Monday, August 9, 2010

Game Changers for God

Game Changers for God
John R. Petrilli

“Men who have turned the world upside-down”. That’s the way Paul and his Christian friends were described by the nonbelievers of their day (Acts 17:6). But what seems to be an exaggerated statement was actually becoming a reality. The witness of the early church was so effective that the message became a global game-changer in no time at all. Witness the observation of respected missiologist Dr. J. Herbert Kane,

“One thing is certain; the Acts of the Apostles does not tell the whole story. There are hints in Paul’s epistles that the gospel had a much wider proclamation than that described by Luke. He states that the gospel had been ‘preached to every creature which is under heaven’ (Col. 1:23); that the faith of the Roman church was ‘spoken of throughout the whole world’ (Rom. 1:8); that the faith of the Thessalonian believers ‘… has gone forth everywhere…’ (1 Thess. 1:8, RSV)”. Just how did a tiny nucleus of believers rapidly multiply into a force so powerful it penetrated and impacted the entire world?


Before Jesus ascended up into glory He left some crystal clear directions to His followers. They were to wait for the Spirit’s empowerment, then progressively advance the gospel until they had reached every people group on earth (Acts 1:8 ; Matt. 28:19-20). Big assignments require big people, and Paul was one such “big” person. His writings to friends in Rome reveal his target to be nothing less than global gospel penetration. From the get go, he understood what Jesus wanted, and went after it with everything he had. Are we taking Jesus seriously? If so, where’s the proof?


Imagine losing face, status, privileges and the respect of all your colleagues. That’s what happened when Paul renounced all his past religious accomplishments and professional affiliations. They became nothing to him as he chased after the higher goal of becoming like Jesus and proclaiming that same Jesus to all who would listen.
Like an Olympic runner, he sacrificed everything to achieve the greatest prize of all, to hear his Master say “Well done”. Is there anything we might be holding back in our service to the Lord?


Locked-up in a cold, damp, dark, rat-infested prison for the “crime” of preaching Christ. That’s where Paul found himself on this occasion. Pretty discouraging stuff. But rather than letting it get to him, this sold-out man looked for ways to continue evangelizing lost souls. Amazing! He had a captive audience as he told the old, old story of Jesus and His love to Praetorian Guard after Praetorian Guard. Paul took what was handed to him and turned it into something positive no matter where he went or what circumstances he found himself in.


Gambling has become legalized in many parts of our country. It’s a bad practice that robs families of their income and is often connected to all sorts of illicit and criminal activities. But taking a gamble for God is quite the opposite. When Aquila and his wife Priscilla signed on to help Paul they may not have imagined putting their very lives on the line. But when the time came for them to do so, they bravely rose to the occasion. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” could never be truer than when applied to reaching he world with the gospel. God uses us according to how far we’re willing to extend ourselves for His cause. How far are we willing to go?


Winners never quit, and quitters never win. Paul launched into ministry, never to look back. His itinerary led him through countries and cultures very different from his, but that never stopped him. Hardships notwithstanding, he pressed onward and forward until he finally reached the finish line. Paul made up his mind to let nothing deter him from reaching the ministry finish line God had laid out for him. He could have given up after the beatings, jailings, and opposition he endured, but he chose to keep going no mater what. That’s why God could use him so greatly in changing the world of the first century. If we want to be real agents of lasting change, we need to emulate his model of dauntless persistence.

Easter … the Day God Showed Up!

Easter … the Day God Showed Up!
John R. Petrilli

“Jesus showed Himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that He was alive.” Acts 1:3

Showing up can make all the difference. Whether it’s a celebrity appearance, a star athlete, the person who’s the life of the party, or a coworker, just being there can mean a lot. During His earthly pilgrimage Jesus had a knack for showing up in the knick of time and His appearance altered the entire spiritual landscape. Raging seas instantly came to a standstill, dead friends were raised to life, and thousands of hungry mouths were miraculously fed. This profound impact continued after Christ rose again from the grave. This Easter we’ll consider the ways that Jesus’ revolutionized the lives of those who met Him after He rose from the dead, and how His resurrection can do the same for us.


