Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Newsweek Reporter Witnesses an Abortion

Newsweek Reporter Witnesses an Abortion

by Kim Trobee, editor

Pro-abortion reporter, Sarah Kliff, is surprised by her reaction to witnessing an abortion. Sarah Kliff has covered abortion at Newsweek for two years. So she was surprised at the discomfort she felt when faced with the prospect of watching an abortion for a story she was doing on Nebraska late-term abortionist, LeRoy Carhart. Kliff spent four days at Carhart's Omaha clinic interviewing patients, hearing their stories and eventually viewing at least one first-trimester abortion. "There was a discomfort I hadn't expected," she said, "my emotional reaction to watching abortions. I had (and still have) difficulty understanding my own reaction, both relieved to have watched and distressed by the emotionality of the process. "It's something many in the pro-abortion camp are reticent to admit. Kliff faced odd reactions when she returned home. "Friends who supported legal abortion bristled slightly when I told them where I'd been and what I'd watched," she said. "Acquaintances at a party looked a bit regretful to have asked about my most recent assignment. "Carrie Gordon Earll, senior bioethics analyst at Focus on the Family Action, said the inner struggle is hard to ignore. "When you come face to face with the violence of what abortion really is," she said, "it can be a different story, as this reporter learned. Abortion kills children, and witnessing an abortion demands a response to that truth."Kliff acknowledged that abortion is not just another medical procedure. "Abortion involves weighty choices that, depending on how you view it," she said, "involve a life, or the potential for life." Earll said, "The finality of abortion is almost palpable and once it's done, someone has died and you cannot reverse it. That may be what the reporter experienced."

FOR MORE INFORMATION Abortion intersects with law and medicine. Learn more on the Issue Analysis page on the Newsweek article.

NRLC Correct on Abortion in Obama Health Bill Says NRLC Correct on Abortion in Obama Health Bill

WASHINGTON (August 24, 2009) -- This is an update from the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) in Washington, D.C. (Federal Legislation Department). For further information regarding the effect of health care reform legislation on federal abortion policy, or to send messages to your representatives in Congress, visit the NRLC website at You can also reach the Federal Legislation Department by e-mail at

Please forward this e-mail to any appropriate lists. To support the work of NRLC in educating the public about the abortion-promoting components of the health care bills that are being pushed by President Obama, click here.

In recent weeks, NRLC has seen a wave of "factcheck" commentaries in various mainstream news media, denying that the health bills being advanced by President Obama and top Democratic congressional leaders would result in government funding of abortion. Some of these articles assert that government funding of abortion would be prevented by a federal law called the "Hyde Amendment," some assert that it would be prevented by an amendment adopted in a House committee called the Capps Amendment, and some assert that President Obama himself has said that he agrees with a "tradition" that the government should not fund abortions. Regrettably, all three of those assertions are demonstrably false.

On August 19, 2009, President Obama himself said that it is “not true” and a "fabrication” to say that his health plan will “mean government funding of abortion.” NRLC immediately challenged Obama's statement in a press release, in which NRLC Legislative Director Douglas Johnson said, "President Obama today brazenly misrepresented the abortion-related component of the health care legislation that his congressional allies and staff have crafted. . . . the bill backed by the White House (H.R. 3200) explicitly authorizes the government plan to cover all elective abortions."

In response to the Obama-NRLC exchange, the independent, affiliated with the Annenberg Public Policy Center, examined the issue. On August 21, issued its analysis, written by Director Brooks Jackson, titled, "Abortion: Which Side is Fabricating?" We quote here briefly from's conclusions:
“. . . it’s likely that any new federal insurance plan would cover abortion unless Congress expressly prohibits that. Low- and moderate-income persons who would choose the ‘public plan’ would qualify for federal subsidies to purchase it. Private plans that cover abortion also could be purchased with the help of federal subsidies. Therefore, we judge that the president goes too far when he calls the statements that government would be funding abortions ‘fabrications.’ . . . The NRLC’s Johnson said ‘the bill backed by the White House (H.R. 3200) explicitly authorizes the government plan to cover all elective abortions.’ And our analysis shows that Johnson’s statement is correct.”

NRLC is in general agreement with the analysis, except we think that is in error in the way it uses the term "public funds." The House bill backed by the White House contains language (the Capps Amendment) that explicitly authorizes the federal agency that administers the "public option" to collect an additional amount of premium funds specifically to cover the costs of elective abortions, and no one would be allowed to enroll in the "public option" without paying this abortion surcharge. NRLC asserts that once the government collects these funds, they are "public funds" (or "federal funds"), and when the government uses these funds to write payment checks to abortionists, that is government funding of abortion.

The complete appears below. Copyright 2009 by Reproduced in accord with the terms of the copyright policy. Original URL: 08/abortion-which-side-is- fabricating/

Are Christians Becoming An Endangered Species?

Are Christians Becoming An Endangered Species?

John R. Petrilli

By definition, an endangered species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers or it is threatened by changing environmental or predatory parameters. Currently 1,556 known species in the world have been identified as endangered, or near extinction, and are under protection by government law. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) has calculated the percentage of endangered species to be forty percent of all organisms based on samples evaluated through 2006. The IUCN Red List uses the term “endangered species” as a specific category of imperilment, and includes the following categories: Extinct, Extinct in the wild, Critically endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable. At the international level, 190 countries have signed an accord agreeing to create Biodiversity Action Plans to protect endangered and other threatened species.

While our God-given mandate to care for creation surely includes the preservation of all species, there’s one species left off of the list of endangered species that should be cause for concern. That species would be the human species, and, more specifically, the Christian. Statistics argue this case quite convincingly, with the last century seeing more martyrs for the faith than in all previous centuries combined. Whether it’s ethnic cleansing, tribal warfare, or rank political intolerance, the church of Jesus Christ is experiencing record numbers of attrition. This situation is conveniently ignored by network news services, resulting in a state of near ignorance in the church in America.
But none of these developments need take us by surprise. Jesus assured His faithful followers that, as surely as the world hated Him, it would likewise hate them as well (John 15:18-21), and that such hatred could escalate all the way up to execution (John 16:1-4). But with that elevated level of opposition the Lord also promises special grace to overcome (John 16:33). Paul, too, warned any would be follower of Christ that persecution was part and parcel of the territory that came with being a Christian (Acts 14:22 ; Phil.1:29 ; 2 Tim. 3:12 ; 1 Thess. 3:2-4).

