Monday, June 6, 2011

Americans Join Together in Prayer

Americans Join Together in Prayer
John R. Petrilli

Scores gathered on May 5 at the steps of the County Courthouse in downtown Syracuse for the 60th annual National Day of Prayer. The sun shone down upon Syracuse for the first rain-free day in over two weeks, and the chimes from the Cathedral church signaled that noontime had arrived. The Crossway Quartet from Trinity Baptist Church in Warners began with a rousing rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner. Sheriff Joel Darby led the crowd in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by an opening prayer by Dr. Bruce Jones, President of the Greater Syracuse Association of Evangelicals.

Next came a fitting proclamation by Rep. Anne Marie Buerkle delivered in absentia by her Constituent Representative, Lindsay Bednarzyk. In the proclamation Buerkle recognized the significant place prayer holds in our history, and how prayer has sustained us through many difficult times. The proclamation also remembered those who are suffering from the devastation and loss of loved ones from natural disasters both home and abroad. It also also included prayer for the safety of our service men and women either at home or abroad, as well as the families of those soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. In a post-event phone interview Buerkle affirmed, “The National Day of Prayer is so important for this nation, that we recall our foundations, that we are one nation under God, we must never forget that. We commemorate the day and hold it very dear as something that’s important in our country.”

Jeff Shaver, Executive Director of Faith Heritage School, led a heartfelt prayer for our students. Phil Turner, recent pastor of the Baldwinsville Alliance Church followed with a tender prayer for the families of our community. Then Suresh Thiagarajan, Assistant Pastor of the International Assembly Church and affiliated with Syracuse University, offered up a fiery prayer for those serving in uniform at both locally and around the world. Eunhee Hertweck, Co-Pastor of Trinity Assembly of God, prayed earnestly for courage for the leaders of all levels our local, state and national governments. Keynote speaker Duane Motley from the New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms shared an informative address that traced the history of prayer by and for our government, citing its roots in the time of prayer that was called during the 1775 Continental Congress. Motley shared the many advances being made by prayer, including the growing numbers of prayer times by some members of our state serving in Albany. Motley was also instrumental in encouraging former Governor George Pataki to officially recognize the National Day of Prayer. That tradition grew to attract as many as 1500 attendees at its zenith, but Motley’s attempts to carry over the practice in a substantial way have been unfavorably received by the last two governors. Motley closed with an encouraging outline citing a number of important and specific ways that prayer has changed things in our state government.

The Syracuse observance was a local expression of the annual nationwide event. The observance in Washington D.C. featured keynote speaker Joni Eareckson Tada, a speech from freshman Congressman Allen West (R- Fla.), and a performance by three-time Dove Award-winning artist Ginny Owens and worship leader Jared Anderson. Tada’s remarks addressed the anxieties Americans currently feel. "Americans are nervous; Americans are restless; and what troubles me the most is that Americans are uncharacteristically pessimistic," she said. “And boy, it doesn't help when you sit at home and watch videos of the tsunami (in Japan) and the tornadoes down South. Forty-four years of quadriplegia, I deal daily with chronic pain. And [with my] recent battle with breast cancer, I know something about uncertain times," she told the audience. "Trials are not just assaults to be withstood. No, trials are opportunities to be seized. Life becomes inspiring, not in spite of the problems and the hard hits, but because of them." Reminding the crowd that God’s in control, Tada advised the audience to refuse to give in to challenges, and instead, to think "Game On! Let's Go! Victory is within Reach!"

In an April 15 interview on with Citizenlink writer Roger Greer, Tada sounded a note of spiritual optimism and hope for the nation. “I think revival is going to sweep our land, if we Christians not only start praying as we should but start living as we should. I love where the Old Testament tells us that if we would confess our sins, we turn and repent from them, God will heal our land. (2 Chronicles 7:14). Revival is poised, ready to sweep our nation. But it first has to happen in our hearts. And it’s not easy to confess sins. It’s not easy to admit that you are stubborn, self-centered, full of pride, cherishing inflated ideas of your own importance, or tending to manipulate others with your precisely timed phrases. I could go on and on, but as we readily confess and be transparent and vulnerable with one another, and confess our sins to one another, not only will we be healed as the Bible says, but our nation will be healed.”
An additional highlight of the Washington D.C. event was the stirring message delivered by Rep. Allen West, a freshman Republican congressman from Florida. West stated, “When the foundations of America were attacked and destroyed on September 11, 2001 we found ourselves as a Nation doing that which is best, praying. We found ourselves doing as it says in Psalm 34:6, ‘This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.’ In our Congressional office there is a simple portrait that reminds me where great leaders find strength in times of troubles. It is a portrait which reminds me of the faith and conviction that enabled a rag tag bunch of 13 Colonies to come together and triumph. It is the portrait of General George Washington kneeling beside his horse, hands clasped, and head bowed in the snow of Valley Forge.

