-16). In chapter one of Hebrews we’re told that after ascending to Heaven, Jesus took His seat at the right hand of God’s Throne. In chapter two of Hebrews Jesus is pictured as a very human individual Who’s experienced the same kind of trials and temptations we do. Now in chapter four of Hebrews we find Christ serving as our mediator as a sympathetic yet omnipotent Great High Priest. As such, He’s not only able to identify with our struggles, but also ready, willing and able to supply us with all the grace and strength we need to overcome sin and trials the same way He did.

Christ is Praying for Our Spiritual Welfare.

“Earlier there were a lot of priests, for they died and had to be replaced. But Jesus’ priesthood is permanent. He’s there from now to eternity to save everyone who comes to God through Him, always on the job to speak up for them” (Heb. 7:23-25). As we journey through this fallen world we encounter the world, the flesh, and the devil. Such formidable foes demand that we receive supernatural assistance, and that is secured for us as Jesus intercedes on our behalf. Two incidents in the N.T. give us an idea of what He’s praying about for us. The first is found in Luke 22:32 where Jesus informs Peter that He was praying for his spiritual recovery and preservation long before Peter actually denied Him. The other occasion is located in John 17 where Jesus prays for the protection, spiritual growth, and multiplication of His disciples. Together, these two incidents show us that our Lord is personally involved with our ongoing daily needs, and is praying for our spiritual success.
As Our Great High Priest, Christ Is Legally Representing Us Before the Father.

Christ Represents Us Before the Father.

“If anyone does sin, we have Jesus Christ to help us. He defends us before God” (1 John 2:1). TV series like Law & Order” and CSI have consistently topped the ratings charts for years now. Each episode involves the tracking-down and prosecution of someone guilty of a serious crime. According to the Bible, every person on earth is a criminal who is guilty of violating the law of God. As such we need someone who will represent our case before God. The apostle John tells us that Jesus Christ is presently serving as our heavenly attorney. Unlike some lawyers, Christ never tries to hide our guilt or make excuses for us. Instead, He stands before the Father and secures our clemency on the basis of His shed blood for our sins. “If an animal’s blood and other rituals of purification were effective in cleaning up certain matters of our religion and behavior, think how much more the blood of Christ cleans up our whole lives, inside and out. Because Jesus already paid the death penalty our sins deserved, He can approach the bench in God’s courtroom and confidently enter a plea of “NOT GUILTY!” for us. And the great thing is that the Father readily accepts that plea and declares us innocent!


“On the Lord’s day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet. I turned to see the voice, and when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands was someone like a Son of
Man … in His right hand he held seven stars ... the seven stars you saw in My right hand are the pastors of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.” (Rev.1:18-19)

It was a Sunday worship service the apostle John would never forget. During imprisonment on the island of Patmos, John experienced a firsthand encounter with Christ in His risen, ascended, glorified state. Completely overwhelmed, Jesus places His hand on John and reassures him that there was nothing at all to fear. Christ then identifies the objects John saw in the vision to be representations of seven churches and their corresponding pastors that then existed in what is now Turkey. In chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation we see Christ inspecting, assessing, and addressing the various spiritual concerns of each of these seven congregations. Many scholars believe these congregations also represent typical spiritual conditions of local churches at any given time in Church history.

While Christ is no longer bodily present on earth, He in no way has vacated His position as Head of the Church. We may not be able to physically see Him in our local churches, but He’s there personally. As the leadership and membership allow Him access, He’s ready to help every believing assembly become all that it can for Him. By holding each star in the palm of His hand, we catch a glimpse of the intimate relationship He’s to have with the lead pastor of each local body of believers. There is also a sense of pastoral accountability communicated here as well. Hebrews 13:17 reminds us that our pastors will be held personally responsible for our spiritual progress, and encourages us to cooperate with our earthly shepherd’s efforts to bring us on to maturity. Along with that great weight of responsibility comes a special crown of glory that will some future day be officially bestowed upon the faithful pastor by the Chief Pastor, Jesus Christ Himself (1 Peter 5:4).

So what IS Jesus doing today? He’s Busy Preparing a Honeymoon Suite for His Bride. He’s Busy Performing His Duties as Our Great High Priest. And He’s Busy Leading & Building His Church! He’s so busy for us! Question is, how busy are we for Him?

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