Paul knew what he was talking about. In a most revealing autobiographical sketch, he ticks off a long list of dangers he fell into as a Christian evangelist. In addition to death and deprivation, Paul faced the dangers of multiple imprisonments, countless beatings within an inch of his life, overexposure to the elements, drowning, traveling dangers, nautical dangers, terrestrial dangers, cosmopolitan dangers, rural dangers, and betrayals by disingenuous “brothers” in the Lord (2 Cor. 11:23-27). If anyone ever qualified for instant induction into God’s Hardship Hall Of Fame, it would have to be Paul. This guy’s life was one of constant danger and suspense. Almost a sort of Christian James Bond, Paul always seemed to be ducking death and dodging potential assassins. His life was anything thing but a “Cakewalk Christianity”. One commentator has wryly noted, “Wherever polite modern Christians meet, they throw a tea party; wherever Paul went they had a riot!” To keep this essay practical, I’ve decided to focus on the ways that we can cope with and get the most out of the days of opposition and potential danger that loom on the spiritual horizon. For help in this regard I can’t think of a better source than the apostle Peter. Writing to dispersed Christians who were really under the gun and on the run, Peter’s words gave the comfort, wisdom, perspective, and hope they needed to keep on keeping on. If you are about to toss this article because it doesn’t relate to you right now, please consider tucking it away for the rainy day that New Testament prophecy indicates is in the spiritual forecast.


“Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy’.”

The first thing to go when under intense and prolonged persecution is one’s perspective. The first temptation isn’t to outright deny the Lord, but rather, to question whether the fight is winnable or even worth it. Prison camp officials understand the key role that right mentality plays in inmate survival, and do their best to warp the captive’s thought processes. They also attack the heart of the prisoner by demoralizing them, hoping to create emotional instability that will lead to a psychological breakdown. All this is done to wear down the detainee’s defenses, “crack” their minds and break their wills. Our spiritual enemy utilizes the same tactics, with deception and discouragement being two of his most effective tools. Aware of this, Peter urges his charges to think straight, maintain mental clarity, and pursue heart purity. Such defensive measures will shore up the soul against the darts of evil that will inevitably fly in their direction.


“If you suffer for doing good and endure it, this is commendable before God.”

It’s one thing to get what’s coming to us when we’ve blown it. But when we are punished for doing what’s right, this can become really confusing. It’s then that we need to realize that persecution never obeys the laws of logic. At its core, it’s a deranged mind using twisted tactics to accomplish evil outcomes. As such, we can’t expect the actions of our tormentors to make sense. In such a spiritual climate of chaotic conundrum, we need to hunker-down for the long haul, deciding at the outset to stick it out to the bitter end.


“To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps. He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in His mouth. When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when he suffered, He made no threats. Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him Who judges justly.”

In the past few decades educators have discovered that different people have different learning styles. As it turns out, some learn best by actually doing the task. Employers have incorporated this methodology into their training of new hires. They place them alongside a seasoned worker to allow them to learn by example. This seems to be the approach Peter takes in helping his charges cope with persecution. He points them to Jesus Himself as their example. Jesus suffered with purity (“He committed no sin”), He suffered with honesty (“there was no deceit found in His mouth”), He suffered with forgiveness (“He did not retaliate”), and He suffered with faith (“He committed Himself to Him [the Father] Who judges righteously”). The writer to the Hebrews picks up on this same theme, citing Jesus’ incredible endurance in the face of the most intense suffering at the hands of men, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus … Who endured the Cross … Who endured such opposition from sinful men … in your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood” (Hebrews 12:2-4) .


“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.”

Evangelistic? In the middle of getting our heads chopped of we’re to be evangelistic? Believe it or not, those times when we’re under the gun of persecution may be the most golden opportunities we’ll ever have to show what our faith is really made of. Peter says that our calm conduct will speak to the hearts of those hammering us, and some may wonder how we can respond in such a way. It’s then that we have a teachable moment of powerful witness. It’s then that we can explain the source of our hope and peace. It’s then that we, as objects of man’s rage and violence, can speak of the hope of our salvation with the greatest clarity and power. Who was the very last person Jesus led into the kingdom? Was it not a dying thief who saw Jesus’ composure on the cross? Who was the last person who confessed Jesus’ deity? Was it not a Roman soldier who witnessed the dignity with which the savior died? With all the clever and helpful tools we have for outreach, let’s never underestimate the tool of suffering. God uses it to win hearts like no other means.


“Rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.”

Picking up on Jesus’ heads-up that His followers would be targeted for abuse just as He was, Peter states that we should not be surprised when persecution comes. Indeed, some of his readers were headed for intense “fiery” trials for their faith. But instead of retaliation or resistance, Peter recommends that they rejoice! His reasoning is that our participation in the sufferings of Christ also guarantees our share in the glories that are promised to those who endure. Peter speaks from real life experience, for according to Luke, it was he and his fellow apostles who celebrated their unjust detainment and whipping as opportunities to be counted worthy to be publicly disgraced for the Name of Jesus (Acts 5:41).


“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.”

In our recent presidential election the entire story of John McCain’s capture, incarceration, and torture by the Viet Cong came to light. How he endured over four years of such abuse is beyond me. Ask any prisoner of war who his worst enemy was, and he’ll tell you it was himself. Survival in prisoner of war camps depend largely on one’s ability to keep his head. If they hold on to the hope of release, they can survive just about anything. Peter understood the power resident in hope. He knew that as he shifted the focus of suffering believers from the present trails to their future reward they would find superhuman strength to endure. Reminding them to remain humble (6), he encourages them to stay in touch with God in prayer (7). He urges them to remain spiritually alert (8). He tells them to stand firm in faith (9a). He explains that they’re not alone in suffering for Christ (9b), and assures them that there will come a day and time when all their nightmares will be over (10). Until then their victory would be found in their ability to focus on the hope they had in Jesus Christ and the future glory they’d share with Him.

