Monday, February 23, 2009

Meet The Most Magnetic Personality Of All Time!

Meet The Most Magnetic Personality Of All Time!
John R. Petrilli

What makes a person attractive? Is it their wardrobe? Their good looks? Their level of influence? Their appearance of success? Why are we drawn to some and not drawn to others? Believe it or not, most of us are drawn to those who consistently exhibit the intangibles of life. Love, patience, tolerance, humility, courage, wisdom. These are the inner qualities that really attract us to others, that draw us to them, and cause us to want to be around them. Who have you felt most attracted to in your life circle? As I thought about my answer to that question, I concluded that someone I never met in Person was that individual. Come with me and I’ll introduce you to him, the most magnetic personality who ever lived!


We see them on TV, read about them in magazines and newspapers, and watch then receive all kinds of awards for their professional accomplishments. They live in gorgeous, multi-million dollar homes, dress in the latest fashions, and sport high-end jewelry most of us wouldn’t think of even wearing, much less purchasing. These are the “celebrities”. Our most common conception of a celebrity in America is of the Hollywood stripe. But before judging this point, consider what a celebrity actually is. The word itself comes from the Latin “celebritas”, which translates into “multitude, fame”. Webster’s Dictionary elaborates with, “fame, reknown, wide recognition; a famous or well-publicized person”. Okay, but wouldn’t it be quite a stretch to describe Jesus as celebrity? A quick comparison of the dictionary description to a passage in Mark 1:21-28 yields the answer to that question. The passage records Jesus’ first days of ministry as He visits the town of Capernaum. The content and delivery of His message stunned the synagogue crowd there. They were taken aback, not only by what He said but how He said it. Add to this His powerful exorcism of a demon in such an efficient manner, and it isn’t any wonder why His popularity skyrocketed in no time. The passage ends on this note:“And His [Jesus’] reputation spread like wildfire through the whole Galilean district” (Mark 1:28, Phillips). From there His fame continued to spread out in scope from local to regional to national (Luke 5:15 ; Matt. 9:26). Jesus was a “hot item”. Everyone wanted a piece of Him. They couldn’t get enough of His teaching or His miracles! He was pulling off healings by the scores and frequently making controversial public statements that challenged the status quo. There wasn’t a teacher around who came close to Him. If they had a celebrity magazine back then, His face would have been splashed all over the cover every month!


When anyone gets as popular as Jesus was, there’s always detractors who make it their business to find something bad to say about the person. Whatever they may have said, one thing they couldn’t accuse Jesus of was that of being a phony. To the contrary, Jesus had no stomach for phoniness or hypocrisy. He made it a point to expose and condemn it whenever and wherever He encountered it. Jesus was refreshingly transparent in His interactions with others. He said what He meant, and meant what He said. No innuendo, double-speak, or carefully calculated rhetoric that skirted around issues. Jesus met the topics of the day head on with great clarity and sometimes shocking transparency. His interpersonal relationships were always characterized by absolute transparency. Whether speaking to His disciples in private or talking to complete strangers, our Lord spoke what was true and right and fitting for each occasion. He didn’t utilize deceptive means of communication, but chose to relate to others with absolute honesty, whether the content was instructive, complimentary or corrective in nature. Even in circumstances where He baffled His audience with word pictures and word play He always clarified His message with a straightforward statement of fact. He saw it like it was, and told it like it is. No beating around the bush with Him. And no punch-pulling either. It was that way right from the get go, as evidenced by Nathaniel’s highly favorable first impression of Jesus as a man who had no ulterior motives, deceptive intentions, or self-interest (“When he [Nathaniel] saw Jesus coming he said, ‘There’s a real Israelite, not a false bone in His body’ ” - John 1:47, Message). His integrity shone through every thing He said and did. His persona was squeaky clean. He was the original “real deal”!


Like our day, Jesus’ era had its share of trained orators and public speakers. They knew how to argue a point, win a debate, or persuade a crowd. But here again, Jesus was so different. He used language that was understandable and addressed issues that were on the minds of the people. He said the things that a lot of people wanted to say, but lacked the courage or skill to address. Jesus was so winsome in this way because He was the champion of the average guy on the street. As Mark editorializes, “The common [everyday] people heard Him gladly” (12:37 KJV). His communications were characterized by truth, transparency and openness.
While the religious intelligentsia was galled at Jesus’ repeated challenges to their hypocritical attitudes and practices, the everyday people thoroughly enjoyed His teaching and hung on His every word. He spoke about things like, friendships, finances, forgiveness and family. Unlike His Pharisaical contemporaries, Jesus was in touch with real life, and His teaching reflected His understanding of what was really important. His messages were supremely practical, and were often sprinkled with just the right amounts of anecdotal humor.


Professional educators are always looking for more effective ways to school those in their charge. In the 1970’s progressive educators thought they came up with something new when they introduced the concept of the “open classroom”. Little did they realize, Jesus utilized the outdoor classroom model a full 20 centuries before their ‘novel’ idea. In a day when instruction was primarily reserved to the indoor environs of synagogue schools and the Temple, Christ took His game into the great outdoors. There it was that He made abundant use of natural phenomenon to illustrate many of His salient points. To illustrate trust in God He directed His audience to the birds flying overhead and flowers growing under their feet. When it came to creativity, Jesus was tops. He was the Teacher extraordinaire! His stories were nothing short of spellbinding. Recall the heart warming episode of the heart broken parent longing for the return of hi wayward teenage son? Then there was the surprising story of the poor widow’s last two pennies amounting to far more than the large offerings given by the well-to-do. Another way in which Jesus’ teaching was innovative was in its power. The existing teachers recited the theology they had learned in an institution, but here we had a Man sent directly from God Who was Himself God. He gave them truth as it was meant to be taught, in all its weight and divine impact. Jesus was so down to earth with His audience. No props, no pretense, just great stories and parables guaranteed to inspire, inform and improve the lives of those who heard Him.


This could well be the crowning quality of Jesus’ magnetic power. People are broken, hurt, and in dire need of understanding, gentleness and empathy. Christ offered the folks of His day all of the above and much more. See Him weeping openly over the loss of His dear friend Lazarus. Follow Him to Mount Olivet where He spends the predawn hours weeping intensively over a city gone astray. Climb with Him atop the Mount where He delivered His greatest sermon only to be moved with heartbroken compassion over the lostness and lack of direction He sees in the lives of the thousands before Him. Watch Him bless and break the loaves to relieve the pangs of hunger among the throngs. See the yearning in His face as He looks deep into the eyes and heart of a rich young ruler who is at the spiritual crossroads of his life. If I had to reduce Jesus down to one word, it would have to be the word “compassion”. Yes, He was holy and uncompromising with sin and hypocrisy, but underneath was a heart of pure gold graced with a velveteen coating of great compassion. He cared for the people of His day, and He still cares for each of us today. Don’t go a step farther trying to bear alone your overbearing load. Come to Him, He understands perfectly where you’re at and what you most need.


We seldom run into individuals who have the ability to attract all age groups and social groups to them. But here is where Jesus, once again, is such an incredible exception. I believe part of this is due to the fact that He was actually a very enjoyable individual to be around. He always had the uplifting word for the weakened heart, an insightful comment for the curious and the uncanny ability to put a humorous slant on otherwise ordinary topics. Though He was a man well acquainted with tragedy and disappointment, this by no means implies that He didn’t enjoy a good laugh and the bantering that friends delight in. From religious elites like curious Nicodemus to social riff-raff like Mary Magdalene, Jesus drew all kinds of people to Himself. Look at His disciples if you want diversity of drawing power. A couple of fishermen, an accountant, a social activist, a political zealot, just to name a few. I can’t think of anyone who was ever so capable of attracting people from such diverse backgrounds, and it was because He was a perfectly well-balanced person who knew how and when to have fun. Children stay away from somber, serious adults but just look at how they flocked to Jesus’ side. Kids just plain loved being around Him! When I read between the lines of Sacred Writ, I can see Jesus down on all fours playing with those kids, and having a ball! Contrary to the opinion of some, it is not only possible but necessary to experience life at all levels of emotion, and my Bible describes the Christian life as a journey of joy. Let’s not rob Jesus of His humanity by erroneously concluding that He was a bore to be around.
That doesn’t do Him justice. Christ spiced up life with His uncanny wit and unerring wisdom. Hanging out with Him made life exciting and dynamic. Plain and simple, Jesus was fun to be around. And we can still experience that excitement and adventure as we follow Him in our daily walk of faith. He’ll keep us singing every day, and will surely tickle our funny bone every now and then … even finding ourselves laughing at … ourselves!