Closet Christian. That’s what Joseph of Arimathea was. Not unlike some of us, he struggled with the cost of being Jesus disciple. He feared the loss of his status and position as a leader in his Jewish faith community, so he kept his faith to himself. Alliance with Jesus spelled certain disenfranchisement from everyone he knew and everything he’d become as a devout Jew. But when push came to shove, Joseph came through big-time. He put it all on the line by going public and officially offering his services in recovering and interring the body of his Lord and Savior. In short, he came out of the closet for Christ. Great challenges demand a heroic response. Convinced of Jesus’ deity and impending resurrection, Joseph rose to the occasion. If you’re tired of being a ‘closet Christian’, the resurrection can do the same for you!


Losing a loved one or friend to death can be very difficult emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. It can even leave us a bit overwhelmed. That would be the best way to describe the followers of Jesus in the hours following His death. Everything they pinned their hopes and dreams on came crashing down abruptly in the violence that took place on Golgotha. In the initial scenes we find the disciples in a state of shock and deep grief. But once word got out that their leader had risen up out of the tomb, their hopes were renewed and their energy came back No matter what you may be going through today, the fact that Jesus is alive can change the entire equation for you. Because He lives we have a sure hope that, no matter how dark the present outlook may appear, a wonderful ending to the story awaits us.


Thomas is often faulted for his spiritual reluctance to believe the resurrection took place, but the record actually shows that disbelief was running rampant among most of the followers of the Galilean. So much so that, when Jesus finally does make His post-resurrection appearance, the first thing He does is reprimand them for their unbelief! One would have thought that after everything they’d seen and heard that they would readily embrace the resurrection reports. But no, they completely faltered in unbelief and doubt. Their misgivings notwithstanding, Jesus goes out of His way to prove to them that He’s alive. It’s so easy to start second-guessing God when things aren’t going quite the way we’d expected. Sometimes we wonder if God really does care about us. If we allow Him to, Jesus will reveal His presence and involvement in our lives. God never allows human skepticism to go unchallenged. He answers it, and He answers it in a huge, convincing way. If you’ve got questions, He’s got answers.


I’ll never forget how I felt when I suffered a broken wedding engagement. I couldn’t eat. I could hardly speak. I wasn’t able to think clearly. It was far too much to process. Basically, I was numb. Over the next few hours and days I gradually regained my emotional and spiritual equilibrium. Broken dreams can do that to us. Throw us into a kind of emotional limbo. My guess is that this was where the two disciples heading down the road into Emmaus found themselves. Their dreams were smashed and their hearts were broken. Where would they go from here? How would they carry on without their best friend, and what did the future hold for Israel now that her Messiah had vanished from the scene? Disappointment is too light a term. They were devastated. You can almost hear it in their voices as they lament, “But we had hoped that he was the One Who was going to redeem Israel.” It’s entirely possible to be disappointed with God. Not because of any failing on His part, but because of our own inability to understand what He’s up to. It’s at these times that He’ll speak a word to us that will bring us the comfort and reassurance that He’s there, that He cares, that He’s in control, and that everything will turn out even better than what we hoped for!

WHEN GOD SHOWS UP, OUR FLIGHT TURNS INTO FIGHT. Jn 20:19; Matt. 26:56b; Acts 4:10-13,18-20

Remember those muscle magazines years ago that showed a man before and after he had used a particular workout program? Before he was a wimp, but after he’d become the next Charles Atlas! Transformational change is God’s specialty. He takes the sorriest losers and makes them into the biggest winners. Look at the disciples before the resurrection. All huddled up and cowering behind locked doors for fear that the authorities might burst through and arrest them all. Now advance forward to Peter and John’s arraignment for their involvement in a miraculous healing. Things were getting out of hand as the church burgeoned to over five thousand members, and the religious hierarchy had seen enough. But instead of retreat, the apostles advanced. Having seen Jesus alive and received an endowment of the Spirit’s empowerment, they went toe-to-toe with the riled-up authorities. They never backed down for a moment, openly stating their intention to continue declaring the resurrection. It was a type of wild-west showdown, and after the gun battle the apostles were the only ones left standing. Even when the enemy succeeded in eliminating Stephen and James, the Church kept right on steaming forward (Acts 7:54-60; 12:1-2). We have nothing to fear when the devil raises-up opposition to our life and witness for Jesus Christ. God is for us, and nobody can come against us with any degree of lasting success (Romans 8:31-37).


