Saturday, September 25, 2010

The End Times Economy

The End Times Economy
John R. Petrilli

With the economy so much on the minds of folks the world over, it seemed a good time to revisit the Scriptures to catch a glimpse of ‘economic things to come’, and what the future holds for a world embattled in a fight for its economic life. Is there a brighter day ahead? Will things get worse before they get better? Believe it or not, the Word of God has some provocative answers to these and other questions concerning things economic. It provides fascinating details about the nature and outcome of the global economy just down the road. Here’s some of what it has to say on this hot topic.


“[The Beast] was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.” Rev. 13:7b

Having come to the economic ends of themselves, the governments of the world will welcome with open arms an individual who will possess the solutions which eluded them. Disguised as a man of global peace, this individual will gradually gain political momentum using his phenomenal diplomatic skills to peacefully take over the world one nation at a time (Rev. 6:2). Martin R. DeHaan II states, “The time is coming when the Western world will be united under an incredibly intelligent, tremendously dynamic, awesomely powerful, but frighteningly evil man”. Known as the Beast, this global dictator will suddenly change his tactics, launching the world into all out war (Rev. 6:3-4). With a great war comes great shortages of everything that’s basic for human survival. During the Tribulation period this Beast will institute and micromanage a global economy that will ‘save the day’ for all of humanity the world over. For this he will attain god-like status among the unsaved of earth (Rev. 13:8). His purposes and methods will be deceptive to the core (2 Thess. 2:3-4 ; Rev. 13:14 ; 19:19-20a), and his campaign to secure universal compliance will take no prisoners (Rev. 13:15b).


“I looked and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures saying, ‘A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine.’ ”

Our world has indeed seen its share of famine and poverty. As I write these very words, millions of people are dying of starvation. That’s hard to conceive when so many in our world live in relative luxury with plenty of life’s basic necessities and then some. This is the picture the apostle John paints once the ravages of global warfare have left the world economically devastated. While some are dying of starvation, others will be scrambling to protect their supplies of such luxury items as oils and wines. Major inflation usually follows a major war, and the end times will be no different. Having experienced sweeping devastation, the world will witness unprecedented scarcity and all the inflation that goes with it. The price of food will escalate to levels completely out of reach to the common man, seeing as much as a twelve-hundred percent rise (The Wiersbe Commentary, p.1053, comment on verses 5 and 6).


“[The Beast] forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark.”

A cashless society and world might have seemed like some fantasy just a few decades ago, but modern technology has quickly turned that fantasy into a fast-approaching reality. Bar codes, scanners, credit cards and ‘e-business’ are rapidly turning the dollar bill into a relic of the past. Electronic transactions are now responsible for processing and recording most of the world’s business. Microchip implants in animals are already used to monitor their whereabouts, and ways to implement this technology for human applications are being developed and proposed as we speak. The exponential spike in computer capacities makes a global information system powerful enough to manage all this a matter of “When”, not “If”.


“No one could buy or sell UNLESS he had the mark.”

Imagine what life would be like if, suddenly, without warning, your cash supply, checkbook and credit cards became worthless. You’d be economically marooned! No money for gas, or food, or the house or car payment. No resources whatsoever to sustain and maintain life as you know it. Pretty dark day, huh? Unfortunately, that day is coming for millions all around the globe. The Beast’s electronic system is designed for the express purpose of weeding out all who refuse to comply with his unconditional demand for worship. That means that millions, perhaps billions, will suffer a complete economic lockout. Without his imprimatur mark on their hand or forehead, their chances for survival are close to nil. Not only will they face the likelihood of death by starvation, they will also be identified as enemies of the state by citizens they come into contact with, resulting in their apprehension and execution (Rev. 13:15). John MacArthur writes, “In the Roman Empire [a mark] was a normal identifying symbol or brand that slaves and soldiers bore on their bodies. Some of the ancient mystical cults delighted in such tattoos, which identified members with a form of worship. Antichrist will have a similar requirement, one that will need to be visible on the hand or forehead.”


“The Anarchist, a real dog of Satan, will defy and then take over every so-called god or altar. Having cleared away the opposition, he’ll then set himself up in God’s Temple as ‘God Almighty’ ”.

Strange as it may seem, there will come a day when a mere man will march into the Temple in Jerusalem and announce to the world that he is God. While that seems so implausible from our current perspective, this will take place in the context of a world that has undergone massive changes in its political, social and religious institutions. After pulling-off the greatest economic comeback in world history, some will understandably be inclined to view the Beast as a divine being. After all, he does manage to engineer a false assassination and resurrection from the dead. And there will no longer be any nation capable of challenging him militarily (Rev. 13:4). He will single-handedly win over every nation of the world, a feat no one has ever accomplished! Hero worship is on the rise as people long to adore and glorify something or someone bigger than themselves. Whether it’s rock stars, movie stars, or sports figures, the culture of worshipping a person as something more human is gaining increased popularity and momentum. This mentality of finding and following a megastar is a subtle way of preparing the world for the arrival of the ultimate superstar, and come he will. His overreaching financial machine will rob people of their economic freedom, while his overarching religious system of compulsory worship will rob them of their souls. A better description of Satan’s diabolical purposes can’t be found. He wants complete control, and will stop at nothing to get it.


“I saw another angel coming down from heaven. With a mighty voice he shouted, ‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the great!” (1-2). The merchants who gained their wealth from Babylon stand afar off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn and cry out: ‘Woe! Woe, O great city … in one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!’ ” (15-16).

The year 1929 rings a bell for most Americans still living. Like the phrase “9/11”, it immediately evokes one of America’s darkest memories. Like the tragic crash of the Stock Market that fateful day, there’s coming a future day when the global stock market will collapse in an unexpected and lightning quick manner. Headquartered a city named Babylon, the economic clout of the entire world will go up in smoke under the hand of divine judgment. All its agricultural wealth, jewelry industries, slave trades, clothing goods, luxury items, and industrial resources will utterly vanish in a moment’s time. While earth mourns over their catastrophic economic loss, heaven celebrates the downfall of her worst enemy (20).


