Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Patience. Everyone at some time or other has needed it, and we've all prayed for it. Yet it seems to be one of the most evasive qualities to develop. Maybe the instant culture we live in has something to do with all that. Jesus' placed the highest premium upon patience when He said, "In your patience you possess your souls". By inversion, we see that we actually lose control of our soul when we do things out of an impatient spirit. Opportunities are lost, relationships get strained and the simple things of life go by unnoticed and unappreciated.

So how and where do we get this rarest of commodities? According to Paul, we secure it directly from God (see Romans 15:5-6). Our patient and encouraging God will impart His patience to us as we wait dependently upon Him. So next time you feel like pushing the pedal to the metal, try just coasting for a bit. It's a whole lot easier on both body and mind!

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