A Penny for Your Thoughts, A Dollar for Your Words

A Penny for Your Thoughts, A Dollar for Your Words
John R. Petrilli

Words. Our world is chock full of them. They fill the air waves, flow from our televisions, radiate from our radios, scream from our stereos, blast from our ipods, clutter our computer screens, and inundate the internet. Usually we go through our day and week not giving a whole lot of thought to our words. We just sort of let them fly whither so ever they will. While we might underplay or underestimate the significance of our words, God has a very different take on them. In fact, He has a whole lot to say about the words we speak. We do well to contemplate what God has to say about our words and how we should use them.


Words don’t just happen. They are born in the deepest recesses of the human heart. Jesus says that a good and pure heart gives birth to healthful, helpful, productive words, while a bad, sinful heart gives rise to destructive, words that produce rotten fruit. Long before we say a word, it is formed inside our mind and heart. Our speech only reveals those ideas and attitudes that we already possess in our heart. Verbalization just brings those inner musings into public view. This is why we need to keep such a close watch over our hearts, for this is where it all begins, whether it be good or evil (Pro. 4:23)

GRASP THE INCREDIBLE POWER OF YOUR WORDS. Pro. 18:21 ; Pro. 15:1 ; James 3:5-10 Eph. 4:29-30

When we talk of life and death, we often think of those things that have the power to save life (like gifted surgeons) or take it away (like deadly weapons). But it may come as a surprise that we all carry a concealed weapon, our words. Within the words we speak lies the power to enliven or deaden someone else. The right words can revive someone who desperately needs encouragement. The wrong words can suck the emotional life out of a victim. With our words we either empower others or seriously disable their sensitive spirit. We may not be strong enough to disarm someone armed with a lethal weapon, but a soft word has the power to disarm the anger that is driving them to use that weapon in the first place (Pro. 15:1). James likens our tongue to a bit that determines a horse’s direction, or a ship’s rudder, something that can be steered in different directions to chart a specific course (James 3:3-4). James likens the tremendous, explosive and destructive potential of our words to a tiny kindling spark that can set ablaze an entire forest fire (James 3:5-6). Again he compares our words to the deadly venom of a poisonous snake (James 3:8). James shows us how fickle we can be with the use of our words, one moment singing God’s praises, then calling down curses upon a fellow human being made in the very image of the same God we just blessed! (James 3:9-10). We’re responsible for the direction our speech takes. Paul shows us the way to be responsible with our words by capping negative comments and replacing them with words that will uplift those around us (Eph. 4:29).


Talk is cheap, this is true. So much of what passes off as conversation is nothing more than mere blabbering. Some years ago those in the field of network news were given the nickname, “talking heads”. The idea was that they just rambled on and on about inconsequential things in such an inconclusive and unsubstantial manner. We don’t ever want to be seen in such a light. As God’s children we need to insure that our words have the substance and influence commensurate with our high calling. The old adage is a good one, “If you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say it!” How many arguments, hurt feelings, and misunderstandings could be avoided if we just steered clear of words that are divisive and insensitive to those we interact with. The Bible speaks to the nature of our communication, explaining that it should be characterized by truthfulness and transparency (Eph. 4:25), always motivate by genuine love (Eph. 4:15). It knows nothing of “politically correct speech”, but certainly cautions us to carefully consider our words before we speak them, for once spoken, they can never, ever be retrieved.


Sometimes we mistake verbosity for intelligence. It’s not. Economy of words is not only appreciated by the hearer, it’s highly recommended by God. Failure to exercise self-restraint actually leads one down the pathway to sin (Pro. 10:19). That’s because our hearts are sinful, and given enough time and space, we’ll eventually come up with something offensive or inappropriate. The writer of Proverbs reminds us that when we speak, we do so in the very presence of God (Ecclesiastes 5:2). Such awareness should serve to help us limit our words to only what needs to be said. This doesn’t mean we should stifle spontaneity or enthusiasm; just that we should guard against undue use of excessive speech. Usually what takes a paragraph to say can be summed up in a few phrases. Besides, if we’re speaking all the time, it doesn’t give the other party any opportunity to express their ideas. Economy of words lends itself to healthy interchange of ideas and feelings.

BE SELECTIVE IN THE CHOICE OF YOUR WORDS. Pro. 15:28 ; Pro. 15:23 ; Pro. 25:11

While we are free in the Lord to speak our mind, we should do so only after careful forethought. The book of Proverbs strongly advises us to carefully weigh our words before we speak them (Pro. 15:28). We should think ahead of how what we are about to say might be taken or even mistaken. We need to consider the timing of what we say (Pro. 15:23), as the right thing said at the wrong time is always counterproductive. Like a skillful chef, we should select words that will spice up the conversation with the grace of God (Col. 4:6). The same thing can be said in a variety of ways. With a bit of forethought, we can come up with wiser ways to say what we have to say, and to accomplish the maximum impact we desire. The manner in which we share our thoughts and concern makes all the difference. Consideration of where the other person is at, and how they are wired will go a long, long way toward facilitating effective communication.


We often think about giving an account to God for the sins we’ve committed. But how often do we extend that consideration down to the nitty-gritty world of our words? Jesus says something quite stunning here. That every single word we carelessly utter is permanently recorded up in heaven. That sounds scary when you think about it. But it really gets across the reality that, in the end, we are completely accountable for what we say. Paul says that God will judge our unspoken as well as our spoken thoughts (Rom. 2:16). With this in mind, we really need to set a watch over our lips, much like the Psalmist did (Psa. 19:14). As we evaluate our patterns of speech God will guide us into the habits that are the most pleasing in His sight and elevate the quality of life for everyone around us.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Are You A High-Definition Christian?

Are You A High-Definition Christian?
John R. Petrilli

The campaign to roll over to high definition television gains more momentum with each passing day. As of February 19, 2009, the Federal Communications Commission will require all television stations to broadcast their programming signals exclusively in high-def format. That requirement means that we, the viewing audience, will need to own a television that can receive the digital signal, as the current analog signal reception will no longer be available. Although most new televisions on the market are digital, many may opt for a conversion kit that will make their outdated analog T.V. sets capable of receiving the digital signal and programming.

High definition television makes use of cutting edge technology which greatly increases the amount of “pixiles”, or dots per square inch that are projected onto the back of the T.V. screen. That increase produces a picture of superior quality, clarity, color, and ability to accurately depict high-speed action. High def programming allows viewers to enjoy their favorite programs at a substantially higher level of visual precision than ever before. The whole idea behind this upgraded technology and revised public broadcasting policy is to vastly improve the kind of picture delivery available to the American consumer.

There are some very striking parallels between living the Christian life and being a television set. Both are about transmitting a medium as well as a message with the greatest clarity and optimum quality. Interestingly enough, many New Testament passages and verses use terms that find easy parallels to our Christian faith walk.


Everyone picks up a hobby at some point in their life, some last a few weeks while others may well last an entire lifetime. As a teenager I met a fellow student who was really into radio astronomy, the science of plotting star compositions, locations and movements via radio signals emitted by the distant objects.
It wasn’t long before I owned and operated three optical telescopes of my own. I’d spend my days devouring astronomy magazine articles, and my nights delighting in observation the wondrous heavens that declare their mighty Maker. This passage is couched in the setting of an individual doing some heavy-duty prison time for sharing his faith in Jesus Christ with others. His name was Paul, and it wouldn’t be the only time he did some hard time for the Lord. Yet, what one marvels at the incredibly resilient attitude he has as he finds himself in prison and perhaps a candidate for death row. Instead of playing the games of blame or self-pity, Paul declares his intention to allow Christ to be “magnified” in his body, whether by exoneration or by execution. Now that takes a lot of faith. The word for “magnify” carries the idea of enlargement. Paul wanted Christ’s love and grace to be so enlarged in and through his life so that people could get a close-up view of His wonderful Savior. We all enjoy getting a good close-up shot of our favorite musician, celebrity, family member or close friend. That’s what Paul wanted his life to accomplish. To bring what to many is a fuzzy image of Christ into clear focus, much like a telescope brings far away objects into plain view. Personally speaking, I find no greater joy that to point my telescope into the heavens and uncover the intricate beauty that exists out there. That’s what just a smidgen of magnification can accomplish. And as a Christian, it’s my greatest honor and delight to know that I’ve somehow succeeded in letting Christ be magnified, enlarged in my life to the degree that others may see His exquisite beauty.