“I saw the Holy City” (21:2). “The city [was made] of pure gold. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone” (21:18-19a). “The angel showed me the river of the water of life … On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and His servants will serve Him. They will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads” (22:1-4).

“Heaven on earth” is often what the political campaign rhetoric promises its citizenry. An economic paradise. The truth is, that will only become a reality when a new, perfect and permanent management takes over the affairs of this world. When Jesus comes to power, things will be different … real different … and forever different. Under His all-wise government, the world will experience a global peace and prosperity that will totally eclipse anything it has ever seen before. The opulence John describes speaks of the city’s economic wealth, while the agricultural and human productivity reveal its economic health. It will be a place bustling with life whose output will abundantly satisfy all who inhabit its rich environs. The scourges of inflation, recession, depression, and economic collapse will be relegated to the history books. Best of all, the inhabitants of the New Earth will be able to stand before the One Who gave His life for them, proudly displaying the forehead mark of their beloved ruler. Amen!

Harvesting A Bumper Crop

Harvesting A Bumper Crop
John R. Petrilli

In June, 2006, Israeli doctors and scientists successfully germinated a 2,000-year-
old date palm seed. The seed was tagged with the name “Methuselah” for the man with the oldest recorded age in the Bible. In addition to the challenge of awakening a long-dormant seed, the team also wanted to learn more about the tree praised in Scripture for its shade, food, beauty, and medicinal qualities.

God’s promise to bless the world through a descendant of Abraham also lay dormant for 2,000 years. That seed was Jesus the Messiah, and the story of His resurrected life is going out to every nation on earth. The miracle is now ours to experience. Time is not a factor, neither is the barren ground of circumstance. All that matters is that we allow our hearts to be the soil in which Christ is welcomed and worshipped. The Bible uses the imagery of a seed to describe the Word of God and the gospel in particular.

Isaiah describes the seed of the Word as “unchanging and eternal”. Peter calls the seed of God’s Word “living and indestructible”. Paul states that the gospel seed is “powerful and soul-saving”, and James says that when this Word is “grafted” into hearts, it results in salvation. It’s the privilege and obligation of every Christian to function as a sower of God’s Word. In the famous Parable of the Sower, we discover three principles for harvesting a bumper crop for God.


Each year we enjoy a scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends.
This season is a time to celebrate and give thanks to God for all the blessings the
year has afforded us. But all those wonderful vegetable side dishes don’t just appear out of thin air. They’re the result of a months-long process that began with the planting of a seed Jesus used parables or short stories to get important life truths across to his hearers. In the parable of the sower He teaches about the different responses people have when they hear God’s Word.

The first observation here is simple: If You Want A Harvest, You Have To Plant
Seeds. Four things emerge from this parable dealing with planting seeds. First, the sower scattered his seed widely. In ancient times a farmer would often throw the seed in wide swaths, allowing it to land on all kinds of surfaces. Christ has called us to sow the seed of the gospel widely, including every nation and every creature. Next, the sower scattered his seed generously. We don’t see him counting each individual seed and miserly tossing a little here and a little there. Paul says that those who sow bountifully shall also reap bountifully. Again, the sower scattered his seed consistently. He kept at it until the entire tract of land was covered with seeds.

Finally, he scattered his seed dependently. Like every farmer before and after him, he was totally dependant on God to send the rain and sunshine needed to germinate and mature the seed into a fruit-bearing plant. The Psalmist connects sowing, praying, and reaping this way: “The person who goes forth weeping, shall surely come again rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” Just as we depend on God to water our gardens and farms with rain, so we express our dependence on Him by watering the Word with our prayers.


Some have called this the parable of the soils because it’s more about the soils than it is about the sower. In farming, not every seed successfully takes root, and the same is true with the seed of God’s Word. The fact remains that not all types of ground yield good fruit. In fact, out of the four soil types in the story, only one of them produces fruit. Jesus is giving us a heads-up about this so that we know what to expect, and farm for the Kingdom with realistic expectations.

A. In Case Number One, the Seed Fails to Mature Due to Hardened Soil.

The first soil mentioned is called the pathway. The pathway likely represents one of the footpaths that ran around or through an ancient farm. Some of the seed accidentally fell on the pathway, but had no chance of penetrating due to the hardness of the surface. Consequently, birds swooped down and snatched up the exposed seed. Jesus explains that some people are like the beaten pathway. Their hearts are so hardened by sin that they are totally unreceptive and unresponsive to the Word as it falls upon their ears. Satan capitalizes on their closed minds and hardened hearts, and swiftly moves in to remove the Word from their awareness.

B. In Case Number Two, the Seed Doesn’t Mature Due to Thin Soil.

Unlike the pathway, the seed that falls on the rocky soil actually germinates. It’s highly likely that this seed fell on a rocky ledge where a thin layer of soil covered the rock. When scorching heat of the day down on it, the plant had no water supply to withstand the heat, and subsequently died. Jesus says that some people’s hearts are like thin soil. They initially receive the Word, but it doesn’t get deep enough inside their lives. This lack of root depth proves its undoing when the pressures of persecution hit. Like a promising plant drowned by torrential rains or snapped by driving winds, the shallow faith of the professing Christian is lost in the storms of spiritual adversity.

