Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Systematic Dismantling of America

The Systematic Dismantling of America
John R. Petrilli

Someone has observed that while it can take years to build something up, it takes only minutes to tear it down. The experiment of “government of the people, by the people, for the people” took decades to found and two centuries to perfect. Sadly, with a few strokes of a pen, our sitting president is systematically tearing down the very foundations that have made our nation great and protected it from external and internal dissolution.

President Barak Obama is quickly dismantling the underpinnings of our country. He’s doing so at all levels, financial, economic, social, and military. His pork-loaded budgets with runaway spending of money we don’t have will tank the country; of this economists of all stripes agree. They call his direction an “unsustainable course”, pointing out that deficit spending will eventually intersect with federal bankruptcy to push the nation into financial collapse.

But we don’t have to wait for that projection twenty years down the road. Obama’s promise to override congressional inertia and legislate environmentally protective energy laws, policies and infrastructure will do us in long before those twenty years are up. Says who? Says the experts of the energy industry. California, under the questionable hands of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, is heading down that path, and energy experts in that state say that rapid changeover will do nothing but send the energy companies away from the state, taking billions in revenue and thousands of jobs with them. And for the already overtaxed and beleaguered residents of California, it will mean astronomically high energy bills. Unfortunately, Schwarzenegger has a like-minded friend in Washington named Obama. Obama’s energy overhaul plan is guaranteed to deliver the final blow to an already crippled economy by requiring rapid changeovers that neither the industries nor the economy can handle at this time. Did we mention the national health care plan? Even if universal health care was a good idea (which this writer rejects wholesale) how in the world will it be funded? By levying more taxes on a work force that is dwindling by the day and already anticipating huge tax hikes to fund all the pork in Obama’s economic plan that Congress so foolishly passed. Forget about squeezing blood out of a rock … this is equivalent to sucking air out of a cadaver!

In addition to disastrous financial and economic policies, we have the military dismantling of America. In a statement released to the national press last March, former President Dick Cheney publicly decried Obama’s decision to release the terrorists imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay over the next twelve (now eight) months. Are we to actually support such idiotic decisions that invite the certain return of terror to American soil? I say an emphatic “NO!!” Then we have the president’s announcement of his intentions to drastically reduce our nuclear arsenal, and this at a time when rogue states like North Korea and Iran are feverishly moving toward nuclear strike capability of our closest allies! In addition, during the early weeks of April Russia and China announced plans to conduct joint military tactics. Obama is also making headlines by “apologizing” to Islamic nations for the “strained relations” between the U.S. and them. Right, like America sent swat teams over to the capitals of Iran and other Islamic countries to knock down their buildings, kill thousands of their innocent citizens, and cripple their economy. What absolute NONSENSE! I prefer President Bush’s response of taking out the terrorists and dethroning tyrants who foment such acts. But, no, now we have a president who places blame on America and sides with the very nations who harbor and give sanctuary to the very Jihadists who are dead set on wiping us out! If I had a loved one killed on 9/11 I’d be screaming “treason”!!!

Last but by not by any means least, we are witnessing the quiet and deliberate dismantling of what’s left of America’s moral infrastructure. I don’t believe for one second that Obama is genuine in reaching out to the prolife majority of this land. His offers to “dialogue” are an insult to any thinking person. If he was sincere about finding middle ground, he would dialogue first, then decide how and what to do with legislation in this crucial but overlooked area. He is sold out to the pro-death movement, period. He made a public promise to Planned Parenthood in July, 2007 to quickly sign F.O.C.A. into law as soon as he was elected president. F.O.C.A. will totally undo all progress made by pro-lifers over the past 37 years!! Dialogue? About WHAT?! This President will also lead the push in driving our country into killing human embryos at an unprecedented rate. He is totally committed to advancing gay rights and same sex marriage as well. Any student of history knows that any nation that has officially sanctioned such unnatural behaviors has gone under. And let’s not forget that Obama is also dictating how we should think by pushing legislation to erase the conscience clause for medical professionals. This move will effectively force them to choose between killing the unborn to keep their jobs or losing all opportunities to practice their profession in a life-honoring manner. Does this sound like freedom to you? It sounds like the wholesale loss of freedom to me!

What troubles this writer most is the absence of any real outcry as this frighteningly dangerous president systematically and autocratically surrenders everything our ancestors worked, lived, and even died for! Radical Louis Farakhan succeeded in raising up a “one million man army” that marched on Washington, D.C. Let’s outdo him, and muster an army of one-hundred million men, women, and children to march on Washington and declare our decision to impeach and oust this worst of American presidents. Let’s do it NOW . . . before it’s too late!!

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