He blew it big time. The swashbuckling, self-confident Peter ended up eating his own words. Instead of being the last to desert Jesus, he was one of the first. He did the unthinkable! And he did it, not once, not twice, but three times. Yet no offense is too great for the forgiving heart of God. Jesus waits until after dinner to open up dialogue with His alienated friend. In tenderness and winsomeness, the Lord allowed Peter the opportunity to make things right. The disaffected disciple accepted full responsibility for his triple denial, and all was well once again. Forgiven and restored, Peter went on to become the Church’s chief spokesman. Someone has said that, “You can’t out-give God”. It’s also true that, “You can’t out-fail God”. His grace can handle anything we could ever throw at Him. This holy season let Peter’s restoration encourage you to be transparent with God and responsive to His redeeming Voice. Blessed Easter/Resurrection Day to one and all!

The Lion and the Lamb

The Lion and the Lamb
John R. Petrilli
The epic series Superman is known and loved by generations of Americans. It’s the story of a man who leads a double life. Clark Kent is your average, everyday kind of guy, a newspaper reporter by trade. On the outside he looks and acts no differently than any other human being on the planet. But, should the siren sound the call to action, Kent undergoes a total transformation from mere human being into larger-than-life superhero. Uniform donned, he can now respond to any crisis by leaping tall buildings with a step, whisking through the atmosphere at the speed of light and bringing the multiplied tonnage of a charging train to a screeching halt…all in a day’s work.


While all parallels between man and God fall short, the contrast between how Jesus Christ appears at His first and second comings can’t be missed. At Jesus’ first coming He was more like mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent, but at His second coming, like Superman, will be a force to be reckoned with. The apostle John chronicles his firsthand encounter with the post-resurrected Person of Christ, showing the contrast in most vivid fashion. He first affirms the salvation purpose of Jesus initial coming (“To Him Who loved us, and washed us from our sins by His blood”), then gives a detailed description of what the Lion of the Tribe of Judah looks like in His glorified state (12-16). Shocked beyond belief, John relays a persona of the Son of God that is nothing short of spellbinding. The specific qualities John mentions all communicate the fact that the second coming is all about judgment.

Dressed in robes of heavenly royalty, Christ startles the aged apostle as He paces amongst the local churches of his day, each symbolized by a lamp stand. Jesus’ glowing hair signifies He possesses the wisdom to issue a final verdict upon earth and her inhabitants. Christ’s fiery eyes indicate the omniscience He has to see right through any and all facades, enabling Him to discern with absolute clarity and judge with total accuracy and perfect justice. Jesus’ feet of bronze communicate the thought of precious metal purified in the fires of adversity, thus attributing to Him the perfect holiness which all true justice must be rooted in. And His thunderous voice fills the entire scene with an authority that is unquestioned and unchallenged. Twenty-plus centuries have passed between the spring morn when He entered the world as a helpless Babe and this moment John calls the “Unveiling” (Greek word for “revelation” is “apokolypsis” from which we get our English word “apocalypse”).

The first coming was all about mercy and grace, but the second time around it will be all about justice and judgment (Acts 17:31). Everything in Christ’s persona and appearance communicates that fact. He will come then, not as the silent Lamb to be slain, but as a triumphant Lion-warrior with title deed in one hand and flashing sword in the other to fight and win the victory of the ages (Rev. 5:5-8 ; 19:11-16, 21). For those trapped in unbelief, such a scenario is terrifying to the point of tears (“all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of Him”). Millions will seek to escape the very sight of His holy face, to no avail (Rev. 6:16). But for all who’ve acknowledged His Lordship, His appearance will be a sight for sore eyes to see and an occasion for celestial celebration (“Look, He is coming with the clouds! … To Him be glory and power for ever and ever!” Rev. 1:6b, 7a).