C. In Case Number Three the Seed Fails to Mature Due to Infested Soil.

This third type of soil is described as being infested with thorns. Nobody likes to see weeds and thorns appear in their garden. While they don’t spell a quick end to a plant’s life, if unaddressed they will spell eventual demise. Jesus says that some people start out well by receiving the good news, but over time, they allow the pressures and temptations of daily life to choke the life out of their fledgling faith. Like thorn bushes, the desire for wealth and pleasure wrap around their hearts, leaving no room for faith to grow. No one has ever succeeded in serving God and money, and this type of person makes the wrong choice, resulting in spiritual suffocation. All that’s left standing is a barren life, with no lasting fruit, and no signs of spiritual life. Having pictured the catastrophic results of sowing in poor soil, Jesus now turns the corner to illustrate the tremendous outcome of sowing seed in good soil.


There are two words that are music in the ears of the professional farmer: “BUMPER CROP!” If that’s the case, the state of Kansas was filled with music in 2007. That year its farmers experienced a bumper crop of corn. According the Kansas Agricultural Statistics Service, the corn harvest is 43% above last year’s yield. But Kansas isn’t alone. Farmers in Texas also have something to sing about as 2007 has sent them a bumper crop of cotton. With a forecast for 8.1 million bales of cotton, Texas will provide a solid 43 % of the nation’s projected harvest for 2007. Farming experts attribute such record high yields to a number of factors including ideal harvest conditions. Above normal temperatures and abundant rainfall were two major contributing factors. But when it comes to crop success, there’s no substitute for high-quality soil.

A. In Case Four, the Seed Matures into a Bumper Crop Due to Nutrient-Rich Soil.

The principle in this part of the parable is this: Soil quality determines the success and size of the harvest. In contrast to the first three soil types, this last type of soil has an opposite and rewarding outcome. With the right surface texture, adequate root depth, and freedom from thorns, the seed has a chance to take root and bear fruit. And bear fruit it does, to the tune of a 3,000 to 100,000 percent yield! Now that’s what I’d call a bumper crop! Jesus explains that this is the kind of harvest we can expect when our seed is sown into the lives of people with receptive hearts and open minds. All the plowing, planting, and praying are well worth it once the results come to fruition. Unlike the seed that took no hold in the rocky soil, or the seed that took superficial hold in the thorny soil, this seed fulfills its God-intended purpose, to become spiritual fruit.

I have a small, framed picture on my desk. It’s a reproduction of a huge stained-glass window that graces the main lobby at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois. It features a beautiful, multi-colored picture of a man sowing seeds. Often when I see the picture, I’m gently reminded of my responsibility to sow the Word into the lives of those around me. As one commentator puts it: “The practical question is, ‘What amount of increase is your life and mine yielding?’ Are we giving back thirty fold, a fair return; sixty fold, more heartening to the [Divine] Sower; or a hundred fold, a striking, wonderful, and God-honoring return?” During this Thanksgiving season, let’s renew our commitment to participate in harvesting a spiritual bumper crop for our Lord and Savior. Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Harvesting!

How Do I Get to Heaven?

How Do I Get to Heaven?
John R. Petrilli

If you’ve ever taken a long trip you’re aware of the importance of careful planning. Choosing the best routes and correct exits ahead of time can prevent a lot of uncertainty, mistakes, and frustration. Solid planning before you hit the road is the key to reaching your destination. What is true in road travel is also true in our journey down the road of life. There are really only two roads that we can travel on through life and into eternity. The destinations of these two roads are clearly distinct and have totally opposite outcomes. One ends in eternal death, while the other leads to eternal life. So just how do we get on that right road that leads to eternal life? God has given us a Road Map to Heaven, which provides the following trip tick.


“Not by any good deeds of our own, but because God was merciful He saved us.” (Titus 3:5)

Before we find out the right way to get to Heaven it’s important to explode a number of long-standing myths on the subject. The first and most prevailing one is that we get to Heaven by our good behavior. This error dominates most of the world’s religions. It sets up God as a cosmic school teacher who grades our performance. If we score high enough through the good deeds we’ve done, we get promoted to Heaven. If our bad deeds outweigh our good ones, we fail and go to hell. The only problem with this is that it’s not about what we do or don’t do. It’s about what God has already done for us. It’s about our inborn bent to disobey God, and our need to be changed from the inside out. So what we do or don’t do has nothing whatsoever to do with getting to Heaven.


“Knowing the correct password - saying ‘Master, Master’, for instance- isn’t going to get you anywhere with Me. I can see it now – at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to Me and saying, ‘Master we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking’. And do you know what I am going to say? ‘You missed the boat. All you did was use Me to make yourselves important. You don’t impress Me one bit. You’re out of here!’ ” (Matthew 7:21-23, Message)

This has to be, without question, one of the most unusual sections of the entire Sermon on the Mount. The topic of Heaven came up and Jesus’, in signature fashion, shocked the audience. He was stressing the necessity of a truly changed life that was evidenced in obedience to God’s will. Apparently there were those who engaged in religious activities who didn’t have a personal relationship with Christ. Jesus Himself declares that He never knew them. The fact that they did all those marvelous things didn’t matter at all when it came to their eternal destiny. They would be cast out of God’s presence because they had failed to put their faith in Jesus. No religious activities, no matter how impressive or faithfully observed, will EVER substitute for trusting Christ for salvation.


“Everyone must die once. After a person dies, he is judged.” (Hebrews 9:27, Everyday Bible)

We’ve heard it so many times at funerals and cemeteries. Well-meaning survivors and friends try to comfort one another with the words, “they are in a better place.” At the risk of appearing insensitive, such assurances are often false and misplaced. While we’d like to hope that a departed loved one is now in Heaven, this may not be the case at all. God is love, yes. But He’s also just and holy. Heaven is not accessible to just anyone. Our sin comes between us and God, and unless we’ve accepted Jesus’ death as payment for our sin, we’re stuck holding that unpaid bill. The moment a person dies their spirit meets God face to face. A determination is then made. If they’ve placed their lives under the shed blood of Jesus, they enter Heaven. If not, they are transferred to hell. This is so plainly taught in God’s Word it can’t be missed. While God is not willing that any should miss Heaven, He’s also bound by His holiness and righteousness to keep out all who have rejected His Son.