In practical terms, we magnify the Lord through vibrant corporate worship (Psa. 34:3), allowing Him to have His way in our life (Luke 1:46), responsibly exercising our spiritual gifts (Acts 10:46), crediting God for our ministry success (Rom. 11:13), and leading others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (Acts 19:17).


What is love? The world seems on a never-ending search for true love that began in antiquity and continues to this very moment. Countless songs have been composed, poems written, plays scripted, and romance novels penned in an effort to describe and define the nature of love. While man is locked in an endless struggle to come up with a satisfying solution to this human mystery that drives so much of who we are and what we do, Jesus has an answer that is sublime, yet at the same time, easy to understand. He says that believers have the answer, and possess the capability to demonstrate that answer to a watching world. His definition of love starts out with the example He gave of it in the way He loved and served His very first followers. And, so He says, as these followers demonstrated that same kind of to each other, a watching world would not only be captivated by it, but would also recognize Christ as their Master and Source of such giving and forgiving love. This same principle and practice holds true some 2,000 years after its inception. As we love and serve those around us, we give them a golden opportunity to see real love at its very best. It’s what they so desperately want, what they urently need, and what their empty hearts most truly long for.


Nothing quite makes my day than reaching into my mailbox and finding a personal letter from a friend or loved one. There’s something warming and affirming when such a correspondence arrives. In the early days of the church, the disciples used letters of recommendation to introduce visiting representatives to a receiving church. Some in Corinth had difficulty believing hat Paul was the real deal, and questioned his apostolic claims. He replied to them that the proof of his ministry legitimacy lay in the people he had won to the Lord and discipled. They were his letters of recommendation and reference. Paul goes so far as to call his new converts “living letters”, implying that their very lives acted as proof positive that his ministry was genuinely of God. As these new believers lived out their growing faith, others could “read” the gospel by simply observing their gentle and sincere attitudes and behaviors. Believe it or not, this kind of “testimonial evangelism” was one of the key factors that led to the stunning success of the early church. As the old saying goes, “For some people, the only gospel they’ll ever read is the ‘gospel according to you’ ”.


I recently had a one-man battle going on in my apartment as I tried to tune in to the Beijing Summer Olympics. Nothing seemed to work as I jockeyed my antennae into every position imaginable. Finally I found the right spot on my window sill, and sat back to enjoy the games. But not before enduring twenty minutes of audio and visual distortion. Until I got it right, the picture and sound was distorted, blurry, broken-up, and largely unintelligible. What a difference a clear signal makes! I could see Mike Phelps race to the finish line in world record time, then hear the athlete’s comments in the
post-victory interview. When it comes to broadcasting, clarity isn’t a good thing, it’s everything!

The same holds true in our gospel witness for Christ. The believers at Thessalonica had earned a reputation for sending out an unmistakably clear signal to everyone around their region. Their “Christian programming” reached far and wide to connect with the ears and hearts of millions in their sphere of influence, and many thousands entered the kingdom thanks to their faithful and clear delivery of the gospel of Christ. So how’s our witness? Is it clear and consistent, or distorted and broken-up by habits and attitudes that diminish its impact? This requires some serious soul searching.


The cosmetics industry is a multibillion dollar cash cow. Companies such as Avon, Clinique and Helene Curtis offer products and services that can turn the plainest face into a stunning beauty. Makeup is like that. Applied with just the right measure of skill and good taste, it can transform the average consumer into a charming beauty that attracts the eye and wins the approval of all who se her.

Believe it or not, this is the kind of picture Paul paints of the Christian disciple. He explains to his protégé Timothy that the godly attitudes and good works of the believer act like a magnet, irresistibly attracting those around them. People’s hearts are always drawn out toward the life that consistently displays love, joy, peace, and unselfish service.

Like a wide screen T.V., a Spirit-filled life provides a panoramic view of the beauty of Jesus Christ. Even as a wide screen fills the periphery of one’s eyegate from one extremity to the other, even so the obedient Christian’s lifestyle allows others to catch a full and sweeping view of all that God can and will do in the lives of all who trust in Him.


So what kind of signal will you broadcast this New Year? Will those within viewing range be able to see Christ clearly and with high resolution? Will they see the demonstration of authentic love in your actions and hear it in your choice of words? Will they be able to read the gospel as it is spelled out in your life each day? Will they receive an undistorted signal from your life that allows them to hear and see the truth of Christ in an unhampered, unhindered manner? Will they get an eyeful of Jesus as they observe the manner in which you grow in your faith and love for others?

While the onset of digital T.V. is an exciting development in this New Year, a Christian life that possesses superior clarity and definition is even more so. I would encourage us to take any steps necessary to improve the spiritual signal that we broadcast to a waiting and watching world.

Monday, February 16, 2009

America’ Most Endangered Species

America’ Most Endangered Species
John R. Petrilli

By definition, an endangered species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers or it is threatened by changing environmental or predatory parameters. Currently 1,556 known species in the world have been identified as endangered, or near extinction, and are under protection by government law. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) has calculated the percentage of endangered species to be forty percent of all organisms based on samples evaluated through 2006. The IUCN Red List uses the term “endangered species” as a specific category of imperilment, and includes the following categories: Extinct, Extinct in the wild, Critically endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable. At the international level, 190 countries have signed an accord agreeing to create Biodiversity Action Plans to protect endangered and other threatened species.

While our God-given mandate to have dominion over creation surely includes the preservation of all species, there’s one species left off of the list of endangered species that should be cause for concern. That species would be the human species, and, more specifically, the unborn child. While some species have tragically been seriously decimated by a variety of factors, none of them compares to the 50 million babies extinguished by the abortionist’s knife. Who would have ever thought that the most dangerous place to be in America would be the interior womb of an expecting mother?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

True Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep

True Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep
John R. Petrilli

In the world of television each January signals a new slate of season premiers. January 2009 witnessed an interesting twist on the dating type programs with the introduction of “True Beauty”, a series where drop-dead gorgeous and hunk handsome contestants compete for a coveted cover story in a pop fashion magazine, unaware that they are being judged more on their internal personal character than their external physical attractiveness.

It’s about time someone has spoken the truth about beauty. For too long we’ve been sold and have bought a phony bill of goods that outer beauty is what it’s all about. Poppycock! It’s what’s inside that really counts and God’s Word completely concurs with this assessment. Physical beauty is a gift from God and to be enjoyed and appreciated, but never worshipped or valued to the exclusion of the inner person. Here are a few thoughts on God’s version of “True Beauty”.


The cosmetic industry is a multi-billion dollar global industry. For centuries women have invested much of their time and money in enhancing their beauty. Fashion magazines highlight the winning wardrobe, the latest hairdo and the lipstick and eyeshadow supposedly guaranteed to win the heart of the man they are after. While maintaining one’s outward attractiveness is a commendable thing, it isn’t the place God focuses on, nor is it the area we should place the emphasis on either. While Madison Avenue offers the trinkets of diamonds, gold and mascara, God presents the gems of inner gentleness and tranquility as the best ways to adorn one’s life. Just as a gemologist cuts and shapes a diamond to reflect the maximum amount of light, so God shapes the lives of His people so as to maximize the reflection of the light of His Son. The woman who allows God to facet her character will experience the joy of having others see the meekness and gentleness of Christ sparkle through their lives. The process is intense and prolonged, but the end product is a thing of most exquisite beauty, and an item of highest value according to the Divine Appraiser. In a most interesting footnote, Peter mentions a husband’s opportunity to shine with inner beauty as he treats his wife as a very expensive vase, handling her with the greatest of care and thoughtfulness.