That quiet night in Bethlehem when the Son of God entered the world as a helpless Babe was anything but ostentatious. Practically nobody expected Him, and even when the testimony of the Scriptures confirmed His arrival, the religious folks chose to ignore that golden moment. If it weren’t for the angelic light and praise songs filling the skies, you would have never imagined that history’s most momentous event was taking place.
And even these tangible indicators were reserved for a small crew of blue collar workers pulling a night shift.

What a contrast when our Jesus returns to earth in all His post-resurrection glory! Instead of a few eyes curiously peering down into a makeshift cradle, the return of Jesus Christ will capture and rivet the full attention of every on the planet! Not a single person alive will miss this appearance (“EVERY eye will see Him” 1:7b). This time around will be more akin to the arrival of a powerful king, indeed, the very King of the entire universe! He’ll come with power and great glory, with a cloud for a throne, and a trumpet blast heralding the arrival of His honorable presence (Matt. 24:30-31).


Few depictions of the have communicated the trauma of the kangaroo trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ better than Mel Gibson’s film, “The Passion of the Christ”. Gibson skillfully recreated characters that were at the same time human yet demonic. The faces of babies, children and adults alike were contorted into inhuman shapes and expressions to depict the level of evil and depravity that carried the day on that dreadful afternoon.
Those charged with the administration of justice used lies, bribery and deception to insure that Jesus went to death row. The echoes of Satan himself must have filled the corridors of hell as those nails ripped through the Savior’s already beaten and broken body. The crucifixion was the most unlawful dispensation of injustice ever
dished-out to a human being.

But, oh, how the tables will be turned on that day when Christ comes back to earth! A thorough house-cleaning will ensue as He first incinerates two of the devil’s trinity, then incarcerates the devil himself (Rev. 19:19-20:2).
Next Christ will destroy all the remaining rebels on earth who have survived seven years of cataclysmic devastation only to rise up in revolt one last time, to their total doom at the edge of His Sword.


It took a perfect Lamb to pay the price of sin, but it will take a powerful Lion to bring order back to a chaotic jungle. Commencing with Adam’s fall, the human race has been tumbling down one long, spiraling descent into spiritual and social chaos. In its proud refusal to acknowledge God much less thank Him, our race has sent itself racing down a slippery slope of depravity and darkness that’s left us helplessly and hopelessly lost (Romans 1:18-31). Emergency intervention was our only hope, and the Cross was God’s solution to the problem. In rich mercy and great grace the Father sent His only Son to pay the spiritual debt accrued by our sin. But the age of grace has a terminus point, and when that’s been reached, it will be time for a complete renovation of the entire creation. Peter states that personal restoration to God is accomplished through the cross (Acts 3:19-20), but the restoration of the cosmos is forthcoming when Jesus returns (Acts 3:21). This renovation will be universal as all creation will be released from the burdensome constraints placed on it by sin’s curse (Romans 8:18-21) to celebrate the liberty enjoyed by living under God’s direct and gracious rule. As the old hymn writer declared, “What a day, GLORIOUS day that will be!”

To the Ends of the Earth!

To the Ends of the Earth!
John R. Petrilli

It’s not often that you can meet a person from the ancient land of Mongolia (Central Asia). But such a rare opportunity recently presented itself as I was introduced to Ganbat Shileg. Ganbat pastors a church in Outer Mongolia. Here is what I was able to learn about life in Mongolia and Ganbat’s work there.

JP: Could you please begin by telling us a little about your back ground?

GS: I was born in independent Outer Mongolia. I grew up in one of the largest towns in Mongolia and was educated there. I was raised in an atheistic, communist country and lived in the home of a member of the Communist Party. My wife Chantsalsuren [nicknamed ‘Chok’] was also born in Outer Mongolia. She became a Christian in 1996 when God used the single word, ‘righteous’, to arouse her spiritual curiosity and bring her to church to hear a gospel preacher from India where she put her trust in Jesus Christ. We have four children, two boys and twin girls.

JP: Please share with us your ministry in Mongolia and how God led you into it?