“I’m on My way (back to Heaven) to get a room ready for you. I’ll come back and get you so you can live where I live.” Thomas said, “Master, we have no idea where You’re going. How do You expect us to know the road?” “I am the road (to Heaven). No one gets to the Father apart from Me.” (John 14:1-6, Message)

An eight-year-old girl once asked a pastor how she could get to Heaven. He replied, “You cannot get there by yourself. You need a Savior to forgive your sins and, when you die, to send His angels to carry your soul up to Heaven. There is a Savior. His name is Jesus, and He Himself tells us that if we believe in Him, He will give us eternal life. He will give us a ticket to Heaven. All we can or need to do is believe Him and believe in Him. What do we believe? That Jesus is Lord, and that God raised Him from the dead after His death for us. All who believe this and confess it openly are saved.”

During a special holiday supper, the topic of Jesus impending departure came up. Peter expressed his desire to immediately follow Jesus to Heaven, but he didn’t have the timing quite right. Jesus first had to die and rise to open the way to Heaven before Peter or anyone else could follow Him there. When Jesus began to explain the long range plan to build a home for them in Heaven, the disciples were at a complete loss. They seemed to be clueless about Heaven, much less the way to get there. Countless millions have been in the disciples’ shoes. No other person, place, or thing can open the door to Heaven. “Only Jesus has the power to save! His name is the only one in all the world that can save anyone.” (Acts 4:12)


“I am the Door. If any man enters in by Me, he will be saved. I came so that they may have real and eternal life. I am the Good Shepherd, and the Good Shepherd gives up His life for the sheep. I give up My life for My sheep.” (John 10:7-15)

In Jesus’ day the economy was agrarian. People lived off of the land and its cattle. Sheep were a valuable commodity. Animals provided milk, meat and clothing, and wealth was largely determined by the number of herds one owned. Jesus borrows from the pastoral imagery of a shepherd and his sheep to convey the kind of caring relationship He desires to have with us. A shepherd was everything to the sheep. Caretaker, guide, veterinarian, protector. Whatever was a concern for the sheep was a concern for the shepherd, no matter how small or large. Here Jesus likens Himself to a gateway in a sheepfold. As the door, He provides access to everything His sheep will ever want or need. He does so by giving His life for the sheep. That gift came at the cross, where He died the death penalty that our sins deserved. His death opened the door to Heaven. “That’s what Christ did definitively: suffered because of other’s sins, the Righteous One for the unrighteous ones. He went through it all – was put to death and then made alive- to bring us to God.” (1 Peter 3:18, Message)


“God’s gift is real life, eternal life delivered by Jesus, our Master.”(Romans 6:23, Message)

Imagine someone has discovered the cure for cancer. Now imagine that you’ve been diagnosed with this fatal disease. The fact that you’ll die is a given, it’s just a matter of time. Next, suppose you possess both the means and the opportunity to secure the newly found cure. You know you have the disease, you can afford the cure, and the cure is within reach. What would you do? Why, of course, you would secure the medicine and get cured! But what if, for some strange reason, you declined to receive the medicine? What if you determined that you’d try to find some other way to rid yourself of the cancer? What if you rejected the cure already available? Sounds incredibly foolish doesn’t it? Yet, that is what so many do with salvation. Although it is a free gift, they try to earn it. Our sins have been paid for in full…already! That’s all we have to do to get to Heaven is to receive that payment on our behalf. Jesus’ shed blood cleanses every one of our sins! “If we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) “God gave us a good bath, and we came out of it new people, washed inside and out by the Holy Spirit.” (Titus 3:5) Will you receive the gift of salvation? It’s the only ticket into Heaven my friend, so I so hope that you do!


“Go in through the narrow gate. The gate to destruction is wide, and the road that leads there is easy to follow. A lot of people go through that gate. But the gate to life is narrow. The road that leads there is so hard to follow that only a few people find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14, CEV)

In Robert Frost’s classic poem, “The Road Less Traveled”, the subject tells how he came to a fork in the road and chose the path that was less worn, less traveled. His decision turned out to be the right one, for taking that pathway made all the difference. Jesus used similar imagery to convey the profound choice that faces each of us. He states that there are two pathways into eternity. One leads to eternal life, the other leads to eternal death. The choice we make will make all the difference … for all eternity. The vast majority of folks choose the easier road. Only a comparative handful select the more difficult path of repentance and faith. I find it amazing that God would entrust such a monumental decision to us. In a very real sense, God never sends anyone to hell. People choose hell for themselves by rejecting the only One Who can spare them, Jesus as their Savior. It’s an awesome decision, but a correct choice gets us to Heaven! Choose carefully! Choose wisely!

The Biggest Untold Story

The Biggest Untold Story
John R. Petrilli

Like many phenomenon, the science of earthquakes has its own jargon. Terms like “Richter Scale”, “magnitude”, and “epicenter” have all made their way into our everyday conversations. While the media quickly reports geophysical earthquakes, it’s slow if not silent in reporting the spiritual tremors and earthquakes which are being felt across the Middle East in our day.

The biggest untold story that’s begging to be told is this: More Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus Christ today than at any other time in history! Deeply disillusioned by what they perceive as the utter failure of Islamic governments and societies to improve their lives and give them peace, security, and a sense of purpose in life, many Muslims have left a failing Islam in search of truth. While some have taken the dead end roads of atheism, agnosticism, alcoholism and drugs, millions of Muslims are discovering that healing for their aching hearts and wounded souls can only be found in Jesus Christ.