The next time God calls you to stand up for Him and His Son, don’t sweat it. He’s in complete control, even in times of intense persecution. God promises special grace to those who find themselves in the throes of enemy opposition. We’re to stay cool, we’re to stay collected, and above all, we’re to stay focused on our victorious Savior!

Have It Your Way?

Have It Your Way?

John R. Petrilli

Sammy Davis Jr. enjoyed a long and stellar career as a vocalist. One of his most famous tunes was titled, “I Did It MY Way”. The song is essentially a declaration of self-made success. McDonald’s Hamburgers joined the bandwagon with their slogan, “Have it YOUR way”! So much of our culture is built upon the premise that we deserve to get what we want, when we want it, and the way we want it. While there’s nothing inherently evil about achievement, there’s a small distance between achieving a goal and allowing that goal to become an idol. Or even worse, becoming deceived into believing that you are the solution to all your problems. These are traits of what one might call man-made religion. The Scriptures are replete with examples of men and women who thought they could attain eternal life on their own terms instead of God’s. Here are just a few examples of folks who tried and continue to try to get to Heaven by doing it their way.


“ ‘You will not surely die’ the serpent said to the woman. ‘For God knows that when you eat of it [the God-forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil] your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil’ ”.

Hear the snake snarling out his lies. “Oh Eve, you’re so beautiful, so clever, so resourceful! You don’t need any god to make it to the top. After all, YOU are god! All you need to do is open your eyes to who you really are and it’ll all be yours!” She bought the lie, persuaded Adam to join her, and they both fell from their standing of favor with God. The serpent is the all-time pro at self-deification, for that’s how he approached God in eternity past, declaring that he would “will” his way into being god (Isaiah 14:13-14). Self-deification worked in the garden and is still surprisingly effective today. It jettison’s our accountability for our sins and makes us masters of our own universe. If it were only true!


“Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil … the Lord did not look favorably on Cain’s offering.”

The fall led to the establishment of a sacrificial system of atonement. God had shed the blood of animals in order to clothe His fallen humans (Gen. 3:21). Knowing full well what God had prescribed as an acceptable sacrifice, Cain conveniently ignores this and boldly presents his own version of a non-blood, vegetable or grain offering. Such audacity met with God’s immediate rejection, sending the arrogant Cain into an unchecked fury that left his own brother dead in the fields. Cain did it his way, and the results were nothing short of disastrous.
This approach of manufacturing one’s own type of sacrificial system has been and continues to be repeated around the globe, none of which meets God’s approval or enjoys God’s favor.


“Israel pursued a law of righteousness but has not attained it, because they pursued it as if it were by works.”

A quick review of the basic tenets of most world religions will reveal good works as the way to heaven, nirvana, or reincarnated perfection. This approach is nothing more than a remix of Cain’s sin of substituting his way for God’s way. With self-righteousness the attraction is very strong because it appeals to human pride. By nature we buy quickly into a system that puts us in the driver’s seat, and that’s what self-righteousness does. It’s all up to us. If we do this or we do that, we can control our own spiritual destiny. If there is a god in this system, he’s laissez fare at best and absentee at worst. If our good deeds outnumber our bad ones, we’re in. The major difficulty with this system is its complete failure to address the real problem of human depravity. According to God, we have a basic nature that is unable to do anything truly good in a redemptive sense. We’re hopelessly crippled by sin, and don’t have the capacity to do a single thing to atone for our sins or save ourselves. The ancient Jews thought this was the way to God and failed (Romans 9:31-32). Likewise, the apostle Paul tried this approach and found it wanting (Philippians 3:3-9). Worst of all, if someone erroneously believes they’ve “arrived” through good works of their own, they can brag about their achievement, robbing God of all the glory He alone deserves for the salvation process (Ephesians 2:8-9). Legalism is probably responsible for sending more people to hell than any one other belief system (Colossians 2:20-22).


“It is not within man to understand himself” (Provrebs .

The bookstore shelves are jammed with the latest “do-it-yourself” religions, self-help titles that promise you heaven with just a little bit of personal effort. Adherents to this system believe that if they can accomplish incremental steps of self-improvement, they’ll be well on their way to attaining personal self-actualization and complete fulfillment. Such a methodology is doomed from the very start, as it expects and requires something that’s irreparably broken to fix itself. Not only can we not fix ourselves, we don’t even have the ability to diagnose our problem!


“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.”

The names are memorialized by history. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hume, Nietzsche. The list goes on and on of individuals who set forth what they believed to be the truth about life, and in some cases the afterlife.
Paul describes these systems as empty and deceptive. That’s because they are born out of human source and lack any divine authority or credibility. Sinful men cannot possibly come up with the perfect system of belief because they are flawed themselves. Only God can declare what is truth and what is error. And only God can
accurately diagnose the human condition and prescribe the proper cure. The runaway prophet shuts down all such vain pursuits by categorically stating that, “Salvation is of the Lord” (Jonah 2:9).


“Such practices have the outward appearance that popularly passes for wisdom, in promoting self-imposed rigor of devotion and delight in self-humiliation and severity of discipline of the body, but they are of no value in checking the indulgence of [humanity’s] lower nature.”

A close sister to self-righteousness is the practice of self-abasement, also known as asceticism. Here the individual tries to work off his sinful deeds by denying himself the comforts and pleasures of this life. But again, the focus is on the person’s deeds, not on the saving grace of God via the cross of Jesus Christ. Some people crawl up stairs covered with glass; others sleep on beds of pins; others have themselves severely beaten with bamboo rods. All these practices place the focus on something one can do to atone for their sins, and all fail miserably at attaining such atonement.


We’ve taken a bird’s eye view of the prevailing ideas that man holds to about the way to everlasting life. The one common thread running through each is that of self-determination. Each one features self effort of some kind to get where they want to go. Man’s way is the way of self-ism. But God says that way never has worked, never can work, and never will work. He calls man’s way of salvation a pathway to death (Proverbs 14:12). God pictures those who follow after their own ways as lost sheep (Isaiah 53:6). Jesus warned that following the crowd down their chosen road of selfishness only ends in destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). And He graciously points us to the right pathway to heaven … the cross. Jesus clearly defines that pathway as being through Him, through what HE did for us, not through anything we could ever do for ourselves (John 14:6)! In light of this, we are called upon to dump our own self-invented concepts of salvation, and got on board God’s way (Isaiah 55:7). Then and only then can we see the forest for the trees, and choose correctly.