GS: I’ve been the pastor of the Amazing Grace Church for the past ten years. It’s located in the capital city of Ulan Batar, which has a population of about 1.3 million people. The church has 50 adults and 40 kids. I was saved in 1992 through the witness of an English language teacher. I went to England in 1996 to study English and Bible for one year at the Cornhill Training Course in London, England. I’ve have been involved in Christian ministry since I was eighteen when I did street evangelism and shared my testimony. God gave me a love for His Word and enabled me to teach it to others.

JP: Most Americans are unfamiliar with the people and culture of Mongolia. Can you expand our knowledge of your nation?

GS: Mongolia is almost the size of Alaska. It has 2.7 million people and 50 million cattle. [The topography includes] mountains, lakes and plains, as well as the Gobi desert. We have camels with two humps, not just one hump. Genghis Khan ruled Mongolia in the 12th and 13th century. At that time it was the largest empire in the world. Under Khan the country extended south to India, west to Hungary, and east to the Japanese Sea. Mongolians are Asians but we have our own bloodlines. There are three big cities, Ulan Batar is the largest, with almost 40 percent of the country’s population living there. It’s a very modern city [its high-end apartments are like those found on Fifth Avenue in New York.] The wealth comes from cattle farming, gold mining, silver mining, copper mining, minerals, oil, and natural gas. The country is on the verge of a major economic breakthrough, we just need more corporate investment to develop our industrial infrastructure. We’ve always been an independent country, even when we were a Russian protectorate. In 1998 we became a constitutionally-based country. [Social advances gained under the Soviet Union’s policy of “perestroika” opened the doors to greater freedom to preach the gospel in Mongolia.] The major religions are Buddhism and Shamanism. [Mongolian Christians are willing to travel great distances by foot to attend services, they’re very loving and receptive to strangers, and are generous and joyful in their giving.]

JP: What are your long and short term ministry objectives?

GS: Mongolia is now an open country and we want to reach as many people as possible, so evangelism is the big challenge. Also, there’s a great need for pastoral training, we want train many men to be enriched and to minister to their families, their churches and their country. We currently have a church-based Bible Institute with 15 students. In 2013 we hope to have a special one to two-week pastoral training seminar with 25 young pastors. It will feature the use of translated materials dealing with leadership training. We have the Bible in the Mongolian language [google “James Gilmour, Mongolian Bible translator”] and Christian books are being translated, but we have a great need for Christian press and literature to help people think broadly. [Communist policies required Mongolians to learn how to read, so the population is 90% literate.] Long term objectives also include reaching out into countries beyond our borders to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kurdistan and all the ‘istan’ countries.

JP: What is the purpose of your current trip to the United States?

GS: I met brother Suresh Thiagarajan (co-pastor of International Assembly in Syracuse) in 1992 during one of his 13 trips to Mongolia. Suresh’s brother-in-law, Ramesh Richard, is a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary. We attended a conference Ramesh held in Dallas, Texas for 99 third world pastors and 62 wives from 52 countries. We discussed what we could do in the next ten years, and pledged ourselves to fulfilling those objectives.

JP: Gabat, how can our readers support you in their prayers?

GS: Pray for the pastoral ministry in Mongolia to increase and develop their leadership skills. That families will be strengthened, and for Bible Institute’s to be raised up to train others. [The nation of Mongolia is sending out a call for Christians to come there to help build the Church.]

Before Jesus left our planet for Heaven He made it abundantly clear that He wanted His Church to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. We’ve heard from Gabat Shileg, a man of God who has come from the ends of the earth to receive more training. Now he and his wife return to Mongolia with a vision to take what they’ve learned and use it, in turn, to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth. We wish them Godspeed!

You Can Witness With Confidence

You Can Witness With Confidence
John R. Petrilli

Several years ago the Luis Palau Evangelistic organization surveyed over 6,000 Christians about their witness for Christ. The results were startling. In response to the question, “Why aren’t you sharing your faith”?, 9% said they were too busy, 12 % admitted their Christian lives weren’t what they should be, 28 % felt they lacked enough information to share, and an overwhelming 51% said they didn’t share their faith because they feared how a listener might react.