In one of his recent books, Inside the Revolution, author Joel Rosenberg documents how true and breath-taking revival is breaking out among the Arabic-speaking peoples of our world. The award-winning expert on current events and spiritual trends in the Middle East takes you right to the spiritual front lines to witness the revivals being experienced in many third world countries. There’s a 99-cent pocket-sized booklet version, Inside the Revival, summarizing this development. Rosenberg states, “In my travels throughout the epicenter (his term for the Mideast), I have personally witnessed God’s love for Muslims and for nominal Christians. He is reviving them both. He is awaking Muslims to the truth of the Scriptures, and Muslim Background Believers (MBB’s) are finding hope in Jesus Christ. He is also breathing new spiritual life into Nominal Christian Background Believers (NCBB’s), and He is doing so in numbers few could ever have imagined.”

In IRAN the number known Muslim converts to Christianity has burgeoned from 500 in 1979 to 10,000-20,000 in the year 2000, an increase of 1000 percent! In AFRICA Egyptian Christian leaders estimate that there are now more than 2.5 million followers of Christ there, many of whom are Muslim converts. In addition, there’s also a huge revival taking place among the nominal Christians inside the Coptic church, whose membership numbers in the 10 million range. In SUDAN a spiritual awakening of unimaginable proportions is taking place where, as 2000, one million Sudanese have turned to Christ. Since 2006, more than 250,000 more Sudanese have given their lives to Christ, resulting in an estimated total of 5.5 million believers in that country. In ALGERIA over 80,000 Muslims have become Christ-followers in recent years, the vast majority of these being young people under the age of thirty. The MOROCCAN media is up in arms over the phenomenon of Moroccans turning to Christianity, suggesting that between 20,000 and 40,000 Muslims there have already converted.

Regarding IRAQ, Rosenberg states, “Without a doubt, the hunger for Christ inside Iraq is at an all-time high, say the numerous Iraqi pastors and ministry leaders I interviewed. Several million Arabic New Testaments and Christian books have been shipped into Iraq since the liberation. Millions more are being printed inside the country, and pastors say they cannot keep up with the demand. Before 2003, senior Iraqi Christian leaders tell me, there were only about 400 to 600 known born-again followers of Jesus Christ in the entire country. By the end of 2008, Iraqi Christian leaders estimated that there were more than 70,000 born-again Iraqi believers.

After centuries of spiritual draught, the HOLY LAND is experiencing unprecedented revival. Since 2007 nearly one thousand Muslims have come to Christ in the WEST BANK alone. In 1967 there were no known born-again followers of Christ from a Muslim background in SYRIA. Today there are between 4,000 and 5,000 of them, both MBB’s and NCBB’s combined. The JORDANIAN church has also been seeing revival over the past few years, with conservative estimates of five to ten thousand believers in that land. One Jordanian ministry leader believes there may actually be as many as 50,000 believers there. LEBANON now boasts about 10,000 truly born-again Christ followers, although nearly 40 percent of the country’s residents describe themselves as “Christian”. A dramatic awakening is also taking place in the epicenter of Islam, SAUDI ARABIA, where Arab Christian leaders estimate there were 100,000 Saudi MBB’s in 2005, and they believe the numbers are even higher today.

Finally, in CENTRAL ASIA God is moving powerfully in such previously unreachable areas as AFGHANISTAN, where there are now between 20,000 and 30,000 believers. Evangelical leaders in KAZAKHSTAN report that there are more than 15,000 Kazak Christians, and more than 100,000 Christians of all ethnicities. Today the country of UZBEKISTAN has some 30,000 Uzbek followers of Christ, and hunger for the gospel is at an all-time high there. PAKISTANI Christian leaders report that there’s a “conversion explosion” going on in their country. There are now an estimated 2.5 million to 3 million born-again Pakistani believers worshipping Jesus. Whole towns and villages along the Afghan-Pakistani border are seeing dreams and visions of Jesus and are converting to Christianity!

According to Rosenberg’s mentor and friend Dr. T.E. Koshy (pastor of International Assembly in Lafayette, NY), “Today, with so many Christians in Pakistan, many are seeing the believers demonstrate Christ’s love in real and practical ways. The restlessness of the masses is created by the Enemy, and Pakistani’s are coming to realize that they can only find rest and healing and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.”

Rosenberg’s book and booklet close with many keen and helpful insights into the methods being used to effectively win Muslims to the Lord Who so loves them. If you want to hear what the late Walter Cronkite called “the rest of the story”, a copy of the book or the booklet can be secured at your local Christian bookstore or on the web at

Footnote: I am indebted to Joel Rosenberg’s publications for the majority of this article’s content, and have used it with permission from this author.

Raving Fans

Raving Fans
John R. Petrilli

It’s that time once again. The fall calendar ushers in another year of sports. Whether it’s scholastic, collegiate, or professional, we’ll spend the next nine or so months hearing about or watching sports. Fans come in all shapes and sizes. They can range from the casual fan all the way up to the total fanatic who eats sleeps and drinks his sport and his team. Absurd as sports fanaticism may appear, it actually carries some lessons for those of us who wish to impact our world for the Lord. Are you a raving fan of Jesus? Let’s see.


“The priests called Peter and John back and warned them that they were on no account ever again to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John spoke right back, ‘As for us, there’s no question – we can’t keep quiet about what we’ve seen and heard.’ ” Acts 4:18-20, Message

Peter and his buddies had invested three years into following Jesus. That looked like a wasted investment until Jesus surprised everybody by rising from the dead and ascending back into Heaven. Now the disciples had all they could do to contain their excitement and enthusiasm. Like raving sports fans, they just couldn’t help but tell everybody about their wonderful discovery. Their evangelistic zeal landed them in court where the religious leaders tried to initiate damage control. They charged Peter and John to stop talking about Jesus. But upon their release they go right back to doing what came naturally … telling others about Jesus. Raving fans talk up their team whenever and wherever they can. They’re not ashamed of who they represent. They totally identify with their team. They’re willing to endure any ridicule that comes their way because they love their team and would rather die than be disloyal. And most importantly, they can’t stop talking about their favorite team and its players. Are you a raving fan of Jesus, or a tongue-tied Christian?