God’s Love

God’s Love


We live in a very well-connected world. What goes on in Africa is known instantly in America. What transpires in India gets out to Asia in a jiffy. News coming out of Europe makes international headlines overnight. Events in the Middle East find their way into the morning papers around the world.

This is a big world we live in, and it has a lot going on. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by it all. It can become a bit too much to take in all at once. While we may get overwhelmed sometimes, the good news is that God never does. He can handle all the problems and situations no matter how big or widespread they are. This is because we serve a global God.

In the third chapter of John’s gospel we discover that God not only has a global concern, but that He also has a global love. John gives us a picture that almost looks like God is embracing the world, warts and all, into His everlasting arms. And this love He has for our world is not casual at all. It’s intense. For God “SO” loved the world. It’s also an active love, not a passive love. God’s love caused Him to take action. That action was to send His only Son into our world so that we can be saved through faith in Him.

GOD’S LOVE IS COLOR BLIND Matthew 28:19-20 ; Rev. 5:9

People and cultures the world over are rediscovering the role and contribution that disabled people can play in their societies. More and more we’re realizing the value that each and every person has, regardless of any physical, mental, emotional or social challenges they are born with or suffer from. If I were to ask you if God had a disability, what would your answer be? Believe it or not, God does have a “disability”. You see, God is color blind. When we look at each other, we take note of the racial differences as indicated by the color and tone of our skin. But when God looks at each if us, He focuses on what’s inside in our hearts, not on our outward appearance.

He doesn’t look down from heaven and say, “Oh look over there, there’s John the American”, or “Oh, I remember you, you’re Suresh the man from India”. No, God sees us from the inside out. He cares about who we are, not what we look like.

But this is not to say that God isn’t into diversity. Just look around us and see all the different colors and personality types He’s made. Someone has said, “If you want to know if God has a sense of humor, go and visit your local zoo, and look at all the comical shapes, sizes and features of the animals there”.

GOD’S LOVE IS PERSONAL Galatians 2:20 ; Romans 10:19

I happen to be a lover of astronomy. There are few things I enjoy more than to go out to the countryside at night and look up at all the stars blanketing the heavens. I’ve been doing this for over 40 years now, yet I never get over the awesome beauty and splendor of the star-studded evening sky. Yet, sometimes, when I look up and see all this vast universe, I’m prone to ponder my own importance. To be honest with you, seeing such a great creation has a way of making me feel pretty small and insignificant by comparison. But that’s not really the case at all. Even though we’re just one tiny individual in this huge universe, God still has a very personal and individual concern for each and every one of us. That’s may sound too amazing to believe, but its true!
One great ancient first-century scholar named Paul expressed this awe over God’s love and concern for him with these words, “The Son of God loved ME, and gave Himself for ME.” Centuries earlier a prolific poet named David felt this same way as he looked up at the night sky and said, “What is man that You are mindful of him, or the Son of man, that You should visit him?” To keep track of and care of every one of us on planet earth seems like a super Herculean task, but that’s only because we’re seeing it from a merely human perspective. For God, Who is ALL-present, ALL-powerful, and ALL-knowing, such a feat is actually piece of cake!

As Irish actress Roma Downey sings,

“May you understand the strength and power of God in a thunder storm in winter,

And the quiet beauty of creation in the calm of a summer sunset,

And may you come to realize that,

Insignificant as you may seem in this great universe,

You ARE an important part of God’s plan;

May He watch over you, and keep you safe from harm.”


More and more we’re living in a performance-based world. Companies and organizations are constantly evaluating the output and efficiency of their people and programs. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it IS a mistake to allow our relationships to be controlled by a performance-based mentality. Like it or not, some people will only accept us if we successfully achieve what they set down as a prerequisite to being an associate of theirs. But God has no such system upon which He bases His relationship to us on. No, God has no such strings attached in the way He relates to us.

In fact, this verse shows that God’s greatest act of love for us came at a time when we were not at our personal best, but instead were at our personal worst! It says that He showed His deepest depth of His love for us when we hatred Him the most! Now THAT’S unconditional love!


When two people are in love they want to spend every waking moment together. In America we have an old saying that such a couple is “inseparable”. The nature of love is that it longs to be with the object of its affection.

When a person becomes a child of God through faith in Jesus Christ, God forms an inseparable bond between them and His Son. Nothing can ever break that bond. No earthly trouble, no supernatural power, and no future unseen circumstance can possibly sever this bond of love between God and His people.

One of the greatest modern inventions along with the paper clip and duct tape is known as “super glue”. Super glue is really cool because it can permanently bond just about anything (including your finger tips!) There’s something in its chemical makeup that causes a super strong molecular bond. It may help if you think of God’s love as a kind of spiritual super glue. Once you get bonded to Christ, there’s nothing that can possibly separate you from Him.

God’s Favorite Song

God’s Favorite Song

John R. Petrilli

What’s your favorite song? Couples often have a favorite tune they’ve claimed as “their song”. Vocalists and instrumentalists in concert often close with their all-time favorite song to the crowd’s delight. So what’s your favorite song? For the music connoisseurs possessing a wide range of tastes, the answer will depend on which category of music we’re talking about.

We see from both Old and New Testaments that God possesses a vested interest in music and song. He incorporated it into the worship services of the temple, and commands His creation to sing to Him. It’s obvious that He definitely enjoys music. But can it be that He actually has a FAVORITE song? According to the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir’s tune, “Favorite Song of All”, God DOES have a favorite song. It’s not one particular number, but rather, a category known as praise songs. Let’s walk through the Bible and see what it has to say about this important theme.


As we sing the praises of someone or something we’re quick to point out the admirable qualities or features of that person or item. When it comes to the Person of God, there’s no one more admirable nor worth admiring. David understood that and made a big deal out of rehearsing the greatness of God throughout his hymnody found in the Book of Psalms. While many would turn to such favorites as Psalms 23, Psalms 46, Psalms 103, or Psalms 139, I invite you to camp with me in less familiar territory at the end of the Book of Psalms. More specifically, at the final five Psalms, Psalms 146-150. Interestingly enough, each of these final five songs starts out with the imperative phrase, “PRAISE THE LORD!” That pretty much tips the reader off to the goal David has in writing these priceless lyrical works. It is to nurture and invigorate an attitude of praise to God. I guess we might see David’s role here as that of a worship leader who is longing to see God’s people engage in wholehearted, unrestrained praise.