The Hope diamond is the largest such gem in the whole world. Imagine the tag affixed on it should it ever go up for auction! No one reading this would ever be able to finance such a purchase. But the wonderful thing about true beauty is that it is available to everyone. All that’s needed is the desire for and commitment to becoming like Jesus in heart and mind. This world’s most highly prized gems are well out of reach for the average person, but God places inner attractiveness within the reach of each and every one of His children.
The fruit of the Spirit is actually the present possession of every believer, it only waits to be released the chance to be displayed in the life.


So what’s the pathway to inner beauty? Is it a trip to the mall, an appointment with the hairstylist? A consult with an image specialist? None of the above. Women who are wise will trade hours in front of the mirror for hours spent prayerfully poring over the truths found in the transforming Word of God. Therein lies the secret to attaining true inner beauty. But exposure is the just the beginning, for life transformation occurs only when the truth is consistently applied to life. For illustrative purposes Peter turns to the ancient beauty, Sara. She accepted her Biblical role as one of submission to Abraham, and graciously glorified God in that position from which she supported and complimented her husband as he endeavored to serve the Lord.

Obedience is not at all reserved for the homely and wallflower types. Sara’s stunning beauty is repeatedly
noted in the Scriptures, revealing that it is possible to be beautiful on the outside as well as the inside. Such an accomplishment will require work, however, because the world will push the attractive person in the direction of preoccupation with themselves and their beauty instead of shooting for godliness. Obedience to the Lord and His Word is an option for rich and poor, lovely and homely, simple or sophisticated.


It is most instructive how that Peter uses Sara’s marital relationship as the arena through which inner beauty is put on display. It was in the way that she daily interacted with Abraham that her true colors came out. The writer of the book of Proverbs highlights this same type of marital fidelity as one of the crowning virtues of the true woman of God. Her loyalty to her husband never comes into question, so his trust in her is always and at all times well-placed. Some women gifted with good looks use their beauty to flirt and toy with the eyes and hearts of men other than their own husbands, but the godly beauty keeps her heart right at home, saving her entire self for her beloved mate.


Disney projects the princess image of beauty consistently. She’s always decked out in a fabulous flowing gown, and well-heeled in slippers fit for a queen. Her hair is full and flowing, and her hands are soft and untouched by the demands of manual labor. But the Proverbs woman is seen as a “roll-up-your-sleeves” kind of gal. She’s unafraid of hard work, and happily engages in activities requiring a high degree of physical exertion and some serious effort (17). In short, she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty, be it in the garden or washing the family laundry. Her productivity encompasses the domestic as well as the commercial spheres, with each venture yielding highly productive results.

Character is also seen in the manner in which she relates to those around her. She attends to every detail of her children’s lives, clothing and feeding them with the greatest of T.L.C. (15, 21). Then her sphere of influence branches out to include the needy in her community, to whom she extends a hand of practical care and genuine concern (20). She is a fountain of wisdom for those in need of good advice, providing counsel that comes straight from the Word of God (26).


The Proverb writer makes an important observation about the longevity of godly inner beauty. While physical outer beauty has its short-lived day in the sun, the beauty God values most lasts forever. Peter describes it in very similar terms as “unfading beauty”. Unlike rouge and eyeliner which fade overnight, or lovely eyes and form of face that age with time, the quality of inner beauty knows no such limitations. It lasts forever. That aspect of godly beauty alone is enough to warrant one’s pursuit of inner beauty with all their power. The wise woman invests, not for time, but for eternity. Her heart stays in hot pursuit of the God Who is busily transforming her interior life from glory to glory. As she does so, others will stand up and take note of the remarkable and rare beauty which shines in and through her life. This is the kind of magnetism God desires in the life of each of His precious daughters of Abraham. And this is the kind of true beauty Solomon’s mother advise her son to look for in the woman he would someday marry.


The world heaps its accolades of praise upon the women with the most shapely figures and impeccably perfect and unblemished faces. They win the cover shots on the best-selling magazines, get all the media attention and enjoy all the perks that come with the territory of being a celebrity. But God reserves His praise for the woman who places her relationship with Him at the very zenith of her priority list. She’s concerned with honoring the Lord in everything she says and does. Her heart is not obsessed with looking like a movie star, but rather, with shining like a star of holiness before her Lord. She demonstrates her respect for God in the way she lives out her faith, careful not to act in ways unbecoming one who names the name of Jesus Christ.

Such a life can and often does have a tremendous spinoff effect. Though worthwhile in itself, the godly lifestyle of a Christian wife can have a most positive influence upon her unsaved spouse. As she allows the Lord to hold first place in her heart, her husband may take note of her upstanding life and be inexplicably and irresistibly drawn to the One Who lives His life in and through her. Peter states that evangelism in the home can take place without a verbal witness, a tract or other conventional methodologies. Instead, non-Christian husbands can be won by the consistent witness of a wife who has enthroned the Lord Jesus Christ as the King of her life, and becomes a conduit of His love and grace to her life partner.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Proverbs 31 Man

The Proverbs 31 Man
John R. Petrilli

A husband of excellent character who can find? (Pro. 20:6)
He is worth far more than all the Rolexes and sportscars in the world!

His fidelity has earned the complete trust of his wife. (1 Timothy 3:2b)

He builds her up everyday, seeking her spiritual well-being by carefully nurturing and encourgaing her. (Eph.5:25-29)

His his love for her is demonstrated by the way he stays sensitive to her needs and exhibits patience with her shortcomings. (1 Pet. 3:7)

He holds down his job, fulfilling his occupational duties with diligence, conscientiousness, and excellence. (2 Thess. 3:12 ; Col. 3:23)

His relationships with others are characterized by respect, charity and purity. (1 Timothy 5:1-2)

All who know him respect him, and his reputation and name are held in honor. (1 Tim.3:7 ; Pro.22:1)

The material needs of his household never go unmet, he sees to that. (1 Tim. 5:8)

He instructs his children in God’s Word and does so with wisdom, patience and encouragement (Eph. 6:4).

They look up to their dad and admire him because he models the truths he teaches them (1 Thess. 2:10-12).

A winsome personality and handsome appearance are short-lived, but a man whose life reflects reverence for and faith in God is to be highly valued. (Titus 2:2)

Give him the honor he’s due, and let his wife brag on him at the women’s Bible study. (Song of Songs 5:9-16)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Abraham Lincoln, the M.L.K. Of His Day

Abraham Lincoln, the M.L.K. Of His Day
John R. Petrilli

So many times the huge contributions of great men or women are not appreciated until long after they’ve passed from earth’s scene. Such is the case with Abraham Lincoln. Like many American heroes, Lincoln was misunderstood, much maligned, and grossly underappreciated by the majority of his contemporaries. Lincoln endured years of editorial abuse, a vitriolic press and outright public scorn from individuals who were so much smaller than he. Stuck in their biases and prejudices, they failed to see that America’s future destiny hung on its ability to treat all men as true equals. If you want to know the real person, you read their writings and ascertain their underlying heart and philosophy. While the realization of genuine freedom for African-Americans lay far down the road, a careful examination of Lincoln’s writings and speeches reveals a man far ahead of his time in the area of individual freedom and equal rights.

Time and again our fourteenth president risked his own political future, the secession of all the southern states, the looming threat of civil war and the mockery of many by standing firm on the side of freeing the enslaved. Some political cartoonists lampooned him as a buffoon, an idiot, an uneducated backwoodsman who knew nothing about leading a country. To the contrary, his dauntless and selfless courage in the face of unbelievable opposition proved him to be one of our nation’s leaders extraordinaire.

Like Martin Luther King (M.L.K.), Lincoln sought to emancipate a whole segment of the population who were being treated worse than second-class citizens, and much more like a piece of property. No rights, no voice, no hope, and no real choice. Abraham Lincoln gradually grew in his compassion toward this unprotected people group, and along with that growing awareness came a solidifying conviction that the practice was, in itself, absolutely wrong and unjust. Slavery was something that HAD to be resolved, even if that meant a civil conflict that would so tragically pit state against state, brother against brother, sister against sister and family against family. That’s how committed this unusual man was to see freedom through to its providentially-ordained end. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address reveals the burning passion he possessed to see our country forge into a true union that offered freedom and opportunity for all its citizens. His official call for freedom via the Emancipation Proclamation was a declaration that signaled the dawn of a new day for African-Americans. His close re-election to a second term was soon followed by Lee’s surrender that ended four years of horrible, bloody conflict. Fort Sumter came alive with a post-war celebration that honored both black and white war heroes. But that very night we lost this great man at the hands of an assassin. How interesting that both M.L.K. and Lincoln met a tragic and early death via assassination shortly after scoring such monumental victories for Americans of African descent. Intriguing indeed. Both displayed a level of self-sacrifice and perseverance in the face of repeated death threats that is most rare among the sons of men. And both deserve our utmost admiration and appreciation.

