Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Cross – Jesus’ Date with Destiny

The Cross – Jesus’ Date with Destiny
John R. Petrilli

Where we’d be without our calendars? Whether the wall or the cellphone version, we rely on our calendars to remind us of important dates and appointments. Important dates merit a sticker with a picture on it to get our attention and insure we don’t miss that particular appointment. It may surprise you to know that Jesus’ death on the cross was by no means happenstance. It was something God had appointed to happen long, long ago. Redemption’s story culminated the day Jesus kept His divine appointment, climbing Calvary’s hill and surrendering His life on the cross.


Everyone loves to hear the wonderful news that a newborn has arrived. Exciting as that is, it pales in comparison to the kind of announcement given concerning Jesus’ birth. His birth announcement included a future date with the Cross (Luke 2:11). Within Days of His Birth, Jesus’ Redemptive Destiny was Made Known to His Parents (Luke 2:34-35). A senior saint named Simeon shared some highly significant information about Jesus’ future. After blessing both parents and child, Simeon predicts that Jesus’ life and redemptive work would trigger profound responses that would determine people’s eternal destiny. His rejection and ultimate execution at the cross would pierce the tortured heart of his grieving mother. Unusual words to say at a baby dedication.

One of the Magi’s Gifts Pointed Directly to the Cross (Matt. 2:11). I recently had the joy of attending the birthday celebration for my brother’s first grandson who just turned one year old. Logan’s great grandfather painted an exact replica of a baby picture he’d found on a birthday card. He framed the exquisite painting and gave it along with the matching birthday card. Certain gifts in the ancient world carried special meaning as well. Myrrh was a very expensive product that was used in embalming the dead. Perhaps this unusual birthday gift served the purpose of predicting Jesus’ upcoming sacrificial death and burial.


Imagine if a sixth-grader demonstrated the ability to intelligently interact with a group of men holding doctorates. That’s the scene recorded by Luke (Luke 2:49). Barely having reached puberty, Jesus steals away from his parents to mix it up with the sharpest minds of His day at the Temple. The Q&A session he participated in with these accomplished scholars caused onlookers to marvel. They couldn’t believe the grasp this kid had of all things spiritual. Apparently that Q&A turned into an extended three-day seminar on theology. After seventy-two hours of frantic searching, his mom and dad finally found their lost son sitting at the feet of the day’s wisest men. When asked by Mary and Joseph why He’d left their side, He responded with words that must have made them wonder. “Didn’t you know I had to be in My Father’s house?” While Jesus was born a normal human being, instances like this clearly indicate His progressive awareness of the redemptive mission His Father had planned for Him.


Politicians frequently rely heavily on the polls when making major decisions and choosing campaign themes. While Jesus was not concerned with His popularity or “electability”, He did use a question about public opinion to uncover what His disciples thought about His true identity. Did they see Him as just another political figure, or was His role as Messiah dawning on them? Having received a correct assessment from Peter, Jesus goes on to predict His approaching official rejection, public execution and subsequent resurrection from the grave (Luke 9:18-22). At this point in time the disciples were unable to digest His words. They left the topic unaddressed (Luke 9:44). At the very outset of His ministry, Christ made it abundantly clear that His future included execution (John 3:13-14). All along the way He repeatedly attempted to prepare His followers for His appointment with the Cross. Again, near the middle of His ministry He communicated that His death was part of God’s perfect plan for Him (Luke 18:31-34). But, once more, the disciples didn’t get it.


Whether it’s Civil War battles or the Normandy Invasion, when I watch the video clips of men marching into battle I marvel at their courage. How does someone advance head on into enemy fire? Where does such fortitude come from?

While soldiers march forth into the face of death, Jesus’ march to the cross was far more courageous. For He knew He would face, not only the excruciating physical pain of crucifixion, but also the unfathomable weight of the punishment for every sin ever committed! Yet He rises up and marches resolutely for Jerusalem. Jesus pursued His Calvary destiny with unflinching determination and courageous resolve (Luke 9:51).

Christ also approached the Cross with full confidence in His victorious outcome (Heb. 12:2). While the gospel writers provide the salient details concerning the cross, we are equally indebted to the authors of the New Testament letters for additional information on Good Friday. The writer to the Hebrews has provided us with a divine commentary on Jesus pathway to the cross. Writing to Jewish converts to Christianity who were flagging in their zeal and even abandoning the faith, the author points them to Christ’s endurance. In the face of the fiercest opposition Jesus persevered. Even the cross wasn’t enough to deter Him from following the Father’s will. Seeing the joys of heaven ahead, He scorned the shame of public execution, and successfully rose above it to His royal throne.

Count Zinzendorf led the great Moravian missionary movement in the 1700’s. He described his evangelistic goal in the following terms: “To win for the Lamb that was slain the reward of His suffering”. To be sure, Jesus suffered greatly, but in no way was it in vain. His death on the cross paid the penalty for all our sins, thus making it possible for any of us to embrace salvation by repentance and faith. Jesus faced the challenge of the Cross knowing the eternal benefits it would secure for people. “He will see the result of the suffering of His soul and be satisfied.” (Isa. 53:11).

Which brings us to this Easter Season 2011. You’ve likely heard the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. What will you do with this? Don’t allow this season to pass by without making its purpose a reality in your life … your salvation. Please, please, please, act on what you’ve heard. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved! Happy Easter!

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