Character is most clearly seen, not so much in what someone says, but rather, what they do. In Psalm 146 God’s matchless character can be seen in all the ways He reaches out and helps the sons of men (5). The Lord is pictured like an omnipotent social worker who attends to the pressing needs of both the poor and the prisoner alike (7). God cares ever so much about the welfare of His people, especially the disabled (8), the displaced foreigner, disregarded orphan and disenfranchised widow (9). Psalms 147 focuses on God’s provision as seen in His personal involvement in the national prosperity, emotional health and spiritual integrity of His chosen nation (2, 12-14). David sings to the God Who performs the meteorological wonder of lofting the clouds above the earth, then timely opening to release their precious cargo of rain droplets to descend upon the hungry and thirsty creatures dwelling below on terra firma (8, 9). Much as we do, the sweet singer must have watched a winter thunder storm, giving all the credit to God as the One and only author of such an awesome sight (16-18).


Like all good worship leaders, David shoots for one-hundred percent involvement. He isn’t happy until he’s succeeded in getting every single corner of the universe involved in praising his God. He starts by prodding the angelic assemblage to give praise to their Creator (2). Recall how these heavenly vocalists sang the first Christmas cantata on a Judean hillside the morn of the Savior’s birth (Luke 2:13-14). They will continue lifting their voices to God throughout all eternity (Rev. 5:11-12 ; 7:11-12). David moves from the angelic realms of the third heaven into the astronomical realm of stars and planets in the second heaven. Someone may argue that inanimate objects are incapable of praise. To such I say, think again. According to Job, the stars of the pre-dawn skies celebrated creation day in song (Job 38:7)? Didn’t Jesus clearly imply that something as lifeless as a rock could and would sing His praises should His people fail to do so (Luke 19:40)? Didn’t the Psalmist include the panoply of galaxies and stars when he declared that “the heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands”, declaring God’s glory both day and night (Psalms 19:1-2)?

Next David transitions to the first heaven of the upper atmosphere (4-6). The clouds should be praising God for their inception, installation and permanency. Having extended his call to praise God top down from angelic hosts to earthly skies, the psalmist zeroes in on planet earth. Its inhabitants, both great and small, owe their Creator a debt of praise. From the tiniest bug (mosquito praise?) to the mammoth whale along with the sea they swim in, each and every one of them is engaged in offering the sacrifice of praise to their loving Creator (7-8).
Even the hills and trees join in the anthems of praise (9). Finally, the entire creation chorus adds to its membership the human family. Social, economic, chronological and marital status notwithstanding, all are to participate in the most worthy endeavor of praise to our God (11-13).


Having succeeded in recruiting the rest of creation into the blessed ministry of praising God, David increases the magnification of his spiritual microscope, and focuses his attention on the Church. Praise songs are the order of the day when God’s people assemble for corporate worship (149:1 ; cf., Colossians 3:16 ; Ephesians 5:19). The inclusion of the performing arts and skillful instrumentation are said to bring delight to the heart of God (3-4). When praise is accompanied by the preaching of the Word (“two-edged sword”), the spiritual impact of complete victory can be realized (6-9). In Psalms 150 David wraps up the entire book of 150 songs and poems with a resounding crescendo of praise. One can almost hear the trumpets blasting and the cymbals clashing as all the stops are pulled out in one gigantic finale of instrumental praise that deafens the ear and delights the senses (3-5). In case David miscued and left something out, he ends on a note of inclusion by urging any entity with the breath of life in its lungs to use that breath to praise God (6)!

Peter describes believers as those who’ve been assigned the holy calling of “proclaiming the PRAISES of Him Who has called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light: (1 Peter 2:5,9). Which brings us to a personal consideration. We need to prayerfully ask ourselves and the Lord the current status of our praise life. Is it healthy or lacking in some way? Do we ration our praise, only engaging in it when things are going well for us? Perhaps we need to take a closer look at just what praise is, then carefully reconsider our commitment to this most rewarding of all Christian endeavors. I hope this excursion through Psalms 146-150 has proven beneficial to you. Along the theme of music, borrowing a phrase from the great composer J.S. Bach, I close with, “Solo Deo Gloria!” (“To God alone be the glory!”)
Jesus Out of the Box

by Walter L. Cook

“And Jesus said to them, “I ask you, is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to harm, to save life or to destroy it?” - Luke 6:9

He Clashed With Tradition

A water lily is beautiful, but it is a coward. When the sun shines and the day is fair, the flower floats like a tiny white boat on the water’s surface. It is fragrant to smell and lovely to look at. But when a storm threatens, it closes its petals over its golden heart. While rain falls and winds howl, the flower refuses to expose itself by withdrawing from turbulence and danger.

Many if us do the same thing. We find it easy to expose a good and gracious exterior when our surroundings are friendly. But when we are threatened by criticism or ridicule in the performance of some good and noble act, we withdraw to safety, refusing to open ourselves to opposition.

When Jesus went about helping, healing, and teaching, He was surrounded by a collection of critics who were bent on destroying Him. One Sabbath they thought they had their chance to do just that. He was in a synagogue and saw there a man with a shriveled hand. Jesus was stirred by the man’s plight and prepared to heal him. Standing about were some Pharisees, who were hoping Jesus would do something illegal and thus give them a reason for condemning Him. In this case, they were spying to see whether He would break the Jewish law by healing the man, for it was against the law to heal on the Sabbath. Jesus, aware of their threatening presence, did not waver in His intention to heal the man. ‘Stretch out your hand’, He said. The man did so and his hand was restored. Then the storm broke. The Pharisees had caught Jesus breaking the law; off they went to plot His death.

How much are we willing to dare in the service of others? We should not take for granted the approval of our acquaintances when we perform some service for those in need. We may be criticized, ridiculed, even slandered. Our motives may be discredited and our act belittled.