ENTER The Rarefied Air Of PRAISE !

Enter The Rarefied Air Of Praise !
John R. Petrilli

While viewing a television special that featured the contributions and accomplishments of a particular female NASA teacher-astronaut, I was struck by the incredible astrophotography. What especially grabbed my attention was the breathtaking beauty of our planet in general and its atmosphere in particular. Earth’s atmosphere sits suspended seven hundred miles above our planetary surface, seemingly crowning the planet like a celestial halo. Its soft glow adorns our globe with a glory that defies description. A quiet sense of peacefulness seems to emanate from its heavenly aura.

During a recent devotional time I was reminded of the instrumental and beneficial role that praise plays in our walk with God. As I finished my Bible reading and entered a time of prayer, I realized that my spiritual tank had become somewhat depleted, and I was running on fumes. The Lord showed me that I needed to praise Him. As I did, I literally felt my spirit rejuvenate as I ascended into worship via praise. That’s the way it seems to be with praise. Like the wings of an airplane, it elevates our entire being into an upper atmosphere of spiritual peace, calm, strength, and stability. I decided to look into the nature of praise. Here’s what I found to be true, not only in my worship experience, but most importantly in Scripture.


“Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and come into His courts with PRAISE!”

To get into our homes and vehicles we need the right key. To gain access to our bank accounts we need the correct pin number or some form of official identification. To have any chance of gaining access to the White House, we must pass through some very discriminating channels. According to the inspired Word of the psalmist, the key that opens the door to God’s presence is praise. When our Christian life seems dry and lacking vitality it may well be due to the fact that we’ve not lingered frequently enough or long enough in God’s presence. While most, if any of us, will ever enjoy the kind of transporting experience of a Paul or a John (2 Cor. 12 ; Rev. 1:10-11:; 4:1), we can expect to revel in the invigorating, enlivening presence of God when we worship and praise Him in the Spirit and in the truth (John 4:23-24). It is praise that ushers us into the blessed courts of God.


“Sing PRAISE to the Lord. Sing to the Lord a new song, His PRAISE in the assembly of the saints. Let Israel REJOICE in their Maker … let them PRAISE His name with dancing … Let the saints REJOICE in this honor and sing for joy on their beds.”

Wherever you find praise in the Bible, close by you’ll find joy and rejoicing. This Psalm is no exception. Once we get spiritually on point with our focus truly centered on Jesus Christ, our hearts unfold to His mercy and grace, much like a flower drinks in the refreshing rains from the skies above. Having drunk from the Fountain of living water, we can’t help but shout for joy! When we are occupied with praising God for the Wonderful Person He is, our minds are filled with high thoughts, and our hearts are overwhelmed with humble adoration. When we praise God, we’re actually performing that for which we’ve been designed for all time and eternity. Instead of playing harps, our heavenly preoccupation will be that of showering the Triune God with an eternity of praises (Rev. 5:8-14 ; 7:9-17 ; 19:4-8). Best of all, we don’t have to wait until then to reap the benefits of praise. We’ve been wired for praise, and can engage in this uplifting activity of the soul right here and now (Rev. 4:9-11).


“When I tried to understand all this (the unfair prosperity of the wicked), it was oppressive to me until I went into the SANCTUARY of God; THEN I UNDERSTOOD their final destiny.”

It was a very depressing day in the life of one by the name of Asaph. As he looked around he saw nothing but wickedness prospering and righteousness seemingly going unrewarded. He was really down in the mouth, with trouble and trials filling his godly life. He was at the point where he actually began to question whether it was really worth it to serve the Lord. Then he stepped into God’s house of worship. Perhaps he opened up the Hebrew Psalter and read the Scripture verses exhorting him to praise the Lord. Or maybe he flashed back to the day he responded to the prompting of God to give his heart to his Maker. Whatever the case, Asaph experienced something that caused him to do a complete spiritual about face. Being in God’s presence sobered his vision, and he realized that the temporal prosperity of wicked people is so short lived, while the righteous are promised an eternal reward. His understanding changed, which led to a change in perspective, which in turn led to a new attitude of rekindled hope and renewed faith.


“But You [God] are holy, Who inhabit the PRAISES of Israel.” “Be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual SONGS. SING and make MUSIC in your heart TO the LORD.”

D.L. Moody was a great preacher, but one of the secrets of his success lay in his practice of having Ira D. Sankey lead the gatherings with a prolonged session of gospel songs before he rose to speak. Moody explained that it was his experience that singing songs of praise opened the hearts of the audience to the Word and Spirit of God like nothing else could. Praise has just such a mystical quality about it. When we lift our hearts in praise to God, we enter into a different spiritual zone, one where our personal and corporate communion with the Lord is enhanced and elevated. Paul describes the local body as a spiritual temple of people who enjoy the presence of God inhabiting them as they gather to worship and praise Him. The apostle also advises us to allow the Spirit’s filling to be expressed in our songs of praise to God, making a direct and unmistakable connection between the filling of the Spirit and the singing of praise to God.


“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang PRAISES to God; and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: And immediately doors were opened, and everyone’s bands were loosed” (KJV).

If you’re a pastor then you know how your people are doing on a given Sunday by looking at their faces. Some are at peace; others are preoccupied still others appear tense strained from a demanding work week. Anxieties, fears, worries and the daily grind of life takes its toll on all of us. Some find themselves trapped in a financial bind; others are caught in an emotional shackle, still others bound by a mighty spiritual struggle of some sort. To where or to Whom should we go when we find ourselves “bound up” in our spirit? Paul and Silas weren’t exactly living on easy street here in Acts 16. They had just endured a vicious lashing, and were tossed into the inner chambers of a rat-infested prison. So what do they do? They start singing praises to God! The result? God answers mightily by crashing down a high security facility, even causing all the shackles of the prisoners to become undone. Evil men wanted Paul and Silas shut up and shut away, but God had work for them to do, so He arranged for their “early release”. Brother or sister in Christ, no matter what it is that may be binding you today, Praise is your way to spiritual release!

1 Peter 2:9

"You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the PRAISES of Him Who called you out of darkness and into His wonderful light.”

In the United States of America we have Thomas Jefferson to thank for the unique contents and provisions of the Declaration of Independence. That document secures liberties and freedoms for us that are unequalled in world history. The apostle Peter says that Christians are to have a “Declaration” as well. We who follow Christ are to be about the business of declaring His greatness to those around us. As we praise the Lord corporately and in our daily contacts with others, we are carrying out this most holy and solemn duty as royal, blood-bought priests of God. When someone does us a huge favor, we sing their praises. As soon as we discover a helpful new product on the market, we sing its praises to our family and friends. If we do this with earthly temporary things, how much more should we sing forth the praises of the One Who has rescued us from an eternity of darkness and doom? As believer-priests, Christians have the awesome privilege of bearing vocal, visible witness to the Lord Jesus Christ as His or her Savior and Lord. I can’t think of anything that could ever come close to Him so being worthy of our praises! Can you? Brethren let’s just PRAISE the Lord!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Jesus Was Single!

Jesus Was Single!

Many have taken up the task of writing something that will assist singles in making sense of their marital status. To avoid the risk of re-inventing the wheel, I’d like to approach the subject from a somewhat of different angle.

While most of us are all too familiar with the historical and biographical aspects of the life of the Lord Jesus, we’re often prone to overlook some of the salient details that provide a window into His genuine humanity. One such area is Jesus’ marital status. The most influential personality of all time went through life single. He never married! Although the institution of marriage is the design of God for most people, Jesus did not enter into the blessings of wedded bliss. Why? Could it be that, just as He entered our world at the very bottom of the social ladder to identify with the least among us, He also chose to remain unmarried in order to identify with those who would be single as well? Food fpr thought.