Witnessing in the modern church stands in stark contrast to the fearless confidence displayed by the Christians in the New Testament. What did they have that we so desperately lack? The answer … NOTHING! In fact, we have more revelation, more information, more technology, more methodologies, and more opportunities than they ever dreamed of. So why are we failing so miserably where the early church shined? The difference is attitude. Our attitude problem can be summed up in one word … FEAR! But God has addressed the debilitating attitude of fear. His Word provides us with the proper attitude to take in approaching others with the gospel. In Romans 1:1-17 we find four powerful principles that will transform our witnessing fears into witnessing freedom.


Research shows that you can take away someone’s food, their water, and even their shelter, yet they’ll find a way to survive a crisis. But take away their hope, and it isn’t long before they cave in. World conditions don’t give us much reason to hope things will get any better. Into this spiritual vacuum of despair comes the apostle Paul with the Gospel of Hope.

Paul’s gospel hope was Scripture-based, “The Gospel was promised beforehand through the prophets in the Holy Scriptures.” [Rom. 1:1-2]. People pin their hopes for life beyond the grave on many things. Some believe in reincarnation, while others hope their good deeds will outweigh their bad ones. But relying on flawed human ideas is an exercise in futility. To find REAL hope we have to look to God. As Paul searched the O.T. Scriptures he found that his source of hope was totally reliable. From the Genesis’ promise to bruise Satan’s head right thru to the Bright and Morning Star in Revelation, the Word of God is a book of Hope.

But Paul’s gospel hope was also Son-centered, “The Gospel concerns God’s Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” [Rom. 1:1-3]. When searching for hope it’s not only important to go to the right source but also to go to the right person. The book of Proverbs says that placing one’s confidence (or hope) in an unreliable person is misplaced trust. When it comes to our salvation, only one Person is worthy of our trust. His Name is Jesus Christ, and He alone is our hope of eternal life. Paul’s gospel hope is a spiritual certainty [1:4], “Jesus Christ was declared to be the Son of God ... by His resurrection from the dead!” When Christ rose from that tomb, God made one huge statement. The resurrection was proof-positive that Jesus Christ was indeed God. Many religious leaders have claimed to be God, but only one has proved it by rising from the dead. Mohammed is dead, Buddha is dead, Confucius is dead, Jim Jones is dead, and David Koresh is dead. Only Jesus is Alive! This is the message of hope that’s unique to Christianity alone. We serve a LIVING Savior, and that’s our reason for hope.


“I’m not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for SALVATION for all who believe.” [Rom. 1:16]. We’re born with a spiritual disease so deep and so widespread that no medical procedure can possibly cure it. Education can’t teach it away, government can’t legislate it away, and surgery can’t cut it away. Chemotherapy is useless, and psychotherapy can’t touch it. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ can heal the insidious and eternally terminal disease of sin.

PEOPLE ARE IN CRITICAL CONDITION SPIRITUALLY. “All have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.” [Rom. 3:23]. As a biker, one of my greatest fears is getting hit by a car door opening as I pass by a parked vehicle. I actually witnessed a biker get hit by an opening door. She flew off her bike, landed square on the pavement and apparently suffered a severe back injury. I encouraged her to go to the ER immediately. It was critical that she get medical attention immediately. Likewise, there are people all around us who are in critical spiritual condition and in need of emergency treatment.

THE SPIRITUAL NEED AROUND US IS URGENT. “For the wages of sin is death.” [Rom. 6:23a]. One heartbeat is all that separates time from eternity. No one knows what hour death will knock at their door. Our chance to receive forgiveness can only be made before death. Our condition is humanly incurable, and the window of opportunity is unknown. That’s about as urgent as it gets!

WE HAVE THE ONLY CURE AVAILABLE FOR MAN’S CORE PROBLEM. “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” [Rom. 6:23b]. No one in their right mind wants to die. We’ve been created to live for eternity, not to die in time. Given the choice between life and death, people will choose life every time. Sin is man’s core problem. It’s a spiritually and physically fatal disease. In the medical world it’s criminal to withhold a cure for a deadly disease. Likewise, in the spiritual realm it’s criminal to withhold the cure for sin. Rather than feeling ashamed of the gospel, we should gladly give it out in large doses to the dying people around us.