If in well-doing we stir up for ourselves a storm of abuse, let us not withdraw or seek to hide. Rather let us remember the Christ, who was surrounded by foes, but Who opened up His heart to those in trouble.

The coward retreats, but peril is often overpowered by those who boldy venture.

- Excerpt, Youth Devotions on the Jesus Who Was Different, by Walter L. Cook, Abingdon Press, 1973 -

Christians Advocate Moral Approach to Health Care Reform

Christians Advocate Moral Approach to Health Care Reform
John R. Petrilli

“You can’t legislate morality!” We’ve all heard that mantra before. While it may be true that laws alone can’t change people’s hearts, history proves that every society puts behavioral codes in place to preserve and protect themselves and their posterity. Indeed, our own American government was derived from English law which was squarely founded upon Judeo-Christian principles. So, while a moral code can and will be broken by fallen people, it’s an absolute necessity if a social order is to survive and thrive.

That is what concerns Liverpool residents Kelley Romano and Christina Fadden Fitch. Having carefully researched the contents of the current health care plan being reviewed by Congress, longtime friends Romano and Fadden Fitch have discovered that its proposals reflect a sharp and unmistakable non-moral philosophy. To counter the drive to approve the bill as it is currently worded, the two have launched a local grassroots campaign to inform the Christian community about the issue.

A public school educator for over seven years, Romano states, “The current debate over health care in the mainstream media is consistently leaving out the moral perspective. When the issue got close to home, I decided to team up with Chris and get the word out.” Fitch, who has served with New York State Right to Life and Feminists for Life, now works as a legislative consultant. “There are many good people (in government) who care about (public) policy, and how what we believe as Christians should be affecting policy. As healthcare reform started coming down the pike really fast and furious in July, I started to get very, very worried as I saw a local community action group giving one-sided presentations on the legislation that was totally out of line with what we’d be concerned about as Christians. That’s when we started getting active on this subject, and we felt there needed to be alternate ways to get out information about issues we’re very concerned about with public option healthcare.”

Taking off on the pop phraseology of “Obama-care”, the two started a group called “ChristiansCare”. It’s interdenominational in appeal, and focuses on taking a moral look at healthcare. “You can’t override morality and make decisions based on things that some people believe are immoral.” The two decided to put together a flyer that exposes the moral deficiencies of the current legislation. It reads, “Many Christians are worried about the morality and consequences of a government-run public health care program controlled by a medical council unaccountable to the public.” The flyer outlines the following concerns:

1) ABORTION - Experts on all sides confirm that current healthcare proposals open the door to
(unprecedented federal) mandates and payment for elective abortions.

2) WHO DECIDES? - It is unclear how a public healthcare supervisory council will be accountable for
decisions they make.

3) SENIOR CITIZENS – Medicare will be reduced.

4) “PRIORITIZING INDIVIDUALS? - Will public health care descend into a government panel choosing
who has a right to life and care, and who does not? [President Obama’s health advisor Ezekiel Emanuel
advocates the “complete lives system”, which prioritizes adolescents and young adults over infants. This
outlandish system also considers prognosis, since its aim is to achieve complete lives. When the worst-off
can benefit only slightly while better-off people could benefit greatly, allocating to the better-off is often
justifiable. According to one publication, “When implemented, the complete lives system produces a
priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 get the most substantial chance,
whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated.” (The Lancet, Vol. 373, Issue 9661,
pp. 423-431, January, 2009).]

5) FREE WILL – Free will is given to us by God. Will more government control take away our God-given
freedom to choose our treatments, a freedom supported by law in 11 states?

6) GOVERNMENT INEFFICIENCY – Does our government typically run programs efficiently and without
fraud and waste? No.

7) STEWARDSHIP - Roughly 15% in America are uninsured. [Under the current system, those without
insurance cannot be denied emergency treatment]. Government certainly should promote and provide
LOCAL programs that greatly help the needy, but not by taking away our collective freedom to choose
our own healthcare plan. Healthcare reform with LESS government is possible.

If you would like a copy of the flyer, or wish to discuss these issues further, call “ChristiansCare” at 315-552-8465, or email People of all faiths welcome. To reach congressman Dan Maffei, call 202-225-3121. For senators Schumer and Gillibrand, call 202-224-3121.

The Lion and the Lamb

The Lion and the Lamb

John R. Petrilli

The epic series Superman is known and loved by generations of Americans. It’s the story of a man who leads a double life. Clark Kent is your average, everyday kind of guy, a newspaper reporter by trade. On the outside he looks and acts no differently than any other human being on the planet. But, should the siren sound the call to action, Kent undergoes a total transformation from mere human being into larger-than-life superhero. Uniform donned, he can now respond to any crisis by leaping tall buildings with a step, whisking through the atmosphere at the speed of light and bringing the multiplied tonnage of a charging train to a screeching halt…all in a day’s work.


While all parallels between man and God fall short, the contrast between how Jesus Christ appears at His first and second comings can’t be missed. At Jesus’ first coming He was more like mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent, but at His second coming, like Superman, will be a force to be reckoned with. The apostle John chronicles his firsthand encounter with the post-resurrected Person of Christ, showing the contrast in most vivid fashion. He first affirms the salvation purpose of Jesus initial coming (“To Him Who loved us, and washed us from our sins by His blood”), then gives a detailed description of what the Lion of the Tribe of Judah looks like in His glorified state (12-16). Shocked beyond belief, John relays a persona of the Son of God that is nothing short of spellbinding. The specific qualities John mentions all communicate the fact that the second coming is all about judgment.

Dressed in robes of heavenly royalty, Christ startles the aged apostle as He paces amongst the local churches of his day, each symbolized by a lamp stand. Jesus’ glowing hair signifies He possesses the wisdom to issue a final verdict upon earth and her inhabitants. Christ’s fiery eyes indicate the omniscience He has to see right through any and all facades, enabling Him to discern with absolute clarity and judge with total accuracy and perfect justice. Jesus’ feet of bronze communicate the thought of precious metal purified in the fires of adversity, thus attributing to Him the perfect holiness which all true justice must be rooted in. And His thunderous voice fills the entire scene with an authority that is unquestioned and unchallenged. Twenty-plus centuries have passed between the spring morn when He entered the world as a helpless Babe and this moment John calls the “Unveiling” (Greek word for “revelation” is “apokolypsis” from which we get our English word “apocalypse”).