We often unconsciously place Jesus into a supra-human category all His own when, in fact, He experienced the same things in life as we do. He knew loneliness and endured misunderstanding. A closer look at the manner in which He dealt with the single life can be quite helpful. Yes, He was single, but let’s not miss the ways He coped with and successfully managed some of the complications entailed as He flew solo through life.


From the outset of creation, God made it abundantly clear that man, by his very nature, is designed for fellowship. No man or woman is an island, regardless of how independently free Simon and Garfunkel try to portray self-imposed solitude (“I am a rock, I am an island!”). As humans we’ve been given the unique gift of communication. We’re wired for relationship. To deny oneself in this area is to miss out on one of life’s richest blessings.

Jesus was single, but He was anything but unduly reclusive or antisocial. He actively pursued relationships that fulfilled His God-given need for companionship. Although He had no spouse, Jesus surrounded Himself with good and godly friends. We see Him often retiring to the home of close friends like Mary, Martha and Lazarus for fellowship and refreshment (John 10:38 ; 11:5 ; 12:1-2). He eagerly shared His mountaintop experiences with an inner circle of His most trusted associates like Peter, James and John. In times of great suffering and trial, Jesus made sure there were friends nearby to provide Him with support and strength. Though single, He always made it a point to avail Himself of the comfort and encouragement that’s found in the presence of close friends.

He enjoyed the warmth of human companionship, and so should we. If you lack friends, the responsibility for taking initiative may well be yours (Proverbs 18:24a, NKJ). As we extend ourselves to others, we often find many who would enjoy having us as their friend. Nursing homes and hospitals are full of lonely folks who’d give anything for the company of a listening ear and a caring heart. And let’s not forget the fellowship resource we have in our church family. There is a wealth of encouragement and companionship waiting to be tapped into as we connect with others of like precious faith (Hebrews 10:24-25).


I can almost hear the groaning as I bring up this point. But it is highly relevant. Proverbs describes Jesus as a friend that hangs right by our side (Proverbs 18:24b). And Jesus knew Who to approach when He needed the kind of company that transcends human fellowship. There are some facets of our fellowship with God that are truly unique. He’s the perfect listener, the wisest of counselors and the most trustworthiness of friends. God befriended Abraham, and together they journeyed through a life of adventure and accomplishment. There are treasures of rich wisdom and comfort waiting to be discovered within God’s Word.

Jesus spent a considerable amount of time in quiet solitary reflection in the presence of the Father. Indeed, He made such rendezvous’ with God His top priority, sacrificing sleep just to capture some quality time alone with God the Father. Jesus was single, but never alone. He knew where to go when He needed a place of solace and deep reflection. The Lord’s prayers were characterized by confidence (John 11:41-42) and urgency (Hebrews 5:7 ; 4:16). His communion with the Father was sweet and intimate, not unlike a young child appealing to its father (Mark 14:36a). Jesus interchange with the Father was highly transparent as well (Mark 14:36b). In the quiet environs of private prayer Christ found a place of refuge where He could unload His cares and come away renewed and refreshed. His prayer times gave Him the emotional balance and clear spiritual perspective necessary to walk through life as a spiritually victorious and practically productive single. In this regard His prayer life is most instructive for singles who often find themselves alone.


If idle hands are the devil’s workshop, then we need to find ways to fill our single lifestyles with meaningful activities. In addition to everyday work responsibilities and recreation, the Christian single is uniquely positioned for service. Paul addresses this concept at length in 1 Corinthians 7:32-35. There he makes the case that singleness should be seen, not as a burden, but as a tremendous blessing. Free from the many responsibilities that come with the territory of being a spouse and parent, the Christian single has opportunities for outreach that the time and energy demands and constraints of married life simply don’t allow.

Try to picture the life and ministry of our Lord had He been married. I can just see it now, Jesus and His wife conferring on what to do with the children while He goes away on a three year itinerant gospel campaign. Yeah, right. It just wouldn’t have happened. The Father had a particular job for His Son (John 17:4), and that special work demanded Jesus’ full time and attention. Anything less would have been insufficient in the outworking of God’s eternal purposes. Whether it was doing lunch with a social reject (Luke 19:1-6) or stopping long enough to look deep into the eyes of one who was spiritually searching (Mark 10:21a), Jesus had the space and time needed to meet with people and help them along in their spiritual journey. In Peter’s words, Jesus “went about doing good” (Acts 10:38). This comment reveals the itinerant and spontaneous nature of Christ’s service. Sometimes we get so caught up in the logistics of formal ministry we forget that meeting people’s needs is often an unplanned thing. Jesus didn’t have a pulpit to call His own, or even a synagogue for that matter. He went out and engaged people right where they were. He didn’t wait for tem to come to Him, He went to them. And He was able to do so because He was free from all marital and parental obligations.

Perhaps a conversation with your pastor or a trusted Christian leader in your church family could present some area of ministry God might use you in. Or maybe your calling will be outside the walls of the church building somewhere in a community full of need. While singleness is a calling of sorts (1 Corinthians 7:17, 20, 24), it doesn’t necessarily follow that this marital status is permanent. Circumstances can change over time (1 Corinthians 7:21), and God may actually have someone for you to share life with somewhere down the road. The neat thing is that while we’re faithfully serving and enjoying the blessing of giving to others, God is at work preparing us for the future, whether that be as a single or as a married person. The stories are endless of how God crossed the paths of two singles as they served together in some type of service. Singleness is a gift that we should use to the maximum glory of God and the benefit of others. Therein lies the secret to contentment.

Jesus taught that singleness is threefold in its origin (Matthew 19:11-12). Some people are single by God’s creative design (“some are single because they are born that way”); others are single due to circumstances out of their control (“some were made single by men”); and others are single by personal choice (“some have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven”). Regardless of the factors leading up to one’s single status, we each must choose whether singleness will be something we enjoy or something we endure. The key is all wrapped up in the attitude we bring to the table. When we affirm the will of God that we are called to be single for the time being, we’ll free ourselves from much of the frustration, anxiety, and discouragement that often accompanies the solo flight.


Thus far we’ve considered some of the ways in which our Lord handled singleness. Such a study would be seriously incomplete without addressing the issue of temptation in general and sexual temptation in particular. Did Jesus experience temptation in this area? At first glance such a question may appear as borderline blasphemous. However, a more studied examination of His life reveals a startling answer. Pastor and author Max Lucado infers as much when he observes, “For thirty-three years He would feel everything you and I have ever felt … He was susceptible to wooing women.” But we don’t have to rely on the words or opinions of mere men. The writer to the Hebrews couldn’t be any clearer on this point … “[In Jesus] we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been TEMPTED IN EVERY WAY, just as we are – yet was without sin” (Hebrews 2:15).

It is hard for this writer to imagine someone going through this life never experiencing the lure of temptation to sexual sin. Indeed, the wilderness account of Jesus’ temptation shows that the enemy of our souls specializes in appealing to our physical desires. Following a fasting marathon of no less than forty long days, the tempter made his first move, enticing Jesus to prematurely break His fast and eat food which He would have miraculously transformed out of mere stones. The devil knows the natural drives we possess as human beings and vigilantly waits to capitalize on them when we’re at our weakest. But here’s the catch. Note how Jesus counters what must have been an unbearably strong temptation. “IT IS WRITTEN!” (Matthew 4:2-4). You can bet your bottom dollar that this was the selfsame response Jesus had when confronted with the lure of sexual temptation.

The lust of the flesh is listed as one of the main points of contact the believer has with sin (1 John 2:15-16). Fully aware of the ongoing struggle singles endure in this critical area, our Lord points the way to victory, and the pathway to purity is His Word (Psalm 119:9-11). Jesus had made it His habit to store away God’s Word in Hs heart so that He would have the weapons necessary to win the warfare with sin. While Christ is totally in touch with what we face at the deepest levels of our weak and fallen humanity, He also provides a way of escape that leads to victory, true freedom and great inner peace (1 Corinthians 10:13). It behooves the Christian single to make use of that door often and without hesitation (Genesis 39:12).