WE HAVE ALL THE POWER WE NEED AT OUR DISPOSAL. “The gospel is the POWER OF God for salvation.” [Rom. 1:16 c]. Have you ever felt God prompting you to share Christ with someone, only to have a sense of incompetence come over you? If so, here’s great news for you. The gospel has built-in power to convict and convert someone. So the Holy Spirit is powerfully at work in their heart even when we feel weak or inadequate. Also, the Holy Spirit replaces our natural intimidation with His divine power. God hasn’t given us a spirit of cringing fear, but one of power, love, and mental soundness. When those fears come upon us, it’s time to rely on the Holy Spirit’s power.


“The gospel is the power of God to salvation to ALL who believe.” Rom. 1:16 b

Salvation is available to people of all nationalities, “Through Jesus Christ we have received grace and apostleship among all nations.” [Rom. 1:5]. God’s love embraces all people everywhere. We’ve been appointed by to take the gospel to all nations without exception. Salvation is available to people of all races, “I am obligated to Greeks and to Non-Greeks.” [Rom. 1:14a]. Paul was saying he made no distinction between civilized and uncivilized cultures. He never played the race card when planning his witnessing strategy. He made no distinction whatsoever, and neither should we. Salvation is available to people from all social classes, “I’m obligated to the wise and the unwise.” [Rom. 1:14b]. Paul ministered to both educated and uneducated. Christ didn’t die just for the sins of the smart people. He didn’t shed His blood just for the salvation of the sophisticated. He died for simple, everyday people too. Rich people, poor people, educated people, and totally illiterate people. In God’s eyes we all need the same forgiveness through the same Savior.


“In the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last.” Rom. 1:17

When you start discussing spiritual things with others, it quickly becomes clear that a lot of confusions exists about the nature and means of salvation.

THE GOSPEL REVEALS THAT SALVATION COMES FROM GOD. “In the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed.” [Rom. 1:17a]. Some think that salvation comes from within themselves. Others believe salvation is eventually arrived at thru the process of karma, where they’re repeatedly reborn into different forms until a state of spiritual perfection is attained. Still others think that mother nature is the source of salvation. But the gospel dispels all this confusion, revealing that salvation only comes through a loving, merciful, and gracious God. More specifically, the gospel points to the Son of God as the way of salvation.

THE GOSPEL REVEALS THAT SALVATION IS A FREE GIFT. “The gospel reveals a righteousness that is by faith from first to last.” [Rom. 1:17b]. Almost without exception, non-Christians believe they have to DO something to earn their salvation. But the word “work” can’t be found anywhere in this verse. This is because salvation isn’t something man earns, but something God freely gives. Nothing anyone can ever do will make a bit of difference to God, because it’s all about what He has done for us!

THE GOSPEL REVEALS THAT SALVATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY FAITH. “The righteous shall live by faith.” [Rom. 1:17c]. Simply put, faith is taking God at His word. God says His Son’s death paid our sin penalty in full. Faith simply accepts this as a done deal. That’s a lot less complicated than man-made formulas of salvation. Most people don’t really understand how God saves individuals. The beauty of our message is that it really frees people from the misconceptions they have concerning the way of salvation.

In closing, we’ve seen how it’s possible to overcome the greatest barrier to witnessing, the barrier of fear. We’ve seen that confident witnessing is easily within our reach. We have no real reason for being ashamed of the gospel, only excuses. Jesus doesn’t look favorably on silent Christians when He says: “Whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him (or her) the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with His holy angels.” If you struggle with fear, ask God to empower you with His courage and strength. If you wrestle with confidence, you can get better prepared by developing and practicing your personal testimony of how you became a Christian. If you’re too busy … well, then … you really are TOO busy. Take some time to invest in God’s priority for your life. Seeking God’s kingdom first certainly includes building that kingdom by winning people to Christ.

We can witness with confidence because our gospel message is: Uplifting in it’s theme of HOPE, Universal in its ability to Save ALL men from sin, POWERFUL in its ability to convince and convert, UNDERSTANDABLE with regard to the terms of salvation, and CLEAR in its revelation about God.