The first coming was all about mercy and grace, but the second time around it will be all about justice and judgment (Acts 17:31). Everything in Christ’s persona and appearance communicates that fact. He will come then, not as the silent Lamb to be slain, but as a triumphant Lion-warrior with title deed in one hand and flashing sword in the other to fight and win the victory of the ages (Rev. 5:5-8 ; 19:11-16, 21). For those trapped in unbelief, such a scenario is terrifying to the point of tears (“all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of Him”). Millions will seek to escape the very sight of His holy face, to no avail (Rev. 6:16). But for all who’ve acknowledged His Lordship, His appearance will be a sight for sore eyes to see and an occasion for celestial celebration (“Look, He is coming with the clouds! … To Him be glory and power for ever and ever!” Rev. 1:6b, 7a).


That quiet night in Bethlehem when the Son of God entered the world as a helpless Babe was anything but ostentatious. Practically nobody expected Him, and even when the testimony of the Scriptures confirmed His arrival, the religious folks chose to ignore that golden moment. If it weren’t for the angelic light and praise songs filling the skies, you would have never imagined that history’s most momentous event was taking place.
And even these tangible indicators were reserved for a small crew of blue collar workers pulling a night shift.

What a contrast when our Jesus returns to earth in all His post-resurrection glory! Instead of a few eyes curiously peering down into a makeshift cradle, the return of Jesus Christ will capture and rivet the full attention of every on the planet! Not a single person alive will miss this appearance (“EVERY eye will see Him” 1:7b). This time around will be more akin to the arrival of a powerful king, indeed, the very King of the entire universe! He’ll come with power and great glory, with a cloud for a throne, and a trumpet blast heralding the arrival of His honorable presence (Matt. 24:30-31).


Few depictions of the have communicated the trauma of the kangaroo trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ better than Mel Gibson’s film, “The Passion of the Christ”. Gibson skillfully recreated characters that were at the same time human yet demonic. The faces of babies, children and adults alike were contorted into inhuman shapes and expressions to depict the level of evil and depravity that carried the day on that dreadful afternoon.
Those charged with the administration of justice used lies, bribery and deception to insure that Jesus went to death row. The echoes of Satan himself must have filled the corridors of hell as those nails ripped through the Savior’s already beaten and broken body. The crucifixion was the most unlawful dispensation of injustice ever
dished-out to a human being.

But, oh, how the tables will be turned on that day when Christ comes back to earth! A thorough house-cleaning will ensue as He first incinerates two of the devil’s trinity, then incarcerates the devil himself (Rev. 19:19-20:2).
Next Christ will destroy all the remaining rebels on earth who have survived seven years of cataclysmic devastation only to rise up in revolt one last time, to their total doom at the edge of His Sword.


It took a perfect Lamb to pay the price of sin, but it will take a powerful Lion to bring order back to a chaotic jungle. Commencing with Adam’s fall, the human race has been tumbling down one long, spiraling descent into spiritual and social chaos. In its proud refusal to acknowledge God much less thank Him, our race has sent itself racing down a slippery slope of depravity and darkness that’s left us helplessly and hopelessly lost (Romans 1:18-31). Emergency intervention was our only hope, and the Cross was God’s solution to the problem. In rich mercy and great grace the Father sent His only Son to pay the spiritual debt accrued by our sin. But the age of grace has a terminus point, and when that’s been reached, it will be time for a complete renovation of the entire creation. Peter states that personal restoration to God is accomplished through the cross (Acts 3:19-20), but the restoration of the cosmos is forthcoming when Jesus returns (Acts 3:21). This renovation will be universal as all creation will be released from the burdensome constraints placed on it by sin’s curse (Romans 8:18-21) to celebrate the liberty enjoyed by living under God’s direct and gracious rule. As the old hymn writer declared, “What a day, GLORIOUS day that will be!”


Patience. Everyone at some time or other has needed it, and we've all prayed for it. Yet it seems to be one of the most evasive qualities to develop. Maybe the instant culture we live in has something to do with all that. Jesus' placed the highest premium upon patience when He said, "In your patience you possess your souls". By inversion, we see that we actually lose control of our soul when we do things out of an impatient spirit. Opportunities are lost, relationships get strained and the simple things of life go by unnoticed and unappreciated.

So how and where do we get this rarest of commodities? According to Paul, we secure it directly from God (see Romans 15:5-6). Our patient and encouraging God will impart His patience to us as we wait dependently upon Him. So next time you feel like pushing the pedal to the metal, try just coasting for a bit. It's a whole lot easier on both body and mind!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Making God Glad

Making God Glad
John R. Petrilli

You can tell a lot about a person from what they enjoy. As we discover what God enjoys, we can learn a whole lot about Him as well. Joni Eareckson Tada points out, “We tend to think God exists to make us glad; but in truth, we exist to make him glad. Unbelievable! Oh, that we can actually make God happy. We can give him delight and pleasure by our simple acts of obedience, songs of praise, words of gratitude, and pure and godly thoughts.”


One of my favorite hobbies is crafting things. Whether it’s framing a picture, building a model, or restoring a broken item, I get a thrill out of seeing the finished product. That’s just a miniscule example of the kind of pleasure God had during creation week as He called the stars into being and flooded the land, skies and seas with abundant life. His work completed, He kicked up his feet, rested, and verbalized His total satisfaction with the end results, calling the entire project “very good”! Like a cosmic bookend, we fast forward to that future day when all of that same creation is found encircling the Throne of God with their praises, proclaiming the sublime truth that their very existence and purpose is to bring pleasure to the great and kind heart of God. Contrary to the false picture of God frowning down at His creation, the Bible portrays Him smiling upon everything He’s made with deep satisfaction and pleasure!