If a single believer wants to get serious in this area, it will require the discipline of habitually staying clear of any and all compromising situations (Romans 13:13-14). An occasional failure in thought or even deed can be thoroughly forgiven and cleansed when repented of (1 John 1:9). The pathway to sexual purity isn’t easy, but is very rewarding. The demands of the Christian life are great, but the help we need to live victoriously is equal to the task, and available 24/7, 365 (Hebrews 2:18).

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


John R. Petrilli

Human history seems, in large part, to be a story of competition. Year after year, decade after decade, century after century we see peoples and nations vying for the right to possess lands, the right to secure valuable and needed natural resources, the right to rule the masses, and the right to brag that they are the greatest country or kingdom on earth.

In our day it seems to be all about who has the greatest number of championship trophies, the greatest personal net worth, the greatest artistic talent, the greatest annual income, or the greatest climate to live in. There’s something in the human psyche that wants to achieve top ranking, to set itself above all the rest. Something that drives so many of us to do whatever it takes for friends as well as foes to acknowledge that we are, indeed, the best. It may be an overpowering sense of insecurity. It may be sinful pride. Or perhaps it’s an overrated opinion of who we are or what we’ve accomplished.

While personal achievements and national attainments can lay claim to temporal greatness in a limited sphere, there is one entity that is truly the greatest of all time, and their greatness stands unchallenged. They’ve met challenge after challenge from everything from megalo-maniacal tyrants to world-dominating empires, to the very powers of hell and have emerged victorious each and every time. No armies or navies have ever defeated them. Governments have tried in vain to topple them. The greatest minds in the world have tried to deny them. The cleverest strategists have been unable to outsmart them. And proud cultures have attempted to live and prosper apart from them.

I speak, of course, of none other than God. He is the greatest! His actions in the past, present and future all prove this to be true with resounding accuracy that’s completely indisputable and beyond question. Here are only five examples of the greatness of God to ponder that will lift our hearts, restore our confidence and fuel our


According to national network news reports, we are living in times of record-breaking economic stress. As never before, Americans as well as people all over the globe are experiencing a level of uncertainty and insecurity that’s unprecedented. Even industrially booming giants like China are being forced to impose production cut backs, employee layoffs and factory closings. Times are hard, and if the experts are right, they may get even tougher. These conditions have left many folks jobless, homeless, penniless, hopeless and clueless with regard to what they should do and how they should do it. The apostle Paul administers an injection of blazing hope to the believer in crisis. He states that there is absolutely no circumstance we can find ourselves in that catches God by surprise. Whether it’s situational predicaments (“trouble or hardships”), economic crisis (“famine or nakedness”), or social distress (“persecution or sword”), Paul’s God was greater than all of the above. His God had bound Himself to His people with a love stronger than any thing that life could throw at them. And that love, like a type of spiritual superglue, wouldn’t allow anything to sever its bond. The good news? Paul’s God is still on the throne, and He still takes care of His people. Times may be as tough as you’ve ever experienced, but believing friend, God is tougher. Your losses may be great, but our God (and your God) is greater!

Rom. 8:38 ; Eph. 6:10-18

Sometimes when things go terribly wrong in our lives we find ourselves wondering, “Hey, what’s going on here?” For the believer, the answer to that puzzling question can often be found in things that are going on “behind the scenes”. Players that, though invisible to the naked eye and inaudible to the human ear, are at work to discourage, defeat and destroy us. God unveils what’s behind the scenes and shows us that there is a spiritual antagonist in this drama we call the Christian life, and that he has a cast of cohorts who are assisting him in carrying out his version of the Greek tragedy. This “nightmare team” ( as opposed to “dreamteam”) is comprised of three-time spiritual losers who’ve sold themselves out to Satan, and are committed to his doomed agenda. Fallen from their heavenly place of favor with God, these demons are at the devil’s disposal to do his bidding, and that bidding includes tripping up the children of God. But not to fear. The beloved apostle John assures us that we’re not only on the winning side, but that we follow and serve a God Whose power trumps the devil and all his minions (1 John 4:4). As Steve Amerson sings, “So when you march into battle and the enemy attacks, when it seems the power of Satan is at you hurled, just remember that the One you serve is mighty, and He’s greater than he that is in the world! God is greater, He is greater, our God is greater than the might of men or powers of this earth!” As we follow our battlefield manual and suit up with spiritual gear, the powers of darkness don’t stand a chance against us or our God. Satan’s battle plans and tactics are exposed (2 Cor. 2:11), his attacks become neutralized (Ephesians 6:16), and his walls of defense come crashing down (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).


I recently had the blessing of hearing Ergun Caner speak at a church service. Dr. Caner is a leading authority on Islam, and has successfully debated some of its most noted proponents on college campuses across America. Himself of Turkish descent and born the son of an Islamic imam (teacher/preacher), Caner pointed out Islam’s basic tenet that heaven depends on having your good works outweigh your bad ones. Allah doesn’t grade on a curve, and there’s no room for grace of any kind. If the balance tips in favor of the good things you’ve done, you’re in; if otherwise, you’re doomed to eternal hellfire. If you come up one sin too many, tipping that scale toward the bad, you’re finished! Unfortunately many people view the God of Christianity the same way. They mistakenly believe that something they’ve done is so horrendous that even God can’t forgive it or them. It’s almost like putting God’s mercy and grace inside a tiny little box that prevents Him from extending His forgiveness to them. What a different God we find in the Bible. His mercy is described as extending higher than the heavens, and His grace is said to be overflowing with abundance! Then there’s the issue, not of the seriousness of the sin, but the frequency and quantity of its commission. Some think that, because they’ve done thus and so so many times, they’ve worn out God’s grace. But Paul tells us that, to the contrary, wherever sin ABOUNDS, there it is that God meets that giant debt with His inexhaustible grace! There is no sin that can keep anyone out of heaven except that of attributing God’s work to the devil, and if you or anyone else even is concerned about having committed that sin, that is a sure sign that you haven’t committed it because those who have can no longer sense such a concern. So be transparent with God, knowing that He stands ready, willing and able to forgive you. Come clean, and experience an inner renewal the likes of which you’ve never known before!


They were in their nineties, and all hopes of having children had been buried a long time ago. Then one typical day in the life of a couple named Abraham and Sara, that all changed. God sent two of His emissaries with a special news flash for the aged lovers. Sara, who was totally barren and childless, would conceive and bare a son. Her health, her age and even her unbelieving attitude would not prevent this miracle from transpiring. After literally reading Sara’s unspoken doubts and faithless laughter, the Lord stated that nothing was beyond His capability. In fact, her pregnancy and delivery of Israel’s son of promise in Isaac would be a piece of cake! Before we point the finger of blame at these two ancient brethren, we best take a good, long look at ourselves. How many times have we discounted the possibility of God’s intervention in our lives? How often do we make the costly error of leaving God out of the equation because we think that the solution to our predicament is beyond His “job description” or “above His pay grade”? Think again. “Nothing” means “Nothing”! There isn’t a single thing that God can’t deal with … repeat after me … NOTHING! Jeremiah also found the Lord most capable of pulling-off the humanly impossible feat of bringing the globally dispersed nation of Israel back into their homeland to enjoy untold prosperity and peace. In 1948 we saw just that! The reoccupation is under way, and that peace is on its way, to be permanently fulfilled when the Messiah shows up and establishes His reign there.


Someone has coined a phrase that rings so true to my ears. “We may not know what the future holds, but we know Who holds the future”. None of us possesses a proverbial crystal ball that unfolds the hidden secrets of the road ahead. Yes, we can derive the basic scenario of end times from Scripture, but No, we cannot decipher what will take place in our individual lives. Not for the next second (which, by the way, just passed), much less than for decades to come. Yet, while we admittedly face life in this sort of a blind, we have an x-factor working on our behalf that those who don’t know Christ sadly lack. God promises us that He’s going to see to it that everything will turn out right in the end. He also promises to be with us and to take care of us in and through whatever it is that tomorrow holds. Nothing I’ve heard expresses this kind of confidence better than the lyrics of the song , “God Knows All About Tomorrow”.

God has measured time’s duration night and day are His creation,
And the changing seasons of the year,
He’s the One who watches over me and prepares the way before me.
There is nothing now I need to fear.

Life’s uncertainties may haunt me, foolish fears may try to taunt me,
‘Till my heart is filled with doubt and dread,
He who set the planets spinning sees the end from the beginning,
He will keep me trough the days ahead.

