Thursday, October 16, 2008

You Can Make An Election Year Difference!

You Can Make An Election Year Difference!
John R. Petrilli
One vote .. that’s all that separated the winner from the loser in many historic elections. What might be the power of just one prayer? How about millions of prayers? Did you know that you have a Biblical basis for influencing the role of government in your life?
The apostle Paul writes to his younger protégé Timothy these words:
“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-3)
We derive four principles from this passage that bear directly on our prayers for those who lead us.

“Paul states, “I urge FIRST OF ALL, that prayers … be made for all men.”

The media keeps chanting the mantra that the economy is the top priority in this year’s election. But God’s Word says that, when it comes to politics, His people are to make prayer their top priority. Why would God say this? Simply because, when a nation is under ethical, good, and godly leadership, it prospers. Make no mistake about it, God’s speaking here through the Spirit-inspired Scriptures, and He’s stressing the absolute necessity and strategic importance of targeting government leaders in our prayers. In spite of all; the special interest groups, lobbyists, and influence peddling that goes on, Christians directly influence public policy by simply praying for their leaders to make good decisions. When principled leaders are in office, public policy will reflect a morality of righteousness that will prosper its constituents and exalt the nation. As we pray ethical men and women into office, we set the table for God to use them to form legislation and policies that will honor Him and bless the land, which translates into economic prosperity, by the way.
Recall the twin sister ancient nations of Israel and Judah. God blessed them incredibly when good kings reigned, but they fell into gross idolatry and bondage under godless rulers. Remember how God jockeyed godly Queen Esther into a position of huge influence that ultimately saved the Jewish people from permanent extinction. She was instrumental in exposing Haman’s anti-Semitic plot to commit genocide by wiping out every Jew in the vast land of ancient Persia. God orchestrated circumstances to place Esther into her royal position for just such a critical as that. It doesn’t take a rocket scientists to figure out that America is at a moral, spiritual, and cultural crossroads. As never before, as the Body of Christ we all need to be on our knees praying for God’s intervention and healing of our country. This is surely no time to take a position of “non-involvement”. Hear the almost prophetic words of what the legendary 19th century evangelist Charles Grandison Finney had to say about Christians and politics:
“The Church must take right ground in regards to politics. The time has come for Christians to vote for honest men, and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them. Politics are a part of a religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to God. God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics.”
Contrary to popular opinion, it’s not the “economy stupid”, it’s the “morality stupid”! We need to be honest and ask ourselves, “What priority does praying for our leaders have in my life?” Are we praying specifically for them by name each day? If so, great. If not, it’s high time we immediately started and then never stop this God-ordained Christian duty.

“Pray for ALL men … pray for ALL who are in positions of authority”.
Funny, one might expect Paul to request and urge prayer for only the godly leaders, but, no, he says God wants us to pray for every leader, regardless of their track record. Why? Because God holds their hearts and minds in His hand, and He wants to use them to accomplish His will. Also, every leader needs wisdom far beyond what he or she innately possess, God knows their desperate need, and wants us to pray that they are open to His wisdom as they approach and solve the problems of their society. Interesting that Paul wrote this while a very unpleasant Emperor named Nero was in power, busily burning and killing believers left and right for the pure sport of it! Peter explains that we’re to honor those God has placed in authority over us, and one great way to honor them is to regularly support them in prayer (1 Pet.2:13-17).
As we pray for our upcoming election, we need to pray for everyone involved. Who knows that God may want someone other than who we think in order to accomplish His sometimes mysterious plan? We need to vote in a manner commensurate with our Christian consciences, but we need to pray with an openness to God’s plan as well.

Paul spices up the prayer request with two powerful descriptive phrases, “giving of thanks” and “intercessions”. How often do we really thank God for the incredible liberties we already enjoy? Thanksgiving sets the proper tone for the kind of urgent interceding we need to be making as we get down on our knees on behalf of our leaders. If first century Christians could thank God for monsters like Nero, how can we fail to express our appreciation for the long and distinguished train of American leaders who have contributed so much and often at so great a personal cost? And God forbid that we pray tepid, lukewarm, half-hearted prayers. Paul knew of no such intercession, he’s all about storming the gates of heaven with heart-breaking, mind-blowing, soul-shattering requests on behalf of all men who need God’s salvation and wisdom.

“Give the king Your judgments, O God.” (Psa. 72:1)
When asked how one might pray for them, many Presidents have asked prayer that they might have wisdom. The Psalmist prayed, “Give the king Your judgments, O God. (Psa. 72:1)” King Solomon demonstrated unusual wisdom as he adjudicated a seemingly irresolvable case involving a dispute over parental rights between two supposed mothers of the same baby. I have a keen hunch that many leaders face these kinds of seemingly insurmountable issues, and they need real help from above. Lincoln prayed for such divine aid, and it led him through a war that could easily have destroyed our nation in its early years. When we look at the judicial, legislative, and social mess we’re often finding ourselves in, one wonders if the people of God are really on the job with this thing called intercessory prayer for their leaders. A simple pastoral prayer on Sunday morning is appropriate and helpful, but it takes heaven-shaking, hell-quaking prayer to break through on long-standing issues that threaten the very moral fabric of our country. And every believer is responsible to do just that in the quiet of their prayer closets. As we bring our leaders before God’s throne, He promises to help them make decisions that will bless society and can also move His hand to prevent unprincipled individuals from occupying positions of influence and authority that will burden and curse their constituents (Pro. 29:2).

“Pray for those in authority … that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”
James tells us that “the gospel of peace is sown in peace by those who make peace” (James 3:18). It’s an established fact that the gospel advances in any and every social climate, but it has done remarkably well when regions of the world are in a state of order as opposed to chaos. As we pray for good government and effective, principled leadership, we’ll help create an environment conducive to the advance of the Christian causes in general and the progress of the Gospel of Christ in particular. Prayer is like a land moving machine, leveling out the surface of the political and social terrain, making spiritual progress not merely a potentiality but a reality!
Can you really make a difference in this year’s electoral process? You BETCHA! Get on your knees, open your eyes to the urgency of the hour, open your heart to God’s Word, and open your mouth to God in prayer for your leaders, both current and potential! Brethren, LET US PRAY!

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