“King Agrippa said, ‘Keep this up much longer and you’ll make a Christian out of me!’ Paul, still in chains, said, ‘That’s what I’m praying for, whether now or later, and not only you but everyone listening today to become a Christian like me.’ ” Acts 26:28-29, Message

Recruiting can be a really tough job. Whether it’s securing a prospective college student, a military inductee, or an athlete, it’s not easy to convince someone to sign on the dotted line. Many others often compete with the recruiter for the attention and commitment of the one being recruited. Former students, players, and soldiers often make the best recruiters. Why? Because they speak from firsthand experience. Such was Paul. Here we find him doing some heavy duty prison time for simply sharing the gospel. When he finally gets to make his appeal for release, he spots an opportunity to witness to a top-ranking government official. This in itself is quite amazing, as such a move could have seriously jeopardized his acquittal. But long before this Paul decided that he’d always opt to magnify Jesus Christ, whether it resulted in blessing or hardship. He did this because he, like Peter and John, was a raving fan of Jesus. With raving fans, it’s never enough to simply root for their team, wear the team hat and jersey, and watch all the games. They’re just not happy until they’ve persuaded others to join them. Now THAT’S a true fan, a raving fan. Are you a raving fan of Jesus who recruits others, or just an armchair quarterback content to sit on the sidelines?


“Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. Christ Himself wrote it – not with ink, but with God’s living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives – and we publish it.” 2 Cor. 3:2, Message

Each year companies spend billions of dollars on advertising. While research shows that these sizeable investments do generate a good deal of business, there’s really no better advertisement than a satisfied customer. Paul wrote to a struggling church that questioned his motives, credentials, and intentions. But when answering their trumped-up charges, he cleverly asked them to take a long, hard look at themselves. They had come to Christ under Paul’s ministry. They, themselves, were proof positive that Paul was doing God’s work in God’s way for God’s glory. Like John MacArthur points out, the best evangelistic method is a believer who faithfully lives out the Christian life. We don’t have to look very far to discover the best advertisement for Jesus. It’s US! As we live lives characterized by truth and love, people searching for something better will be drawn to us. Raving fans can be easily identified by their colorful clothing that plainly bears their team’s insignia right out there in the open where everyone can see it. Entire fan clubs are formed to encourage members to do everything they can as individuals to increase the visibility of their team. Are you a raving fan of Jesus that publicly represents our Lord, or one who is content with keeping all the blessings of knowing Him to yourself?

Some Friendly Advice On Friendship

Some Friendly Advice On Friendship
John R. Petrilli

“Friendship is a sheltering tree”. This phrase came from the pen of the brilliant author Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Coleridge began to use opium to deal with the pain of rheumatism, and became addicted to the drug in his early thirties. It was a deep friendship with William Wordsworth that helped Coleridge see his way through disease, addiction, and divorce.

Like Coleridge, we all need friends who, like great green trees, shelter us through the adversities of life. The Biblical character David was no exception. God provided him with a faithful friend in the person of Jonathan, and we can observe some beneficial lessons on friendship from these two men of God.


A. Jonathan’s Friendship Was Essential to David Because it Provided Someone Who Truly Cared About Him.

“The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as he loved himself. And Jonathan made a covenant with David and gave him his robe, his armor, his sword, his bow, and his belt.”

The souls of these two men were knit together. Whatever concerned one concerned the other. In our day of gay activism it’s absolutely necessary to clarify that this friendship had no physical component whatsoever. It was a wholesome, genuine friendship that went deep. As you ladies are well aware, a knitted item has thousands of inches of yarn inextricably intertwined, making the item virtually inseparable. That’s how it was between David and Jonathan. Jonathan cared about his friend David, and his gift of some personal items showed, not only how much he valued David’s friendship, but also his willingness to selflessly sacrifice on David’s behalf. In ancient times it was the highest honor to be the recipient of the clothing of a king or a king’s son. Jonathan chose to bestow such an honor on his friend David.

B. Jonathan’s Friendship With David was Essential Because it Provided A Sounding Board In Times of Personal Crises. 1 Sam. 20:1

“David fled from Naioth at Ramah and went to Jonathan and asked, ‘What have I done? What is my crime? How have I wronged your father, that he is trying to take my life’?

By way of background, David had enjoyed huge successes on the battlefield, and King Saul’s jealousy reached the point of being murderous. He repeatedly hunted David like an animal of prey, trying to eliminate him as a perceived threat to his throne. David reached a point of exasperation and sought-out Saul’s son Jonathan to air his grievances. Without Jonathan’s listening ear David may have self-destructed emotionally. But thankfully Jonathan’s listening ear and encouragement gave David the emotional, psychological, and spiritual therapy he needed to go on. Proverbs 17:17 says that, “a friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for the day of adversity”. This was surely a day of adversity for David, and his friend Jonathan was right there to help see him through it.

C. Jonathan’s Friendship Was Essential Because It Was A Source Of Clarity When David’s Thinking Got Confused. 1 Sam. 20:2

“Never!” Jonathan replied. “You are not going to die! Look, my father doesn’t do
anything great or small without confiding I me. Why would he hide this from me? It is not so!”