I know that before you can stand against the evils, trials, and challenges we all face.....we must first kneel in prayer. As we trust in God through the power of prayer we can say as it says in Romans 8:31 ‘What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us.’ This America is rooted in a Judeo-Christian faith tradition which finds its cornerstone of communication, prayer. Psalm 11:3 asks us a simple question, ‘If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?’ The answer is simple, this nation will pray when its foundations are being destroyed.”

God’s Design for Dads

God’s Design for Dads
John R. Petrilli

It’s a date we will never forget … 9/11/01. While the impact of the events of that day are still being felt, the American people have responded, once more, with courage, nobility, honor and grace. As we speak, men and machines are at work at Ground Zero constructing the new Freedom Tower. The project is scheduled to be completed in 2018. Designed by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, the Tower will stand 84stories and have a base measuring 200 feet by 200 feet. The design of the building is such that each facet has some kind of symbolic value. For instance, the base is the same size as that of the original twin towers. The observation deck will be located at 1,362 feet, the height of the former World Trade Center Tower Two. The glass parapet will be at 1,368 feet, the height of the former World Trade Center Tower One. The 186 foot tall square base of the Freedom Tower will be clad in glass prisms that will refract light into color and make the monolithic structure an eye-pleasing curiosity. And, last but not least, the spire at the top will point viewers towards the heavens. The design is officially known as “Memory Foundations” because it leaves room for several memorials in the 16 acre complex. Everything about the design of this new tower and its surroundings speaks of memorial.

Designs are fascinating. The architects that produce them have a specific purpose in mind. The same can be said about God’s plan and purpose for the family. He didn’t haphazardly throw some things together and hope everything came out right. Not on your life! The family is such an important and integral part of God’s creation that He designed a pattern for how each of its members should function. Being Father’s Day month, this article will consider what our loving Creator has in mind for those who are dads.


“See, I will send the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children.” Malachi 4:5-6 [NIV]

Imagine, these verses are among the last few words anyone would hear from God for 400 years! And, of all the things He could have addressed, God chose the family unit as His closing topic. Through the prophet Malachi God predicted that a future day would come when a man with Elijah-like qualities would usher in the ministry of the Messiah. That day came when John the Baptist was born, even as the angel of the Lord’s words to Zechariah confirmed (Luke 1:11-17). God began the New Testament record by picking up right where He’d left off in the Old Testament. Amazing! What is of interest to us in this article is the kind of heart attitude that fathers could have toward their children once the age of grace was ushered in. It would be a heart attitude of love. When someone’s heart is turned toward another, it’s an indication that they have tender, affectionate feelings for them. Such an attitudinal shift implies that the fathers during Malachi’s day may not have been known for the fondness they possessed for their kids. If news reports of the alarming rise in child abuse are any indicator, we may be living in a similar day. We need not look very far to find a father whose heart was tender toward his offspring. God said of Abraham, “Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and sacrifice him on one of the mountains I will tell you about” (Gen. 22:2). Dads, you’ll never know just how much of a blessing it will be for you and your kids as you turn your heart away from selfish pursuits and towards your children.