I have to laugh every time I hear a gift recipient say, “Oh, you SHOULDN’T have!” Wouldn’t it be far better to simply accept the gift with heartfelt gratitude? Imagine receiving a blessing from God, then telling Him, “Oh, you really SHOULDN’T have!”? How ludicrous! Gifts are given for the blessing and enjoyment of the recipient. When someone loves us, they often express their affection with a gift. The giver gets blessed when the receiver does! When God blesses us materially or spiritually, His heart finds great pleasure in our enjoyment of that gift! As David basked in the forgiveness of his colossal sins of adultery and murder, he asked the Lord to take pleasure in his personal restoration as well as the rebuilding of the life of his nation. When God showers our lives with blessings, we’re not the only ones who get blessed!


No less than seventy-two protégés of Jesus had just completed an arduous tour of duty battling Satan, capturing many of his spiritual strongholds. In today’s jargon, they were “totally stoked” (on fire). They came back to headquarters all excited, and turned in an astounding report on their ministry accomplishments. Even demonic powers had no choice but to yield as they invoked the Name above every name! Like all great trainers, Jesus immediately identified with them in their success, sharing that He had experienced similar spiritual victories. Reminding them to keep their success in perspective, He thanks the Father for giving His understudies the power and insight they needed to defeat the kingdom of darkness. Mark this down, when you get something done for God, He celebrates that accomplishment with you!


Cooperstown, New York is home to the famed Baseball Hall of Fame. Inside the facility one can view vintage filmstrips of spectacular moments, look through scores of glass cases chock full of baseball’s most treasured memorabilia, and learn a ton of facts and statistics related to the sport known as “America’ favorite pastime”.
Like the “Hall”, there’s a special place in God’s Word that houses the incredible accomplishments of some of Judaism’s and Christianity’s all-time greats. Names like Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sara, and Moses. Average, run-of-the-mill people who won monster victories by placing their complete confidence in the promises and Person of God. In themselves they were just like you and I. But armed with faith in God, they did exploits that still tingle the ears. It’s interesting that the writer to the Hebrews sandwiches-in a key observation right in the middle of this catalog of “spiritual Who’s-Who”. “Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to PLEASE God”. The lesson is unmistakable. God is pleased when we take Him at His Word in spite of what the circumstances, surroundings, or people around us may say or think. If you want to make God happy, believe and obey His Word, sight unseen!


What is it about parenting that makes even the tiniest sign of progress in their child a cause for celebration? When an adult walks, no one could care less. When a matured person talks, instead of celebrating we sometimes wish they’d simply stop. So why is it such a big deal when a baby does these things? Growth. While walking and talking by adults is taken for granted, seeing it happen for the first time in the life of a developing baby is something to celebrate. Each new accomplishment is a step in the direction of personal and social development. God also delights in seeing us grow and mature in our spiritual lives. He desperately wants us to make progress. To learn to walk by faith. To run with perseverance. To speak the truth in love. These are the things He desires for us, and when we give indication that we’re getting it, it makes God very glad.


For centuries people all over the globe have been trying to find ways that they hope will please God. Some pray facing Mecca three times a day; others give alms and try to live “good” lives. Still others think that by honoring a personal code of ethics they will curry favor with God. But Jesus said, “This is the work of God, that you BELIEVE in the One (Jesus Himself) whom He (the Father) has sent”. Pop culture loves to espouse the idea that we can be our own person, a moral free agent who’s accountable to no one but themselves alone. But, like it or not, we can only serve one of two masters: Christ or Satan. To serve Christ we must be empowered and guided by the Holy Spirit. According to Jesus’ own words, this is why the Spirit expressly came. Walking in the Spirit involves living in obedience to what He says, and what He says is found in the objective Word of God, not any subjective personal experience. Jesus showed us how to live a consistently obedient life by earning the Father’s seal of approval and perfect satisfaction with His Son. This kind of lifestyle involves being obedient to His commands, whether in the home or the workplace (Col. 3:18-23).


Several years ago police arrested a civilian named Rodney King during a race riot in California. His public statement to the press rang out in almost prayer-like passion, “Can’t we all just get along?” Good question Rodney. While the world’s failure here can be explained and excused by the fact that they don’t possess the Holy Spirit, the same cannot be said of the church. We do have the Holy Spirit of God as well as the Word of God to instruct, correct and empower us to “just get along” with one another. When we do so, it sends up a blessing before God. Such harmonious relationships within the body of Christ ate likened to the invigorating effect that the oil of anointing had upon the Aaronic priesthood. Body unity and spiritual harmony are also likened to the refreshing properties of a mountain dew that blankets a thirsty hillside with its life-imparting moisture. Many of the barriers to revival can and will be removed as we get things right amongst ourselves, then reach out to a lost community with the kind of love that the world can’t explain away.


It’s one of those mysteries and paradoxes of the Christian life. While God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, yet He calls us to give to His work. Surely He could supernaturally provide the support His messengers need, for He did so with Elijah. But God’s not simply after the establishing of an effective ministry supply chain. He’s really all about developing the character of Jesus in our lives. As we give to the work of advancing the Gospel, we become real partakers and invested partners in His work. Paul describes the Philippian church’s practical gifts of support to his ministry in terms of a temple sacrifice. In the Old Testament era, such burnt sacrifices were said to have “wafted up to God”, bringing Him supreme pleasure. Now that’s a new way to see things when it comes time for that offering plate to pass by!

1 Cor.1:21 ; Luke 15:10

We’ve considered a number of things that the Bible tells us bring pleasure to God’s heart, but there’s one thing that “takes the cake”. Because God has such a consuming love for us, nothing can bring Him greater pleasure than to see someone come back into relationship with Him. Reconciliation has to be one of life’s most joyful experiences, and the same holds true for spiritual reconciliation between God and man. Nothing brings more joy to God’s heart than seeing a person understand their need for a Savior, then receive the Lord Jesus into their lives. The Corinthian church was really into “wisdom”, albeit a sometimes warped version of that admirable and desirable trait. Paul does a play on words as He refers to evangelistic preaching as “the wisdom of God”, and calls gospel proclamation “foolishness”. It perfectly suited God’s plan to save people through an unlikely message about a carpenter who died on a tree and rose again from a borrowed grave. Not exactly the stuff of superheroes. But it’s a great plan! Just think, escape from eternal punishment and abundant and eternal life for the asking! If you’re reading this and have yet to trust Christ as your Lord and Savior, there’s no better time to do that then right now. Then we’ll all have something to rejoice together over along with God!