David had already been divinely called and officially anointed to be Israel’s next King. Before David’s ascendancy to the throne, God tested Saul and found him wanting. On more than one occasion Saul proved himself unreliable and unworthy of the throne, so it was only a matter of time before David would succeed him. David’s military exploits won him the respect and adoration of all Israel. Yet in the heat of Saul’s relentless pursuit, David lost sight of his divine call to be king. He was worn down and began losing his perspective on the events around him.
He desperately needed someone to remind him of God’s call on his life, and the certainty of God’s protection of that call. He found that someone in Jonathan, who enabled David to regain a clear perspective on the outrageous things that were happening to him.

D. Jonathan’s Friendship Was Essential Because it Gave David Comfort in Times Of Trouble. 1 Sam. 20:41

“David rose from the south side of the stone, fell on his face to the ground, and bowed three times. And they kissed each other and wept together.”

As the story progresses, King Saul holds a royal dinner and David’s attendance was compulsory along with all the King’s court. David’s “no show” triggers an angry outburst from King Saul that includes an attempt to kill his own son Jonathan in a fit of rage. It’s now clear that David was no longer welcome nor safe anywhere near Saul. From this point on David and Jonathan would have to continue their friendship at a distance. In what could have been their final encounter they embraced each other and cried over the tragic developments taking place. Once again, as David finds himself in need of comfort, Jonathan is there.


One of the easiest ways to make friends is to extend a kindness or courtesy to someone, thereby treating them as if they were already your friend. Once the foundation of friendship has been laid, there must be a conscious effort to cultivate that friendship. The friendship between David and Jonathan reveals three ways to cultivate a friendship.

A. Friendships Are Cultivated By Having A Genuine Concern. 1 Sam.19:1-3

“Saul told his son Jonathan and all the attendants to kill David. But Jonathan was very fond of David and warned him, saying, ‘My father Saul is looking for a chance to kill you. Be on your guard tomorrow morning; go into hiding and stay there. I will go out and stand with my father in the field where you are. I will speak to him about you and will tell you what I find.’ ”

Jonathan cultivated his friendship with David by expressing concern for David’s welfare. The day came when King Saul gave his officers the directive to get rid of David. Being the son of the King, Jonathan was privy to this directive and moved swiftly to warn David. He advised David to immediately go into hiding, then set up a plan to keep David informed about Saul’s strategies to locate David.

B. Friendships Are Cultivated By Timely Assistance. 1 Sam. 20:4-7 ; 18-22

Any war veteran will tell you the priceless value of intelligence on the enemy. That was David’s greatest need as he strove to evade Saul’s relentless pursuit. Jonathan devised a very clever way to get valuable information back to David. By shooting arrows to land at various distances from David’s location, Jonathan would let David know whether or not it was safe to return to Saul’s court. The plan worked like a charm, allowing David to steer clear of the King’s bad intentions.

C. Friendships Are Cultivated By Proven Reliability. 1 Sam.20:35-42

“Jonathan said to David, ‘Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the Name of the Lord, saying, ‘The Lord is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever’.”

Proverbs 18:24 says that a real friend sticks closer than a brother. David found such a friend in Jonathan. Over and over again Jonathan came through on his word. He promised to meet with David, and kept that appointment. Jonathan also kept to their agreed upon method of disclosing information that David needed to stay alive. And most importantly, Jonathan kept his promise of lifelong loyalty and friendship to David. Right up until the day Jonathan tragically died on the battlefield he always remained true to his word. The friendship between Jonathan and David stood the test of time because they could rely on each other’s word.


As we come to the close of this beautiful story of godly friendship it becomes evident that each of these men influenced the other. Where would David have been without Jonathan, and vice versa? Jonathan made David a better man, and David made Jonathan a better friend. Somehow we want to believe that those we spend our time with won’t have any effect on us. But nothing could be further from the truth. Others rub-off on us in more ways than we realize. Their morals, philosophy, convictions, and character have a way of invisibly influencing us. The influence of our friends can be positive or negative. That’s why we need to exercise great care in choosing our closest friends. Psalm 1 warns us to avoiding hanging out with ungodly people, and 1 Cor. 15:33 reminds us of the harmful influence that character-deficient associations can have on us. On the flip side, our association with well-chosen friends will have positive results.

Proverbs 13:20 promises that hanging-out with wise individuals will make us wiser, and Proverbs 27:17 assures us that a godly friend will sharpen our spiritual sensitivity to God and His Word. While we can’t choose our family, we can choose our friends.

We’ve taken a look at what constitutes a great friendship. We’ve discovered that our need for genuine friendship is essential, not optional. We’ve seen through David and Jonathan how solid friendships are cultivated, not automatic. And we’ve recognized that our friends have a significant impact on our lives, and are, in this regard, are never neutral. If you have a good friend, thank God for His provision, and cultivate that blessing. If you need a friend, take a little initiative and reach out to someone else. For all you know, they might be needing a friend as well. God bless you as you enjoy your existing friendships and develop new ones as well!

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit?
John R. Petrilli

Have you ever received a gift that went unused for years until you re-discovered it? When a person becomes a Christian, they receive just such a gift. Sadly, many who know the Lord lack a solid understanding of Who the Holy Spirit is and how He desires to assist us in living out the Christian life. This article is designed to begin the process of unveiling the Person and work of the Holy Spirit so that you can more fully appreciate and benefit from the manifold ministries of the Third Person of the Trinity. Here are just six ways that this quiet “secret agent” of God goes about His work on your behalf.


“The Father will give you another Comforter to be with you forever – the Spirit of truth.” “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.”