“Impress these commandments upon your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deut. 6:7 [NIV]

Once again teachers are in the news. Ever wonder why our society places such a strong emphasis on the education of our children? Did you know that God has the same priority in this regard? Wherever you find parents and children mentioned together in Scripture, it’s almost always within the context of educating them.
By educating them, we’re not talking about the three R’s here. Thankfully, that base is usually covered by whatever formal educational option you’ve chosen for your kids. We’re referring to something altogether different. You see, the primary responsibility for spiritual instruction falls squarely on the shoulders of parents in general and fathers in particular (Eph. 6:4). While we can be thankful for the spiritual reinforcement our kids get through Sunday School and Children’s Church lessons, nothing can replace parental instruction. This is because that “teachable moment” can take place anytime, anyplace, not merely in a classroom. Kids are famous for their natural and perpetual curiosity, as evidenced in that one profound (and sometimes annoying) question, “But why?” As a former child educator, I can assure you, the best teaching takes place “on the fly”. Whether it’s inside your home or among the great outdoors, your kids will most remember the things you share with them in those informal moments. Dad, if you’re wise, you’ll capitalize on those teachable moments when your child’s spiritual curiosity is peaked and they’re searching for the deeper meaning behind the things they see and hear.


“You are my son, and I love you. I am very pleased with you.” Luke 3:21-22 [Everyday Bible]

Just WHO was it who SAID those words? Well, it was God the Father. He chose the occasion of Jesus’ baptism to publicly affirm His approval and love for His Son. Research has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt the power of a parent’s words to influence the identity, self-esteem and destiny of a child. A study was made of one race of people known for their consistency in placing their sons and daughters in the highly accomplished professions of law, medicine and engineering. Among many findings, one important factor that distinguished these parents from their contemporaries was that they constantly told their children they were going to grow up to do great things. This type of “self-fulfilling prophecy” actually works. Parental affirmation of the child’s intrinsic worth and potential for greatness rubs-off on them until they truly believe it. Conversely, when inmates were interviewed at penitentiaries, it was learned that their fathers and mothers frequently pronounced a curse upon them, telling them they were no good, and would never amount to anything. Unfortunately, most of them believed this and lived it out in their adult lives. The raw power of positive personal affirmation can never be underestimated (Pro.18:21). Dads, (and Moms), be careful to speak words of approval and affirmation when your kids display ability and skill in an area. Consistent, genuine affirmation may well be the key to their developing a positive self-image that will enable them to identify their gifts and perform the work which God has planned for them.


“Fathers, don’t exasperate your children by coming down hard on them. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master.” Eph. 6:4 [Message]

None of us comes into this world unscathed by the fall. We’re all born with a handicap known as sin (Psa. 51:5). God understands this and we need to remember it too when we deal with our kids (Psalms 103:13-14). Disobedience should not surprise us, for our kids have a natural, inborn bent in this direction. According to renowned child psychologist Dr. James C. Dobson, a parent’s job is to shape the child’s will without breaking their spirit. That can be a mighty challenging job at times, no doubt. But, as we rely on God’s wisdom and grace, He’ll show us the best timing, methods, and procedures to implement when correcting our kids. If that correction is to be successful it must be constructive in nature, not destructive. Constructive correction explains to the child why their behavior isn’t acceptable before administering the board of education to the seat of learning (Pro.22:15). Contrary to pop child psychology, withholding discipline from a child is actually a form of child abuse, not love (Pro.13:24). Fair, loving discipline prepares a child for the real world where self-centered and anti-social behaviors have very real and highly undesirable consequences.


“Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching (Proverbs 1:8). My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commandments in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.” (Proverbs 3:1-2) [NIV]

Many voices, both secular and Christian, are telling us they’ve found the secret to prosperity and longevity. According to Solomon’s dad, both are the reward of following godly parental advice. Life is filled with many decisions, both great and small. God’s Word says that parents are an indispensable guidance resource for their children, whether those children are youthful or fully grown. I’ve found this Scripture to be true in my life.
I believe it is so because our parents know us better than anyone else does. They watched our personalities develop as we grew up. They closely observed us as we decided which things we liked and those things we didn’t like. Parents know their kid’s tendencies in even the smallest of areas. That being said, it’s the better part of wisdom to consult one’s parents when making decisions that have far reaching consequences. On the parental side, there needs to be a readiness and willingness to hear out the child’s concerns, then weigh the options and give advice which is in the child’s best interests. Jumping in with premature advice doesn’t serve the child, but really listening to their heart when they open up to us does. They will appreciate your respect, and might even follow your advice! May God bless each and every dad reading this, and a Happy Father’s Day to you all!

P.S.: On September 30 the movie producers who did “Facing the Giants” and “Fireproof” are releasing another Christian blockbuster titled “Courageous” ( It’s a must see for every father on the planet!