John R. Petrilli

Before I came to know Christ and trust Him as My Lord and Savior, my life was typical – typical, that is, of a person who does not know God and is lost in his sin. The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that, “the wages of sin is death”; and that is just what my old habits led to – death. My wrong relationships with other people produced apathy, bitterness and rebellion. The hard rock music I was listening to was the vehicle I used to run away from reality into a world of make-believe. The marijuana I was using gave me a temporary sense of well-being that only ended in a state of emptiness and deep depression. My separation from God resulted in loneliness, fear and purposelessness.

It was after my first year of college that I began to search for spiritual truth. A coworker of mine was really involved in Zen-Buddhism at the time. He seemed to have peace and purpose, so I gave it a try. After a time of eating raisins and sunflower seeds and reading some strange books, I gave up on this first excursion for truth.

A short time later during my second year of college I met a guy who was really into T.M. (Transcendental Meditation). It wasn’t long before I was chanting my own personal mantra in my closet and weighing $65 lighter. Surely God hadn’t died; He’d just begun to charge admission into heaven. After a few months of this “Hinduism in a test tube” I saw that my life was not changing. I was right back where I started from, earnestly searching for spiritual truth.

It was in the spring semester of my sophomore year that God really began to work in my life in a visible way. I struck up a friendship with a Christian student who was on fire for the Lord. Every time I talked with him I seemed to walk away with a tract in my hand and a hunger in my heart. God had also brought a college counselor into my life who was a Christian.

It was about this time that God chose to place His Word into my hands. If I remember correctly, it was a slightly rainy day. As I was walking toward the college library I noticed a well-dressed man near the entrance handing out little green books. As I passed by I couldn’t resist his friendly smile so I took one. I didn’t begin reading the Testament immediately. However, the proverbs and parables in this little book began to grow on me. I found myself deeply absorbed in the Scriptures the following summer. Working as a copy boy at a local newspaper gave me many spare minutes to read a passage or two. I even remember rowing a boat out onto the middle of a lake in order to read my New Testament in solitude. It seemed that every time O would open this little book God would speak to me about sin in my life.

It was sometime in 1974 that I prayed to receive Christ into my life. Thus, however, was only the beginning. I now knew Christ as Savior but not as Lord. That is to say, I repented of my sins and asked Christ into my life, but I didn’t surrender my will and give Him complete control of my life. The results were devastating. As I tried to do good and serve God in my own strength, my whole life began to go rapidly downhill. My body became weak and ill, my grade dropped, I was emotionally unstable and God seemed unreachable. I began to realize the truth of Ephesians 2:8-9 – “For by grace you have been saved trough faith; and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not because of works, lest any man should boast.” It became increasingly apparent to me that God didn’t want my works … He wanted me!

After a year of trying to live the Christian life without Christ, I came to a crisis decision on August 25, 1975; either surrender all to the Lord or suffer a complete breakdown. By God’s grace I laid my will at His feet. At that moment of commitment the presence of God filled my soul. My body was healed, my mind was cleared, my emotions wee stabilized and God was so near I could feel Him! The verse that motivated me to make such a commitment is found in 2 Corinthians 5:15 : “And He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who, for their sake, died and was raised”. That same day I returned to college to complete the requirements for my two-year degree. In doing so, God brought a Christian student into my life to disciple me. We faithfully met to do Bible study and Scripture memorization together. God’s Word began to take root in my life. I started the habit of spending the first hour of each day alone with God, listening for His voice as I read His Word, and praying about various needs and circumstances in my life. A personal relationship with God had begun.

It’s been about 35 years since I trusted Christ completely and I must admit that I’ll never regret it. I’ve learned the importance of praying specifically and it is always a joy to watch how the Lord answers. God is also doing great things in my relationships with others. In Christ I have new power to be an obedient son, a loving friend, and a diligent employee. Some of the greatest work the Lord has done involves the way that I relate to myself. In place of hatred there is acceptance. Condemnation has been replaced by forgiveness. Instead of repression there is honest expression. Only Jesus Christ can make these kinds of changes in a life. He’s done so in mine, and I praise Him for that!