Simon and Garfunkel produced a lot of blockbuster tunes. One of them almost seems ‘Christian’ in its tone and message. “Bridge Over Troubled Water” is a song about a friend ‘being there’ for others when they need them the most. After all, isn’t that what true friends are for? (Proverbs 17:17) There are times when getting through a situation requires companionship. God understands this, and provides companionship in a variety of ways. However, there are certain situations where only direct divine companionship is needed to help us find our way through and out of trouble. Jesus knew all too well what was ahead for His followers once He’d left this earthly scene. Persecution, harassment, deprivation, and even death. Such a dark future forecast would require the greatest degree of support if they were to survive and thrive as a movement. That support was and still is found in the Person of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised that the Spirit would ‘be there’ in the disciples’ hour of greatest need. To be sure, the world would deliver them a truckload of trouble, but for each trial and test, God the Holy Spirit would be right there to comfort, encourage and strengthen them! Whatever the dark valley you may find yourself passing through, the Holy Spirit is there with you. Look to Him and watch Him come through for you!


“The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He Who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.”

No man is an island. That’s how the saying goes, and it was never truer than it is for the prayer life of the Christian. None of us can live out the Christian life on our own. And even when we’ve done all we could, there are still times when we simply need assistance. That assistance is available to us in the Person of the Holy Spirit. Whether it’s the inability to know who, what, or how to pray, Paul tells us that God even has this area covered. In those trying times when the right words just won’t come, the Spirit picks up where we’ve left off, zeroing in on the need and interceding on our behalf. Best of all, His prayers have a 100% success rate because He always prays in exact alignment with the perfect will of God. Isn’t that COOL? So the next time you find yourself ‘speechless’ in prayer, why not ask the Spirit to pray with and through you to the glory of God? These verses say He’ll do precisely that!


“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.”

World War II was quickly gathering steam as the Nazi’s overran most of Europe. Without America changing her stance of isolation and non-involvement, the free world would soon fall under the control of a madman named Hitler. I’ll never forget the simple yet direct words of Winston Churchill as he requested the military aid of the United States: “You give us the tools, and we’ll get the job done!” The U.S did, and Great Britain staved off a brutal German aerial assault to eventually participate in an Allied victory. Whether a task is big or small, tools are a crucial factor in successfully completing any job. When God saves us, He also has a task in mind for us to perform (Ephesians 2:10). Like any good general, the Lord equips us with just the right tools to do the exact job He’s called us to do. We call it our “ministry”. All of us have some kind of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12), and every believer receives the spiritual enablement they need to get the job done (1 Pet. 4:10). Paul listed and described many of these abilities in his first letter to the Corinthian church. You may be a gifted teacher, helper, evangelist, or expounder of God’s word. Or perhaps you possess the ability to communicate with God in prayer in such a way that yields uncommon results. Or you may have an uncanny ability to believe God for things most Christian wouldn’t even dare to consider, much less ask of the Lord. Whatever it is you’re designed to do, it’s the Holy Spirit Who gifts, empowers, and anoints you to use that ability to build up and advance the Body of Christ, beginning in your home assembly. Ask God to show you where your spiritual abilities lie, then put them to work! (2 Tim. 1:6-7)


“[The Spirit] will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment.”

If we’ve seen it once, we’ve seen it a thousand times. So much of nighttime television involves the investigation, solution and prosecution of a crime. The prosecution phase falls to the district attorney. He or she has the difficult task of presenting adequate evidence to bring a conviction. Before Jesus went back to Heaven, He said He would send One Who would advocate on His behalf. He identified that individual as the Holy Spirit. The Spirit, said Jesus, would be involved in prosecuting all people everywhere as He pointed out their sin of unbelief in Christ. He would also point those convicted back to Jesus as the only One qualified to make them righteous and ready for heaven. Finally, the Spirit would warn those hearing the gospel of Christ of the dire consequential judgment awaiting all who refuse the Son. Nicodemus was informed that new spiritual life is impossible without the intervention and agency of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 3:1-8), and none of us can ever hope to enter a holy God’s heaven without having been washed, regenerated, and renewed by the wonder-working power of the Spirit (Tit. 3:5).


“The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My Name, will teach you all things.” “When the Spirit of truth comes He will guide you into all truth.”

I recall attempting to read the New Testament before I became a Christian. It was like trying to unscramble a secret code – it just didn’t make sense! Then, upon receiving salvation, the words that were once an enigma suddenly became as clear as day. The reason? I now had the right Interpreter. The Holy Spirit was instrumental in communicating the Scriptures to those who had authored the books of the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16), and He continues to aid the believer in understanding and properly interpreting the Word of God. Paul states that people who do not possess God’s Spirit are totally incapable of grasping the meaning of the Bible (1 Cor. 2:9-16). One may be able to understand many of its historical facts and some moral principles, but they can never comprehend the salvation message and spiritual teaching found therein. Aren’t you glad God gave us the Holy Spirit to unfold the precious truths of His Word? I certainly am! While pastor-teachers play a critical role in teaching us sound doctrine, let’s never forget the blessing we have in our Internal Teacher, the Holy Spirit of God (1 John 2:27).


“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Most of us understand what it’s like to be in that awkward place. A friend or acquaintance exhibits interest in spiritual things, but we’re not quite comfortable in sharing the information they need to know to begin a relationship with Christ. I’m always amazed at the relative ease with which the early church spread the good news. Even when they had good cause to be afraid or intimidated, they prayed away their fears and kept on telling the old, old story of Jesus and His love. Believe it or not, we were MADE for witnessing. Jesus promised to send down the Holy Spirit to supply us with the power and courage to share the gospel. Ever since the day of Pentecost, He has been energizing the witness of all who will step out in faith and tell others the beautiful gospel message. Granted, it can be very intimidating to approach others with the gospel, but such fear disappears as we rely on God’s Spirit to do the work through us (2 Tim. 1:7). Effective witnessing doesn’t require a college degree. Peter didn’t even have a formal grade school education (Acts 4:13), yet the Lord used him to haul in well over three- thousand souls in one speech! Effective witnessing does require a heart willing to follow Jesus into the harvest fields of your world (John 4:35). Jesus said that if we’re a FOLLOWER, we’ll also be a FISHERMAN (Matthew 4:19)!