All the world is in confusion, peace on earth is but illusion,
And the phrase seems only a cliché,
But in trying times so fearful we can be calm and cheerful,
And with glad assurance we can say,

God knows all about tomorrow, He can see beyond today,
Even if filled with joy or sorrow He has planned it that way,
So I do not fear the future, on His promises I stand,
God knows all about tomorrow for He holds it in His hand.

While we may not know every line of every verse of every chapter in God ‘s redemptive story, we certainly know how it ends. John the revelator pulls back the curtain on the future. He reveals a climax to human history that is nothing short of completely victorious and full of promise, health, prosperity and ultimate, eternal perfection. While that may not alter our present circumstances, it does provide us with the kind of perspective we need to weather the storms of today and face the challenges of tomorrow with utmost confidence!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Are You A High Definition Christian?

Are You A High Definition Christian?
John R. Petrilli

The campaign to roll over to high definition television gains more momentum with each passing day. As of February 19, 2009, the Federal Communications Commission will require all television stations to broadcast their programming signals exclusively in high-def format. That requirement means that we, the viewing audience, will need to own a television that can receive the digital signal, as the current analog signal reception will no longer be available. Although most new televisions on the market are digital, many may opt for a conversion kit that will make their outdated analog T.V. sets capable of receiving the digital signal and programming.

High definition television makes use of cutting edge technology which greatly increases the amount of “pixiles”, or dots per square inch that are projected onto the back of the T.V. screen. That increase produces a picture of superior quality, clarity, color, and ability to accurately depict high-speed action. High def programming allows viewers to enjoy their favorite programs at a substantially higher level of visual precision than ever before. The whole idea behind this upgraded technology and revised public broadcasting policy is to vastly improve the kind of picture delivery available to the American consumer.

There are some very striking parallels between living the Christian life and being a television set. Both are about transmitting a medium as well as a message with the greatest clarity and optimum quality. Interestingly enough, many New Testament passages and verses use terms that find easy parallels to our Christian faith walk.


Everyone picks up a hobby at some point in their life, some last a few weeks while others may well last an entire lifetime. As a teenager I met a fellow student who was really into radio astronomy, the science of plotting star compositions, locations and movements via radio signals emitted by the distant objects.
It wasn’t long before I owned and operated three optical telescopes of my own. I’d spend my days devouring astronomy magazine articles, and my nights delighting in observation the wondrous heavens that declare their mighty Maker. This passage is couched in the setting of an individual doing some heavy-duty prison time for sharing his faith in Jesus Christ with others. His name was Paul, and it wouldn’t be the only time he did some hard time for the Lord. Yet, what one marvels at the incredibly resilient attitude he has as he finds himself in prison and perhaps a candidate for death row. Instead of playing the games of blame or self-pity, Paul declares his intention to allow Christ to be “magnified” in his body, whether by exoneration or by execution. Now that takes a lot of faith. The word for “magnify” carries the idea of enlargement. Paul wanted Christ’s love and grace to be so enlarged in and through his life so that people could get a close-up view of His wonderful Savior. We all enjoy getting a good close-up shot of our favorite musician, celebrity, family member or close friend. That’s what Paul wanted his life to accomplish. To bring what to many is a fuzzy image of Christ into clear focus, much like a telescope brings far away objects into plain view. Personally speaking, I find no greater joy that to point my telescope into the heavens and uncover the intricate beauty that exists out there. That’s what just a smidgen of magnification can accomplish. And as a Christian, it’s my greatest honor and delight to know that I’ve somehow succeeded in letting Christ be magnified, enlarged in my life to the degree that others may see His exquisite beauty.

In practical terms, we magnify the Lord through vibrant corporate worship (Psa. 34:3), allowing Him to have His way in our life (Luke 1:46), responsibly exercising our spiritual gifts (Acts 10:46), crediting God for our ministry success (Rom. 11:13), and leading others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (Acts 19:17).


What is love? The world seems on a never-ending search for true love that began in antiquity and continues to this very moment. Countless songs have been composed, poems written, plays scripted, and romance novels penned in an effort to describe and define the nature of love. While man is locked in an endless struggle to come up with a satisfying solution to this human mystery that drives so much of who we are and what we do, Jesus has an answer that is sublime, yet at the same time, easy to understand. He says that believers have the answer, and possess the capability to demonstrate that answer to a watching world. His definition of love starts out with the example He gave of it in the way He loved and served His very first followers. And, so He says, as these followers demonstrated that same kind of to each other, a watching world would not only be captivated by it, but would also recognize Christ as their Master and Source of such giving and forgiving love. This same principle and practice holds true some 2,000 years after its inception. As we love and serve those around us, we give them a golden opportunity to see real love at its very best. It’s what they so desperately want, what they urently need, and what their empty hearts most truly long for.


Nothing quite makes my day than reaching into my mailbox and finding a personal letter from a friend or loved one. There’s something warming and affirming when such a correspondence arrives. In the early days of the church, the disciples used letters of recommendation to introduce visiting representatives to a receiving church. Some in Corinth had difficulty believing hat Paul was the real deal, and questioned his apostolic claims. He replied to them that the proof of his ministry legitimacy lay in the people he had won to the Lord and discipled. They were his letters of recommendation and reference. Paul goes so far as to call his new converts “living letters”, implying that their very lives acted as proof positive that his ministry was genuinely of God. As these new believers lived out their growing faith, others could “read” the gospel by simply observing their gentle and sincere attitudes and behaviors. Believe it or not, this kind of “testimonial evangelism” was one of the key factors that led to the stunning success of the early church. As the old saying goes, “For some people, the only gospel they’ll ever read is the ‘gospel according to you’ ”.


I recently had a one-man battle going on in my apartment as I tried to tune in to the Beijing Summer Olympics. Nothing seemed to work as I jockeyed my antennae into every position imaginable. Finally I found the right spot on my window sill, and sat back to enjoy the games. But not before enduring twenty minutes of audio and visual distortion. Until I got it right, the picture and sound was distorted, blurry, broken-up, and largely unintelligible. What a difference a clear signal makes! I could see Mike Phelps race to the finish line in world record time, then hear the athlete’s comments in the
post-victory interview. When it comes to broadcasting, clarity isn’t a good thing, it’s everything!

The same holds true in our gospel witness for Christ. The believers at Thessalonica had earned a reputation for sending out an unmistakably clear signal to everyone around their region. Their “Christian programming” reached far and wide to connect with the ears and hearts of millions in their sphere of influence, and many thousands entered the kingdom thanks to their faithful and clear delivery of the gospel of Christ. So how’s our witness? Is it clear and consistent, or distorted and broken-up by habits and attitudes that diminish its impact? This requires some serious soul searching.


The cosmetics industry is a multibillion dollar cash cow. Companies such as Avon, Clinique and Helene Curtis offer products and services that can turn the plainest face into a stunning beauty. Makeup is like that. Applied with just the right measure of skill and good taste, it can transform the average consumer into a charming beauty that attracts the eye and wins the approval of all who se her.

Believe it or not, this is the kind of picture Paul paints of the Christian disciple. He explains to his protégé Timothy that the godly attitudes and good works of the believer act like a magnet, irresistibly attracting those around them. People’s hearts are always drawn out toward the life that consistently displays love, joy, peace, and unselfish service.

Like a wide screen T.V., a Spirit-filled life provides a panoramic view of the beauty of Jesus Christ. Even as a wide screen fills the periphery of one’s eyegate from one extremity to the other, even so the obedient Christian’s lifestyle allows others to catch a full and sweeping view of all that God can and will do in the lives of all who trust in Him.

So what kind of signal will you broadcast this New Year? Will those within viewing range be able to see Christ clearly and with high resolution? Will they see the demonstration of authentic love in your actions and hear it in your choice of words? Will they be able to read the gospel as it is spelled out in your life each day? Will they receive an undistorted signal from your life that allows them to hear and see the truth of Christ in an unhampered, unhindered manner? Will they get an eyeful of Jesus as they observe the manner in which you grow in your faith and love for others?

While the onset of digital T.V. is an exciting development in this New Year, a Christian life that possesses superior clarity and definition is even more so. I would encourage us to take any steps necessary to improve the spiritual signal that we broadcast to a waiting and watching world.